Trump: "US Jews need to get their act together, before it's too late"

Trump throws in a bit of humor and MAC freaks out........maybe you should be little more concerned with the absolute wreckage Biden is leaving behind
That was not humor. He was demeaning the Jews who had not voted for him and questioning their loyalty to Israel, because he got the Embassy to move to Jerusalem and the approval of many Jews there and in the Republican Party because of it.
That was not humor. He was demeaning the Jews who had not voted for him and questioning their loyalty to Israel, because he got the Embassy to move to Jerusalem and the approval of many Jews there and in the Republican Party because of it.
now thats humor
Jews are heavily in the media and the performing arts, as nomadic people who settle in the USA often were. So, it could be expected that they are Democrats and Democrats do not support Israel. Neither do RINOs.

Trump is correct in that U.S. Evangelicals are more firmly committed to supporting Israel than U.S. Jews. His mistake is thinking that U.S. Jews are obligated to support Israel. Their ancestors fled middle eastern politics. They first went to Europe and found it a shithole also, so they moved to the U.S. That they see themselves as Americans and not displaced Israelis is something Trump should applaud.
You do not know this, but that is a very Antisemitc post you have just typed.

Next time, find out what is NOT antisemitic to say before you post it.
No president have done more for Israel than I have.

Trump can declare the US an israeli colony and it still won't mean a thing to american Jews.

Jew York City will still be hostile to him because he opposes their most important, cherished, beloved agenda:

The racial "diversification" of the United States.
The mere fact that you have to explain this platitude to people born and bred in America (who at least in theory should have at least a cursory knowledge about the political agenda of that large american minority) speaks volumes about the level of alienation of the average american.
No president have done more than I have.

Trump can declare the US an israeli colony and it still won't mean a thing to american Jews.

Jew York City will still be hostile to him because he opposes their most important, cherished, beloved agenda:

The racial "diversification" of the United States.
Hows that workin out for em


An Israeli knock-off of an Italian copy of a CZ 75 B.

Too funny.
It was what spawned the whole Witness line, all are excellent performers. When it comes to weapons the Israelis don't fuck around.....Besides, the CZ-75 in all it's forms is pure sex. ;)

It's funny, I have a non-import 1985 CZ-75 (pre-B) that came out of Germany and the Mossad is finished much better.....Nary a tool mark inside where the "real" CZ is full of them.
You do not know this, but that is a very Antisemitc post you have just typed.

Next time, find out what is NOT antisemitic to say before you post it.
Yes, happy to. Can you direct me to that website were you type in posts before you post them and it tells you wether it is anti-Semetic? Or does it just list all the acceptable non-anti-Semetic things we're allowed to post?

If no such site exists, just tell me what in the world you think is anti-Semetic about my post. Here it is again:

Jews are heavily in the media and the performing arts, as nomadic people who settle in the USA often were. So, it could be expected that they are Democrats and Democrats do not support Israel. Neither do RINOs.

Trump is correct in that U.S. Evangelicals are more firmly committed to supporting Israel than U.S. Jews. His mistake is thinking that U.S. Jews are obligated to support Israel. Their ancestors fled middle eastern politics. They first went to Europe and found it a shithole also, so they moved to the U.S. That they see themselves as Americans and not displaced Israelis is something Trump should applaud.
Yes, happy to. Can you direct me to that website were you type in posts before you post them and it tells you wether it is anti-Semetic? Or does it just list all the acceptable non-anti-Semetic things we're allowed to post?

If no such site exists, just tell me what in the world you think is anti-Semetic about my post. Here it is again:

Jews are heavily in the media and the performing arts, as nomadic people who settle in the USA often were. So, it could be expected that they are Democrats and Democrats do not support Israel. Neither do RINOs.

Trump is correct in that U.S. Evangelicals are more firmly committed to supporting Israel than U.S. Jews. His mistake is thinking that U.S. Jews are obligated to support Israel. Their ancestors fled middle eastern politics. They first went to Europe and found it a shithole also, so they moved to the U.S. That they see themselves as Americans and not displaced Israelis is something Trump should applaud.
ALL of your post is antisemitic.

Go get educated.
The Blame teh Joooos , Divest from Israel now , Pro Arab , Pro Palestinian Far Left & Left have it in for Practicing Jews and Israel ( The tiny Jewish State )
ALL of your post is antisemitic.

Go get educated.
In other words, you have some vague objection that you fear to express since it would make you look foolish, or overly sensitive or both.

Educate yourself on the difference between disagreement and racism.

Or if you insist that "racist" means "disagrees with me," come up with a new term for not liking people of other races or ethnicities due to their race or ethnicity.

I'll allow other posters to read my post and say what, if anything, the find anti-Semetic in it:

Jews are heavily in the media and the performing arts, as nomadic people who settle in the USA often were. So, it could be expected that they are Democrats and Democrats do not support Israel. Neither do RINOs.

Trump is correct in that U.S. Evangelicals are more firmly committed to supporting Israel than U.S. Jews. His mistake is thinking that U.S. Jews are obligated to support Israel. Their ancestors fled middle eastern politics. They first went to Europe and found it a shithole also, so they moved to the U.S. That they see themselves as Americans and not displaced Israelis is something Trump should applaud.
I guess I'll just leave this right here.

The similarities just keep coming. And no one in his party will say a thing.

"before it is too late" Too late for what?
I love the part of him easily being voted the Prime Minister of Israel. That's great. After that maybe he'll head the NAACP for a spell. 😂 This guy is as wonderfully delusional as some of the posters we have here.

Trump used to drop in occasionally at Studio 54 in NYC. And apparently he got along pretty good with the homies there and was well-received. That was like 45 years ago. I don't think his personality has changed that much. Now he's simply more powerful. Unfortunately so is the New World Order which hates him and happens to own and control most of the media agencies in the U.S..

OIP (1).jpg

Peace out, YO.

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