Trump used the DOJ to investigate members of Congress, their families and even a minor child.

What metric do you use to determine the value of the dollar?
It's purchasing power today, in comparison to it's purchasing power in the past. I mean... The dollar isn't on any standard anymore, so you have to use it against itself.

Edit: The company I work for buys most of it's goods from across the pond, to resale... Europe, China, and the Middle East are all suppliers for us.. We've raised prices on so many goods from these places because they are losing confidence in the US dollar, and are raising their prices for purchases using the dollar.

Now... I can't tell you what Metric they are using... But I would assume some bank is guiding their actions.

Edit2: Yes, I understand the media isn't reporting it yet. Wait... It will.
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..... nobody can be more corrupt than Bush,anybody will be an improvement over him.” .....
I don't think anyone since Johnson has been as bad as Bush. Johnson and Bush were the worst presidents the US has ever had .... and there have been some really bad ones!
Dude Obama expanded everything his lover Bush got started. :rofl: in just his first term he killed more civilians and took more actions taking away our civil libertys than even bush managed to do his entire 8 years in office.:abgg2q.jpg:
...... no way in hell on the face of the planet would they come back here and take all these ass beatings they get from us for FREE,no way,not happening ,......
An excellent point. :auiqs.jpg: I see what you mean. It does seem unlikely anyone would keep up that shit 24/7 without reimbursement. For me, the sign of an idiot or shill is the one who blames it all on the Republicans or on the Democrats - or the leftists or the rightists, etc. It means nothing. Just someone's lips flapping with a shallow agenda that they don't even understand themselves.
These dumbass retards like smellybozo and all the other trump America haters on here think the Democrats can do no wrong and the republicans are to blame fir everything. The only trump supporter on here I know of that is the same way as they are towards the republicans is political chic.these morons only hate trump because he is gop,they know just as well as we do that if he was a Democrat,they would love him.:cuckoo:

political chic she is an embarrassment to trump supporters,most posters laugh at her because she has the same biased towards the gop they have towards the dems.she runs off when you point out that Obama was a clone of bush and that bush hates trump yet she still loves bush,fucking hypocrite,total embarrassment to trump supporters. she is the same as they are she is such a biased troll towards the gops party that if Trump was a Democrat,SHE would hate retarded is that hating them cause of their party as these idiots all do?:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo: these idiots prove they vote for the party instead of the PERSON.

Ever sense Kennedy,our last great president we had,,with the exception of carter,every president going all the way up to Obama has been more evil and corrupt than the previous one.fascist Obama was the worst even worse than Bush as i pointed out.

these trolls so much prove they are paid shills because they would know that both parties are corrupt and one in the same and trump is not part of that corrupt two party system,The thing that proves that is we have a handful of shills here like WRONGWINGER for example who defend government corruption all the time,no matter how absurd their versions of events are they defend it. shills like him,they hate Trump yet NEVER had one bad peep to saw about either mass murderer Bush or Obama,that speaks VOLUMNS.

these trolls if they were objective,they would have done what I did. I was the most skeptical person in the world that trump was going to be any different than Bush or Obama when he came in the fact both parties are corrupt and one in the same,when friends of mine were telling me he was different,i thought they were on the pipe for most his time in office. But he was the most anti war president sense Carter and brought more jobs back to the country than any other president sense Kennedy and that proved to me right there,he was not the same old puppet for the elite that everyone of them have been sense Johnson.:yes_text12: that told me right there he really WAS different.

as i said,shills like wrongwinger who have always kissed the ass of BOTH Bush AND Obama,the fact THEY hate him and the elite republicans like Bush and Romney do as well,thats all the evidence in thr world he is not part of that corrupt two party system and these shills are out here to try and discredit him for a paycheck from their bosses reserving their spot in hell participating posting lies and propaganda.
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What metric do you use to determine the value of the dollar?
It's purchasing power today, in comparison to it's purchasing power in the past. I mean... The dollar isn't on any standard anymore, so you have to use it against itself.

Edit: The company I work for buys most of it's goods from across the pond, to resale... Europe, China, and the Middle East are all suppliers for us.. We've raised prices on so many goods from these places because they are losing confidence in the US dollar, and are raising their prices for purchases using the dollar.

