Trump: Troops On The Border Should Treat Migrant Rocks Like A Rifle

yup, they technically volunteered twice, although units are volunteered by commanders. so you could say they all individually volunteered when they joined up. but volunteered by representation of their command, which they individually volunteered for, to do the mission.
Quit with your nonsensical semantical meanderings. Troops go where they are ORDERED to go. They took an oath to that extent. The CO doesn't mail all army staff in the US asking for volunteers.

The vets have their own take on this too; "Former Pentagon Spokesman: This Is Not An ‘Invasion’ — And The Military Doesn’t Need To Go To The Border."
----------------------------------------------- FORMER 'pentagon employee' eh . well feck him too WP !!
Yeah . i saw a couple 'madmaxx' type vehicles in Nevada desert , pretty neat .

Sadly, the majority of federal troops won’t even be carrying weapons. I’m not sure about National Guard troops.

Does that mean the Border Patrol will carry more than side arms and will be allowed to fire upon those who do throw rocks or even shoot at them?

The issue came up on Thursday when a reporter asked Trump if any of the troops being sent to the border might open fire on asylum seekers, who are fleeing Central America.

I hope not,” the president replied. “It’s the military. I hope there won’t be that, but I will tell you this: Anybody throwing stones, rocks, like they did to Mexico – the Mexican military, Mexican police – where they badly hurt police and soldiers of Mexico, we will consider that a firearm – because there’s not much difference when you get hit in the face with a rock.”

We will consider that the maximum that we can consider that, because they’re throwing rocks viciously and violently,” Trump said in response to another reporter. “You saw that three days ago – really hurting the military. We’re not going to put up with that. They want to throw rocks at our military, our military fights back. We’re going to consider it – I told them: Consider it a rifle. When they throw rocks like they did at the Mexico military and police, I said: Consider it a rifle.”

More @ Trump: Troops On The Border Should Treat Migrant Rocks Like A Rifle

Troops On The Southern Border May Not Be Armed @ Troops On The Southern Border May Not Be Armed


That’s what I posted above.

About 1,000 Marines from Camp Pendleton, California, will join the roughly 7,000 active-duty troops being deployed to the southern border, but it is unclear if any of those forces will be armed, defense officials told Task & Purpose on Friday.

Forces with assigned weapons may deploy with weapons stored; the commander of U.S. Northern Command will make decisions on arming,” said NORTHCOM spokesman Mike Kucharek.

Air Force Gen. Terrence O’Shaughnessy, head of NORTHCOM, has the authority to decide whether active-duty troops who are assigned with protecting classified information, guarding stored weapons, or serving in a force protection role, Kucharek explained to Task & Purpose.

As of Friday afternoon, O’Shaughnessy had not delegated to commanders the authority to arm those troops, Kucharek said.
You need to look at the posters on your thread like pismoe, longknife. Remember how you felt when you were covered in blood sweat and tears and see what some of the people with this attitude are saying. Do you want to associate your self with these people?
----------------------------------- yeah , you sound like you think that YOU are SPECIAL Evenflow .
Evidently you are the one who thinks they are special. Fuck every one but you right! I believe soldiers are humans and desrve to be with family and freinds when ever possible. You only think of your self. I would rather have one of those brown people who survived thousand mile march as my neighbor than you. If they threw you back over the fence that would be a good thing. Human fucking excrement is what you are.

Sadly, the majority of federal troops won’t even be carrying weapons. I’m not sure about National Guard troops.

Does that mean the Border Patrol will carry more than side arms and will be allowed to fire upon those who do throw rocks or even shoot at them?

The issue came up on Thursday when a reporter asked Trump if any of the troops being sent to the border might open fire on asylum seekers, who are fleeing Central America.

I hope not,” the president replied. “It’s the military. I hope there won’t be that, but I will tell you this: Anybody throwing stones, rocks, like they did to Mexico – the Mexican military, Mexican police – where they badly hurt police and soldiers of Mexico, we will consider that a firearm – because there’s not much difference when you get hit in the face with a rock.”

We will consider that the maximum that we can consider that, because they’re throwing rocks viciously and violently,” Trump said in response to another reporter. “You saw that three days ago – really hurting the military. We’re not going to put up with that. They want to throw rocks at our military, our military fights back. We’re going to consider it – I told them: Consider it a rifle. When they throw rocks like they did at the Mexico military and police, I said: Consider it a rifle.”

More @ Trump: Troops On The Border Should Treat Migrant Rocks Like A Rifle

Troops On The Southern Border May Not Be Armed @ Troops On The Southern Border May Not Be Armed


That’s what I posted above.

About 1,000 Marines from Camp Pendleton, California, will join the roughly 7,000 active-duty troops being deployed to the southern border, but it is unclear if any of those forces will be armed, defense officials told Task & Purpose on Friday.

Forces with assigned weapons may deploy with weapons stored; the commander of U.S. Northern Command will make decisions on arming,” said NORTHCOM spokesman Mike Kucharek.

Air Force Gen. Terrence O’Shaughnessy, head of NORTHCOM, has the authority to decide whether active-duty troops who are assigned with protecting classified information, guarding stored weapons, or serving in a force protection role, Kucharek explained to Task & Purpose.

