Trump Unhinged: 'Punishment' For Women Who Abort

Yeah, admittedly, he did mess up.

Next he'll be saying women should be on death row for the same type of crimes men commit to get on it. Heh heh.

He needs someone to script his way out of this. He's not sensitive enough to understand about the stigma involved in abortion.
You seem to forget that the question was hypothetical. Women have the right to torture and kill their unborn humans, such is the humanity of our times. Also, Trump said "punishment" and you embellished to the point of a lie, you should work in the media....:lol:
Trump was right. Now, with that said, it was a "gotcha" by the seriously mental Mathews... Abortion isn't going to become illegal; so, it's a non-issue.

Matthews proved that Trump doesn't know a thing about conservatism. And that is because Trump has never been a conservative. He's been a left winger his entire adult life.

That is why whenever Trump is asked about any bedrock conservative idea, he fumbles like a monkey with a football.

You're preaching to the choir.... I don't trust him one bit.
When you hear it in context it is not that bad. That sleaze Mathews elicited a response that would generate hype for one or two news cycles. He did his job. He won. He whacked Trump with a gotcha question. The demented little freak can rot in hell for all I care, as it does not change my mind on Trump, nor anyone else. This is just meant to stir up the Dems and try to get them motivated.
Again, we might as well be arguing about what to do when all the cheese in the moon has been eaten.
That would be true if there used to be cheese on the moon... Although mooncheese on a Triscuit does sound pretty good right now, it never existed... Abortion used to be illegal so asking how a President Trump would handle that situation isn't too far out of the realm of reality... I do agree with you that it was a total gotcha question though.
Again, we might as well be arguing about what to do when all the cheese in the moon has been eaten.
That would be true if there used to be cheese on the moon... Although mooncheese on a Triscuit does sound pretty good right now, it never existed... Abortion used to be illegal so asking how a President Trump would handle that situation isn't too far out of the realm of reality... I do agree with you that it was a total gotcha question though.

Moon-cheese.... yes! On Tomato Basil Wheat Thins!!!!
Trump got assaulted by Chris Mathews in an interview and MSNBC got the GOP front runner to say that women should be punished for having an illegal abortion, the man should not. Following the interview Trump immediately back peddled back to the accepted viewpoint that the women shouldn't be punished but the doctor should. Even for conservatives saying a women should be punished is political suicide.

I'm sure what was going through Trumps head was very simple. If somebody breaks the law they should be punished. I guess for conservatives there are exceptions to this in the case of abortions because the female vote is at stake.

It makes me curious though, as I see the slew of conservatives demonizing Trump for the statement... Why would they not punish somebody for breaking the law? And if this principle be true than shouldn't people who do illegal drugs not be punished... only the drug dealers?

Even the pro-lifers know that making abortion a crime that women would be guilty of is an absurdly impossible sale to make to the American people,

so the pro-lifers made up the nonsensical position that abortion should be outlawed, but the perpetrators shouldn't be considered outlaws.
The thread failed when it analogized getting an abortion to buying drugs.
Yeah, admittedly, he did mess up.

NexWeb icht he'll be saying women should be on death row for the same type of crimes men commit to get on it. Heh heh.

He needs someone to script his way out of this. He's not sensitive enough to understand about the stigma involved in abortion.
You seem to forget that the question was hypothetical. Women have the right to torture and kill their unborn humans, such is the humanity of our times. Also, Trump said "punishment" and you embellished to the point of a lie, you should work in the media....:lol:
Personally I agreed with his statement. Im just suggesting he should make another statement. Not back pedalling, just showing his sensitive side. which he doesnt have of course but someone could script one for him nd coach him on it.
Yup, just hanging out at 14 weeks, alive and well, ready to be tortured and killed by my loving carefree parents..

Trump got assaulted by Chris Mathews in an interview and MSNBC got the GOP front runner to say that women should be punished for having an illegal abortion, the man should not. Following the interview Trump immediately back peddled back to the accepted viewpoint that the women shouldn't be punished but the doctor should. Even for conservatives saying a women should be punished is political suicide.

I'm sure what was going through Trumps head was very simple. If somebody breaks the law they should be punished. I guess for conservatives there are exceptions to this in the case of abortions because the female vote is at stake.

It makes me curious though, as I see the slew of conservatives demonizing Trump for the statement... Why would they not punish somebody for breaking the law? And if this principle be true than shouldn't people who do illegal drugs not be punished... only the drug dealers?

Even the pro-lifers know that making abortion a crime that women would be guilty of is an absurdly impossible sale to make to the American people,

so the pro-lifers made up the nonsensical position that abortion should be outlawed, but the perpetrators shouldn't be considered outlaws.
The thread failed when it analogized getting an abortion to buying drugs.
please explain...
I think the stupidest thing that Trump said was that while women should be punished, the men shouldn't.

Doesn't he know that no woman can ever get pregnant by herself? If he's going to call for punishment of the women, he should also hold the men responsible as well.
If abortion was illegal the crime wouldn't be getting pregnant it would be getting an abortion. If you were following the rule of law then the woman and doctor would be guilty and if it was proven the the women was supported by the man or family then they would be conspirators.

