Trump...Turd Blossom...Deep State?

Just so we are all starting on the same page...

Turd Blossom - Wikipedia

"'Turd Blossom' (or Sand Turd) is a Texan United States term for a flower which grows from a pile of cow dung.[1]

Essay: Anatomy of the Deep State |

"There is the visible government situated around the Mall in Washington, and then there is another, more shadowy, more indefinable government that is not explained in Civics 101 or observable to tourists at the White House or the Capitol.

"The former is traditional Washington partisan politics: the tip of the iceberg that a public watching C-SPAN sees daily and which is theoretically controllable via elections.

"The subsurface part of the iceberg I shall call the Deep State, which operates according to its own compass heading regardless of who is formally in power."

Which factions in the US does this subsurface fertilize?

"In the 2013 novel 'A Delicate Truth,' John le Carré presents the 'deep state' as a moneyed, cultured élite—the 'non-governmental insiders from banking, industry, and commerce' whose access to information allows them to rule in secret.

"Trump’s conception is quite different.

"A real-estate baron, with the wealthiest Cabinet in U.S. history, Trump is at peace with the plutocracy but at war with the clerks—the apparatchiks who, he claims, are seeking to nullify the election by denying the prerogatives of his Administration."

Trump vs. the “Deep State”

Whatever Trump's conception of the Deep State's mulch may be, the non-governmental insiders from banking and commerce who ensure parasites like Donald Trump can blossom financially will continue to advance the interests of billionaires at the expense of society long after the Trump crime family dies in prison.

you took the trump dupes to school. incredible after all this time that the sheep in america STILL think that Trump is different than warmongers Bush and Obama,not just another puppet for the elite to serve their interests and incredibly STILL think he is a RINO like patriot Ron Paul.:cuckoo:
you took the trump dupes to school. incredible after all this time that the sheep in america STILL think that Trump is different than warmongers Bush and Obama,not just another puppet for the elite to serve their interests and incredibly STILL think he is a RINO like patriot Ron Paul
If Trump suffers the same end as his good friend Jeffrey Epstein, many cons on this board will continue to defend the useless eater.

Naw Trump will never suffer the same fate his friend Epstein did,same as every president since reagan,he has been the willing puppet for the establishment doing their bidding as they wish so he will be rewarded handsomely for doing so just like they all were with handsome multi millions for speaking engagements,ect,ect.

Incredible after all this time,that even though he has taken no stance whatsoever to get rid of the CIA,FBI or fed NOR prosecuted hitlery as he said he would THREE years later after being in office,the trump dupes STILL think he is any different than fellow warmongers who also took a shit on the constitution Bush and Obama. just INCREDIBLE is the only word i can think of right now to say.:cuckoo: MW the worst of them all of all the trump worshippers. I can understand them being taken in the first couple years,he had me fooled as well that he was different,but after all THIS time and his appointments of warhawks to top positions in authority? unreal they STILL think he is for the people.:rolleyes:
The only one to get any jail will be
Wow. He is as bad as Clinton! Or Kennedy!
Wow. He is as bad as Clinton! Or Kennedy!
Same rich white trash, but I don't think Clinton or Kennedy laundered money for Russian gangsters?
How Russian Money Helped Save Trump’s Business
Clinton had Whitewater and Joe Kennedy bootlegged.
Clinton had Whitewater and Joe Kennedy bootlegged.
I wouldn't vote for Clinton, Trump, or Kennedy.
They all serve the same master.

I assume you meant you would not have voted for JOE Kennedy? Now THAT I can understand and toally agree with. John was not like his dad at all though

the ONLY reason he got elected was the establishment made the mistake of thinking he was like his father,evil and corrupt which was not the case at all. they were right about Bush jr being an apple that did not fall far from the tree but they totally were wrong about John F kennedy though being corrupt same as his father and being willing to serve his master and do their bidding as every president since then all has which is why THEY have all stayed alive.

JFK was not being the willing puppet they thought he would and not doing what his masters told him to do,he was stepping on some very powerful toes in washington.He was our last REAL president we had the fact he was the last one that did not do what his masters told him to do.

He was on the verge of returning us to the constitution of the united states where the people had control over the government instead of all these lobbying firms and corporations that do now.

we will NEVER have a president anything like him again and have not since then,one who serves the people instead of the bankers and follows the constitution AS LONG AS we have this corrupt two party system we have.

as you well know an independent like gary johnson who has many of the same views as patriot ron paul like getting rid of the CIA,FBI and the fed,,will never have a chance to get elected because you have to have special connections to the establishment and be corrupt from the get go to even be elected.

thats the sad reality of it all as you and i both know.

the trump dupes incredibly STILL think trump can do no wrong even though its been proven that he LIED about getting rid of the deep state. last time i checked,the CIA,FBI and fed were still around and he has not tried to get rid of them and the sheep here STILL love him incredibly.:rolleyes::cuckoo:
Joe Kennedy was crooked and helped buy his son the election. You realize Kennedy did not care one bit about civil rights and screwed every woman he could. Every president had feet of clay somewhere along the line.

oh yeah I realise all that.the majority of his life he did not care about civil rights,yeah that is true,His last year in office though when he saw all the riots and everything happening,he finally saw that it was wrong the way they were being treated witnessing it firsthand something he never had since he was sheltered his whole life from the real world, he then started taking action on civil rights for them trying to get legislation passed but what most people dont know,was Johnson while VP,,still had powerful connections in the senate from his time he spent on the senate and sabotoged abd blocked his efforts. J

johnson who was a racist who also never cared about civil rights,after blocking kennedys efforts for civil rights,once he became POTUS, he passed the civil rights bill and he was the one who always got credit for putting it together when that was not the case at all.

Johnson wanted to make his mark on history as president ,and that was the way he knew how to do it and after being so successful for so many years as VP with his powerful connections to the senate,he passed what kennedy tried to and always got the credit for little detail never told to us of course in our corrupt school system.
Just so we are all starting on the same page...

Turd Blossom - Wikipedia

"'Turd Blossom' (or Sand Turd) is a Texan United States term for a flower which grows from a pile of cow dung.[1]

Essay: Anatomy of the Deep State |

"There is the visible government situated around the Mall in Washington, and then there is another, more shadowy, more indefinable government that is not explained in Civics 101 or observable to tourists at the White House or the Capitol.

