Trump: "US Jews need to get their act together, before it's too late"

As Tulsi Gabbard just observed -- it's not about CHOOSING to be Republican -- it's CHOOSING NOT to be associated with a flailing and failing Dem party. A pox on BOTH of them. I'm not even sure Trump WAS ever a Republican.
Maybe I'm slow tonight. As the thread starter here -- you can surely walk me thru the psychology of the OUTRAGE and scorn that this observation should evoke.

Not getting it. American Jews WERE largely supporting a party that not only bad-mouths people of faith and the Bible -- but supports every meme and movement to demean Israel and wish them harm. That's illogical. But times are changing. Some of the biggest Conservative (not neccessarily Republican icons are now Jews who fled the Dem party.

And like the Dem party is BLEEDING Black and Hispanic support as each year and Dem mismanaged crisis passes -- so it will be with the Jewish vote.
Not sure what source you have.

Pro Israel and being against some of Israel's policies are two different things.

The majority I believe are very much pro Israel, on both parties.

Not sure what source you have.

Pro Israel and being against some of Israel's policies are two different things.

The majority I believe are very much pro Israel, on both parties.

What "source" do you need to recognize that today's Dem party is OPENLY HOSTILE and mocking to people of all faiths? THat they use the study of the Bible as a CLUB against conservatives?

And do you really need a source to understand the in-fighting about NOT PASSING A RESOLUTION in Congress that the Dems KILLED that simply condemned "antisemitism" because the dying party has to KEEP their far lefty anti-Jew, anti-Zionist, anti-Israel contingent happy?
Trump is delusional
Scary part is he actually believes it

I still dont see how Evangelicals can support Trump
The LEAST Christian President ever

The thread is about how Trump wants to gaslight American Jews.

Time for you to shove off. :)
Stay stupid.

Youre boyfriend can like your post but you’re both dumber ths Trump.

I love the part of him easily being voted the Prime Minister of Israel. That's great. After that maybe he'll head the NAACP for a spell. 😂 This guy is as wonderfully delusional as some of the posters we have here.
Biden wants to move US Embassy in Israel back to Tel Aviv before his term ends

Of course Dilbert -- THEY STOPPED a resolution previously introduced by REPUBLICANS during Trump admin. Because THEY want to take the credit for it in MAY OF 2022. And the DEM bill took OUT references to BDS and alignment with Hamas and other radical Arab factions to SILENCE 'the squad" of Anti-Jew, Anti-Zionist, Anti Israel Congressional seats.

You missed the point. The DEMOCRAT Bill ACTUALLY PASSED condemned A LOT THINGS including "domestic terrorists", muslim hatred and LGBTQ haters. IT WAS NOT "an antisemitism bill" like the one that the Democrats KILLED written by Repubs.

Connecticut Democratic lawmakers contributed to the lopsided vote brought on by the controversial statements of freshman Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn — including one in which she equated support of Israel with “allegiance to a foreign country.”

“I supported today’s resolution as it is about more than any one person’s words,” said Rep. Rosa DeLauro, D-Conn. “We must condemn anti-Semitism, anti-Muslim discrimination and bigotry in all its forms. As public officials, we must exercise the utmost care with the words we use in our public discourse.”

Rep. Jim Himes, D-Conn., had said previously he would vote to support the resolution, which became a seven-page recitation of anti-Semitism and bigotry in the U.S. that ultimately was expanded to include Muslims, Latinos, African-Americans, the LGBTQ community and other groups.

Jewish leaders hailed passage of the resolution but expressed dismay that it ended up including so many other groups.

“Folding anti-Semitism into a package of other social phobias is not a means of addressing the problem; it’s a way of avoiding the problem,” said B’nai B’rith International President Charles O. Kaufman and CEO Daniel S. Mariaschin in a statement. “Anti-Semitism merits its own resolution; the failure of the House to pass one diminishes the threat that anti-Semitism poses and has the look of an action taken for the sake of expediency.”
I love the part of him easily being voted the Prime Minister of Israel. That's great. After that maybe he'll head the NAACP for a spell. 😂 This guy is as wonderfully delusional as some of the posters we have here.

Israel doesn't give Joe Biden the time of day. They named streets and stuff after Trump over there.

The Christo-fascist right is as illiberal, authoritarian, and anti-democracy as Trump.

The world according to the Atheist/Statist-Stalinist Left, as radical, global-socialist climate-terrorist and anti-American as Biddum.
Topic of the thread is Trump and Jews and Israel.. Aint about racism. Aint about Trump's religion. Need to stay on the highway and let the topic play itself out. Dont start multiple derailments.
Yesterday, I think.

Mac wants eloquent tweets, delicately stated, see. Well we have them now I guess, written by a WH bot. Then our "president" eats ice cream and declares the economy is in great shape, just after sniffing some girl's hair for the 15,000 time. This while the border is wide open, inflation soars, gas prices spike, etc.

But man. Those well-written delicate tweets the Biden team puts out, that don't hurt Ol' Macs feelings. Amirite?
I guess I'll just leave this right here.

The similarities just keep coming. And no one in his party will say a thing.


Mac started the quintessential "At least no mean tweets" thread, and I'm quite sure he's completely ignorant of the fact.

Which---of course he did.
They knew what side their bread was buttered on.

Penelope butters their bread like this: none of your ancestors died in gas chambers or being driven live into fires. Those pictures were faked, yep. They all died of typhoid.

Cue the calliope music now!
Mac wants eloquent tweets, delicately stated, see. Well we have them now I guess, written by a WH bot. Then our "president" eats ice cream and declares the economy is in great shape, just after sniffing some girl's hair for the 15,000 time. This while the border is wide open, inflation soars, gas prices spike, etc.

But man. Those well-written delicate tweets the Biden team puts out, that don't hurt Ol' Macs feelings. Amirite?
"just after sniffing some girl's hair for the 15,000 time"

Are you saying Bidens a pedophile? What are you saying?? He's never ever been accused of it, not once in his life.

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