Trump Unhinged: 'Punishment' For Women Who Abort

Is endings abortion apart of the GOP platform or not? Who cares when the last President dictated abortion law!? He wants to end abortion but when pressed for details he flubbed. It wasn't an unfair question at all. Considering Trump's many changes of heart concerning the topic it is more than fair.
The GOP is made of a great deal of people and are all over the map regarding abortion. But it's not what presidents do so you won't find one that passed any. Who cares? Only people that care about accuracy. And I didn't say the question was unfair, Matthews is a known item so he got what he deserved.

Donald got what he deserved, yes I believe your right, he just hung himself. He is not a man of integrity and for him to turn this on to Matthews religion , once again he did what he is good at, not answering the questions.
He did answer the question after repeated prodings by Chris. But again, the answer wasn't really wrong it just sounded bad, very unpolitical. IF abortions were illegal then yes, there should be a penalty. That's what illegal means. So he should have ducked it or made it clear. I never saw him as a religious conservative type though and can't imagine it's even on his radar.

He took it back, women are the victims, the doctors should be charged. Actually this should have nothing to do with the RCC teachings, as our government is not run by the RCC or Church of England. If illegal women should be charged with "first degree murder".

And then put to death! Because , ironically, prolifers are mostly pro death penalty .
The irony is on your side. You want to protect murders and kill babies.
What/who prompted Chris Matthews to ask such an asinine question? Abortion is legal and no one is going to overturn Roe vs. Wade.
Such stupidity!
What/who prompted Chris Matthews to ask such an asinine question? Abortion is legal and no one is going to overturn Roe vs. Wade.
Such stupidity!
When people, aka far rightwing nutjob Republicans, stop talking about overturning that law, then such a question will be irrelevant. Until then, however...
What/who prompted Chris Matthews to ask such an asinine question? Abortion is legal and no one is going to overturn Roe vs. Wade.
Such stupidity!
When people, aka far rightwing nutjob Republicans, stop talking about overturning that law, then such a question will be irrelevant. Until then, however...

Who's talking about overturning it?
Adult people need to be responsible for their own actions. If a woman wants an abortion, it's her prerogative. After the second trimester, abortions should not be made available, but that's just my opinion.
What/who prompted Chris Matthews to ask such an asinine question? Abortion is legal and no one is going to overturn Roe vs. Wade.
Such stupidity!
When people, aka far rightwing nutjob Republicans, stop talking about overturning that law, then such a question will be irrelevant. Until then, however...

Who's talking about overturning it?
Adult people need to be responsible for their own actions. If a woman wants an abortion, it's her prerogative. After the second trimester, abortions should not be made available, but that's just my opinion.
Every election, which is basically an ongoing thing, Cons bring up overturning it.

I've seen it here on USMB self-proclaimed conservatives for years with my own two eyes.
This is how utterly FOOLISH and IGNORANT these rightwing radicals like easyt65 are about this issue.

They just don't THINK it through.

Pure emotion.

On the contrary, the only ones going ape-shit over a simple question, based on pure emotion, are the liberals.

AGAIN, Matthews asked Trump is someone who breaks a law should be punished. Trump said 'Yes'.

The stupid hypothetical question that will NEVER happen involved the crime of having an abortion if abortions were ever made illegal, IF abortions are banned should anyone breaking that law by having one be punished.

Take the emotion out of the equation. You do so by eliminating the specific crime Matthews chose to use and strip the question down to it's most basic, emotionless form:
- IF someone breaks a law should they be punished. The obvious, emotionless, rational answer is 'YES'!
Should WOMEN be PUNISHED for breaking the law of having an abortion, if abortions were made illegal?

Yes or no?

You answer this question: If something is illegal, should a person who participates in the action be punished?
What/who prompted Chris Matthews to ask such an asinine question? Abortion is legal and no one is going to overturn Roe vs. Wade.
Such stupidity!
When people, aka far rightwing nutjob Republicans, stop talking about overturning that law, then such a question will be irrelevant. Until then, however...

Who's talking about overturning it?
Adult people need to be responsible for their own actions. If a woman wants an abortion, it's her prerogative. After the second trimester, abortions should not be made available, but that's just my opinion.
Every election, which is basically an ongoing thing, Cons bring up overturning it.

I've seen it here on USMB self-proclaimed conservatives for years with my own two eyes.

Do you hold an opinion? If so, keep holding it.
What/who prompted Chris Matthews to ask such an asinine question? Abortion is legal and no one is going to overturn Roe vs. Wade.
Such stupidity!
When people, aka far rightwing nutjob Republicans, stop talking about overturning that law, then such a question will be irrelevant. Until then, however...

Who's talking about overturning it?
Adult people need to be responsible for their own actions. If a woman wants an abortion, it's her prerogative. After the second trimester, abortions should not be made available, but that's just my opinion.
Every election, which is basically an ongoing thing, Cons bring up overturning it.

I've seen it here on USMB self-proclaimed conservatives for years with my own two eyes.

Do you hold an opinion? If so, keep holding it.
Who's your candidate this cycle?
This is how utterly FOOLISH and IGNORANT these rightwing radicals like easyt65 are about this issue.

They just don't THINK it through.

Pure emotion.

On the contrary, the only ones going ape-shit over a simple question, based on pure emotion, are the liberals.

AGAIN, Matthews asked Trump is if someone who breaks a law should be punished. Trump said 'Yes'.