"The former is traditional Washington partisan politics: the tip of the iceberg that a public watching C-SPAN sees daily and which is theoretically controllable via elections.

"The subsurface part of the iceberg I shall call the Deep State, which operates according to its own compass heading regardless of who is formally in power."

Which factions in the US does this subsurface fertilize?

"In the 2013 novel 'A Delicate Truth,' John le Carré presents the 'deep state' as a moneyed, cultured élite—the 'non-governmental insiders from banking, industry, and commerce' whose access to information allows them to rule in secret.

"Trump’s conception is quite different.

"A real-estate baron, with the wealthiest Cabinet in U.S. history, Trump is at peace with the plutocracy but at war with the clerks—the apparatchiks who, he claims, are seeking to nullify the election by denying the prerogatives of his Administration."

Trump vs. the “Deep State”

Whatever Trump's conception of the Deep State's mulch may be, the non-governmental insiders from banking and commerce who ensure parasites like Donald Trump can blossom financially will continue to advance the interests of billionaires at the expense of society long after the Trump crime family dies in prison.

you took the trump dupes to school. incredible after all this time that the sheep in america STILL think that Trump is different than warmongers Bush and Obama,not just another puppet for the elite to serve their interests and incredibly STILL think he is a RINO like patriot Ron Paul.:cuckoo:
you took the trump dupes to school. incredible after all this time that the sheep in america STILL think that Trump is different than warmongers Bush and Obama,not just another puppet for the elite to serve their interests and incredibly STILL think he is a RINO like patriot Ron Paul
If Trump suffers the same end as his good friend Jeffrey Epstein, many cons on this board will continue to defend the useless eater.

Naw Trump will never suffer the same fate his friend Epstein did,same as every president since reagan,he has been the willing puppet for the establishment doing their bidding as they wish so he will be rewarded handsomely for doing so just like they all were with handsome multi millions for speaking engagements,ect,ect.

Incredible after all this time,that even though he has taken no stance whatsoever to get rid of the CIA,FBI or fed NOR prosecuted hitlery as he said he would THREE years later after being in office,the trump dupes STILL think he is any different than fellow warmongers who also took a shit on the constitution Bush and Obama. just INCREDIBLE is the only word i can think of right now to say.:cuckoo: MW the worst of them all of all the trump worshippers. I can understand them being taken in the first couple years,he had me fooled as well that he was different,but after all THIS time and his appointments of warhawks to top positions in authority? unreal they STILL think he is for the people.:rolleyes:
Naw Trump will never suffer the same fate his friend Epstein did,same as every president since reagan,he has been the willing puppet for the establishment doing their bidding as they wish so he will be rewarded handsomely for doing so just like they all were with handsome multi millions for speaking engagements,ect,ect
It is hard to imagine the concept of suicide ever crossing Trump's "mind."
He is a certifiable narcissist who, if he ever found himself in an 8 x 8 cell, would immediately start thinking "book deal"

Translate Trump on Twitter
Clinton had Whitewater and Joe Kennedy bootlegged.
Clinton had Whitewater and Joe Kennedy bootlegged.
I wouldn't vote for Clinton, Trump, or Kennedy.
They all serve the same master.

I assume you meant you would not have voted for JOE Kennedy? Now THAT I can understand and toally agree with. John was not like his dad at all though

the ONLY reason he got elected was the establishment made the mistake of thinking he was like his father,evil and corrupt which was not the case at all. they were right about Bush jr being an apple that did not fall far from the tree but they totally were wrong about John F kennedy though being corrupt same as his father and being willing to serve his master and do their bidding as every president since then all has which is why THEY have all stayed alive.

JFK was not being the willing puppet they thought he would and not doing what his masters told him to do,he was stepping on some very powerful toes in washington.He was our last REAL president we had the fact he was the last one that did not do what his masters told him to do.

He was on the verge of returning us to the constitution of the united states where the people had control over the government instead of all these lobbying firms and corporations that do now.

we will NEVER have a president anything like him again and have not since then,one who serves the people instead of the bankers and follows the constitution AS LONG AS we have this corrupt two party system we have.

as you well know an independent like gary johnson who has many of the same views as patriot ron paul,will never have a chance to get elected because you have to have special connections to the establishment and be corrupt from the get go to even be elected.

thats the sad reality of it all as you and i both know.
JFK was a weasel cocksucker like the rest of the Kennedy’s.

nice game of dodgeball there that he was or last REAL president who served the people instead of the bankers as every mother fucker since LBJ all has. you REALLY have poor debating skills.:D
Some people just did not like him. I am neutral about him myself.

thats fine and i have no problem with that just as long as people dont ignore facts that the REASON he was killed was because he was our last REAL president we had not a puppet for the establishment in the fact as i said before,he was on the verge of returning us to the constitution of the united states where the PEOPLE had control over the government instead of all these corporations and lobbying firms that do NOW.

No president since then with the exception of carter,has taken a stance against the deep state. Carter same as kennedy,ALSO took steps to try and get rid of the CIA as well. It wasnt until his final year in office ,that carter began to really anger the deep state which was fortunate for him cause since he only had one year left in office they were not worried as they were back in 1963,they knew carter was on his way out with a rigged election planned to get their boy Reagan in who made the deep state happy again getting the CIA back to their corrupt evil ways again.

had carter somehow managed to get past a rigged election and got elected,only a fool would think they would not have taken him out as well.:rolleyes::D

How do Wall Street, oil companies and the shadow government agencies like the CIA and NSA really shape the global political order?
How a Deep State Plot Sank Jimmy Carter - WhoWhatWhy
Last edited:
More FAKE NEWS OR every news station would be blasting Trump for saying it....An I right or am I righ!

And it is a bullshit, Lying CNBC story!!!
More FAKE NEWS OR every news station would be blasting Trump for saying it....An I right or am I righ!

And it is a bullshit, Lying CNBC story!!!
More Alternate Facts, Pussy-Grabber?

China insists it is unaware of calls to Trump and says tariffs are 'extreme pressure' and 'not constructive at all'

"One day later, China is still insisting no phone calls took place over the weekend that President Donald Trump claimed showed its willingness to talk again.

