Trump Unhinged: 'Punishment' For Women Who Abort

you know truth never matters to rightwingnut trolls.
What matters, Jill, are 'Words'.


Liberals, such as yourself, however, want to ignore the words used, impose your own meaning / question into the equation, and attack Trump for believing that people who do break the law should be held accountable.

The only 'trolls' on this board are those trying to demonize Trump for believing all laws should be enforced and that law-breakers should punished for breaking the law.
What's your point?

How does specifying those details change anything?

What does it change it FROM, TO?
Well, if one were to do something illegal, why wouldn't they be punished?

Quadruple the cells at Angola, and send those aborting women out in to the fields to chop cotton and sugar cane.

But, abortion isn't illegal, nor will it be. So what is your point?
The answer to the hypothetical question that will never happen - as Matthews knows - was just a 'gotcha' question for liberals to use to attack Trump...mission accomplished.
Why won't it happen?

Explain it out.
This could be the tipping point, because even the most conservative pro-life woman in the country does not want to see her daughter go to jail, even when they rob, steal and lie. And there are more women voters than men.
Ok, here we go spinning the story where it never went again.

Did Trump say women who broke the hypothetical law of banned abortions would / should go to jail? NO! He said it was a complex issue and that he did not know what the punishment should be. He never said anyone should go to jail just that anyone who breaks the law should have to answer for doing so.

Hell, the punishment could be a $20 fine or ANYTHING other than going to jail. It could be forced counseling involving preventing future pregnancies, discussion of alternate choices other than abortions, etc.... So let's not start declaring Trump insisted a woman go to jail when he didn't.
He said that there SHOULD be some punishment to the WOMAN that has an abortion were it to be legal.

Punishment could be anything from fine to jail time.

So you advocate PUNISHING women that have abortions if it were made illegal, correct?
you know truth never matters to rightwingnut trolls.
What matters, Jill, are 'Words'.


Liberals, such as yourself, however, want to ignore the words used, impose your own meaning / question into the equation, and attack Trump for believing that people who do break the law should be held accountable.

The only 'trolls' on this board are those trying to demonize Trump for believing all laws should be enforced and that law-breakers should punished for breaking the law.
What's your point?

How does specifying those details change anything?

What does it change it FROM, TO?

he's just trolling. he doesn't need to have reasons.
He said that there SHOULD be some punishment to the WOMAN that has an abortion were it to be legal. Punishment could be anything from fine to jail time.?
WRONG. Trump was asked if abortions were BANNED, as in ILLEGAL, not LEGAL.

So you advocate PUNISHING women that have abortions if it were made illegal, correct?
What I advocate is the enforcement of all existing laws across the board, not only some of them and not others based on whether we 'like' them or 'agree with them' or not, and yes, I believe there should be some type of punishment fro breaking the law. I don't care it the decision is to fine them $20. Without a punishment for breaking a law it is just ludicrous to have the law to begin with.
he's just trolling. he doesn't need to have reasons.
And you still have not answered the question: Do you believe in enforcing all existing laws or not? If so, why don't you believe in punishing those who break the law?

It's not 'trolling', Jill - it's really simple.
This could be the tipping point, because even the most conservative pro-life woman in the country does not want to see her daughter go to jail, even when they rob, steal and lie. And there are more women voters than men.
Ok, here we go spinning the story where it never went again.

Did Trump say women who broke the hypothetical law of banned abortions would / should go to jail? NO! He said it was a complex issue and that he did not know what the punishment should be. He never said anyone should go to jail just that anyone who breaks the law should have to answer for doing so.

Hell, the punishment could be a $20 fine or ANYTHING other than going to jail. It could be forced counseling involving preventing future pregnancies, discussion of alternate choices other than abortions, etc.... So let's not start declaring Trump insisted a woman go to jail when he didn't.
He said that there SHOULD be some punishment to the WOMAN that has an abortion were it to be legal.

Punishment could be anything from fine to jail time.

So you advocate PUNISHING women that have abortions if it were made illegal, correct?

Correct, when something is made illegal, willing participation in the act is criminal and the participants are punished if found guilty.
He said that there SHOULD be some punishment to the WOMAN that has an abortion were it to be legal. Punishment could be anything from fine to jail time.?
WRONG. Trump was asked if abortions were BANNED, as in ILLEGAL, not LEGAL.

So you advocate PUNISHING women that have abortions if it were made illegal, correct?
What I advocate is the enforcement of all existing laws across the board, not only some of them and not others based on whether we 'like' them or 'agree with them' or not, and yes, I believe there should be some type of punishment fro breaking the law. I don't care it the decision is to fine them $20. Without a punishment for breaking a law it is just ludicrous to have the law to begin with.

What abortion law isn't being enforced?
This could be the tipping point, because even the most conservative pro-life woman in the country does not want to see her daughter go to jail, even when they rob, steal and lie. And there are more women voters than men.
Ok, here we go spinning the story where it never went again.

Did Trump say women who broke the hypothetical law of banned abortions would / should go to jail? NO! He said it was a complex issue and that he did not know what the punishment should be. He never said anyone should go to jail just that anyone who breaks the law should have to answer for doing so.

Hell, the punishment could be a $20 fine or ANYTHING other than going to jail. It could be forced counseling involving preventing future pregnancies, discussion of alternate choices other than abortions, etc.... So let's not start declaring Trump insisted a woman go to jail when he didn't.

A $20 fine.....And I'm spinning?
Abortion is taking a human life, according to pro-lifers. Do murderers get off by paying a fine? Logic escapes Trumpsters. Keep jumping through those hoops, honey.
This is how utterly FOOLISH and IGNORANT these rightwing radicals like easyt65 are about this issue.

