Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump

Not all the Trump supporters are simple. Some of them have high school educations. The wit and IQ of a person are irrelevant to the right to have a political opinion anyhow.

'Some of them have high school educations'

Does that mean that all liberal democrats are college educated? Cuz damn. That sure wasn't the case last time I looked.

The liberals have a HUGE uneducated base. Seriously - you're a bigot.
Not all the Trump supporters are simple. Some of them have high school educations. The wit and IQ of a person are irrelevant to the right to have a political opinion anyhow.

'Some of them have high school educations'

Does that mean that all liberal democrats are college educated? Cuz damn. That sure wasn't the case last time I looked.

The liberals have a HUGE uneducated base. Seriously - you're a bigot.
Are you claiming most Trump supporters are High School dropouts?
Not all the Trump supporters are simple. Some of them have high school educations. The wit and IQ of a person are irrelevant to the right to have a political opinion anyhow.

'Some of them have high school educations'

Does that mean that all liberal democrats are college educated? Cuz damn. That sure wasn't the case last time I looked.

The liberals have a HUGE uneducated base. Seriously - you're a bigot.
Are you claiming most Trump supporters are High School dropouts?
You are.
After four years, my OP is still relevant. The democrats are even more radical and violent then before. Democrats do not belong in America.

Dems should go live with their own kind in Mexico and China.

Why does every solution proposed by you idiots involve getting rid of Democrats? The USA is THEIR country and there are more progressives than there are conservatives - a LOT more. You'd better learn to get along with others. For 40 years, Republicans have been screwing up the country, crashing the economy, and giving all of the money to the billionaires.

That will be ending in November. Republicans have crashed the economic engine that drives the economy for the last time. Every Republican President has been more inept, corrupt, and dishonest than the last one, until finally you have the worst US President in American history and he's destroyed the economy, small business, and the standing and reputation of your nation.

The President of Mexico came to Washington this week to sign NAFTA 2.0. Prime Minister Trudeau refused to come, citing the pandemic raging through the USA. Angela Merkel similarly declined to come to Trump's G7, and for the same reason, as did Trudeau, Marcron, and of course Boris Johnson is still recovering from covid and couldn't make it either.

Trump has lost every Supreme Court Case this week and the SDNY gets his tax returns next week. This should be fun. Count down to the leaks.
I was against Trump, but with all the violence, hate, and vile insults of the left of the recent days, I am now going to join the simple Americans, and join the fight to stop the radical Leftists.

Liberty must at all hazards be supported. We have a right to it, derived from our Maker. But if we had not, our fathers have earned and bought it for us, at the expense of their ease, their estates, their pleasure, and their blood.

John Adams, A Dissertation on the Canon and Feudal Law, 1765

A very wise decision of the OP to join the good people.

If Americans think that 2020 was an annus horribilis. just wait for 2021!

With the Honorable Joseph R. Biden, Jr., as nominal "President," many Americans are going to lose their jobs to less qualified people, and violent criminals will be allowed to roam the streets at will.

The government will be run by the likes of the current speaker of the House, by the mayor of New York City, by the reverend on MSNBC, and the supporters of the "anti-cop movement."

It will be the worst year in the history of this country -- IMHO.
After four years, my OP is still relevant. The democrats are even more radical and violent then before. Democrats do not belong in America.

Dems should go live with their own kind in Mexico and China.

Why does every solution proposed by you idiots involve getting rid of Democrats? The USA is THEIR country and there are more progressives than there are conservatives - a LOT more. You'd better learn to get along with others. For 40 years, Republicans have been screwing up the country, crashing the economy, and giving all of the money to the billionaires.

That will be ending in November. Republicans have crashed the economic engine that drives the economy for the last time. Every Republican President has been more inept, corrupt, and dishonest than the last one, until finally you have the worst US President in American history and he's destroyed the economy, small business, and the standing and reputation of your nation.