I find there to be a lot of irony in this discussion
Hey, it involves gender. Of course everyone will a dick about it.
Hey, Trump has already said that if he was president, he would work to make abortion illegal, so wondering if women would be punished for abortions under a Trump administration is a legitimate question.

As far as how would you make the father responsible? You could do a DNA test to see if he was the father.

And no..............women can't get pregnant by themselves.
There are 2, and were 3, justices who most likely would vote to overturn Roe, if given a chance.
It's hilarious how Trump was supposedly "tricked" into giving a straight answer to a simple question - instead of meandering innuendo.
Ending abortion is a major part of his platform....he should be well versed on it by now

Just like your position on the KKK should be easy to state, your position on punishing women for abortion should be easy to state
Yeah, admittedly, he did mess up.

NexWeb icht he'll be saying women should be on death row for the same type of crimes men commit to get on it. Heh heh.

He needs someone to script his way out of this. He's not sensitive enough to understand about the stigma involved in abortion.
You seem to forget that the question was hypothetical. Women have the right to torture and kill their unborn humans, such is the humanity of our times. Also, Trump said "punishment" and you embellished to the point of a lie, you should work in the media....:lol:
Personally I agreed with his statement. Im just suggesting he should make another statement. Not back pedalling, just showing his sensitive side. which he doesnt have of course but someone could script one for him nd coach him on it.

Trump is Trump and media is sucking him dry for money and ratings. Many times I wish he'd say things differently but he doesn't. What you see is what you get no matter the ease of second guessing. He's certainly not a pat answering, love to be lied to politician

I don't get why the guy is running in the first place, he can go anywhere in the world and live like a king instead he wants to be the President of a country on the brink of economic and moral collapse, that is just crazy or love of country... who knows.
I had a feeling it was Morning Joe that Huckabee made those statements, I just KNEW it.

I DVR Morning Joe daily and just watched it, then did a Google and found this...

Very unfair question. Obviously IF abortion was made a crime, there would have to some punishment if only a fine. Trump should have said it was a dumb question and not answered.

All Hell Breaks Loose After Trump Says Women Should Be "Punished" For Illegal Abortions | Zero Hedge

march 30 2016 Host Chris Matthews presses Trump on anti-abortion position, repeatedly asking him, “Should abortion be punished? This is not something you can dodge”
“Look, people in certain parts of the Republican Party, conservative Republicans, would say, ‘Yes, it should,’” Trump answers
“How about you?” Matthews asks
“I would say it’s a very serious problem and it’s a problem we have to decide on. Are you going to send them to jail?” Trump says
“I’m asking you,” Matthews says
“I am pro-life,” Trump says
“How do you actually ban abortion?” Matthews asks
“Well, you go back to a position like they had where they would perhaps go to illegal places but we have to ban it,” Trump says
Matthews then presses Trump on if he believes there should be punishment for abortion if it were illegal
“There has to be some form of punishment,” Trump says
“For the woman?” Matthews says; “Yeah,” Trump says, nodding
Trump says punishment would “have to be determined”

WOW!!! Trump was tricked by a dumb liberal....

Just like Tom Sawyer painting the fence...
Trump got assaulted by Chris Mathews in an interview and MSNBC got the GOP front runner to say that women should be punished for having an illegal abortion, the man should not. Following the interview Trump immediately back peddled back to the accepted viewpoint that the women shouldn't be punished but the doctor should. Even for conservatives saying a women should be punished is political suicide.

I'm sure what was going through Trumps head was very simple. If somebody breaks the law they should be punished. I guess for conservatives there are exceptions to this in the case of abortions because the female vote is at stake.

It makes me curious though, as I see the slew of conservatives demonizing Trump for the statement... Why would they not punish somebody for breaking the law? And if this principle be true than shouldn't people who do illegal drugs not be punished... only the drug dealers?

Even the pro-lifers know that making abortion a crime that women would be guilty of is an absurdly impossible sale to make to the American people,

so the pro-lifers made up the nonsensical position that abortion should be outlawed, but the perpetrators shouldn't be considered outlaws.
The thread failed when it analogized getting an abortion to buying drugs.
still waiting for an explanation...
The GOP is made of a great deal of people and are all over the map regarding abortion. But it's not what presidents do so you won't find one that passed any. Who cares? Only people that care about accuracy. And I didn't say the question was unfair, Matthews is a known item so he got what he deserved.

Donald got what he deserved, yes I believe your right, he just hung himself. He is not a man of integrity and for him to turn this on to Matthews religion , once again he did what he is good at, not answering the questions.
He did answer the question after repeated prodings by Chris. But again, the answer wasn't really wrong it just sounded bad, very unpolitical. IF abortions were illegal then yes, there should be a penalty. That's what illegal means. So he should have ducked it or made it clear. I never saw him as a religious conservative type though and can't imagine it's even on his radar.

He took it back, women are the victims, the doctors should be charged. Actually this should have nothing to do with the RCC teachings, as our government is not run by the RCC or Church of England. If illegal women should be charged with "first degree murder".

And then put to death! Because , ironically, prolifers are mostly pro death penalty .
The irony is on your side. You want to protect murders and kill babies.

You have no problem killing a live talking human being but you're all upset if someone kills a zygote .

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