Trump Unhinged: 'Punishment' For Women Who Abort

“Of course women shouldn’t be punished,” Kasich said. Except he didn’t have any real explanation of how his plan to ban abortion without punishing women would work."

This is because ass-hats like Kasich, who is ONLY arguing that women should not be punished if abortions are made illegal and women have them anyway because he does not want to lose women votes.

Anyone with common sense knows is anyone breaks a law they have to be punished for it. That's how the legal system is supposed to work and how it actually used to work before Obama.

Kasich is a dumbass I would never vote for, partially because of things like this. He can't 'man up' and bring himself to say anyone who willingly breaks a law should be held accountable. We've had nearly 8 years of Obama refusing to enforce all laws, and I sure as hell don't want any more years of a President who refuses to enforce the Rule of Law.
Stone the women ...give them lashes if they defy the Patriarch Bwanas..................
You're kinda mixed up, Tyrone - that's not a GOP thing. Hillary should be all too familiar with such practices as she is ' has taken millions from the countries that stone their women for being raped, engage in genital mutilation, murder gays, etc... Obama's a big supporter of Muslims who highly oppress their women, too.
the question was a hypothetical one, designed to gauge the candidates views on the issue of abortion, not to gauge his views on following the law... but nice try. :lol:
B$ - nice OPINION, but wrong. If the question was designed to gauge Trump's beliefs regarding abortions Chris Matthews sucks as a journalist and the question sucked.

The question, however, was IF ABORTIONS ARE BANNED (again as in ILLEGAL) should women be punished for having them?

Matthews didn't ask Trump is abortions should be banned.
He didn't ask what Trump thought of abortions.
His question was SPECFICALLY about LAW and the punishment of anyone who broke the law.

Just because you WANT something the way YOU say it is doesn't make it so.
So why would any woman, who would not entirely rule out having an abortion under the right circumstances, vote for Trump? Knowing their freedom to get an abortion could be at stake should Trump become president?
So why would any woman, who would not entirely rule out having an abortion under the right circumstances, vote for Trump? Knowing their freedom to get an abortion could be at stake should Trump become president?
Was Trump asked if he would make abortions illegal? HELL NO!
Was Trump asked if someone who broke a law should be punished. Yes.

So nice try to villainize Trump as a threat to women having the right to have abortions, but it lacked all merit / truth.
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What abortion law isn't being enforced?
Sea, try to keep up.

Trump was asked IF abortions were made illegal.... It was a hypothetical question regarding something that will never happen. It was a Chris Matthews 'gottcha' question designed to send emotional, silly liberals into a tizzy over the word 'abortion'.

The obvious answer to the question of should someone who breaks a law be punished is 'Yes'.

It was hardly a "gotcha" question. It's a very valid question to those that want to "ban" abortion.

If you "ban" abortion, who will be punished and what will the punishment be?
So why would any woman, who would not entirely rule out having an abortion under the right circumstances, vote for Trump? Knowing their freedom to get an abortion could be at stake should Trump become president?
Was Trump asked if he would make abortions illegal? HELL NO!
Was Trump asked if someone who broke a law should be punished. Yes.

So nice try to villainize Trump as a threat to women having the right to have abortions, but it lacked all merit / truth.

We already know the answer to that question. All the GOP candidates want to make abortion illegal.
So why would any woman, who would not entirely rule out having an abortion under the right circumstances, vote for Trump? Knowing their freedom to get an abortion could be at stake should Trump become president?
Was Trump asked if he would make abortions illegal? HELL NO!
Was Trump asked if someone who broke a law should be punished. Yes.

So nice try to villainize Trump as a threat to women having the right to have abortions, but it lacked all merit / truth.

We already know the answer to that question. All the GOP candidates want to make abortion illegal.
And these unwed hussies need to be PUNISHED! Villified. And they must REPENT BEFORE THE LORD THEIR GOD
He said that there SHOULD be some punishment to the WOMAN that has an abortion were it to be legal. Punishment could be anything from fine to jail time.?
WRONG. Trump was asked if abortions were BANNED, as in ILLEGAL, not LEGAL.

So you advocate PUNISHING women that have abortions if it were made illegal, correct?
What I advocate is the enforcement of all existing laws across the board, not only some of them and not others based on whether we 'like' them or 'agree with them' or not, and yes, I believe there should be some type of punishment fro breaking the law. I don't care it the decision is to fine them $20. Without a punishment for breaking a law it is just ludicrous to have the law to begin with.

