Trump Unhinged: 'Punishment' For Women Who Abort

In American history, abortion was only illegal for 93 years, and yet the pro-life people seem to believe that Roe Vs. Wade totally changed society forever.

The only thing it changed was the doctors started doing about 90% less D&C's and 90% more abortions.
a good answer would have straightened out the questioner and dismissed the premise.

hillary would have knocked that question right out of the park.

enlightened leadership, GOP should get some.

of course NYcarbineer isn't interested in that ^ cuz nasty divisiveness suits his anti GOP agenda.

Hillary isn't anti-abortion.
Absolutely NOT, especially since she supposedly had one child for political convenience and use abortions to ensure no more rug rats spoiled her future political plans.

You stick with that story.

you know truth never matters to rightwingnut trolls.
...and yet, before Roe vs. Wade, the person doing the abortion was guilty of breaking the law, not that pregnant woman, which puts Trump into a category of a complete dumbass.
So you REALLY want to eliminate the woman from the equation, claim that if a woman breaks the law only her 'accomplice' - the doctor - should be held accountable? And I am the dumbass?!

And I thought it was only Obama whose idea of 'enforcing the rule of law' was F*ed-up! Turns ot it's the majority of liberals!

Don't enforce the laws you disagree with, and don't hold those who break the law accountable under most circumstances...


No, let's throw them all in to jail, right only with the drug dealers, murders, thieves and child abusers. What this country needs it 5 times more people incarcerated than already are. Doctors, too. lord know that we have way too many doctors running around free in America.
trump use to be "very pro choice" until he decided to run for president.

now he says his views have 'evolved'
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Now that Trump has made yet another strike against women in his ongoing marginalization of them, I am sure that we will have to endure a couple of days of condescending comments, such as, "I love women!. They are beautiful!"
FLASHBACK: Obama tries to force hospitals run by religious institutions to hand out contraceptives and perform abortions as part of Obamacare. In order to take the focus off of the fact that attempting to do so was a violation of the Constitution he and his clown posse started the faux argument that the GOP wanted to prevent all women from having access to contraceptives, which was an incredibly stupid claim to make but one which ignorant/gullible/partisan liberals ate up.

Now you have Trump answering the question of whether he believes someone breaking the law should be punished for doing so. By answering 'yes' he thinks someone who breaks the law should be punished' Liberals seek to demonize Trump for his answer because it involves a hypothetical law that they do not like because it is about abortion.

Some things never change.

...and yet, before Roe vs. Wade, the person doing the abortion was guilty of breaking the law, not that pregnant woman, which puts Trump into a category of a complete dumbass. In fact, the only times I have ever heard of a woman being brought before the law for an abortion were a few cases when she self-aborted.
Of course that's right. But pointing it out just illustrates that Trump has never actually been anti-choice or pro-life. He's never actually thought through what an absolute ban on abortion would result in, or even bothered to recall what society was like when we tried to have such. All he's doing is channeling the AWG rant and telling the Trumpeters what they want to hear. But, the message is of class, religion, fear, economic loss ..... When it comes to things like what to actually do in the ME, or reproductive rights, or picking judges ... he flounders like a drowning victim.
Mathews asking Trump about abortion is unfair in what way?
Who was the last president that dictated abortion law?
Is endings abortion apart of the GOP platform or not? Who cares when the last President dictated abortion law!? He wants to end abortion but when pressed for details he flubbed. It wasn't an unfair question at all. Considering Trump's many changes of heart concerning the topic it is more than fair.
The GOP is made of a great deal of people and are all over the map regarding abortion. But it's not what presidents do so you won't find one that passed any. Who cares? Only people that care about accuracy. And I didn't say the question was unfair, Matthews is a known item so he got what he deserved.

Donald got what he deserved, yes I believe your right, he just hung himself. He is not a man of integrity and for him to turn this on to Matthews religion , once again he did what he is good at, not answering the questions.
He did answer the question after repeated prodings by Chris. But again, the answer wasn't really wrong it just sounded bad, very unpolitical. IF abortions were illegal then yes, there should be a penalty. That's what illegal means. So he should have ducked it or made it clear. I never saw him as a religious conservative type though and can't imagine it's even on his radar.

He took it back, women are the victims, the doctors should be charged. Actually this should have nothing to do with the RCC teachings, as our government is not run by the RCC or Church of England. If illegal women should be charged with "first degree murder".
trump understands that shameless pandering wins emo votes. constitutional principles be damned.

that's not leadership, folks... it's demagoguery.
you know truth never matters to rightwingnut trolls.
What matters, Jill, are 'Words'.


Liberals, such as yourself, however, want to ignore the words used, impose your own meaning / question into the equation, and attack Trump for believing that people who do break the law should be held accountable.

The only 'trolls' on this board are those trying to demonize Trump for believing all laws should be enforced and that law-breakers should punished for breaking the law.
Remember, only a Democrat can Misspeak, apologize for it and then move on from it. but my gawd, let a Republican do it...

Lol! Every word obama speaks is under a right wing microscope . He said "57 states" during an exhaustive campain and righties still run with that S if he's a Muslim spy.
As long as we are going to legislate someone's religious views again, let's bring back prohibition. People just stopped drinking last time, right. let's go all the way, and bring back blue laws. Close all the stores on Sundays. Make American Puritan again!
trump understands that shameless pandering wins emo votes. constitutional principles be damned.

that's not leadership, folks... it's demagoguery.

THAT is funny as hail! Liberals are trying to use PURE EMOTION to demonize a man for saying he believes laws should be enforced and those who break laws should be punished for doing so. They are using 'abortion' to fuel that emotion, that HATRED.

You say 'Constitutional principles be damned', but I haven't heard you criticize President Obama ONCE for REFUSING to enforce DOMA for no other reason than he declared he did not agree with it, for REFUSING to enforce all existing immigration laws for no other reason than he doesn't agree with them - DESPITE that Americans are dying and being victimized by the very illegals he has decided to stand with and protect over the American people he was elected to serve.

Liberals attacking someone for wanting the rule of law to be carried out while defending this PO$ President who has violated both Constitution and Rule of law may be the biggest hypocrisy seen to date yet by Liberals.
the Supreme Court has ruled (and repeatedly reaffirmed) that the Texas statute violated Jane Roe's constitutional right to privacy. The Court argued that the Constitution's First, Fourth, Ninth, and Fourteenth Amendments protect an individual's "zone of privacy" against state laws...
Quadruple the cells at Angola, and send those aborting women out in to the fields to chop cotton and sugar cane.

Faced with a rational argument / debate they can not win Liberals resort to deranged comments like this....

Well, if one were to do something illegal, why wouldn't they be punished?

Quadruple the cells at Angola, and send those aborting women out in to the fields to chop cotton and sugar cane.

But, abortion isn't illegal, nor will it be. So what is your point?
The answer to the hypothetical question that will never happen - as Matthews knows - was just a 'gotcha' question for liberals to use to attack Trump...mission accomplished.

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