Trump: "US Jews need to get their act together, before it's too late"

Nice! I used to own the Israeli version of the Browning-designed 9mm Hi-Power....and I even bought 500 Israeli-made 9mm rounds to shoot out of it. While not Jewish myself, I also belong to Jew for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership (JPFO)...a Jewish version of the NRA, simply because I like to be different and they are less poser-like than the NRA. Too bad more Jews aren't members of JPFO and choose to side with the Nazis instead.

It's really odd sure enough.....That said when most folks think of Jews they think of the NYC variety..... Rural Jews are much different, or at least the ones in my AO are when it comes to 2A.
Jews are heavily in the media and the performing arts, as nomadic people who settle in the USA often were. So, it could be expected that they are Democrats and Democrats do not support Israel. Neither do RINOs.

Trump is correct in that U.S. Evangelicals are more firmly committed to supporting Israel than U.S. Jews. His mistake is thinking that U.S. Jews are obligated to support Israel. Their ancestors fled middle eastern politics. They first went to Europe and found it a shithole also, so they moved to the U.S. That they see themselves as Americans and not displaced Israelis is something Trump should applaud.
Most Non
American Jews ARE loyal to both the US and Israel.

Most vote on the issues and any President being pro Israel or not has nothing to do with who they vote for.
Most Non Practicing Liberal American Jews are from a long line of Marxists dating back to Sacco & Vanzetti era and the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire
And they honestly could give a shit about The New South Africa in the Midfle East ( Israel)
American Jews ARE loyal to both the US and Israel.

Most vote on the issues and any President being pro Israel or not has nothing to do with who they vote for.
YOUR number 1 loyalty is to the Democrat party.

It clouds your judgement and prevents you from seeing the obvious - that antisemitism arising from the right is marginalized while antisemitism arising from the left has become so endemic as to almost define it.
Regardless of the predictable deflection, excuses and dismissals by the cult, any reasonably intelligent and aware adult would know how this could be perceived. That's just a given.

He does know his base, give him that.
He's a piece of shit, i'll give him that.
Fundies support Israel because they fantasize about the "End Times".

They also support Israel because they perceive Islam as ‘the enemy’ – another manifestation of rightwing bigotry and hate.

Indeed, conservatives support Israel for much the same reasons they support Putin, Netanyahu in particular: like American conservatives, the Israeli right is authoritarian and neo-fascist.
Most Non

Most Non Practicing Liberal American Jews are from a long line of Marxists dating back to Sacco & Vanzetti era and the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire
And they honestly could give a shit about The New South Africa in the Midfle East ( Israel)
Let this soak in
YOUR number 1 priority is to the Democrat party.

It clouds your judgement and prevents you from seeing the obvious - that antisemitism arising from the right is marginalized while antisemitism arising from the left has become so endemic as to almost define it.
Thanks for the laugh.

I see the antisemitism on both parties and nothing compares to the antisemitism on the Right.

When the left reaches the revolting antisemitism the Right has achieved, I will continue to fight the people on the left who are intent in being antisemitic and anti Israel.

They also support Israel because they perceive Islam as ‘the enemy’ – another manifestation of rightwing bigotry and hate.

Indeed, conservatives support Israel for much the same reasons they support Putin, Netanyahu in particular: like American conservatives, the Israeli right is authoritarian and neo-fascist.
The Israeli right is NOT authoritarian and Neo fascist.

It is defending the country from those on the Israeli left and Muslims and Christians who want to see Israel destroyed.

Thank you.
They also support Israel because they perceive Islam as ‘the enemy’ – another manifestation of rightwing bigotry and hate.

Indeed, conservatives support Israel for much the same reasons they support Putin, Netanyahu in particular: like American conservatives, the Israeli right is authoritarian and neo-fascist.
The Israeli Right is to the left of the Oakland Ca. Board of Supervisors
Thanks for the laugh.

I see the antisemitism on both parties and nothing compares to the antisemitism on the Right.

When the left reaches the revolting antisemitism the Right has achieved, I will continue to fight the people on the left who are intent in being antisemitic and anti Israel.
there is no “ Far Right “ in the mainstream elected American Political Landscape anymore
It's really odd sure enough.....That said when most folks think of Jews they think of the NYC variety..... Rural Jews are much different, or at least the ones in my AO are when it comes to 2A.
There are definitely rural Jews who live like any country people do. I've known some. But at one time and perhaps still, New York CITY had the largest Jewish population in the world after Israel. People who like guns and believe in 2A don't gravitate to a bluer-than-blue metropolis. So there's probably like 100 pro-2A Jews for every 5,000 anti-gun Jews.
Originally posted by Dogmaphobe
Now, THAT is antisemitism in action, folks.

Stop talking about subjects you know nothing about and open a goddamned book about the topic of jewish american involvement in the history of the US immigration laws.

Study the subject and see for yourself if the jewish american crusade to turn America into a non-white majority country is a historical fact or just another anti-semitic conspiracy theory.

People have been accusing Jews of practically everything in the last 2000 years so I don't blame you for being a skeptic.

The problem is that on the Internet, everybody wants to be an expert on everything without even bothering to do any research.
Stop talking about subjects you know nothing about and open a goddamned book about the topic of jewish american involvement in the history of the US immigration laws.

Study the subject and see for yourself if the jewish american crusade to turn America into a non-white majority country is a historical fact or just another anti-semitic conspiracy theory.

People have been accusing Jews of practically everything in the last 2000 years so I don't blame you for being a skeptic.

The problem is that on the Internet, everybody wants to be an expert on everything without even bothering to do any research.
Yes Far Left & Left Leaning Non Practicing Jews are spearheading the Browning of America .
I guess I'll just leave this right here.

The similarities just keep coming. And no one in his party will say a thing.


Are you really seeing that as a threat?
Thanks for the laugh.

I see the antisemitism on both parties and nothing compares to the antisemitism on the Right.

When the left reaches the revolting antisemitism the Right has achieved, I will continue to fight the people on the left who are intent in being antisemitic and anti Israel.
It sounds to me like you haven't paid even so much as the tiniest bit of attention to politics since the sixties.
Stop talking about subjects you know nothing about and open a goddamned book about the topic of jewish american involvement in the history of the US immigration laws.

Study the subject and see for yourself if the jewish american crusade to turn America into a non-white majority country is a historical fact or just another anti-semitic conspiracy theory.

People have been accusing Jews of practically everything in the last 2000 years so I don't blame you for being a skeptic.

The problem is that on the Internet, everybody wants to be an expert on everything without even bothering to do any research.
Yes the Non Practicing Far Left & Left American Ethnic only Jews are spearheading the Browning of America via Open Borders

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