As of Friday afternoon, O’Shaughnessy had not delegated to commanders the authority to arm those troops, Kucharek said.
You need to look at the posters on your thread like pismoe, longknife. Remember how you felt when you were covered in blood sweat and tears and see what some of the people with this attitude are saying. Do you want to associate your self with these people?
----------------------------------- yeah , you sound like you think that YOU are SPECIAL Evenflow .
Evidently you are the one who thinks they are special. Fuck every one but you right! I believe soldiers are humans and desrve to be with family and freinds when ever possible. You only think of your self. I would rather have one of those brown people who survived thousand mile march as my neighbor than you. If they threw you back over the fence that would be a good thing. Human fucking excrement is what you are.-
---------------- :afro: . thank you for the reply Evenflow !!
thing i don't like about military is that many live off their military status as either current or retired military . They quite often see themselves as an auxillary of USA Government rather than just discharged Americans that just did a job and now that job is done and over with . --- Giffords Veterans Coalition - Giffords --- as example , veterans are getting involved as Official veterans Status pushing for gun control and i don't like that Evenflow .
thing i don't like about military is that many live off their military status as either current or retired military . They quite often see themselves as an auxillary of USA Government rather than just discharged Americans that just did a job and now that job is done and over with . --- Giffords Veterans Coalition - Giffords --- as example , veterans are getting involved as Official veterans Status pushing for gun control and i don't like that Evenflow .
Until you can show some empathy for some one else I do not give a fuck what you like!
Military = 'volunteered' to be Military . They have a job to do and they might or will probably have to work Thanksgiving Day , My Dad and Uncles were gone from home for years Evenflow .
Military = 'volunteered' to be Military . They have a job to do and they might or will probably have to work Thanksgiving Day , My Dad and Uncles were gone from home for years Evenflow .
They did not miss them for no reason. The caravan is months away and we have a fully funded border patrol and ICE that are more than capable of handeling the situation. To piss away 150 million dollars and make more soldiers than needed miss the hollidays for a political stunt is bad news. Not only are you pissing off the military making them do things they are not trained for but you are pissing border patrol off by suggesting they can not do what they are trained for. You gunna like if some one sends in people to do your job that are not trained for it? You know they are going to fuck it up and it will be you holding the bag to clean up thier mess. In the same token do you want to be sent out to do a job you have not been trained for or would you rather be doing what you are all ready skilled at. I would not want some one like me being sent into my neighborhood for a policing action. I am not trained for it, more innocents are going to take a bullet than sending in those who are trained for it. Tax paying law abiding US citizens live on the border and would rather a blood bath does not happen on thier land.
well , its up to your BOSS known as the CiC and President Trump but i agree with him heartily . Plus much of your post sounds like misinformation as you cite things you can't know . I think that you are a lefty after reading the rest of your post Evenflow . Our politics are different and will not meet Evenflow .
but i don't care , put the military on the border forever, let them have rifles and extra ammo . Plus have have them build a big old WALL Evenflow .
but i don't care , put the military on the border forever, let them have rifles and extra ammo . Plus have have them build a big old WALL Evenflow .

And shoot anyone who tries to climb over!
and now they have the 'column' of fifth column invaders being led by 'mexican' carrying a big 5 foot White Cross . Just saw it on FOX .

Sadly, the majority of federal troops won’t even be carrying weapons. I’m not sure about National Guard troops.

Does that mean the Border Patrol will carry more than side arms and will be allowed to fire upon those who do throw rocks or even shoot at them?

The issue came up on Thursday when a reporter asked Trump if any of the troops being sent to the border might open fire on asylum seekers, who are fleeing Central America.

I hope not,” the president replied. “It’s the military. I hope there won’t be that, but I will tell you this: Anybody throwing stones, rocks, like they did to Mexico – the Mexican military, Mexican police – where they badly hurt police and soldiers of Mexico, we will consider that a firearm – because there’s not much difference when you get hit in the face with a rock.”

We will consider that the maximum that we can consider that, because they’re throwing rocks viciously and violently,” Trump said in response to another reporter. “You saw that three days ago – really hurting the military. We’re not going to put up with that. They want to throw rocks at our military, our military fights back. We’re going to consider it – I told them: Consider it a rifle. When they throw rocks like they did at the Mexico military and police, I said: Consider it a rifle.”

More @ Trump: Troops On The Border Should Treat Migrant Rocks Like A Rifle

Troops On The Southern Border May Not Be Armed @ Troops On The Southern Border May Not Be Armed


That’s what I posted above.

About 1,000 Marines from Camp Pendleton, California, will join the roughly 7,000 active-duty troops being deployed to the southern border, but it is unclear if any of those forces will be armed, defense officials told Task & Purpose on Friday.

Forces with assigned weapons may deploy with weapons stored; the commander of U.S. Northern Command will make decisions on arming,” said NORTHCOM spokesman Mike Kucharek.

Air Force Gen. Terrence O’Shaughnessy, head of NORTHCOM, has the authority to decide whether active-duty troops who are assigned with protecting classified information, guarding stored weapons, or serving in a force protection role, Kucharek explained to Task & Purpose.

As of Friday afternoon, O’Shaughnessy had not delegated to commanders the authority to arm those troops, Kucharek said.
You need to look at the posters on your thread like pismoe, longknife. Remember how you felt when you were covered in blood sweat and tears and see what some of the people with this attitude are saying. Do you want to associate your self with these people?
----------------------------------- yeah , you sound like you think that YOU are SPECIAL Evenflow .
Evidently you are the one who thinks they are special. Fuck every one but you right! I believe soldiers are humans and desrve to be with family and freinds when ever possible. You only think of your self. I would rather have one of those brown people who survived thousand mile march as my neighbor than you. If they threw you back over the fence that would be a good thing. Human fucking excrement is what you are.
Pick up your weapons and take action. The cartels are looking for those like you.

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