Now... I can't tell you what Metric they are using... But I would assume some bank is guiding their actions.

Edit2: Yes, I understand the media isn't reporting it yet. Wait... It will.
I get textile goods from China for one of my businesses and haven’t yet seen an increase in costs. Fingers crossed it stays that way. But I do understand with the massive supply chain issues that arose from the shut down why prices of goods spiked. Think that’s more of a cause than a devalued dollar but we shall see
Dude Obama expanded everything his lover Bush got started. :rofl: in just his first term he killed more civilians and took more actions taking away our civil libertys than even bush managed to do his entire 8 years in office.:abgg2q.jpg:
I am skeptical of that.
Ya sure. Meanwhile Trump gets away with strong arming his political enemies only a matter of time before democrats do it to Republicans. So ya look forward to others using the DOJ as their personal army to strike fear to the other side.
So US politics was as clean as a whistle before Trump came along. Trump was the best president since Bush cheated his way into the white house.

..... nobody can be more corrupt than Bush,anybody will be an improvement over him.” .....
I don't think anyone since Johnson has been as bad as Bush. Johnson and Bush were the worst presidents the US has ever had .... and there have been some really bad ones!
Obama was much worse.....but Biden is putting them all to shame.
Obama said....'Trump is pretty good at fucking things up, isn't he?', and Biden just said "HOLD MY BEER!!"

wrong as always on Bush sparky.. there you go as always with your bias towards the GOP party posting bullshit that Obama was much worse than Bush when I proved he was only a little worse than Bush expanding what his lover got started.I proved that till Obama came along,Bush was the most corrupt president ever and Bush was a close second as the most corrupt president ever and easily the most evil and corrupt till Obama passed have been checkmated on that.
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Dude Obama expanded everything his lover Bush got started. :rofl: in just his first term he killed more civilians and took more actions taking away our civil libertys than even bush managed to do his entire 8 years in office.:abgg2q.jpg:
I am skeptical of that.
well you have not done your research then.Bush only invaded Iraq and Afghanistan,OBAMA invaded SEVEN countries.Jimmy Carter our last halfway decent president before Trump the fact he was the most anti war president sense Kennedy,even he came out and said Bush and Obama were equally to blame for the wars in the mideast.Obama lied to the people saying he would reverse his lover Bushs policys only expandind eveything he started. that is all documented.

That’s funny. Apparently you’re unaware of all the spying on world leaders and journalists committed by Ears.

You do know he is a democrat, right?

:thankusmile: Dr liar gets his ass owned by Gipper.:biggrin:
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I don't think anyone since Johnson has been as bad as Bush. Johnson and Bush were the worst presidents the US has ever had .... and there have been some really bad ones!
Obama was much worse.....but Biden is putting them all to shame.
Obama said....'Trump is pretty good at fucking things up, isn't he?', and Biden just said "HOLD MY BEER!!"
I am sure you'd never be able to convince me that Obama was worse than Bush.
Worse for the country....yes.
I wonder how many people have died so far because of what he did.
How many people in the Middle-East have died because he armed ISIS and caused wars in Libya and Syria...which led to the Arab Spring and the flooding of Europe with Syrian refugees?
I wonder how many people have died because of the money he paid the Wuhan Institute of Virology to help them create COVID-19?
I wonder how many people will eventually die from Critical Race Theory?
:thankusmile::yes_text12: You nailed i said before,I did not think it was going to be possible for a president coming in to be worse than Bush,boy Big ears sure proved me wrong.
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at least two Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee, aides and family members. One was a minor
You've got Jeffrey Epstein. We all know good and well Democrats let their kids run wild and don't you dare call any of their precious kids juvenile delinquents.
I am sure you'd never be able to convince me that Obama was worse than Bush.
Worse for the country....yes.
I wonder how many people have died so far because of what he did.
How many people in the Middle-East have died because he armed ISIS and caused wars in Libya and Syria...which led to the Arab Spring and the flooding of Europe with Syrian refugees?
I wonder how many people have died because of the money he paid the Wuhan Institute of Virology to help them create COVID-19?
I wonder how many people will eventually die from Critical Race Theory?
I can tell you that Kennedy/Johnson/Nixon and Bush murdered and tortured millions of innocent men, women, and children by pure lies about the American presence in Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, and Irak. ILLEGAL WARS. CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY. CRIMES AGAINST THE GENEVA CONVENTIONS RULES. No ... you will never convince me that Obama was worse than those bastards.
well you obviously have not done your research on fascist Obama.:lmao: and you are falling for the lies of the CIA controlled media and our corrupt school system on kennedy as well.

