Trump: Troops On The Border Should Treat Migrant Rocks Like A Rifle

-------------------------------------------------- don't need proof . I think that USA Military became all volunteer in the early 70s after losing in 'vietnam' . I could be wrong but thats what i think . Correct me if i am wrong WP .
Once again, another example of the far right making a claim and not being able to prove it. I try though.
The poor suckers will be spending Thanksgiving, away from their families, for the vainglorious psychopath of a trump and his fan-band of murderers.....doing nothing.
Gunning down unfortunate brown people is something that Jesus talked about all the time...isn`t it?

unfortunate brown people should not break the law or attempt to while throwing rocks at our law enforcement or border patrol officers.
if they are too stupid to realize this, shoot them. natural selection.
Applying for asylum is NOT breaking the law dumbass.

many have said they intend to cross illegally, just as they did in mexico.

you really are as dumb as a rat in a drainditch.
Are these 4,000 or so people going to try to sneak across the border undetected or will they try to shoot their way in without weapons? Let me guess...when they reach the border George Soros is going to airlift heavy weapons to them to do battle with our military, border patrol and the Walmart militia.
--------------------------------------- your 4,000 number sounds LOW and it sound like misinformation but i expect that coming from you August . Best for the TRUMP to be prepared with huge numbers of Military on the border and they should be prepared for GUNS , molotov cocktail , disease infection , murderers , criminals and all bad things just to be careful and prepared August .
-------------------------------------------------- don't need proof . I think that USA Military became all volunteer in the early 70s after losing in 'vietnam' . I could be wrong but thats what i think . Correct me if i am wrong WP .
Once again, another example of the far right making a claim and not being able to prove it. I try though.

it's common knowledge the draft ended before the vietnam war ended.
You know what’s really fucking sad is all the people who are HOPING these migrants get violent with our military and WISHING for deadly consequences.
-------------------------------------------------- don't need proof . I think that USA Military became all volunteer in the early 70s after losing in 'vietnam' . I could be wrong but thats what i think . Correct me if i am wrong WP .
Once again, another example of the far right making a claim and not being able to prove it. I try though.
-------------------------------------------- --- July marks 40th anniversary of all-volunteer Army ---
You know what’s really fucking sad is all the people who are HOPING these migrants get violent with our military and WISHING for deadly consequences.

sadder still there are a small but significant number of americans who have hunted illegals for years. In Arizona alone in any given year between 100 and 200 are found dead in the desert. many are shot.
there are many reasons to control our border.
-------------------------------------------------- don't need proof . I think that USA Military became all volunteer in the early 70s after losing in 'vietnam' . I could be wrong but thats what i think . Correct me if i am wrong WP .
Once again, another example of the far right making a claim and not being able to prove it. I try though.

it's common knowledge the draft ended before the vietnam war ended.
------------------------------- yeah , that WindParadox is a real font of knowledge . She sounds like a 'kid' , shame is that she is probably allowed to vote .
so, what do you think of your new found knowledge ya Bonehead eh ??
You know what’s really fucking sad is all the people who are HOPING these migrants get violent with our military and WISHING for deadly consequences.
They think that seeking asylum gives them justification for murdering poor brown people.
-------------------------------------------------- don't need proof . I think that USA Military became all volunteer in the early 70s after losing in 'vietnam' . I could be wrong but thats what i think . Correct me if i am wrong WP .
Once again, another example of the far right making a claim and not being able to prove it. I try though.

it's common knowledge the draft ended before the vietnam war ended.
------------------------------- yeah , that WindParadox is a real font of knowledge . She sounds like a 'kid' , shame is that she is probably allowed to vote .

You know what’s really fucking sad is all the people who are HOPING these migrants get violent with our military and WISHING for deadly consequences.
They think that seeking asylum gives them justification for murdering poor brown people.

Is suicide by cop murder too?
You know what’s really fucking sad is all the people who are HOPING these migrants get violent with our military and WISHING for deadly consequences.
They think that seeking asylum gives them justification for murdering poor brown people.
------------------------------------------- these third worlders , they are always seeking something eh Augustwest ??
it's common knowledge the draft ended before the vietnam war ended.
Keep up old timer. Here's my post;
pismoe claims all the troops being sent to the Mexican border, are volunteers. That is a "claim." I asked him to prove it, he couldn't. End discussion. Very simple.
it's common knowledge the draft ended before the vietnam war ended.
Keep up old timer. Here's my post;
pismoe claims all the troops being sent to the Mexican border, are volunteers. That is a "claim." I asked him to prove it, he couldn't. End discussion. Very simple.

yup, they technically volunteered twice, although units are volunteered by commanders. so you could say they all individually volunteered when they joined up. but volunteered by representation of their command, which they individually volunteered for, to do the mission.
yup, they technically volunteered twice, although units are volunteered by commanders. so you could say they all individually volunteered when they joined up. but volunteered by representation of their command, which they individually volunteered for, to do the mission.
Quit with your nonsensical semantical meanderings. Troops go where they are ORDERED to go. They took an oath to that extent. The CO doesn't mail all army staff in the US asking for volunteers.

The vets have their own take on this too; "Former Pentagon Spokesman: This Is Not An ‘Invasion’ — And The Military Doesn’t Need To Go To The Border."
yup, they technically volunteered twice, although units are volunteered by commanders. so you could say they all individually volunteered when they joined up. but volunteered by representation of their command, which they individually volunteered for, to do the mission.
Quit with your nonsensical semantical meanderings. Troops go where they are ORDERED to go. They took an oath to that extent. The CO doesn't mail all army staff in the US asking for volunteers.

you have a reading comprehesion issue, thats exactly what i said.

The vets have their own take on this too; "Former Pentagon Spokesman: This Is Not An ‘Invasion’ — And The Military Doesn’t Need To Go To The Border."

you have reading comprehension issues. thats what i said.
You know what’s really fucking sad is all the people who are HOPING these migrants get violent with our military and WISHING for deadly consequences.

sadder still there are a small but significant number of americans who have hunted illegals for years. In Arizona alone in any given year between 100 and 200 are found dead in the desert. many are shot.
there are many reasons to control our border.
------------------------------------------- and then , i think that you see what i call aider's and abettors or traitors helping illegal aliens sneak across the border by supplying water and other supplies don't you Ozro ??
You know what’s really fucking sad is all the people who are HOPING these migrants get violent with our military and WISHING for deadly consequences.

sadder still there are a small but significant number of americans who have hunted illegals for years. In Arizona alone in any given year between 100 and 200 are found dead in the desert. many are shot.
there are many reasons to control our border.
------------------------------------------- and then , i think that you see what i call aider's and abettors or traitors helping illegal aliens sneak across the border by supplying water and other supplies don't you Ozro ??

illegal border crossing is big business. slavery still exists in the shadows. people that look like extras from mad max do roam the desert. the rape tree pictures you see are real, and usually the do-gooders water drop stations are used as bait.

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