They just don't THINK it through.

Pure emotion.

Correct, when something is made illegal, willing participation in the act is criminal and the participants are punished if found guilty.

Winner, winner, chicken dinner! Or at least that is supposed to be how it works. Obama don't roll like that.
What abortion law isn't being enforced?
Sea, try to keep up.

Trump was asked IF abortions were made illegal.... It was a hypothetical question regarding something that will never happen. It was a Chris Matthews 'gottcha' question designed to send emotional, silly liberals into a tizzy over the word 'abortion'.

The obvious answer to the question of should someone who breaks a law be punished is 'Yes'.
This could be the tipping point, because even the most conservative pro-life woman in the country does not want to see her daughter go to jail, even when they rob, steal and lie. And there are more women voters than men.
Ok, here we go spinning the story where it never went again.

Did Trump say women who broke the hypothetical law of banned abortions would / should go to jail? NO! He said it was a complex issue and that he did not know what the punishment should be. He never said anyone should go to jail just that anyone who breaks the law should have to answer for doing so.

Hell, the punishment could be a $20 fine or ANYTHING other than going to jail. It could be forced counseling involving preventing future pregnancies, discussion of alternate choices other than abortions, etc.... So let's not start declaring Trump insisted a woman go to jail when he didn't.

A $20 fine.....And I'm spinning?
Abortion is taking a human life, according to pro-lifers. Do murderers get off by paying a fine? Logic escapes Trumpsters. Keep jumping through those hoops, honey.
This is how utterly FOOLISH and IGNORANT these rightwing radicals like easyt65 are about this issue.

They just don't THINK it through.

Pure emotion.



Your entire post is pure emotion
He said that there SHOULD be some punishment to the WOMAN that has an abortion were it to be legal. Punishment could be anything from fine to jail time.?
WRONG. Trump was asked if abortions were BANNED, as in ILLEGAL, not LEGAL.

So you advocate PUNISHING women that have abortions if it were made illegal, correct?
What I advocate is the enforcement of all existing laws across the board, not only some of them and not others based on whether we 'like' them or 'agree with them' or not, and yes, I believe there should be some type of punishment fro breaking the law. I don't care it the decision is to fine them $20. Without a punishment for breaking a law it is just ludicrous to have the law to begin with.
You know what I meant.

You are stalling.

This is how utterly FOOLISH and IGNORANT these rightwing radicals like easyt65 are about this issue.

They just don't THINK it through.

Pure emotion.

On the contrary, the only ones going ape-shit over a simple question, based on pure emotion, are the liberals.

AGAIN, Matthews asked Trump is if someone who breaks a law should be punished. Trump said 'Yes'.

The stupid hypothetical question that will NEVER happen involved the crime of having an abortion - if abortions were ever made illegal - IF abortions are banned should anyone breaking that law by having one be punished.

Take the emotion out of the equation. You do so by eliminating the specific crime Matthews chose to use and strip the question down to it's most basic, emotionless form:
- IF someone breaks a law should they be punished. The obvious, emotionless, rational answer is 'YES'!
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Correct, when something is made illegal, willing participation in the act is criminal and the participants are punished if found guilty.

Winner, winner, chicken dinner! Or at least that is supposed to be how it works. Obama don't roll like that.

Trump was correct in his initial answer. There really could not have been any other answer to the HYPOTHETICAL question.

He should have stood pat and not walked it back.

By walking it back he said that PC crimes can be separated from other crimes. And that kills the entire judicial system.
You know what I meant.

You are stalling.
1. Stop blaming others - YOU F*ed up, not me, so don't blame me. You made the mistake because you are driven by pure emotion right now that is causing you not to think straight. Not my problem.

2. I'm not stalling - I still answered your question.
This is how utterly FOOLISH and IGNORANT these rightwing radicals like easyt65 are about this issue.

They just don't THINK it through.

Pure emotion.

On the contrary, the only ones going ape-shit over a simple question, based on pure emotion, are the liberals.

AGAIN, Matthews asked Trump is someone who breaks a law should be punished. Trump said 'Yes'.

The stupid hypothetical question that will NEVER happen involved the crime of having an abortion if abortions were ever made illegal, IF abortions are banned should anyone breaking that law by having one be punished.

Take the emotion out of the equation. You do so by eliminating the specific crime Matthews chose to use and strip the question down to it's most basic, emotionless form:
- IF someone breaks a law should they be punished. The obvious, emotionless, rational answer is 'YES'!
Should WOMEN be PUNISHED for breaking the law of having an abortion, if abortions were made illegal?

Yes or no?
Who was the last president that dictated abortion law?
Is endings abortion apart of the GOP platform or not? Who cares when the last President dictated abortion law!? He wants to end abortion but when pressed for details he flubbed. It wasn't an unfair question at all. Considering Trump's many changes of heart concerning the topic it is more than fair.
The GOP is made of a great deal of people and are all over the map regarding abortion. But it's not what presidents do so you won't find one that passed any. Who cares? Only people that care about accuracy. And I didn't say the question was unfair, Matthews is a known item so he got what he deserved.

Donald got what he deserved, yes I believe your right, he just hung himself. He is not a man of integrity and for him to turn this on to Matthews religion , once again he did what he is good at, not answering the questions.
He did answer the question after repeated prodings by Chris. But again, the answer wasn't really wrong it just sounded bad, very unpolitical. IF abortions were illegal then yes, there should be a penalty. That's what illegal means. So he should have ducked it or made it clear. I never saw him as a religious conservative type though and can't imagine it's even on his radar.
So what's the penalty?
My opinion is that it's a state issue.

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