I have researched the JFK assassination exhaustively reading over 200 books on the subject and gone down to many november in dallas conferences over the years they used to have meeting the best researchers in the world and best scholars and its all documented that Kennedy INHERITED the vietnam war and tried to pul us out of it.

you are going by what the CIA controlled media and our corrupt school system has taught Americans that Kennedy got us into vietnam.Biggest lie and bullshit on the planet.Everybody that Knew Kennedy knew he was a man of world peace and HATED war. Its all documented and very well known that Kennedy was going to pull us out of the vietnam war by 1965 and that once the CIA took him out for trying to do so,once Johnson got in,he REVERSED kennedys policys and esculated the war. Kennedy NEVER sent in combat troops,he only sent in ADVISORS.Johnson sent in the combat troops and reversed Kennedys vietnam policy on withdrawment.

You ARE correct on Johnson and Nixon,they are the ones that murdererd 58.000 solidiers,not the vietcong or the NVA. Nixon expanded the vietnam war Johnson got started same as Obama expanded the middle east war Bush got started.

Also had kennedy lived and served a second term,the fed would be abolished as well as the CIA that he tried to get rid of and the world would not be the mess that it is in have not done your homework on kennedy at all.

Gipper has done as much exhaustive research on this as i have over the years,he will tell you the same thing that is all factual.
What metric do you use to determine the value of the dollar?
It's purchasing power today, in comparison to it's purchasing power in the past. I mean... The dollar isn't on any standard anymore, so you have to use it against itself.

Edit: The company I work for buys most of it's goods from across the pond, to resale... Europe, China, and the Middle East are all suppliers for us.. We've raised prices on so many goods from these places because they are losing confidence in the US dollar, and are raising their prices for purchases using the dollar.

Now... I can't tell you what Metric they are using... But I would assume some bank is guiding their actions.

Edit2: Yes, I understand the media isn't reporting it yet. Wait... It will.
I get textile goods from China for one of my businesses and haven’t yet seen an increase in costs. Fingers crossed it stays that way. But I do understand with the massive supply chain issues that arose from the shut down why prices of goods spiked. Think that’s more of a cause than a devalued dollar but we shall see
I hope to God you are right and I'm wrong. It's just... I'm usually right when I want to be wrong.
What metric do you use to determine the value of the dollar?
It's purchasing power today, in comparison to it's purchasing power in the past. I mean... The dollar isn't on any standard anymore, so you have to use it against itself.

Edit: The company I work for buys most of it's goods from across the pond, to resale... Europe, China, and the Middle East are all suppliers for us.. We've raised prices on so many goods from these places because they are losing confidence in the US dollar, and are raising their prices for purchases using the dollar.

Now... I can't tell you what Metric they are using... But I would assume some bank is guiding their actions.

Edit2: Yes, I understand the media isn't reporting it yet. Wait... It will.
I get textile goods from China for one of my businesses and haven’t yet seen an increase in costs. Fingers crossed it stays that way. But I do understand with the massive supply chain issues that arose from the shut down why prices of goods spiked. Think that’s more of a cause than a devalued dollar but we shall see
I hope to God you are right and I'm wrong. It's just... I'm usually right when I want to be wrong.
Dang. I’m usually wrong when I want to be right.
Ya sure. Meanwhile Trump gets away with strong arming his political enemies only a matter of time before democrats do it to Republicans. So ya look forward to others using the DOJ as their personal army to strike fear to the other side.
So US politics was as clean as a whistle before Trump came along. Trump was the best president since Bush cheated his way into the white house.
Lol, ya sure there sparky.
yep best damn president ever sense Kennedy our last great president sparky,deal with it.:itsok:
What metric do you use to determine the value of the dollar?
It's purchasing power today, in comparison to it's purchasing power in the past. I mean... The dollar isn't on any standard anymore, so you have to use it against itself.

