Trump unloads on Kentucky GOP Liberitarian Congressman Wacky Thomas Massie: "WIN BACK HOUSE, but throw Massie out of the Republican Party!"

if it weren't for Massie and the freedom caucus, we would have had comprehensive immigration reform a long time ago, my friends!
They're scared to death to have their votes for this massive debt bubble bill to be put on the record.

It's the only reason they're fighting the roll call.

If it's such a great bill, why wouldn't they all want to go on record for voting for it? Hm? Why?
Massie is most likely elected from a deep blue liberal district in an urban center of college town
Wake up. He's a Freedom Caucus nut. The same group of nuts Don's new chief of staff belonged to.
The Constitution demands a quorum

Not even a liberal flake like pelosi can ignore the Constitution
thanks to dems and repubes there hasnt been a quorum in decades possibly 100 yrs or more,,,and thats because both partys have been ignoring the constitution but ignorant kool ade drinkers keep voting for them,,,
You are mistaken

at least 51% of the congress must be present for every vote
article 1 section 2 of the constitution says we should have no more than 1 rep for every 30K people,,I didnt do the math but that puts the number well beyond what we currently have,,,so no we havent had a quorum in a very long time

I’m sure we have the correct number of reps

and at least 51% have to be physically present to pass legislation
Massie is most likely elected from a deep blue liberal district in an urban center of college town
Wake up. He's a Freedom Caucus nut. The same group of nuts Don's new chief of staff belonged to.
The Constitution demands a quorum

Not even a liberal flake like pelosi can ignore the Constitution
thanks to dems and repubes there hasnt been a quorum in decades possibly 100 yrs or more,,,and thats because both partys have been ignoring the constitution but ignorant kool ade drinkers keep voting for them,,,
You are mistaken

at least 51% of the congress must be present for every vote
article 1 section 2 of the constitution says we should have no more than 1 rep for every 30K people,,I didnt do the math but that puts the number well beyond what we currently have,,,so no we havent had a quorum in a very long time

I’m sure we have the correct number of reps

and at least 51% have to be physically present to pass legislation
you being sure doesnt mean shit,,,we are far from being properly represented,,,
we try to drain the swamp by voting out the folks who run the swamp, yet we replace those folks with folks who end up being part of the swamp themselves

no more, my friends, NO MORE!
Massie is an anti-government absolutist loon for whom compromise is tantamount to treason
if it weren't for Massie and the freedom caucus, we would have had comprehensive immigration reform a long time ago, my friends!
theres no such thing,,,immigration is fine as it is,,,its just you commie repubes and your marxist brothers the dems wont follow the law,,,
Legal immigration is too generous

we should allow only highly qualified persons, their wife and children

no parents or other family members
Yeah, principle, just like you, bwaaahhhaaaaa....people are hurting badly, but principles sure are nice, when you have a Congressional paycheck coming in. Fuck him , take his pay away and he would throw his principles out the fucking door, maybe you too..out the fucking door...

poor baby cannot survive without a check from the big old government.

I do not recall you being such a big government statist, when did you change?
Dude, i get my income from dividends, which i may take a big hit on, but there are too many liberals out there relying on that check because they didnt save for the rainy day. Do you think they will vote for the Demoncraps when it gets delayed? Nope, but they sure will vote for the President, who wants to put money in their hands....

It was the President's party that was slowing it down dumbfuck.

80% of the country lives paycheck to is not just liberals no matter what your party masters tell you.
If all the Demoncraps voted in Congress like they did with the Senate , the principle guy wouldnt be relevent, but hey, you are stupid.
if it weren't for Massie and the freedom caucus, we would have had comprehensive immigration reform a long time ago, my friends!
theres no such thing,,,immigration is fine as it is,,,its just you commie repubes and your marxist brothers the dems wont follow the law,,,
Legal immigration is too generous

we should allow only highly qualified persons, their wife and children

no parents or other family members
to a point I agree,,,but the biggest problem we've had is the laws on the books havent been followed in a long time,,,and thats been at the expense of quality workers in this country
Wacky Massie thinks he's suave, handsome, cool, and witty

he is none of those things!
go Trump go! drain the swamp!

"By empowering the Radical Left Democrats, do nothing Kentucky politician ThomasMassie
is making their War on the 2nd Amendment more and more difficult to win (But don’t worry, we will win anyway!). He is a disaster for America, and for the Great State of Kentucky!

Looks like a third rate Grandstander named Thomas Massie, a Congressman from, unfortunately, a truly GREAT State, Kentucky, wants to vote against the new Save Our Workers Bill in Congress. He just wants the publicity. He can’t stop it, only delay, which is both dangerous & costly. Workers & small businesses need money now in order to survive. Virus wasn’t their fault. It is “HELL” dealing with the Dems, had to give up some stupid things in order to get the “big picture” done. 90% GREAT! WIN BACK HOUSE, but throw Massie out of Republican Party! "

He will be gone 2020.
Serbia's president called China a friend and ally.

Trump is not making that mistake, my friends!
If all the Demoncraps voted in Congress like they did with the Senate , the principle guy wouldnt be relevent, but hey, you are stupid.

the principle guy is not relevant, all you big government statist made sure of dare him hold up your check from big daddy government.
go Trump go! drain the swamp!

"By empowering the Radical Left Democrats, do nothing Kentucky politician ThomasMassie
is making their War on the 2nd Amendment more and more difficult to win (But don’t worry, we will win anyway!). He is a disaster for America, and for the Great State of Kentucky!

Looks like a third rate Grandstander named Thomas Massie, a Congressman from, unfortunately, a truly GREAT State, Kentucky, wants to vote against the new Save Our Workers Bill in Congress. He just wants the publicity. He can’t stop it, only delay, which is both dangerous & costly. Workers & small businesses need money now in order to survive. Virus wasn’t their fault. It is “HELL” dealing with the Dems, had to give up some stupid things in order to get the “big picture” done. 90% GREAT! WIN BACK HOUSE, but throw Massie out of Republican Party! "

He will be gone 2020.

probably, people with integrity and principles never last long

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