The President of Mexico came to Washington this week to sign NAFTA 2.0. Prime Minister Trudeau refused to come, citing the pandemic raging through the USA. Angela Merkel similarly declined to come to Trump's G7, and for the same reason, as did Trudeau, Marcron, and of course Boris Johnson is still recovering from covid and couldn't make it either.

Trump has lost every Supreme Court Case this week and the SDNY gets his tax returns next week. This should be fun. Count down to the leaks.
/—-/ TDS armed with Strawman arguments.
Why does every solution proposed by you idiots involve getting rid of Democrats?
Because the Democrats are corrupt. Your presidential candidate is a great example. His son getting a million dollar job in the Ukraine, in a company that is being investigated for corruption. Biden then using a billion dollar loan to extort and bribe the firing of the prosecutor. That is why there is no place for democrats in the USA.

The democrats in the Black Lives Matter, just murdered an 8 year old girl in Atlanta. They call that a peaceful protest. Setting up a barricade and shooting a little girl in a car is what the Democrat Group called Black Lives Matter did. That is exactly what the brown shirts did to jews before World War 2 broke out.

On top of that, what did you write? Comments so blatantly ignorant that if you had any common sense you would delete them.
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I was against Trump, but with all the violence, hate, and vile insults of the left of the recent days, I am now going to join the simple Americans, and join the fight to stop the radical Leftists.

Liberty must at all hazards be supported. We have a right to it, derived from our Maker. But if we had not, our fathers have earned and bought it for us, at the expense of their ease, their estates, their pleasure, and their blood.

John Adams, A Dissertation on the Canon and Feudal Law, 1765

A very wise decision of the OP to join the good people.

If Americans think that 2020 was an annus horribilis. just wait for 2021!

With the Honorable Joseph R. Biden, Jr., as nominal "President," many Americans are going to lose their jobs to less qualified people, and violent criminals will be allowed to roam the streets at will.

The government will be run by the likes of the current speaker of the House, by the mayor of New York City, by the reverend on MSNBC, and the supporters of the "anti-cop movement."

It will be the worst year in the history of this country -- IMHO.
California is releasing 8000 prisoners right now while saying they will defund the police.
Not all the Trump supporters are simple. Some of them have high school educations. The wit and IQ of a person are irrelevant to the right to have a political opinion anyhow.
You Leftist crack me up. Your more educated?! What a joke. Your lack of morals and patriotism shows you should have you relocated to 200 miles West of San Francisco. To show you what nice guys the Right is they would probably let you take your chains with you. I'll bet you couldn't tell the Constitution from the Communist Manifesto and don't care to learn the difference. You can't even put up a contender worth a shit since LBJ killed JFK. Bill Clinton sold China 11 million pages of our nuclear secrets and gave them our missile secrets obama caught on an open mic telling Russia he would do more after the election and did do more selling them our uranium. Hillary the bitch is worse than Bill selling anything to the highest bidder. Now you have Old Joe who can't put two sentences together.

You're not smarter or more educated. As a matter of fact you are way to stupid to ever know you will never be ignorant. Just hang on to those polls. It will be much better when he gets trashed. You are to stupid to realize one day soon it will be all over but the crying. You piss Americans off and all have about had all they can take of your party's treason. Stupid is no longer an excuse so pull your head out of that shit infested ass of yours before the lack of oxygen damages that brain cell, clown.
I was against Trump, but with all the violence, hate, and vile insults of the left of the recent days, I am now going to join the simple Americans, and join the fight to stop the radical Leftists.

Liberty must at all hazards be supported. We have a right to it, derived from our Maker. But if we had not, our fathers have earned and bought it for us, at the expense of their ease, their estates, their pleasure, and their blood.

John Adams, A Dissertation on the Canon and Feudal Law, 1765

A very wise decision of the OP to join the good people.

If Americans think that 2020 was an annus horribilis. just wait for 2021!

With the Honorable Joseph R. Biden, Jr., as nominal "President," many Americans are going to lose their jobs to less qualified people, and violent criminals will be allowed to roam the streets at will.

