Trump Unhinged: 'Punishment' For Women Who Abort

Trump got assaulted by Chris Mathews in an interview and MSNBC got the GOP front runner to say that women should be punished for having an illegal abortion, the man should not. Following the interview Trump immediately back peddled back to the accepted viewpoint that the women shouldn't be punished but the doctor should. Even for conservatives saying a women should be punished is political suicide.

I'm sure what was going through Trumps head was very simple. If somebody breaks the law they should be punished. I guess for conservatives there are exceptions to this in the case of abortions because the female vote is at stake.

It makes me curious though, as I see the slew of conservatives demonizing Trump for the statement... Why would they not punish somebody for breaking the law? And if this principle be true than shouldn't people who do illegal drugs not be punished... only the drug dealers?

Trump was right. Now, with that said, it was a "gotcha" by the seriously mental Mathews... Abortion isn't going to become illegal; so, it's a non-issue.
This is how utterly FOOLISH and IGNORANT these rightwing radicals like easyt65 are about this issue.

They just don't THINK it through.

Pure emotion.

On the contrary, the only ones going ape-shit over a simple question, based on pure emotion, are the liberals.

AGAIN, Matthews asked Trump is someone who breaks a law should be punished. Trump said 'Yes'.

The stupid hypothetical question that will NEVER happen involved the crime of having an abortion if abortions were ever made illegal, IF abortions are banned should anyone breaking that law by having one be punished.

Take the emotion out of the equation. You do so by eliminating the specific crime Matthews chose to use and strip the question down to it's most basic, emotionless form:
- IF someone breaks a law should they be punished. The obvious, emotionless, rational answer is 'YES'!
Should WOMEN be PUNISHED for breaking the law of having an abortion, if abortions were made illegal?

Yes or no?

You answer this question: If something is illegal, should a person who participates in the action be punished?

In this country I will remind you that one is presumed innocent until guilty, regardless of the charges brought against them. And they are guaranteed a trial if they so wish. So I think you need to back up your ponies because you're ahead of the cart.

Trump is opening up a hornet's nest that will turn the court system into an untenable frenzy. And guess who pays for that? Look in the mirror.

According to Chris Matthews' hypothetical question: Abortions have been made illegal in the U.S. Should women be punished?
Mary Alice had an illegal abortion, should she be punished?
What say you?

I don't know who Mary Alice is but abortion is legal. Trump tries to change that as POTUS and he will be impeached. Capiche?
Chris Matthews succeeded in showing what an empty, stupid suit Trump is.
Trump got assaulted by Chris Mathews in an interview and MSNBC got the GOP front runner to say that women should be punished for having an illegal abortion, the man should not. Following the interview Trump immediately back peddled back to the accepted viewpoint that the women shouldn't be punished but the doctor should. Even for conservatives saying a women should be punished is political suicide.

I'm sure what was going through Trumps head was very simple. If somebody breaks the law they should be punished. I guess for conservatives there are exceptions to this in the case of abortions because the female vote is at stake.

It makes me curious though, as I see the slew of conservatives demonizing Trump for the statement... Why would they not punish somebody for breaking the law? And if this principle be true than shouldn't people who do illegal drugs not be punished... only the drug dealers?

Trump was right. Now, with that said, it was a "gotcha" by the seriously mental Mathews... Abortion isn't going to become illegal; so, it's a non-issue.
It was definitely a gotcha, Matthews did a pretty good job getting that one out of Trump... all in a days work.
Trump got assaulted by Chris Mathews in an interview and MSNBC got the GOP front runner to say that women should be punished for having an illegal abortion, the man should not. Following the interview Trump immediately back peddled back to the accepted viewpoint that the women shouldn't be punished but the doctor should. Even for conservatives saying a women should be punished is political suicide.

I'm sure what was going through Trumps head was very simple. If somebody breaks the law they should be punished. I guess for conservatives there are exceptions to this in the case of abortions because the female vote is at stake.

It makes me curious though, as I see the slew of conservatives demonizing Trump for the statement... Why would they not punish somebody for breaking the law? And if this principle be true than shouldn't people who do illegal drugs not be punished... only the drug dealers?

Trump was right. Now, with that said, it was a "gotcha" by the seriously mental Mathews... Abortion isn't going to become illegal; so, it's a non-issue.
If Trump was right then why did he back peddle? Isn't his whole thing to stand up for what he thinks is right, not the establishment?
Trump got assaulted by Chris Mathews in an interview and MSNBC got the GOP front runner to say that women should be punished for having an illegal abortion, the man should not. Following the interview Trump immediately back peddled back to the accepted viewpoint that the women shouldn't be punished but the doctor should. Even for conservatives saying a women should be punished is political suicide.

I'm sure what was going through Trumps head was very simple. If somebody breaks the law they should be punished. I guess for conservatives there are exceptions to this in the case of abortions because the female vote is at stake.

