Trump: US troops are staying in Iraq

We have troops in Iraq?

I thought Obama pulled them all, based on the timeline Bush set up before he left office

Yup, thanks for proving tRump is so very much like Obama and Bush!

Thanks for proving your can't read and comprehend.

I can read and he proves he is exactly like his predecessors. Carry on.

Bush set up a plan to leave Iraq.

Obama followed it, (to a point.)
I remember a lot of people cheering because Obama was pulling the troops out.

Now Trump is saying, "Pull the Troops out."

Why does he need to?

They shouldn't be there.

I agree, we should have been out 10 years ago. Trump is staying in just like his predecessors.
Yeap...and US troops have been in Germany & Japan for 73 years...South Korea for 68...Turkey for 50. Iraq is a permanent strategic foothold.
If Trump withdrew the troops from Iraq, Germany and Japan tomorrow you would find many reasons to praise him.
If he withdrew half the troops you would agree.
If he withdrew zero troops you would agree.

And if Trump suddenly created world peace you would whine about it and start breaking things just to prove him wrong.

Pot calling the kettle black.

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