"'I have not heard of this situation regarding the two calls that the U.S. mentioned in the weekend,' Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said at press conference on Tuesday. He had denied on Monday that the calls had taken place."

He's a pathological liar.

Do you know what that means?

Do you care?
But WE KNOW that YOU are a PATHOLOGICAL are 90+ % of you and the Party of INFANTICIDE freaks are!

But WE KNOW that YOU are a PATHOLOGICAL are 90+ % of you and the Party of INFANTICIDE freaks are!
Will you SOB like a SNOWFLAKE?
Can we assume you’re good with supporting a known pedophile?
Can we assume you’re good with supporting a known pedophile?

Do you?

Just wondering George,who is the author of that book and how well known was he before this book? Back in the early 90's during clintons time,was when i finally became awake to how corrupt and evil our government institutions and the politicians really are. these dictaters in other countries got nothing on them. there was a book about clinton and how he totally abused his power in the white house written back then how he threw orgy parties there and everything,i did not want to believe that something so sick and horrible could go on in the white house back then and that a president could get away with it scott free so at first glance i dismissed it until a friend brought up the excellent point that it was written by a secuity guard who had served in every administration since the kennendy administration so this was a guy that had a lot of credibility AND if you cant back up something like the serious accusations he had against the clintons,he would be sued for liable which he never was by the clintons cause they knew it was the truth.

so is this author a credible author like that author i am referring to was? give me his background if you dont mind. I would like to talk with people i know outside the net about this but i need to know the facts about this author first,like if he ever wrote a book about the warren commission believing in magic bullets ,that would ruin his credibility as an author as just an example.:D

speaking of that,Vince Buglosi who wrote the book the prosecution of george H W Bush for murder,even though he has some cold hard facts in that book for a strong case,he has no credibility as a book author and cannot be taken serious for that book because he DOES endorce the warren commission so there goes his credibility right there for that book and therefore,nobody should ever use his material from that book for their case on Bush because of that.
Last edited:
Just so we are all starting on the same page...

Turd Blossom - Wikipedia

"'Turd Blossom' (or Sand Turd) is a Texan United States term for a flower which grows from a pile of cow dung.[1]

Essay: Anatomy of the Deep State |

"There is the visible government situated around the Mall in Washington, and then there is another, more shadowy, more indefinable government that is not explained in Civics 101 or observable to tourists at the White House or the Capitol.

"The former is traditional Washington partisan politics: the tip of the iceberg that a public watching C-SPAN sees daily and which is theoretically controllable via elections.

"The subsurface part of the iceberg I shall call the Deep State, which operates according to its own compass heading regardless of who is formally in power."

Which factions in the US does this subsurface fertilize?

"In the 2013 novel 'A Delicate Truth,' John le Carré presents the 'deep state' as a moneyed, cultured élite—the 'non-governmental insiders from banking, industry, and commerce' whose access to information allows them to rule in secret.

"Trump’s conception is quite different.

"A real-estate baron, with the wealthiest Cabinet in U.S. history, Trump is at peace with the plutocracy but at war with the clerks—the apparatchiks who, he claims, are seeking to nullify the election by denying the prerogatives of his Administration."

Trump vs. the “Deep State”

Whatever Trump's conception of the Deep State's mulch may be, the non-governmental insiders from banking and commerce who ensure parasites like Donald Trump can blossom financially will continue to advance the interests of billionaires at the expense of society long after the Trump crime family dies in prison.

Going nuts?


Going to prison?

that was the mistake i initially made about Trump that he was different than Bush and Obama. Trump while he did not have any connections to the CIA as every president since Bush sr had,i figured because that,he just MIGHT be for real and different but the thing i totally overlooked and did not think about,is his connections to the bankers,thats every bit just as much for the myth that Trump is for the people and believes in the constitution.
More Alternate Facts, Pussy-Grabber?

China insists it is unaware of calls to Trump and says tariffs are 'extreme pressure' and 'not constructive at all'

"One day later, China is still insisting no phone calls took place over the weekend that President Donald Trump claimed showed its willingness to talk again.

"'I have not heard of this situation regarding the two calls that the U.S. mentioned in the weekend,' Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said at press conference on Tuesday. He had denied on Monday that the calls had taken place."

He's a pathological liar.

Do you know what that means?

Do you care?
But WE KNOW that YOU are a PATHOLOGICAL are 90+ % of you and the Party of INFANTICIDE freaks are!

But WE KNOW that YOU are a PATHOLOGICAL are 90+ % of you and the Party of INFANTICIDE freaks are!
Will you SOB like a SNOWFLAKE?
Can we assume you’re good with supporting a known pedophile?
Can we assume you’re good with supporting a known pedophile?

Do you?

Just wondering George,who is the author of that book and how well known was he before this book? Back in the early 90's during clintons time,was when i finally became awake to how corrupt and evil our government institutions and the politicians really are. these dictaters in other countries got nothing on them. there was a book about clinton and how he totally abused his power in the white house written back then how he threw orgy parties there and everything,i did not want to believe that something so sick and horrible could go on in the white house back then and that a president could get away with it scott free so at first glance i dismissed it until a friend brought up the excellent point that it was written by a secuity guard who had served in every administration since the kennendy administration so this was a guy that had a lot of credibility AND if you cant back up something like the serious accusations he had against the clintons,he would be sued for liable which he never was by the clintons cause they knew it was the truth.

so is this author a credible author like that author i am referring to was? give me his background if you dont mind. I would like to talk with people i know outside the net about this but i need to know the facts about this author first,like if he ever wrote a book about the warren commission believing in magic bullets ,that would ruin his credibility as an author as just an example.:D

speaking of that,Vince Buglosi who wrote the book the prosecution of george H W Bush for murder,even though he has some cold hard facts in that book for a strong case,he has no credibility as a book author and cannot be taken serious for that book because he DOES endorce the warren commission so there goes his credibility right there for that book and therefore,nobody should ever use his material from that book for their case on Bush because of that.
Just wondering George,who is the author of that book and how well known was he before this book? Back in the early 90's during clintons time,was when i finally became awake to how corrupt and evil our government institutions and the politicians really are
I had never heard of this author before coming across this particular book.
I think the victim has withdrawn her charge, possibly due to death threats.

Have you ever read 'Credible Evidence Trump Raped a 13-Year-Old: To Push Trump & America Into an Empathetic Intervention'?

