Trump Unhinged: 'Punishment' For Women Who Abort

Note: "If it were banned in America"......ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

Then why did he totally walk it back? Hint: because he got a shitload of blowback - even from anti-abortion groups.

Who cares? It was a loaded question. But of course the left loons became unhinged over's more BS

Just left loons, hmmmm? More BS, huh?

Ted Cruz, Fellow Republicans Condemn Donald Trump’s Abortion Comments
Ted Cruz, Fellow Republicans Condemn Donald Trump’s Abortion Comments

"""Faced with the prospect of Trump as the party's standard bearer, Republicans from across the ideological spectrum quickly condemned Trump's assertion -- but not before Democrats showed the damage Trump's words could have on the GOP.

And in what was a clear acknowledgment of the stakes, Trump did something he has rarely done in this campaign -- back away from his statement within hours.

His comments, which go against the GOP's anti-abortion stance, brought new potency to the anti-Trump wing of the party, including conservative radio hosts and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, looking to stop Trump in next week's primary. ..."
Minutes after the taping of the show, and the airing of that key excerpt, the Trump campaign tried to walk the comments back, but it was too late. Democrats, liberals and leaders of women’s rights groups attacked with gusto.

'Hindenberg' Trump Plays With Matches

Trump will soon crash and burn.

This could be the tipping point, because even the most conservative pro-life woman in the country does not want to see her daughter go to jail, even when they rob, steal and lie. And there are more women voters than men.
Trump-haters lost their minds over this 'gotcha' question.

I neither like or hate the man. I'm just pointing out the B$ those who hate Trump are making it out to be.
There is only one abortion clinic in Mississippi. If a person other than a doctor in a hospital, or in that clinic, performs an abortion, it is illegal, and Trump would have punished the woman, as well as the person who preformed it,(until he changed his mind the next day, that is). which we did not even do before Roe Vs. Wade.
Trump-haters lost their minds over this 'gotcha' question.

I neither like or hate the man. I'm just pointing out the B$ those who hate Trump are making it out to be.

That's getting to be just about everybody except the stupidest white people alive.

These rightwing bastards want to be radical without the consequences.

terrible leaders spew red meat rhetoric and lead their irrational rabble to inevitable political slaughter.

decent leaders lead the emo rabble toward a common understanding of our constitutional principles.
This could be the tipping point, because even the most conservative pro-life woman in the country does not want to see her daughter go to jail, even when they rob, steal and lie. And there are more women voters than men.
Ok, here we go spinning the story where it never went again.

Did Trump say women who broke the hypothetical law of banned abortions would / should go to jail? NO! He said it was a complex issue and that he did not know what the punishment should be. He never said anyone should go to jail just that anyone who breaks the law should have to answer for doing so.

Hell, the punishment could be a $20 fine or ANYTHING other than going to jail. It could be forced counseling involving preventing future pregnancies, discussion of alternate choices other than abortions, etc.... So let's not start declaring Trump insisted a woman go to jail when he didn't.
This is getting a little confusing.

Are pro-lifers here saying they DON'T want abortion to be illegal?
No one can speak for all pro-lifers as such an issue is an individual's own choice; however, as I said, I personally would love to see late-term abortions, abortions where the baby can survive outside the womb is murdered, is outlawed.
terrible leaders spew red meat rhetoric and lead their irrational rabble to inevitable political slaughter.
So can partisan followers who seek to demonize others who don't believe as they do.
This could be the tipping point, because even the most conservative pro-life woman in the country does not want to see her daughter go to jail, even when they rob, steal and lie. And there are more women voters than men.
Ok, here we go spinning the story where it never went again.

Did Trump say women who broke the hypothetical law of banned abortions would / should go to jail? NO! He said it was a complex issue and that he did not know what the punishment should be. He never said anyone should go to jail just that anyone who breaks the law should have to answer for doing so.

Hell, the punishment could be a $20 fine or ANYTHING other than going to jail. It could be forced counseling involving preventing future pregnancies, discussion of alternate choices other than abortions, etc.... So let's not start declaring Trump insisted a woman go to jail when he didn't.

How about making them stand on a street corner holding a sign reading "I am a baby killer"?
I am beginning to think that Trump wants to lose.

No, I don't think he does. But sociopaths do this to themselves, they sabotage themselves eventually, sooner or later. Their impulsive/compulsive behavior is something they can't control. And yet he's a successful businessman. But of course would he be if he hadn't been able to file bankruptcy four times?

Why does he need to be a blonde? How many almost-70-year-old men color their hair blonde? Why does he spray-tan his face? Because he's an extreme narcissist of clinical proportions.

How about making them stand on a street corner holding a sign reading "I am a baby killer"?
Whatever you want, V. All I ask is that all existing laws are finally, again, enforced and those who violate them are once again held accountable - to some degree - for breaking those laws.
Before Trump, I thought that nobody could get close to the presidency that was as psychologically dysfunctional as Nixon was.
Obama surpassed Nixon a long, LONG time ago. As reported recently, Obama's administration just set a new US record for corruption / breaking the law by REFUSING to comply with 70% of all FOIA requests. Much like Obama has done with the Constitution and existing law, Obama has treated FOIA Requests like a Chinese Take-out A La Carte Menu, complying with only those he wants to as opposed to comply with all of them as the law requires.
This could be the tipping point, because even the most conservative pro-life woman in the country does not want to see her daughter go to jail, even when they rob, steal and lie. And there are more women voters than men.
Ok, here we go spinning the story where it never went again.

Did Trump say women who broke the hypothetical law of banned abortions would / should go to jail? NO! He said it was a complex issue and that he did not know what the punishment should be. He never said anyone should go to jail just that anyone who breaks the law should have to answer for doing so.

Hell, the punishment could be a $20 fine or ANYTHING other than going to jail. It could be forced counseling involving preventing future pregnancies, discussion of alternate choices other than abortions, etc.... So let's not start declaring Trump insisted a woman go to jail when he didn't.

A $20 fine.....And I'm spinning?
Abortion is taking a human life, according to pro-lifers. Do murderers get off by paying a fine? Logic escapes Trumpsters. Keep jumping through those hoops, honey.
I am beginning to think that Trump wants to lose.

No, I don't think he does. But sociopaths do this to themselves, they sabotage themselves eventually, sooner or later.
Obama actually did it to himself prior to his election, but he had enough people protecting him that he actually made it into office anyway.

Really? And then he got reelected.
Obama never made an ass out of himself on the campaign trail like this freak has. Never had security goons beating people up at his rallies. And some rallies had 80,000 people such as the one in Portland, OR. David Plouffe never grabbed female reporters and then lied about it. I could go on but I'm already way the fuck over your head

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