Trump urges Republicans to fill Ginsburg vacancy 'without delay'

She loved her job. But, maybe a tad too much.
True, but it's selfish to stay on the job when you are too sick to do the job for the people. Why do these people, like McCain, think they are so damned important that they need to die in office, as if they were a king or queen?
Ginsberg probably argued her case to the ultimate Supreme....and lost.

Sorry she passed but she should have retired a decade ago. But I'll give her credit, she was a tough old bird
I won't give her any credit. She allowed her political ideology to override the law, the Constitution, her health and any common sense that she had. She should have retired at seventy and enjoyed the last seventeen years of her life. Instead she clung to power and status and screwed the liberals for the next thirty years.
President Trump said at the Fayetteville rally on September 19 to campaign "Fill the Seat" in response to the recent death of the honorable Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. President Trump reinforced the idea that a woman, possibly Amy Coney Barrett as popularized by the media, is his most likely nomination.

What are your thoughts?
What's to debate?
Trump has the Article-2 power to nominate Amy.
McConnell said that the senate WILL vote on the nomination
3 fucking RINOs will probably vote against her nomination (Murkowski, Collins, and Romney)
So Mike Pence will probably cast the decisive vote for Amy Coney Barrett

Then the democrats can bitch and moan all they want.
My thoughts are why does this deserve it's own thread? Aren't there enough threads on this already? Couldn't it just be added to the existing ones?
I know. I complained about all the repeat threads about the death of Ginsburg, but I wanted to use Trump's campaign slogan "Fill the Seat, in an effort to be the first.
President Trump said at the Fayetteville rally on September 19 to campaign "Fill the Seat" in response to the recent death of the honorable Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. President Trump reinforced the idea that a woman, possibly Amy Coney Barrett as popularized by the media, is his most likely nomination.

What are your thoughts?
my opinion is there are already to many threads on this subject,,,
When Scalia died conservatives argued that the selection of the new justice should wait until after the General Election, denying President Obama his Supreme Court appointment.

Now conservatives are arguing that an appointment should be made before the General Election.

Such is the hypocrisy and partisan dishonesty of the reprehensible right.
Such is the hypocrisy and partisan dishonesty of the reprehensible right.
It is a result of the flawed organization of the government, and the evolved expectations of the modern society.

It does not matter what principles generate a political party, eventually they are destined to "play politics" in an effort to gain the sympathies of the inevitably unsatisfied citizens to defeat the party that has the executive branch.

If you were a true enlightened liberal you would recognize the flaws in the deployment of the 18th Century three-part division theory. Why aren't you that smart? Why do you believe the Democrats are pure honest???

Do you believe Joe Biden is mentally competent?
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When Scalia died conservatives argued that the selection of the new justice should wait until after the General Election, denying President Obama his Supreme Court appointment.

Now conservatives are arguing that an appointment should be made before the General Election.

Such is the hypocrisy and partisan dishonesty of the reprehensible right.
In the words of Harry Reid (when he lied about Romney on the Senate floor)...

"So what??? It worked, didn't it???"

trump apparently does not believe Moscow Mitch, or maybe mitch doesn't believe himsel:

" February 13, 2016: “The American people should have a voice in the selection of their next Supreme Court Justice,” McConnell said in a statement released after Scalia’s death. “Therefore, this vacancy should not be filled until we have a new president.”

5 Times McConnell Said We Shouldn't Confirm a SCOTUS Justice in an Election Year
Yea that’s because the Senate, who confirms, and the President, who nominates, were in different parties.
What's to debate?
Trump has the Article-2 power to nominate Amy.
McConnell said that the senate WILL vote on the nomination
3 fucking RINOs will probably vote against her nomination (Murkowski, Collins, and Romney)
So Mike Pence will probably cast the decisive vote for Amy Coney Barrett

Then the democrats can bitch and moan all they want.
A spokeswoman for Sen. Mitt Romney is disputing a report claiming that the Utah lawmaker and former GOP presidential nominee would refrain from voting to confirm a replacement for Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg before Inauguration Day 2021.

But this does not mean Romney would refuse to confirm a nominee next month.
trump apparently does not believe Moscow Mitch, or maybe mitch doesn't believe himsel:

" February 13, 2016: “The American people should have a voice in the selection of their next Supreme Court Justice,” McConnell said in a statement released after Scalia’s death. “Therefore, this vacancy should not be filled until we have a new president.”

5 Times McConnell Said We Shouldn't Confirm a SCOTUS Justice in an Election Year
Yea that’s because the Senate, who confirms, and the President, who nominates, were in different parties.
And.... we knew for a fact that the president who would be elected in 2016 was not going to be lame duck Obama.
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg will always be remembered for her work, her integrity, and her devotion to democracy and justice.
And what sort of things will Trump's appointments to the Supreme Court be remembered for - BOOFING.
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg will always be remembered for her work, her integrity, and her devotion to democracy and justice.
And what sort of things will Trump's appointments to the Supreme Court be remembered for - BOOFING.

She'll also be remembered for croaking at the worst possible time........for Dimms.

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