"This book provides compelling empathetic techniques for unwinding the already dangerous Right-Left conflict.

"Herein is also an introduction to an empathy-based morality, justice system, and solution to the psychological part of any problem. But take care to notice that this book is not about 'feeling for' people or merely 'stepping into their shoes.'

"Rather, it's about profound, intellectually credible and relieving insight that has been successful in transforming violent career criminals as this book reports. This is the cutting edge both of our evolving prevailing morality and justice system, and the social sciences are awakening to the power of this idea ..."

"Smells like rumor-mongering. Correct me if I'm wrong"
Just so we are all starting on the same page...

Turd Blossom - Wikipedia

"'Turd Blossom' (or Sand Turd) is a Texan United States term for a flower which grows from a pile of cow dung.[1]

Essay: Anatomy of the Deep State |

"There is the visible government situated around the Mall in Washington, and then there is another, more shadowy, more indefinable government that is not explained in Civics 101 or observable to tourists at the White House or the Capitol.

"The former is traditional Washington partisan politics: the tip of the iceberg that a public watching C-SPAN sees daily and which is theoretically controllable via elections.

"The subsurface part of the iceberg I shall call the Deep State, which operates according to its own compass heading regardless of who is formally in power."

Which factions in the US does this subsurface fertilize?

"In the 2013 novel 'A Delicate Truth,' John le Carré presents the 'deep state' as a moneyed, cultured élite—the 'non-governmental insiders from banking, industry, and commerce' whose access to information allows them to rule in secret.

"Trump’s conception is quite different.

"A real-estate baron, with the wealthiest Cabinet in U.S. history, Trump is at peace with the plutocracy but at war with the clerks—the apparatchiks who, he claims, are seeking to nullify the election by denying the prerogatives of his Administration."

Trump vs. the “Deep State”

Whatever Trump's conception of the Deep State's mulch may be, the non-governmental insiders from banking and commerce who ensure parasites like Donald Trump can blossom financially will continue to advance the interests of billionaires at the expense of society long after the Trump crime family dies in prison.
We know it’s gotta suck to be supporting a party that has a zero chance of beating a man like Trump. :)
We know it’s gotta suck to be supporting a party that has a zero chance of beating a man like Trump

NBC/WSJ Poll: Trump vs. Biden, 2020 Democrats, Impeachment


The date? 11/8/2016 Fake News!


We can only hope-the new arrivals, the illegals, deserve only poverty, disease, and scorn.
We can only hope-the new arrivals, the illegals, deserve only poverty, disease, and scorn.
Trump vs. the “Deep State”

"Every President expects devotion. Lyndon Johnson wished for an aide who would 'kiss my ass in Macy’s window at high noon and tell me it smells like roses. I want his pecker in my pocket.'

"But Trump has elevated loyalty to the primary consideration.

"Since he has no fixed ideology, the White House cannot screen for ideas, so it seeks a more personal form of devotion. Kellyanne Conway, one of his most dedicated attendants, refers reverently to the 'October 8th coalition,' the campaign stalwarts who remained at Trump’s side while the world listened to a recording of him boasting about grabbing women by the genitals."

According to you when Trump says "Grab them by the you can do anything" you INTERPRET that as HE DID such an act?
So using your ASSUMPTION position... Obama DID THE SAME THING so where was your angst at that time?
"Gotta have them ribs, and pussy too"

Interesting find there! :113:

Downloaded just in case it poofs.

The 2016 polls were correct.
More voters preferred Clinton.

Jim Crow to the Rescue.

Does all this mean we elected the wrong person? (Let's see what that starts)

No,he was for sure the better choice of the two but thats not saying much since ANYBODY who was not a career politician running against Hitlery would have been the better alternative.:abgg2q.jpg:

we know the crime family of the clintons and what a warmonger Hitlery is.It was a no brainer to elect trump given the two choices to choose from but his actions prove he is not for the people and no different than Bush and Obama and same as them,does not give a shit about the constitution.
But WE KNOW that YOU are a PATHOLOGICAL are 90+ % of you and the Party of INFANTICIDE freaks are!

But WE KNOW that YOU are a PATHOLOGICAL are 90+ % of you and the Party of INFANTICIDE freaks are!
Will you SOB like a SNOWFLAKE?
Can we assume you’re good with supporting a known pedophile?
Can we assume you’re good with supporting a known pedophile?

Do you?

Just wondering George,who is the author of that book and how well known was he before this book? Back in the early 90's during clintons time,was when i finally became awake to how corrupt and evil our government institutions and the politicians really are. these dictaters in other countries got nothing on them. there was a book about clinton and how he totally abused his power in the white house written back then how he threw orgy parties there and everything,i did not want to believe that something so sick and horrible could go on in the white house back then and that a president could get away with it scott free so at first glance i dismissed it until a friend brought up the excellent point that it was written by a secuity guard who had served in every administration since the kennendy administration so this was a guy that had a lot of credibility AND if you cant back up something like the serious accusations he had against the clintons,he would be sued for liable which he never was by the clintons cause they knew it was the truth.

so is this author a credible author like that author i am referring to was? give me his background if you dont mind. I would like to talk with people i know outside the net about this but i need to know the facts about this author first,like if he ever wrote a book about the warren commission believing in magic bullets ,that would ruin his credibility as an author as just an example.:D

speaking of that,Vince Buglosi who wrote the book the prosecution of george H W Bush for murder,even though he has some cold hard facts in that book for a strong case,he has no credibility as a book author and cannot be taken serious for that book because he DOES endorce the warren commission so there goes his credibility right there for that book and therefore,nobody should ever use his material from that book for their case on Bush because of that.
Just wondering George,who is the author of that book and how well known was he before this book? Back in the early 90's during clintons time,was when i finally became awake to how corrupt and evil our government institutions and the politicians really are
I had never heard of this author before coming across this particular book.
I think the victim has withdrawn her charge, possibly due to death threats.

Have you ever read 'Credible Evidence Trump Raped a 13-Year-Old: To Push Trump & America Into an Empathetic Intervention'?

"This book provides compelling empathetic techniques for unwinding the already dangerous Right-Left conflict.