The government will be run by the likes of the current speaker of the House, by the mayor of New York City, by the reverend on MSNBC, and the supporters of the "anti-cop movement."

It will be the worst year in the history of this country -- IMHO.
California is releasing 8000 prisoners right now while saying they will defund the police.
You might want to sign the petition I have for everyone in California to stomp their feet at the same time giving me in Arizona the beach front property I so much deserve. God put that fault line there for a reason.
After four years, my OP is still relevant. The democrats are even more radical and violent then before. Democrats do not belong in America.

Dems should go live with their own kind in Mexico and China.

Why does every solution proposed by you idiots involve getting rid of Democrats? The USA is THEIR country and there are more progressives than there are conservatives - a LOT more. You'd better learn to get along with others. For 40 years, Republicans have been screwing up the country, crashing the economy, and giving all of the money to the billionaires.

That will be ending in November. Republicans have crashed the economic engine that drives the economy for the last time. Every Republican President has been more inept, corrupt, and dishonest than the last one, until finally you have the worst US President in American history and he's destroyed the economy, small business, and the standing and reputation of your nation.

The President of Mexico came to Washington this week to sign NAFTA 2.0. Prime Minister Trudeau refused to come, citing the pandemic raging through the USA. Angela Merkel similarly declined to come to Trump's G7, and for the same reason, as did Trudeau, Marcron, and of course Boris Johnson is still recovering from covid and couldn't make it either.

Trump has lost every Supreme Court Case this week and the SDNY gets his tax returns next week. This should be fun. Count down to the leaks.

Why you say ?

Because it’s now proven that the democrat party are the main enemy of America

And it comes from insane greed monsters brainwashing the unwise women

This war coming will be men against women

And women will lose most of their freedoms after proving they are too unwise to be let out to be around harm

There will be no election because a proven rigged election is no election at all

The men are just waiting on the Barr report before they bring the boomerang power onto America to stop this harm

A logic test for voting will come so that this don’t happen against

The unwise will lose a lot of freedoms to not be around influences

They will not be allowed to use the internet and give their unwise opinions
After four years, my OP is still relevant. The democrats are even more radical and violent then before. Democrats do not belong in America.

Dems should go live with their own kind in Mexico and China.

Why does every solution proposed by you idiots involve getting rid of Democrats? The USA is THEIR country and there are more progressives than there are conservatives - a LOT more. You'd better learn to get along with others. For 40 years, Republicans have been screwing up the country, crashing the economy, and giving all of the money to the billionaires.

That will be ending in November. Republicans have crashed the economic engine that drives the economy for the last time. Every Republican President has been more inept, corrupt, and dishonest than the last one, until finally you have the worst US President in American history and he's destroyed the economy, small business, and the standing and reputation of your nation.

The President of Mexico came to Washington this week to sign NAFTA 2.0. Prime Minister Trudeau refused to come, citing the pandemic raging through the USA. Angela Merkel similarly declined to come to Trump's G7, and for the same reason, as did Trudeau, Marcron, and of course Boris Johnson is still recovering from covid and couldn't make it either.

Trump has lost every Supreme Court Case this week and the SDNY gets his tax returns next week. This should be fun. Count down to the leaks.

Wake up

Martial law is coming because of a proven rigged election

This will be the view of the higher logic men and they will rise up to stop the unwise from getting brainwashed by crooks
Not all the Trump supporters are simple. Some of them have high school educations. The wit and IQ of a person are irrelevant to the right to have a political opinion anyhow.

  1. I'm a bitter loser.
  2. I've always BEEN a bad loser.
  3. I know I'm a loser.
  4. Now I know why I'm going to lose again this Fall.
Not all the Trump supporters are simple. Some of them have high school educations. The wit and IQ of a person are irrelevant to the right to have a political opinion anyhow.
/——-/ It sucks to be you. I bet when you lose at Monopoly, you flip the board off the table and stomp out of the room.

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