Trump Used Charity Donations For Personal Use -- Do You Care?


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018
The Trump Foundation's Violations of the Law - The Atlantic

I am sure most of you know by now about the New York AG's lawsuit against the Trump foundation -- people who support trump will call it fake news or deep state conspiracy -- people who are anti-trump will say this proves he is corrupt and its just part of a long history of corruption.

...but my question is -- does it even matter? Meaning, should it even be illegal to use money you received thru your charity foundation for your own use??

Take for instance the Clinton foundation -- yea, they supposedly have been investigated and audited numerous times -- but do you really believe the Clintons are not using the money from that foundation for their own personal enrichment?? and if they were, do you really care?

So if it is the case that Trump used charity donations under the guise of giving money to military vets but then pocketing that money for his own personal benefit -- should that even be illegal? Especially if the person is in a really important position that is critical to the country?
Yet The Clinton Foundation continues to evade the focus of law enforcement...
No one cared when the clintons were doing this. Why should we care now if this happens now under trump?
A deflection at best, to divert attention from Trump's success with North Korea and divert attention from the IG report on Comey and the corrupt FBI. You did not have to be Nostradamus to see this coming.
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No one cared when the clintons were doing this. Why should we care now if this happens now under trump?
I will go one step further -- should it even be illegal?

For instance, lets say I successfully tap into people's patriotism enough to get them to donate to wounded vets -- but I use all of that money for myself.

Why should that be illegal? Why shouldn't I be able to reap the benefits of my marketing skills and expertise?
Another crime that should also not matter much is murder -- as in, if Clinton was able to get away with murdering people for decades all the way up to the recent murder of Seth Rich --- Why shouldn't Trump be able to murder anyone, especially if he is doing it to protect his presidency?

After all, they didn't care when Hillary did it, why care now?
No one cared when the clintons were doing this. Why should we care now if this happens now under trump?
I will go one step further -- should it even be illegal?

For instance, lets say I successfully tap into people's patriotism enough to get them to donate to wounded vets -- but I use all of that money for myself.

Why should that be illegal? Why shouldn't I be able to reap the benefits of my marketing skills and expertise?
Fraud isn't a legitimate marketing skill.
No one cared when the clintons were doing this. Why should we care now if this happens now under trump?
I will go one step further -- should it even be illegal?

For instance, lets say I successfully tap into people's patriotism enough to get them to donate to wounded vets -- but I use all of that money for myself.

Why should that be illegal? Why shouldn't I be able to reap the benefits of my marketing skills and expertise?

Hey why not? Lets tap into it.
I'll up the ante' and ask, so what if it is?

it shouldn't be illegal -- we should be allowed to do whatever we want if it means acquiring wealth -- if I have the marketing skills and savvy that allows me to be able to influence people to donate money to my cause -- that should definitely not be illegal.

If people feel they were fleeced by me -- they should be a better job of not getting fleeced in the future -- the free market will remedy the situation in time.
Hey why not? Lets tap into it.
It has already been tapped into -- we now have a woman who has murdered possibly dozens of people and she is free, not one single murder charge against her after the mountains of evidence -- its time others campaign on legalizing murder if Clinton is not arrested
The Trump Foundation's Violations of the Law - The Atlantic

I am sure most of you know by now about the New York AG's lawsuit against the Trump foundation -- people who support trump will call it fake news or deep state conspiracy -- people who are anti-trump will say this proves he is corrupt and its just part of a long history of corruption.

The ultra partisan nature of the New York AG's office is well known and documented, biff.

And the fact that this is the "number one" item on the new AG's plate tells me its a bunch of bovine excrement.

The NY Attorney General's office has just been hit with an Uber Scandal and heads have started to roll. This is an obvious diversion to try and get people's eyes away from what's going on.
The Trump Foundation's Violations of the Law - The Atlantic

I am sure most of you know by now about the New York AG's lawsuit against the Trump foundation -- people who support trump will call it fake news or deep state conspiracy -- people who are anti-trump will say this proves he is corrupt and its just part of a long history of corruption.

...but my question is -- does it even matter? Meaning, should it even be illegal to use money you received thru your charity foundation for your own use??

Take for instance the Clinton foundation -- yea, they supposedly have been investigated and audited numerous times -- but do you really believe the Clintons are not using the money from that foundation for their own personal enrichment?? and if they were, do you really care?

So if it is the case that Trump used charity donations under the guise of giving money to military vets but then pocketing that money for his own personal benefit -- should that even be illegal? Especially if the person is in a really important position that is critical to the country?
I think it's become clear that an accusation from a bunch of swamp creatures isn't worth a popcorn fart.
I'll up the ante' and ask, so what if it is?

it shouldn't be illegal -- we should be allowed to do whatever we want if it means acquiring wealth -- if I have the marketing skills and savvy that allows me to be able to influence people to donate money to my cause -- that should definitely not be illegal.

If people feel they were fleeced by me -- they should be a better job of not getting fleeced in the future -- the free market will remedy the situation in time.

Given the perspective most national level 501C3's are the biggest tax joke ever, i agree

The Trump Foundation's Violations of the Law - The Atlantic

I am sure most of you know by now about the New York AG's lawsuit against the Trump foundation -- people who support trump will call it fake news or deep state conspiracy -- people who are anti-trump will say this proves he is corrupt and its just part of a long history of corruption.

...but my question is -- does it even matter? Meaning, should it even be illegal to use money you received thru your charity foundation for your own use??

Take for instance the Clinton foundation -- yea, they supposedly have been investigated and audited numerous times -- but do you really believe the Clintons are not using the money from that foundation for their own personal enrichment?? and if they were, do you really care?

So if it is the case that Trump used charity donations under the guise of giving money to military vets but then pocketing that money for his own personal benefit -- should that even be illegal? Especially if the person is in a really important position that is critical to the country?

No I don't care.
The Trump Foundation's Violations of the Law - The Atlantic

I am sure most of you know by now about the New York AG's lawsuit against the Trump foundation -- people who support trump will call it fake news or deep state conspiracy -- people who are anti-trump will say this proves he is corrupt and its just part of a long history of corruption.

...but my question is -- does it even matter? Meaning, should it even be illegal to use money you received thru your charity foundation for your own use??

Take for instance the Clinton foundation -- yea, they supposedly have been investigated and audited numerous times -- but do you really believe the Clintons are not using the money from that foundation for their own personal enrichment?? and if they were, do you really care?

So if it is the case that Trump used charity donations under the guise of giving money to military vets but then pocketing that money for his own personal benefit -- should that even be illegal? Especially if the person is in a really important position that is critical to the country?

Charities are given tax free status for a reason, and it's not so they can enrich themselves.

So yes, I care that rich people are dodging taxes ILLEGALLY. They do it legally to often.
Crooked Donald.....


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