"Herein is also an introduction to an empathy-based morality, justice system, and solution to the psychological part of any problem. But take care to notice that this book is not about 'feeling for' people or merely 'stepping into their shoes.'

"Rather, it's about profound, intellectually credible and relieving insight that has been successful in transforming violent career criminals as this book reports. This is the cutting edge both of our evolving prevailing morality and justice system, and the social sciences are awakening to the power of this idea ..."

"Smells like rumor-mongering. Correct me if I'm wrong"

I am surprised amazon would release this,they make a habit of supressing books like this,any information how to order it? better get it while you can,you know they wont keep it in circulation very long,yeah I am sure she has received death threats for writing that book. just makes you wonder if trump will do the clinton thing and ARKANSAW her.It looks like she has put her life in extreme danger now from the deep state by writing this,thats for sure. makes you wonder how much longer before she DOES get arkansawed by trump.
We know it’s gotta suck to be supporting a party that has a zero chance of beating a man like Trump. :)
We know it’s gotta suck to be supporting a party that has a zero chance of beating a man like Trump

NBC/WSJ Poll: Trump vs. Biden, 2020 Democrats, Impeachment


The date? 11/8/2016 Fake News!


Trump vs. the “Deep State”

"Every President expects devotion. Lyndon Johnson wished for an aide who would 'kiss my ass in Macy’s window at high noon and tell me it smells like roses. I want his pecker in my pocket.'

"But Trump has elevated loyalty to the primary consideration.

"Since he has no fixed ideology, the White House cannot screen for ideas, so it seeks a more personal form of devotion. Kellyanne Conway, one of his most dedicated attendants, refers reverently to the 'October 8th coalition,' the campaign stalwarts who remained at Trump’s side while the world listened to a recording of him boasting about grabbing women by the genitals."

According to you when Trump says "Grab them by the you can do anything" you INTERPRET that as HE DID such an act?
So using your ASSUMPTION position... Obama DID THE SAME THING so where was your angst at that time?
"Gotta have them ribs, and pussy too"

Interesting find there! :113:

Downloaded just in case it poofs.

The 2016 polls were correct.
More voters preferred Clinton.

Jim Crow to the Rescue.

Does all this mean we elected the wrong person? (Let's see what that starts)

No,he was for sure the better choice of the two but thats not saying much since ANYBODY who was not a career politician running against Hitlery would have been the better alternative.:abgg2q.jpg:

we know the crime family of the clintons and what a warmonger Hitlery is.It was a no brainer to elect trump given the two choices to choose from but his actions prove he is not for the people and no different than Bush and Obama and same as them,does not give a shit about the constitution.

I say you're wrong.
Just so we are all starting on the same page...

Turd Blossom - Wikipedia

"'Turd Blossom' (or Sand Turd) is a Texan United States term for a flower which grows from a pile of cow dung.[1]

Essay: Anatomy of the Deep State |

"There is the visible government situated around the Mall in Washington, and then there is another, more shadowy, more indefinable government that is not explained in Civics 101 or observable to tourists at the White House or the Capitol.

"The former is traditional Washington partisan politics: the tip of the iceberg that a public watching C-SPAN sees daily and which is theoretically controllable via elections.

"The subsurface part of the iceberg I shall call the Deep State, which operates according to its own compass heading regardless of who is formally in power."

Which factions in the US does this subsurface fertilize?

"In the 2013 novel 'A Delicate Truth,' John le Carré presents the 'deep state' as a moneyed, cultured élite—the 'non-governmental insiders from banking, industry, and commerce' whose access to information allows them to rule in secret.

"Trump’s conception is quite different.

"A real-estate baron, with the wealthiest Cabinet in U.S. history, Trump is at peace with the plutocracy but at war with the clerks—the apparatchiks who, he claims, are seeking to nullify the election by denying the prerogatives of his Administration."

Trump vs. the “Deep State”

Whatever Trump's conception of the Deep State's mulch may be, the non-governmental insiders from banking and commerce who ensure parasites like Donald Trump can blossom financially will continue to advance the interests of billionaires at the expense of society long after the Trump crime family dies in prison.

Going nuts?


Going to prison?

that was the mistake i initially made about Trump that he was different than Bush and Obama. Trump while he did not have any connections to the CIA as every president since Bush sr had,i figured because that,he just MIGHT be for real and different but the thing i totally overlooked and did not think about,is his connections to the bankers,thats every bit just as much for the myth that Trump is for the people and believes in the constitution.

that was the mistake i initially made about Trump that he was different than Bush and Obama. Trump while he did not have any connections to the CIA as every president since Bush sr had,i figured because that,he just MIGHT be for real and different but the thing i totally overlooked and did not think about,is his connections to the bankers,thats every bit just as much for the myth that Trump is for the people and believes in the constitution.
Trump comes from the NYC FIRE sector (Finance, Insurance, Real Estate) and there are many elected Democrats in that town who do NOT want to offend their big donors.

How to Make Trump's Tax Returns Public |

"Tell New York to open a criminal investigation of Trump.

"Several officials have the legal authority to refer Donald Trump, his three oldest children and others for criminal tax investigation.

"First is New York Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo, who can direct the New York State Police or New York State Department of Taxation and Finance to refer the matter to Attorney General Barbara Underwood for investigation of tax crimes. Underwood could then examine the tax returns and, if appropriate, seek indictments."

Cuomo took $66,000 from Trump and refused to return the campaign donation. Sometimes, I think rich Democrats would rather lose elections than pay higher taxes?
Same rich white trash, but I don't think Clinton or Kennedy laundered money for Russian gangsters?
How Russian Money Helped Save Trump’s Business
Clinton had Whitewater and Joe Kennedy bootlegged.
Clinton had Whitewater and Joe Kennedy bootlegged.
I wouldn't vote for Clinton, Trump, or Kennedy.
They all serve the same master.

I assume you meant you would not have voted for JOE Kennedy? Now THAT I can understand and toally agree with. John was not like his dad at all though

the ONLY reason he got elected was the establishment made the mistake of thinking he was like his father,evil and corrupt which was not the case at all. they were right about Bush jr being an apple that did not fall far from the tree but they totally were wrong about John F kennedy though being corrupt same as his father and being willing to serve his master and do their bidding as every president since then all has which is why THEY have all stayed alive.