Do you think a $20 fine is going to stop anyone from doing anything? I can see why you are up Trump's trousers and completely into his colon. I really can.
This is how utterly FOOLISH and IGNORANT these rightwing radicals like easyt65 are about this issue.

They just don't THINK it through.

Pure emotion.

On the contrary, the only ones going ape-shit over a simple question, based on pure emotion, are the liberals.

AGAIN, Matthews asked Trump is if someone who breaks a law should be punished. Trump said 'Yes'.

The stupid hypothetical question that will NEVER happen involved the crime of having an abortion - if abortions were ever made illegal - IF abortions are banned should anyone breaking that law by having one be punished.

Take the emotion out of the equation. You do so by eliminating the specific crime Matthews chose to use and strip the question down to it's most basic, emotionless form:
- IF someone breaks a law should they be punished. The obvious, emotionless, rational answer is 'YES'!

Says this from someone who obviously is supporting a reality t.v. actor who shouts, "You're fired!" at the end of every episode. Good luck finding reality from your alternate universe.
This is how utterly FOOLISH and IGNORANT these rightwing radicals like easyt65 are about this issue.

They just don't THINK it through.

Pure emotion.

On the contrary, the only ones going ape-shit over a simple question, based on pure emotion, are the liberals.

AGAIN, Matthews asked Trump is someone who breaks a law should be punished. Trump said 'Yes'.

The stupid hypothetical question that will NEVER happen involved the crime of having an abortion if abortions were ever made illegal, IF abortions are banned should anyone breaking that law by having one be punished.

Take the emotion out of the equation. You do so by eliminating the specific crime Matthews chose to use and strip the question down to it's most basic, emotionless form:
- IF someone breaks a law should they be punished. The obvious, emotionless, rational answer is 'YES'!
Should WOMEN be PUNISHED for breaking the law of having an abortion, if abortions were made illegal?

Yes or no?

You answer this question: If something is illegal, should a person who participates in the action be punished?

In this country I will remind you that one is presumed innocent until guilty, regardless of the charges brought against them. And they are guaranteed a trial if they so wish. So I think you need to back up your ponies because you're ahead of the cart.

Trump is opening up a hornet's nest that will turn the court system into an untenable frenzy. And guess who pays for that? Look in the mirror.
He said that there SHOULD be some punishment to the WOMAN that has an abortion were it to be legal. Punishment could be anything from fine to jail time.?
WRONG. Trump was asked if abortions were BANNED, as in ILLEGAL, not LEGAL.

So you advocate PUNISHING women that have abortions if it were made illegal, correct?
What I advocate is the enforcement of all existing laws across the board, not only some of them and not others based on whether we 'like' them or 'agree with them' or not, and yes, I believe there should be some type of punishment for breaking the law. I don't care it the decision is to fine them $20. Without a punishment for breaking a law it is just ludicrous to have the law to begin with.

Do you think a $20 fine is going to stop anyone from doing anything? I can see why you are up Trump's trousers and completely into his colon. I really can.
It's funny. Trump was trying to come up with an answer that would satisfy his voters. It was an epic fail, because while some of his supporters apparently agree in theory that procuring something illegal should be punished, it's such an asinine position. LOL Trump is not anti-choice, and he never has been. He throws out the "outlaw abortion" one liner, because at this point all of the social libertarians like me are really independents ... even if the though of voting democratic is too loathsome to seriously consider.

I think it's just this simple. Trump's been tossing out half truths and half baked concepts to feed the 40% of the 1/3, and that's worked fine so long as not even 1/3 are paying attention. But now, coming into the home stretch of the primaries, other people are going "WTF!?" lol

With this knee-jerk, kiss the evangelical ass, blithering idiotic statement about punishing women who get abortions, Trump has finally fucked himself. And proved he wrote the book on misogyny. I hope he was using a condom., I don't.
Who was the last president that dictated abortion law?
Is endings abortion apart of the GOP platform or not? Who cares when the last President dictated abortion law!? He wants to end abortion but when pressed for details he flubbed. It wasn't an unfair question at all. Considering Trump's many changes of heart concerning the topic it is more than fair.
The GOP is made of a great deal of people and are all over the map regarding abortion. But it's not what presidents do so you won't find one that passed any. Who cares? Only people that care about accuracy. And I didn't say the question was unfair, Matthews is a known item so he got what he deserved.

Donald got what he deserved, yes I believe your right, he just hung himself. He is not a man of integrity and for him to turn this on to Matthews religion , once again he did what he is good at, not answering the questions.
He did answer the question after repeated prodings by Chris. But again, the answer wasn't really wrong it just sounded bad, very unpolitical. IF abortions were illegal then yes, there should be a penalty. That's what illegal means. So he should have ducked it or made it clear. I never saw him as a religious conservative type though and can't imagine it's even on his radar.

