Trump twists stats on police brutality: 'more white people' are killed

Per capita, blacks die at the hands of police, less than whites at the hands of police.
How sad that you live in a land of delusion. Perhaps medications would help you return to reality or, being institutionalized might be a better solution.
Shut up and learn something:
African Americans, who make up a far smaller portion of the total population than whites, are killed at a rate more than twice that of whites.
"by the police"
No he's not and I'm just yabbering on some MB exactly like you. If either one of us had any real stake in this it might amount to more than a stupid waste of time.
No, your "yabbering" stems from the lack of a racecard to play, the other posters are having fun at your expense.
Ah, so you imagine lily white Correll, for example, somehow having a race card to play that I don't. Okay then.. whatever floats your dinghy!

Lily white?

My answer to that.


Seems like his reb statue obsession is forming his campaign messages.
No doubt his trashy fans on here will cheer like the braying jackasses that they are but decent folk will just shake their heads.
America needs a fresh start.

I would quibble, that such statues should be referred to exclusively as Jim Crow monuments, since that is the era in which they were produced

Who are you to define them, when they have been accepted by America as statue celebrating the service of Confederate veterans for many generations, since the Civil War, including by the generation that actually fought and defeated those veterans?

What is the source of your moral authority to outweigh their service and sacrifice? Did you wear a ribbon? Did you walk in a protest? DId you hold up a strongly worded sign?

They've only ever been acceptable to those who rebelled against America, some of their descendents, and wannabee descendents. Not any real Americans.

YOur lies show you to be stupid, and dishonest.

They have been accepted as harmless symbols of regional pride for over a hundred years.

You people are just being assholes.
I wonder if this is a generational thing . These old racists on here will be history soon. I suppose another generation of losers will replace them but perhaps there will be less of them.

They have spent all day arguing against facts that normal folk just accept. Its all a bit sad.
He's deliberately avoiding the question there so your question simply adds to his spin. Changing the subject. Engaging in whataboutism. Logical fallacy. Thus whether he's "telling the truth" or not is clearly irrelevant. A pathetic attempt to wish the problem away rather than deal with it straight up like an honest leader would.
Like I said, "yes" or "no" would have answered the question and avoided the spin
Thus whether he's "telling the truth" or not is clearly irrelevant.
and that's the point I am making about you and the left wing media...the truth is irrelevant to you
You're entitled to your denials, group smear, and obfuscations. See me when you tire of that and are prepared to just deal with logic and facts.
He is trying to calm the racial tensions that are killing people in the streets. And you are fighting him on that.
Trying? He's just whistling to his supremacist support dogs, so doing the opposite.
Police departments are not required to report comprehensive data on police killings, but researchers have compiled statistics showing Black Americans are more likely to die at the hands of law enforcement than White people. One study published in 2018 found that Black men are roughly 3.5 times more likely to be killed by law enforcement than White men. Another study released in 2019 found that one in 1,000 Black men in the U.S. can expect to die at the hands of police over the course of their lifetimes.
Black men in the U.S. have far more reason to fear the police than you do, "Yes" or "No"?

According to these studies or your perception?

Who do you suppose hired the Dolan Consulting Group to make the police look like angels?
Why do you imagine some "Opinion" piece in the WSJ of value compared to research results published by CBS?
Who do you think is apt to hire a consulting group to make Blacks look good compared to Whites or to the police in any capacity?

CBS has had their share of slanted news based on politics, why would I or you trust them?
I wonder if this is a generational thing . These old racists on here will be history soon. I suppose another generation of losers will replace them but perhaps there will be less of them.

They have spent all day arguing against facts that normal folk just accept. Its all a bit sad.

I don’t know Tommy, but the racist past of the UK is well known and as you try to sweep it into the past, those that read history know how bloody the Brits were with slavery, hate and racism. Clean up your past and quit worrying about ours, you have enough blood on your hands. When your hands are clean, let us know.

Seems like his reb statue obsession is forming his campaign messages.
No doubt his trashy fans on here will cheer like the braying jackasses that they are but decent folk will just shake their heads.
America needs a fresh start.
it’s not a twist it’s true.
He's deliberately avoiding the question there so your question simply adds to his spin. Changing the subject. Engaging in whataboutism. Logical fallacy. Thus whether he's "telling the truth" or not is clearly irrelevant. A pathetic attempt to wish the problem away rather than deal with it straight up like an honest leader would.
Like I said, "yes" or "no" would have answered the question and avoided the spin
Thus whether he's "telling the truth" or not is clearly irrelevant.
and that's the point I am making about you and the left wing media...the truth is irrelevant to you
You're entitled to your denials, group smear, and obfuscations. See me when you tire of that and are prepared to just deal with logic and facts.
He is trying to calm the racial tensions that are killing people in the streets. And you are fighting him on that.
Trying? He's just whistling to his supremacist support dogs, so doing the opposite.
Police departments are not required to report comprehensive data on police killings, but researchers have compiled statistics showing Black Americans are more likely to die at the hands of law enforcement than White people. One study published in 2018 found that Black men are roughly 3.5 times more likely to be killed by law enforcement than White men. Another study released in 2019 found that one in 1,000 Black men in the U.S. can expect to die at the hands of police over the course of their lifetimes.
Black men in the U.S. have far more reason to fear the police than you do, "Yes" or "No"?