JFK was not being the willing puppet they thought he would and not doing what his masters told him to do,he was stepping on some very powerful toes in washington.He was our last REAL president we had the fact he was the last one that did not do what his masters told him to do.

He was on the verge of returning us to the constitution of the united states where the people had control over the government instead of all these lobbying firms and corporations that do now.

we will NEVER have a president anything like him again and have not since then,one who serves the people instead of the bankers and follows the constitution AS LONG AS we have this corrupt two party system we have.

as you well know an independent like gary johnson who has many of the same views as patriot ron paul like getting rid of the CIA,FBI and the fed,,will never have a chance to get elected because you have to have special connections to the establishment and be corrupt from the get go to even be elected.

thats the sad reality of it all as you and i both know.

the trump dupes incredibly STILL think trump can do no wrong even though its been proven that he LIED about getting rid of the deep state. last time i checked,the CIA,FBI and fed were still around and he has not tried to get rid of them and the sheep here STILL love him incredibly.:rolleyes::cuckoo:
Joe Kennedy was crooked and helped buy his son the election. You realize Kennedy did not care one bit about civil rights and screwed every woman he could. Every president had feet of clay somewhere along the line.

oh yeah I realise all that.the majority of his life he did not care about civil rights,yeah that is true,His last year in office though when he saw all the riots and everything happening,he finally saw that it was wrong the way they were being treated witnessing it firsthand something he never had since he was sheltered his whole life from the real world, he then started taking action on civil rights for them trying to get legislation passed but what most people dont know,was Johnson while VP,,still had powerful connections in the senate from his time he spent on the senate and sabotoged abd blocked his efforts. J

johnson who was a racist who also never cared about civil rights,after blocking kennedys efforts for civil rights,once he became POTUS, he passed the civil rights bill and he was the one who always got credit for putting it together when that was not the case at all.

Johnson wanted to make his mark on history as president ,and that was the way he knew how to do it and after being so successful for so many years as VP with his powerful connections to the senate,he passed what kennedy tried to and always got the credit for little detail never told to us of course in our corrupt school system.


The date? 11/8/2016 Fake News!


According to you when Trump says "Grab them by the you can do anything" you INTERPRET that as HE DID such an act?
So using your ASSUMPTION position... Obama DID THE SAME THING so where was your angst at that time?
"Gotta have them ribs, and pussy too"

Interesting find there! :113:

Downloaded just in case it poofs.

The 2016 polls were correct.
More voters preferred Clinton.

Jim Crow to the Rescue.

Does all this mean we elected the wrong person? (Let's see what that starts)

No,he was for sure the better choice of the two but thats not saying much since ANYBODY who was not a career politician running against Hitlery would have been the better alternative.:abgg2q.jpg:

we know the crime family of the clintons and what a warmonger Hitlery is.It was a no brainer to elect trump given the two choices to choose from but his actions prove he is not for the people and no different than Bush and Obama and same as them,does not give a shit about the constitution.

I say you're wrong.

and AFTER he is reelected and has NOT prosecuted Hitlery as he said he would and STILL not got rid of those evil organizations the CIA,the FBI and the FED as he said he would ,the REASON the whole world is in the mess that it is because the CIA is always doing the bidding of the fed starting wars for them murdering women and children around the world and the FBI cheers them on at the same time, you will STILL do what a certain Trump lover poster here does,,live in denial mode about your hero,and keep your head buried in the sand like an ostrich and keep living in a fantasyland he is here to serve the interests of the people.:lmao::laughing0301:

without mentioning any names- "you know who i am talking about in her blind loyalty to trump.:D" I once asked her if she could just give me a SIMPLE yes or no question that if Trump does not do any of those things he promised he would do,if she would STILL defend trump,instead of just giving me a simple yes or no question as i asked,she went into a bible length rant how IS for the people,that kind of behaviour is WHY people laugh at her all the time.

question here for you is will you follow HER pattern when its proven after his reelection Trump is a fucking liar and traiter same as every president since Lyndon Johnson has all been?:D
Same rich white trash, but I don't think Clinton or Kennedy laundered money for Russian gangsters?
How Russian Money Helped Save Trump’s Business
Clinton had Whitewater and Joe Kennedy bootlegged.
Clinton had Whitewater and Joe Kennedy bootlegged.
I wouldn't vote for Clinton, Trump, or Kennedy.
They all serve the same master.

I assume you meant you would not have voted for JOE Kennedy? Now THAT I can understand and toally agree with. John was not like his dad at all though

the ONLY reason he got elected was the establishment made the mistake of thinking he was like his father,evil and corrupt which was not the case at all. they were right about Bush jr being an apple that did not fall far from the tree but they totally were wrong about John F kennedy though being corrupt same as his father and being willing to serve his master and do their bidding as every president since then all has which is why THEY have all stayed alive.

JFK was not being the willing puppet they thought he would and not doing what his masters told him to do,he was stepping on some very powerful toes in washington.He was our last REAL president we had the fact he was the last one that did not do what his masters told him to do.

He was on the verge of returning us to the constitution of the united states where the people had control over the government instead of all these lobbying firms and corporations that do now.

we will NEVER have a president anything like him again and have not since then,one who serves the people instead of the bankers and follows the constitution AS LONG AS we have this corrupt two party system we have.

as you well know an independent like gary johnson who has many of the same views as patriot ron paul like getting rid of the CIA,FBI and the fed,,will never have a chance to get elected because you have to have special connections to the establishment and be corrupt from the get go to even be elected.

thats the sad reality of it all as you and i both know.

the trump dupes incredibly STILL think trump can do no wrong even though its been proven that he LIED about getting rid of the deep state. last time i checked,the CIA,FBI and fed were still around and he has not tried to get rid of them and the sheep here STILL love him incredibly.:rolleyes::cuckoo:
Joe Kennedy was crooked and helped buy his son the election. You realize Kennedy did not care one bit about civil rights and screwed every woman he could. Every president had feet of clay somewhere along the line.

oh yeah I realise all that.the majority of his life he did not care about civil rights,yeah that is true,His last year in office though when he saw all the riots and everything happening,he finally saw that it was wrong the way they were being treated witnessing it firsthand something he never had since he was sheltered his whole life from the real world, he then started taking action on civil rights for them trying to get legislation passed but what most people dont know,was Johnson while VP,,still had powerful connections in the senate from his time he spent on the senate and sabotoged abd blocked his efforts. J

johnson who was a racist who also never cared about civil rights,after blocking kennedys efforts for civil rights,once he became POTUS, he passed the civil rights bill and he was the one who always got credit for putting it together when that was not the case at all.