He took it back, women are the victims, the doctors should be charged. Actually this should have nothing to do with the RCC teachings, as our government is not run by the RCC or Church of England. If illegal women should be charged with "first degree murder".
He took it back after his handlers told him how stupid it was

Can't unring a bell
He said that there SHOULD be some punishment to the WOMAN that has an abortion were it to be legal. Punishment could be anything from fine to jail time.?
WRONG. Trump was asked if abortions were BANNED, as in ILLEGAL, not LEGAL.

So you advocate PUNISHING women that have abortions if it were made illegal, correct?
What I advocate is the enforcement of all existing laws across the board, not only some of them and not others based on whether we 'like' them or 'agree with them' or not, and yes, I believe there should be some type of punishment for breaking the law. I don't care it the decision is to fine them $20. Without a punishment for breaking a law it is just ludicrous to have the law to begin with.

Do you think a $20 fine is going to stop anyone from doing anything? I can see why you are up Trump's trousers and completely into his colon. I really can.
It's funny. Trump was trying to come up with an answer that would satisfy his voters. It was an epic fail, because while some of his supporters apparently agree in theory that procuring something illegal should be punished, it's such an asinine position. LOL Trump is not anti-choice, and he never has been. He throws out the "outlaw abortion" one liner, because at this point all of the social libertarians like me are really independents ... even if the though of voting democratic is too loathsome to seriously consider.

I think it's just this simple. Trump's been tossing out half truths and half baked concepts to feed the 40% of the 1/3, and that's worked fine so long as not even 1/3 are paying attention. But now, coming into the home stretch of the primaries, other people are going "WTF!?" lol

So many with eyebrows cocked so far into their hairline.....
Trump got assaulted by Chris Mathews in an interview and MSNBC got the GOP front runner to say that women should be punished for having an illegal abortion, the man should not. Following the interview Trump immediately back peddled back to the accepted viewpoint that the women shouldn't be punished but the doctor should. Even for conservatives saying a women should be punished is political suicide.

I'm sure what was going through Trumps head was very simple. If somebody breaks the law they should be punished. I guess for conservatives there are exceptions to this in the case of abortions because the female vote is at stake.

It makes me curious though, as I see the slew of conservatives demonizing Trump for the statement... Why would they not punish somebody for breaking the law? And if this principle be true than shouldn't people who do illegal drugs not be punished... only the drug dealers?
This is how utterly FOOLISH and IGNORANT these rightwing radicals like easyt65 are about this issue.

They just don't THINK it through.

Pure emotion.

On the contrary, the only ones going ape-shit over a simple question, based on pure emotion, are the liberals.

AGAIN, Matthews asked Trump is someone who breaks a law should be punished. Trump said 'Yes'.

The stupid hypothetical question that will NEVER happen involved the crime of having an abortion if abortions were ever made illegal, IF abortions are banned should anyone breaking that law by having one be punished.

Take the emotion out of the equation. You do so by eliminating the specific crime Matthews chose to use and strip the question down to it's most basic, emotionless form:
- IF someone breaks a law should they be punished. The obvious, emotionless, rational answer is 'YES'!
Should WOMEN be PUNISHED for breaking the law of having an abortion, if abortions were made illegal?

Yes or no?

You answer this question: If something is illegal, should a person who participates in the action be punished?

In this country I will remind you that one is presumed innocent until guilty, regardless of the charges brought against them. And they are guaranteed a trial if they so wish. So I think you need to back up your ponies because you're ahead of the cart.

Trump is opening up a hornet's nest that will turn the court system into an untenable frenzy. And guess who pays for that? Look in the mirror.

According to Chris Matthews' hypothetical question: Abortions have been made illegal in the U.S. Should women be punished?
Mary Alice had an illegal abortion, should she be punished?
What say you?
So why would any woman, who would not entirely rule out having an abortion under the right circumstances, vote for Trump? Knowing their freedom to get an abortion could be at stake should Trump become president?
Was Trump asked if he would make abortions illegal? HELL NO!
Was Trump asked if someone who broke a law should be punished. Yes.

So nice try to villainize Trump as a threat to women having the right to have abortions, but it lacked all merit / truth.

Sock puppet........So let's see. Let's call Trump supporters Trumpuppets. Welcome to the club. You're the founding member.
It's hilarious how Trump was supposedly "tricked" into giving a straight answer to a simple question - instead of meandering innuendo.

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