Trump: "US Jews need to get their act together, before it's too late"

there is a golden social rule in for NY Jews: people from Brooklyn can move to Queens or Staten Island

Manhattan, The Bronx or heaven forbid New Jersey were a bridge too far.

Jews can guardedly befriend Italians who can guardedly befriend Greeks

I'm sure Trump knows all this, since he's a true New Yorker!
A golden social rule which does not exist.
A golden social rule which does not exist.


It may have existed back then in Harvey's experience, how he saw the world.

Is that still going on today? You do not know and do not care to find out.

New Jersey is a bridge too far for Jews to go live in? Really?
It may have existed back then in Harvey's experience, how he saw the world.

Is that still going on today? You do not know and do not care to find out.

New Jersey is a bridge too far for Jews to go live in? Really?
Name one prominent Jersey Jew
The most stupid thing an American Jew could do is support the Democrats.

Of course that doesn't only apply to American Jews. That applies to anybody.
Could that not be said of all people?
No. They don't go about calling attention to themselves.

Meh, must be a city thing where all "flavors" act like that.....Even the white city/burb Karens have to carve them out a place....None are "special", not in the least.

Blah, I can't even fathom what it must be like to be married to one of those self-important and pretentious bitches.
I guess I'll just leave this right here.

The similarities just keep coming. And no one in his party will say a thing.

[I thought you were reposting his original post on tweeter. Nope.

He did that recently on his new website. Second time is even worse.]

Trump touted his support for Israel in office while saying American Jews don’t fully appreciate his accomplishments for the country. "No President has done more for Israel than I have," he asserted. "Somewhat surprisingly, however, our wonderful Evangelicals are far more appreciative of this than the people of the Jewish faith, especially those living in the U.S."

Antisemites have argued for centuries that Jews can have "dual loyalty" with their religious faith; in the modern era, that pillar of antisemitism has shifted to claiming that Jews have an allegiance to Israel.

It's a canard that Trump has previously promoted.

In 2019, then-President Trump drew widespread criticism when he said American Jews who support Democrats were showing "great disloyalty" to Israel. "If you want to vote Democrat, you are being very disloyal to Jewish people and very disloyal to Israel," he also said at the White House.

"It’s unclear who @POTUS is claiming Jews would be 'disloyal' to," Jonathan Greenblatt, the chief executive of the Anti-Defamation League, said on Twitter at the time, "but charges of disloyalty have long been used to attack Jews." He added: "It's long overdue to stop using Jews as a political football."

Trump also faced accusations of antisemitism in 2020, when he referred to Israel as "your country" while speaking to American Jewish leaders. He referred to Israel’s prime minister as "your prime minister" at a 2019 event with American Jews.

In his Sunday post on Truth Social, Trump also said he could win elected office himself in the country.

"Those living in Israel, though, are a different story" from American Jews, he wrote. "Highest approval rating in the World, could easily be P.M.!"

Gratefully he is not an Israeli citizen. He may never be able to become one. Just another endless posture to make American Jews go "Wow, if Jews in Israel would have him as President or Prime Minister, what is wrong with us that we do not vote for him?"

Yeah, right!!!!!
Name one prominent Jersey Jew
That is not what Harvey was talking about. He was talking about it in the Mid 50s. About his experience. That was then, this is now. Many Jews live in New Jersey. They do not have to be "prominent", as you put it. They are having a nice life, thank you. They have a long story there, thank you very much.

But here you are, as you would not look it up to find out. Many Jews in all fields:

Trump is delusional
Scary part is he actually believes it

I still dont see how Evangelicals can support Trump
The LEAST Christian President ever

I don’t think Trump is good “Christian example”. I have ni earthly idea whether he is actually saved or not. That said he’s,

Less Christian than Presidents who advocate for abortion on demand to 9 months of pregnancy?

Less Christian than Presidents who advocate for gay marriage?
[ This tweet explains better what his words mean to Jews. Too late for what? What will happen to Jews if they do not vote for Trump? ]

I don’t think Trump is good “Christian example”. I have ni earthly idea whether he is actually saved or not. That said he’s,

Less Christian than Presidents who advocate for abortion on demand to 9 months of pregnancy?

Less Christian than Presidents who advocate for gay marriage?
Jesus taught Christian values

Compassion for others, empathy, honesty, consideration for the less fortunate, honoring your wedding vows

Values Trump does not have
Jesus taught Christian values

Compassion for others, empathy, honesty, consideration for the less fortunate, honoring your wedding vows

Values Trump does not have
Pretty sure he taught not to kill innocents. Yep I’m sure I read that in the Bible somewhere.

Your opinion on Trumps level of compassion, empathy consideration etc pale in comparison to the slaughter of millions of children. Something many of our Presidents have supported.
Jesus taught Christian values

Compassion for others, empathy, honesty, consideration for the less fortunate, honoring your wedding vows

Values Trump does not have
You’re also comparing him to people like Andrew Jackson by all accounts a terrible person and Wilson an avowed racist.

FDR put how many Japanese Americans in interment camps?

LJB another avowed racist.

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