According to these studies or your perception?

Who do you suppose hired the Dolan Consulting Group to make the police look like angels?
Why do you imagine some "Opinion" piece in the WSJ of value compared to research results published by CBS?
Who do you think is apt to hire a consulting group to make Blacks look good compared to Whites or to the police in any capacity?

CBS has had their share of slanted news based on politics, why would I or you trust them?
Oh, I dunno..

Memories..... light the corners of my mind..
Misty water-colored memories of the way we were...

They have been accepted as harmless symbols of regional pride for over a hundred years.

You people are just being assholes.
public officials, military leaders and sports executives have made moves to take down Confederate statues and ban the Confederate flag, iconography that remains inextricably linked to the Southern cause that launched the Civil War: the preservation of a way of life anchored to slavery.

Yes, assholes. THe Confederate Flag and the statues have NOT been linked to the "preservation of a way of life anchored to slavery".

Why are you lying like this? Lying like that, to justify bullying so many completely innocent people, is you being an asshole.
ok, let's play

2018 arrests for crimes committed by race
against current population according to Washington Post
197 million- whites
42 million- blacks

7,115,940 million people who were WHITE were arrested for a crime in 2018

2,826,460 million people who were BLACK were arrested for a crime in 2018

36,122 crimes per million were committed by someone who is WHITE

67,297 crimes per million were committed by someone who is BLACK


According to The Washington Post, 107 blacks have been killed by police
in the ENTIRE UNITED STATES so far this year

So far this year, in Chicago ALONE, 361 people have been shot and killed

He's deliberately avoiding the question there so your question simply adds to his spin. Changing the subject. Engaging in whataboutism. Logical fallacy. Thus whether he's "telling the truth" or not is clearly irrelevant. A pathetic attempt to wish the problem away rather than deal with it straight up like an honest leader would.
Like I said, "yes" or "no" would have answered the question and avoided the spin
Thus whether he's "telling the truth" or not is clearly irrelevant.
and that's the point I am making about you and the left wing media...the truth is irrelevant to you
You're entitled to your denials, group smear, and obfuscations. See me when you tire of that and are prepared to just deal with logic and facts.
He is trying to calm the racial tensions that are killing people in the streets. And you are fighting him on that.
Trying? He's just whistling to his supremacist support dogs, so doing the opposite.
Police departments are not required to report comprehensive data on police killings, but researchers have compiled statistics showing Black Americans are more likely to die at the hands of law enforcement than White people. One study published in 2018 found that Black men are roughly 3.5 times more likely to be killed by law enforcement than White men. Another study released in 2019 found that one in 1,000 Black men in the U.S. can expect to die at the hands of police over the course of their lifetimes.
Black men in the U.S. have far more reason to fear the police than you do, "Yes" or "No"?

According to these studies or your perception?

Who do you suppose hired the Dolan Consulting Group to make the police look like angels?
Why do you imagine some "Opinion" piece in the WSJ of value compared to research results published by CBS?
Who do you think is apt to hire a consulting group to make Blacks look good compared to Whites or to the police in any capacity?

CBS has had their share of slanted news based on politics, why would I or you trust them?
Oh, I dunno..

Memories..... light the corners of my mind..
Misty water-colored memories of the way we were...

We long passed the days of we are now in the days of news that fits agendas.

After trump looks into the camera and says a complete llie, he says more white people are killed. And certain people still defend him. Indefensible and just embarrassing.
To not context the number in relation to population is ignorant.
73 percent of America is white.
13 percent is black.
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After trump looks into the camera and says a complete llie, certain people still defend him. Indefensible and just embarrassing
Asked why Black Americans are killed by police, Trump responds, "So are White people"

That's a "llie"?

I read the story... I know what you are trying to say, but I think you should actually say it.

After trump looks into the camera and says a complete llie, certain people still defend him. Indefensible and just embarrassing
what did he lie about???

Goober will have to lie about what Trump supposedly lied about.

If it's freedom of speech to burn our flag, it's the same freedom of speech to wave the confederate flag.

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