Trump tweets. Smoke and mirrors?

Nosmo King

Gold Member
Aug 31, 2009
Buckle of the Rust Belt
I have a theory on the Trump tweet behavior. First I think that this is normal behavior for Donald Trump. He enjoys the spotlight, he does not get worked up about being regarded as juvenile and crass. These are attributes that seem to have served him well in his capacity as huckster, showman, promoter and business tycoon. He believes that these qualities will serve him well as President.

He tweets at the drop of a hat, but he also tweets in the face of impending political danger. Is he using his petulance as a smoke screen? We have innumerable threads on Trump and his tweets to distract from congressional hearings on Russia, his party's failure to complete their tent pole issue, namely repeal and replace the ACA, court decisions derailing his Muslim ban and news his son-in-law is under investigation.

Is he the toreador waving a red cape of irresponsible tweets and making the electorate and the press go zig-zagging into the stadium walls? Rather than hunkering down and discussing the upcoming G-8 summit, a North Korean ICBM, the escalating Russian aggression toward American military assets and the potential fall of Raqqa, we will be raptured away by Trump in 140 characters or less.

I think it would be effective and beneficial for everyone if we ignored Trump and his immature tweets. By ignoring them we deny their power over popular culture. The Republicans could use an ally in their effort to gut the ACA, American voters could use a leader worthy of respect and even Trump himself could benefit by at least looking more engaged, presidential and competent.
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