Johnson wanted to make his mark on history as president ,and that was the way he knew how to do it and after being so successful for so many years as VP with his powerful connections to the senate,he passed what kennedy tried to and always got the credit for little detail never told to us of course in our corrupt school system.

a certain paid shill from langley as we can all see,did what he ALWAYS does when he cant counter facts of history,posted a smiley in defeat after i took him to school on this post.however this book he wrote DOCUMENTS all that to be true on what i posted on JFK and LBJ and have NEVER been refuted.

this book is an excellent book for historical accuracy to and what i like especially about it is how Baker is VERY objective in it and talks about the TRUTH that BOTH parties are corrupt and co-opted by the deep state.:clap2: JFK took a stance against them like no president since then and paid the deadly price for doing so.

He talks about the deep state himself in this excellent video here.

Last edited:
I wouldn't vote for Clinton, Trump, or Kennedy.
They all serve the same master.

I assume you meant you would not have voted for JOE Kennedy? Now THAT I can understand and toally agree with. John was not like his dad at all though

the ONLY reason he got elected was the establishment made the mistake of thinking he was like his father,evil and corrupt which was not the case at all. they were right about Bush jr being an apple that did not fall far from the tree but they totally were wrong about John F kennedy though being corrupt same as his father and being willing to serve his master and do their bidding as every president since then all has which is why THEY have all stayed alive.

JFK was not being the willing puppet they thought he would and not doing what his masters told him to do,he was stepping on some very powerful toes in washington.He was our last REAL president we had the fact he was the last one that did not do what his masters told him to do.

He was on the verge of returning us to the constitution of the united states where the people had control over the government instead of all these lobbying firms and corporations that do now.

we will NEVER have a president anything like him again and have not since then,one who serves the people instead of the bankers and follows the constitution AS LONG AS we have this corrupt two party system we have.

as you well know an independent like gary johnson who has many of the same views as patriot ron paul,will never have a chance to get elected because you have to have special connections to the establishment and be corrupt from the get go to even be elected.

thats the sad reality of it all as you and i both know.
JFK was a weasel cocksucker like the rest of the Kennedy’s.

nice game of dodgeball there that he was or last REAL president who served the people instead of the bankers as every mother fucker since LBJ all has. you REALLY have poor debating skills.:D
Some people just did not like him. I am neutral about him myself.

thats fine and i have no problem with that just as long as people dont ignore facts that the REASON he was killed was because he was our last REAL president we had not a puppet for the establishment in the fact as i said before,he was on the verge of returning us to the constitution of the united states where the PEOPLE had control over the government instead of all these corporations and lobbying firms that do NOW.

No president since then with the exception of carter,has taken a stance against the deep state. Carter same as kennedy,ALSO took steps to try and get rid of the CIA as well. It wasnt until his final year in office ,that carter began to really anger the deep state which was fortunate for him cause since he only had one year left in office they were not worried as they were back in 1963,they knew carter was on his way out with a rigged election planned to get their boy Reagan in who made the deep state happy again getting the CIA back to their corrupt evil ways again.

had carter somehow managed to get past a rigged election and got elected,only a fool would think they would not have taken him out as well.:rolleyes::D

How do Wall Street, oil companies and the shadow government agencies like the CIA and NSA really shape the global political order?
How a Deep State Plot Sank Jimmy Carter - WhoWhatWhy
JFK...WAS THE ESTABLISHMENT. Read history before you post.
Clinton had Whitewater and Joe Kennedy bootlegged.
Clinton had Whitewater and Joe Kennedy bootlegged.
I wouldn't vote for Clinton, Trump, or Kennedy.
They all serve the same master.

I assume you meant you would not have voted for JOE Kennedy? Now THAT I can understand and toally agree with. John was not like his dad at all though

the ONLY reason he got elected was the establishment made the mistake of thinking he was like his father,evil and corrupt which was not the case at all. they were right about Bush jr being an apple that did not fall far from the tree but they totally were wrong about John F kennedy though being corrupt same as his father and being willing to serve his master and do their bidding as every president since then all has which is why THEY have all stayed alive.

JFK was not being the willing puppet they thought he would and not doing what his masters told him to do,he was stepping on some very powerful toes in washington.He was our last REAL president we had the fact he was the last one that did not do what his masters told him to do.

He was on the verge of returning us to the constitution of the united states where the people had control over the government instead of all these lobbying firms and corporations that do now.

we will NEVER have a president anything like him again and have not since then,one who serves the people instead of the bankers and follows the constitution AS LONG AS we have this corrupt two party system we have.

as you well know an independent like gary johnson who has many of the same views as patriot ron paul like getting rid of the CIA,FBI and the fed,,will never have a chance to get elected because you have to have special connections to the establishment and be corrupt from the get go to even be elected.

thats the sad reality of it all as you and i both know.

the trump dupes incredibly STILL think trump can do no wrong even though its been proven that he LIED about getting rid of the deep state. last time i checked,the CIA,FBI and fed were still around and he has not tried to get rid of them and the sheep here STILL love him incredibly.:rolleyes::cuckoo:
Joe Kennedy was crooked and helped buy his son the election. You realize Kennedy did not care one bit about civil rights and screwed every woman he could. Every president had feet of clay somewhere along the line.

oh yeah I realise all that.the majority of his life he did not care about civil rights,yeah that is true,His last year in office though when he saw all the riots and everything happening,he finally saw that it was wrong the way they were being treated witnessing it firsthand something he never had since he was sheltered his whole life from the real world, he then started taking action on civil rights for them trying to get legislation passed but what most people dont know,was Johnson while VP,,still had powerful connections in the senate from his time he spent on the senate and sabotoged abd blocked his efforts. J

johnson who was a racist who also never cared about civil rights,after blocking kennedys efforts for civil rights,once he became POTUS, he passed the civil rights bill and he was the one who always got credit for putting it together when that was not the case at all.