The stupid hypothetical question that will NEVER happen involved the crime of having an abortion - if abortions were ever made illegal - IF abortions are banned should anyone breaking that law by having one be punished.

Take the emotion out of the equation. You do so by eliminating the specific crime Matthews chose to use and strip the question down to it's most basic, emotionless form:
- IF someone breaks a law should they be punished. The obvious, emotionless, rational answer is 'YES'!

Actually, if you do a simple Google search using "Trump abortion comment GOP", you will find that it's not just liberals who are having emotional reactions.
Try it and open your eyes.
What/who prompted Chris Matthews to ask such an asinine question? Abortion is legal and no one is going to overturn Roe vs. Wade.
Such stupidity!
When people, aka far rightwing nutjob Republicans, stop talking about overturning that law, then such a question will be irrelevant. Until then, however...

Who's talking about overturning it?
Adult people need to be responsible for their own actions. If a woman wants an abortion, it's her prerogative. After the second trimester, abortions should not be made available, but that's just my opinion.
Every election, which is basically an ongoing thing, Cons bring up overturning it.

I've seen it here on USMB self-proclaimed conservatives for years with my own two eyes.

Do you hold an opinion? If so, keep holding it.
Who's your candidate this cycle?

Why do you ask?
This is how utterly FOOLISH and IGNORANT these rightwing radicals like easyt65 are about this issue.

They just don't THINK it through.

Pure emotion.

On the contrary, the only ones going ape-shit over a simple question, based on pure emotion, are the liberals.

AGAIN, Matthews asked Trump is someone who breaks a law should be punished. Trump said 'Yes'.

The stupid hypothetical question that will NEVER happen involved the crime of having an abortion if abortions were ever made illegal, IF abortions are banned should anyone breaking that law by having one be punished.

Take the emotion out of the equation. You do so by eliminating the specific crime Matthews chose to use and strip the question down to it's most basic, emotionless form:
- IF someone breaks a law should they be punished. The obvious, emotionless, rational answer is 'YES'!
Should WOMEN be PUNISHED for breaking the law of having an abortion, if abortions were made illegal?

Yes or no?

You answer this question: If something is illegal, should a person who participates in the action be punished?

So what's your answer to MY direct question?
APPLETON, Wis. — Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump said Wednesday that there “has to be some form of punishment” for abortion if it were banned in the U.S. — as he says it should be — and that punishment should fall on the woman.

Trump, who is currently struggling with women voters, was pressed on the issue of abortion during an interview with MSNBC’s Chris Matthews, set to air Wednesday evening.

Matthews asked whether abortion should be punished, and Trump initially skated around the issue. He said some Republicans would say it should be, and that he “would say it’s a very serious problem and it’s a problem we have to decide on.”

He then asked Matthews — but didn’t answer himself — “Are you going to, say, put them to jail?” and added he was anti-abortion and that “you have to ban” abortion.

“There has to be some form of punishment,” Trump said, adding “Yeah” when Matthews asked if he meant for the woman. The host asked if that punishment would be closer to 10 days or 10 years, and Trump said he didn’t know.

Trump indicated he would be far more lenient on the man who impregnated a woman who had an abortion — he said he did not think they would bear the same level of responsibility.

The Trump campaign quickly tried to walk back his comments afterward, saying the matter should be decided by the states. Later, Trump put out a statement that said his position was unchanged, but contradicted his past statements entirely:

If Congress were to pass legislation making abortion illegal and the federal courts upheld this legislation, or any state were permitted to ban abortion under state and federal law, the doctor or any other person performing this illegal act upon a woman would be held legally responsible, not the woman. The woman is a victim in this case as is the life in her womb. My position has not changed — like Ronald Reagan, I am pro-life with exceptions.​


The video clearly shows that Trump can't even handle pressure from Chris Matthews - so how could he possibly handle pressure from world leaders like Putin? Trump likes to brag about being a world class negotiator - which he is clearly not. He chokes under pressure. Trump wants to force women back into dark alleys - and then also wants to punish them.

If it were banned.......duh!!!

Liberals love posing hypothetical questions that cannot be answered honestly without political repercussions. Lying renders the same result.

Obviously Trump doesn't like lying.
So what's your answer to MY direct question?
Stop being lazy and / or ignorant - go back and re-read the 2nd half of post #224.

Short answer, anyone who breaks a law should be punished for doing so.
Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered In US War And Occupation Of Iraq "1,455,590"
Let me know when you have the numbers / totals resulting from Obama's arming Mexican Drug cartels and terrorists, his aiding and abetting the Illegal invasion going on, his handing out Visas to terrorists coming to the US killing Americans, the numbers involved with Obama's private wars in Libya and Syria, the numbers of people killed / wounded in Paris, Brussels, etc resulting from his failed 'containment' policy ehile supplying, arming, training, and protecting ISIS...
Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered In US War And Occupation Of Iraq "1,455,590"
Let me know when you have the numbers / totals resulting from Obama's arming Mexican Drug cartels and terrorists, his aiding and abetting the Illegal invasion going on, his handing out Visas to terrorists coming to the US killing Americans, the numbers involved with Obama's private wars in Libya and Syria, the numbers of people killed / wounded in Paris, Brussels, etc resulting from his failed 'containment' policy ehile supplying, arming, training, and protecting ISIS...

All that started during the Bush Administration.

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