It makes me curious though, as I see the slew of conservatives demonizing Trump for the statement... Why would they not punish somebody for breaking the law? And if this principle be true than shouldn't people who do illegal drugs not be punished... only the drug dealers?

Trump was right. Now, with that said, it was a "gotcha" by the seriously mental Mathews... Abortion isn't going to become illegal; so, it's a non-issue.
It was definitely a gotcha, Matthews did a pretty good job getting that one out of Trump... all in a days work.

What abortion law isn't being enforced?
Sea, try to keep up.

Trump was asked IF abortions were made illegal.... It was a hypothetical question regarding something that will never happen. It was a Chris Matthews 'gottcha' question designed to send emotional, silly liberals into a tizzy over the word 'abortion'.

The obvious answer to the question of should someone who breaks a law be punished is 'Yes'.

It was hardly a "gotcha" question. It's a very valid question to those that want to "ban" abortion.

If you "ban" abortion, who will be punished and what will the punishment be?

First, it was hypothetical

Second, Roe v Wade would need to be overturned. That does not make abortion illegal, it simply places it back to the State legislature.

Third. Any state that makes it illegal would have to come up with their own punishments which would be impossible to predict.

Fourth , any state that would ban abortions would face the same attacks that entities like the NFL and Disney have recently taken against anti gay laws...... Few would.
Trump got assaulted by Chris Mathews in an interview and MSNBC got the GOP front runner to say that women should be punished for having an illegal abortion, the man should not. Following the interview Trump immediately back peddled back to the accepted viewpoint that the women shouldn't be punished but the doctor should. Even for conservatives saying a women should be punished is political suicide.

I'm sure what was going through Trumps head was very simple. If somebody breaks the law they should be punished. I guess for conservatives there are exceptions to this in the case of abortions because the female vote is at stake.

It makes me curious though, as I see the slew of conservatives demonizing Trump for the statement... Why would they not punish somebody for breaking the law? And if this principle be true than shouldn't people who do illegal drugs not be punished... only the drug dealers?

Even the pro-lifers know that making abortion a crime that women would be guilty of is an absurdly impossible sale to make to the American people,

so the pro-lifers made up the nonsensical position that abortion should be outlawed, but the perpetrators shouldn't be considered outlaws.
Trump got assaulted by Chris Mathews in an interview and MSNBC got the GOP front runner to say that women should be punished for having an illegal abortion, the man should not. Following the interview Trump immediately back peddled back to the accepted viewpoint that the women shouldn't be punished but the doctor should. Even for conservatives saying a women should be punished is political suicide.

I'm sure what was going through Trumps head was very simple. If somebody breaks the law they should be punished. I guess for conservatives there are exceptions to this in the case of abortions because the female vote is at stake.

It makes me curious though, as I see the slew of conservatives demonizing Trump for the statement... Why would they not punish somebody for breaking the law? And if this principle be true than shouldn't people who do illegal drugs not be punished... only the drug dealers?

Trump was right. Now, with that said, it was a "gotcha" by the seriously mental Mathews... Abortion isn't going to become illegal; so, it's a non-issue.
If Trump was right then why did he back peddle? Isn't his whole thing to stand up for what he thinks is right, not the establishment?

Well, I dunno, I wouldn't have. I would have turned it around on him and pointed out how silly a question it was and if it were indeed illegal, how could you not inflict penalty?

It was a lose-lose I think no matter what. Remember, they did this to Romney when they asked what he would do if states criminalized contraceptives? He laughed ta them, but so began the "war on women".
I think the stupidest thing that Trump said was that while women should be punished, the men shouldn't.

Doesn't he know that no woman can ever get pregnant by herself? If he's going to call for punishment of the women, he should also hold the men responsible as well.
I think the stupidest thing that Trump said was that while women should be punished, the men shouldn't.

Doesn't he know that no woman can ever get pregnant by herself? If he's going to call for punishment of the women, he should also hold the men responsible as well.

Whatever, it will never be an issue...
Trump got assaulted by Chris Mathews in an interview and MSNBC got the GOP front runner to say that women should be punished for having an illegal abortion, the man should not. Following the interview Trump immediately back peddled back to the accepted viewpoint that the women shouldn't be punished but the doctor should. Even for conservatives saying a women should be punished is political suicide.

I'm sure what was going through Trumps head was very simple. If somebody breaks the law they should be punished. I guess for conservatives there are exceptions to this in the case of abortions because the female vote is at stake.

It makes me curious though, as I see the slew of conservatives demonizing Trump for the statement... Why would they not punish somebody for breaking the law? And if this principle be true than shouldn't people who do illegal drugs not be punished... only the drug dealers?

Trump was right. Now, with that said, it was a "gotcha" by the seriously mental Mathews... Abortion isn't going to become illegal; so, it's a non-issue.
It was definitely a gotcha, Matthews did a pretty good job getting that one out of Trump... all in a days work.

"Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's." What a lame and disrepectful way of Mathews promoting his death by torture of humans most innocent. What a religious (LOL) phony prick, Trump kicked his ass on that one but the ring nosed imbeciles passed on that of course.
I think the stupidest thing that Trump said was that while women should be punished, the men shouldn't.

Doesn't he know that no woman can ever get pregnant by herself? If he's going to call for punishment of the women, he should also hold the men responsible as well.
If abortion was illegal the crime wouldn't be getting pregnant it would be getting an abortion. If you were following the rule of law then the woman and doctor would be guilty and if it was proven the the women was supported by the man or family then they would be conspirators.

I find there to be a lot of irony in this discussion
Why would a man be punished if the woman is seeking an abortion?

Unless they are speaking of the baby killing doctor?
Very unfair question. Obviously IF abortion was made a crime, there would have to some punishment if only a fine. Trump should have said it was a dumb question and not answered.

All Hell Breaks Loose After Trump Says Women Should Be "Punished" For Illegal Abortions | Zero Hedge

march 30 2016 Host Chris Matthews presses Trump on anti-abortion position, repeatedly asking him, “Should abortion be punished? This is not something you can dodge”
“Look, people in certain parts of the Republican Party, conservative Republicans, would say, ‘Yes, it should,’” Trump answers
“How about you?” Matthews asks
“I would say it’s a very serious problem and it’s a problem we have to decide on. Are you going to send them to jail?” Trump says
“I’m asking you,” Matthews says
“I am pro-life,” Trump says
“How do you actually ban abortion?” Matthews asks
“Well, you go back to a position like they had where they would perhaps go to illegal places but we have to ban it,” Trump says
Matthews then presses Trump on if he believes there should be punishment for abortion if it were illegal
“There has to be some form of punishment,” Trump says
“For the woman?” Matthews says; “Yeah,” Trump says, nodding
Trump says punishment would “have to be determined”

Yo, I know you love Trump, why? I`ll never know! But the idiot just shows his true colors when on T.V.? Heaven knows why he won`t debate Ted Cruz?

View attachment 69549
Ted? It's Rafael. The guy who attended the "kill the gays" rally.

Yo, not true about Ted Cruz, Socialist Democrat talking point! But hell we all did that in my younger days!!!

Now We Know Where To Go? Can`t Miss It!!! The Gay House!
Trump got assaulted by Chris Mathews in an interview and MSNBC got the GOP front runner to say that women should be punished for having an illegal abortion, the man should not. Following the interview Trump immediately back peddled back to the accepted viewpoint that the women shouldn't be punished but the doctor should. Even for conservatives saying a women should be punished is political suicide.

I'm sure what was going through Trumps head was very simple. If somebody breaks the law they should be punished. I guess for conservatives there are exceptions to this in the case of abortions because the female vote is at stake.

It makes me curious though, as I see the slew of conservatives demonizing Trump for the statement... Why would they not punish somebody for breaking the law? And if this principle be true than shouldn't people who do illegal drugs not be punished... only the drug dealers?

Trump was right. Now, with that said, it was a "gotcha" by the seriously mental Mathews... Abortion isn't going to become illegal; so, it's a non-issue.
It was definitely a gotcha, Matthews did a pretty good job getting that one out of Trump... all in a days work.

"Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's." What a lame and disrepectful way of Mathews promoting his death by torture of humans most innocent. What a religious (LOL) phony prick, Trump kicked his ass on that one but the ring nosed imbeciles passed on that of course.
All reporters go for the gotcha questions... The serious political world would be much better without it but we live in a drama hungry society and ratings are important to these networks. It's not only Mathews...
Yeah, admittedly, he did mess up.

Next he'll be saying women should be on death row for the same type of crimes men commit to get on it. Heh heh.

He needs someone to script his way out of this. He's not sensitive enough to understand about the stigma involved in abortion.
Again, we might as well be arguing about what to do when all the cheese in the moon has been eaten.
How in the world could you punish a man if abortion is illegal and a woman hires some outlaw to kill her unborn child? You could punish the technicians of course but it would be next to impossible to make a case against the father unless the abortion was done against the mother's will no matter what the perverted modern notion of gender "fairness" is.
Hey, Trump has already said that if he was president, he would work to make abortion illegal, so wondering if women would be punished for abortions under a Trump administration is a legitimate question.

As far as how would you make the father responsible? You could do a DNA test to see if he was the father.

And no..............women can't get pregnant by themselves.
Trump was right. Now, with that said, it was a "gotcha" by the seriously mental Mathews... Abortion isn't going to become illegal; so, it's a non-issue.

Matthews proved that Trump doesn't know a thing about conservatism. And that is because Trump has never been a conservative. He's been a left winger his entire adult life.

That is why whenever Trump is asked about any bedrock conservative idea, he fumbles like a monkey with a football. He has no clue what the conservative position is on any issue. And because of that, he prevaricates, he evades, he changes the subject, he flip flops, and he lies.

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