Johnson wanted to make his mark on history as president ,and that was the way he knew how to do it and after being so successful for so many years as VP with his powerful connections to the senate,he passed what kennedy tried to and always got the credit for little detail never told to us of course in our corrupt school system.


The date? 11/8/2016 Fake News!


Interesting find there! :113:

Downloaded just in case it poofs.
The 2016 polls were correct.
More voters preferred Clinton.

Jim Crow to the Rescue.
Does all this mean we elected the wrong person? (Let's see what that starts)

No,he was for sure the better choice of the two but thats not saying much since ANYBODY who was not a career politician running against Hitlery would have been the better alternative.:abgg2q.jpg:

we know the crime family of the clintons and what a warmonger Hitlery is.It was a no brainer to elect trump given the two choices to choose from but his actions prove he is not for the people and no different than Bush and Obama and same as them,does not give a shit about the constitution.

I say you're wrong.

and AFTER he is reelected and has NOT prosecuted Hitlery as he said he would and STILL not got rid of those evil organizations the CIA,the FBI and the FED as he said he would ,the REASON the whole world is in the mess that it is because the CIA is always doing the bidding of the fed starting wars for them murdering women and children around the world and the FBI cheers them on at the same time, you will STILL do what a certain Trump lover poster here does,,live in denial mode about your hero,and keep your head buried in the sand like an ostrich and keep living in a fantasyland he is here to serve the interests of the people.:lmao::laughing0301:

without mentioning any names- "you know who i am talking about in her blind loyalty to trump.:D" I once asked her if she could just give me a SIMPLE yes or no question that if Trump does not do any of those things he promised he would do,if she would STILL defend trump,instead of just giving me a simple yes or no question as i asked,she went into a bible length rant how IS for the people,that kind of behaviour is WHY people laugh at her all the time.

question here for you is will you follow HER pattern when its proven after his reelection Trump is a fucking liar and traiter same as every president since Lyndon Johnson has all been?:D
Still better than Obama.
I assume you meant you would not have voted for JOE Kennedy? Now THAT I can understand and toally agree with. John was not like his dad at all though

the ONLY reason he got elected was the establishment made the mistake of thinking he was like his father,evil and corrupt which was not the case at all. they were right about Bush jr being an apple that did not fall far from the tree but they totally were wrong about John F kennedy though being corrupt same as his father and being willing to serve his master and do their bidding as every president since then all has which is why THEY have all stayed alive.

JFK was not being the willing puppet they thought he would and not doing what his masters told him to do,he was stepping on some very powerful toes in washington.He was our last REAL president we had the fact he was the last one that did not do what his masters told him to do.

He was on the verge of returning us to the constitution of the united states where the people had control over the government instead of all these lobbying firms and corporations that do now.

we will NEVER have a president anything like him again and have not since then,one who serves the people instead of the bankers and follows the constitution AS LONG AS we have this corrupt two party system we have.

as you well know an independent like gary johnson who has many of the same views as patriot ron paul,will never have a chance to get elected because you have to have special connections to the establishment and be corrupt from the get go to even be elected.

thats the sad reality of it all as you and i both know.
JFK was a weasel cocksucker like the rest of the Kennedy’s.

nice game of dodgeball there that he was or last REAL president who served the people instead of the bankers as every mother fucker since LBJ all has. you REALLY have poor debating skills.:D
Some people just did not like him. I am neutral about him myself.

thats fine and i have no problem with that just as long as people dont ignore facts that the REASON he was killed was because he was our last REAL president we had not a puppet for the establishment in the fact as i said before,he was on the verge of returning us to the constitution of the united states where the PEOPLE had control over the government instead of all these corporations and lobbying firms that do NOW.

No president since then with the exception of carter,has taken a stance against the deep state. Carter same as kennedy,ALSO took steps to try and get rid of the CIA as well. It wasnt until his final year in office ,that carter began to really anger the deep state which was fortunate for him cause since he only had one year left in office they were not worried as they were back in 1963,they knew carter was on his way out with a rigged election planned to get their boy Reagan in who made the deep state happy again getting the CIA back to their corrupt evil ways again.

had carter somehow managed to get past a rigged election and got elected,only a fool would think they would not have taken him out as well.:rolleyes::D

How do Wall Street, oil companies and the shadow government agencies like the CIA and NSA really shape the global political order?
How a Deep State Plot Sank Jimmy Carter - WhoWhatWhy
JFK...WAS THE ESTABLISHMENT. Read history before you post.

you are the one that is clueless about your history,you havent listened to a fucking thing of facts of anything i have posted,grow up.

next thing you are going to try and tell me is that oswald was the lone assaassin.:abgg2q.jpg::cuckoo:
Last edited:
JFK was a weasel cocksucker like the rest of the Kennedy’s.

nice game of dodgeball there that he was or last REAL president who served the people instead of the bankers as every mother fucker since LBJ all has. you REALLY have poor debating skills.:D
Some people just did not like him. I am neutral about him myself.

thats fine and i have no problem with that just as long as people dont ignore facts that the REASON he was killed was because he was our last REAL president we had not a puppet for the establishment in the fact as i said before,he was on the verge of returning us to the constitution of the united states where the PEOPLE had control over the government instead of all these corporations and lobbying firms that do NOW.

No president since then with the exception of carter,has taken a stance against the deep state. Carter same as kennedy,ALSO took steps to try and get rid of the CIA as well. It wasnt until his final year in office ,that carter began to really anger the deep state which was fortunate for him cause since he only had one year left in office they were not worried as they were back in 1963,they knew carter was on his way out with a rigged election planned to get their boy Reagan in who made the deep state happy again getting the CIA back to their corrupt evil ways again.

had carter somehow managed to get past a rigged election and got elected,only a fool would think they would not have taken him out as well.:rolleyes::D

How do Wall Street, oil companies and the shadow government agencies like the CIA and NSA really shape the global political order?
How a Deep State Plot Sank Jimmy Carter - WhoWhatWhy
JFK...WAS THE ESTABLISHMENT. Read history before you post.

you are the one that is clueless about your history,you havent listened to a fucking thing of facts of anything i have posted,grow up.

next thing you are going to try and tell me is that oswald was the lone assaassin.:abgg2q.jpg::cuckoo:
That's the OFFICIAL version-lets ask CNN-they know everything about conspiracies.

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