Edit: The company I work for buys most of it's goods from across the pond, to resale... Europe, China, and the Middle East are all suppliers for us.. We've raised prices on so many goods from these places because they are losing confidence in the US dollar, and are raising their prices for purchases using the dollar.

Now... I can't tell you what Metric they are using... But I would assume some bank is guiding their actions.

Edit2: Yes, I understand the media isn't reporting it yet. Wait... It will.
I get textile goods from China for one of my businesses and haven’t yet seen an increase in costs. Fingers crossed it stays that way. But I do understand with the massive supply chain issues that arose from the shut down why prices of goods spiked. Think that’s more of a cause than a devalued dollar but we shall see
I hope to God you are right and I'm wrong. It's just... I'm usually right when I want to be wrong.
this resident troll has NEVER been right on ANYTHING and changes the topic when he is getting his ass owned. yet you listen to his babble:lmao:
WASHINGTON — As the Justice Department investigated who was behind leaks of classified information early in the Trump administration, it took a highly unusual step: Prosecutors subpoenaed Apple for data from the accounts of at least two Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee, aides and family members. One was a minor.

All told, the records of at least a dozen people tied to the committee were seized in 2017 and early 2018, including those of Representative Adam B. Schiff of California, then the panel’s top Democrat and now its chairman, according to committee officials and two other people briefed on the inquiry…..

The zeal in the Trump administration’s efforts to hunt leakers led to the extraordinary step of subpoenaing communications metadata from members of Congress — a nearly unheard-of move outside of corruption investigations. While Justice Department leak investigations are routine, current and former congressional officials familiar with the inquiry said they could not recall an instance in which the records of lawmakers had been seized as part of one.

Moreover, just as it did in investigating news organizations, the Justice Department secured a gag order on Apple that expired this year, according to a person familiar with the inquiry, so lawmakers did not know they were being investigated until Apple informed them last month.


There was nothing too low that the Trump Administration would steep to intimidate the opposition.

This was pure and simply an abuse of power.
I don't recall a member of the House Intelligence Committee leaking classified material before either. It would appear that was a regular thing by Adam Schiff...hence the investigation by the Justice Department. If Schiff felt intimidated...then good...the sleazy little bug eyed rodent SHOULD be worried about the crap he was pulling!
What metric do you use to determine the value of the dollar?
It's purchasing power today, in comparison to it's purchasing power in the past. I mean... The dollar isn't on any standard anymore, so you have to use it against itself.

Edit: The company I work for buys most of it's goods from across the pond, to resale... Europe, China, and the Middle East are all suppliers for us.. We've raised prices on so many goods from these places because they are losing confidence in the US dollar, and are raising their prices for purchases using the dollar.

Now... I can't tell you what Metric they are using... But I would assume some bank is guiding their actions.

Edit2: Yes, I understand the media isn't reporting it yet. Wait... It will.
I get textile goods from China for one of my businesses and haven’t yet seen an increase in costs. Fingers crossed it stays that way. But I do understand with the massive supply chain issues that arose from the shut down why prices of goods spiked. Think that’s more of a cause than a devalued dollar but we shall see
I hope to God you are right and I'm wrong. It's just... I'm usually right when I want to be wrong.
this resident troll has NEVER been right on ANYTHING and changes the topic when he is getting his ass owned. yet you listen to his babble:lmao:
Anybody that uses absolutes like you just did immediately discredits themself. I’d like to say good try but it wasn’t good
WASHINGTON — As the Justice Department investigated who was behind leaks of classified information early in the Trump administration, it took a highly unusual step: Prosecutors subpoenaed Apple for data from the accounts of at least two Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee, aides and family members. One was a minor.

All told, the records of at least a dozen people tied to the committee were seized in 2017 and early 2018, including those of Representative Adam B. Schiff of California, then the panel’s top Democrat and now its chairman, according to committee officials and two other people briefed on the inquiry…..

The zeal in the Trump administration’s efforts to hunt leakers led to the extraordinary step of subpoenaing communications metadata from members of Congress — a nearly unheard-of move outside of corruption investigations. While Justice Department leak investigations are routine, current and former congressional officials familiar with the inquiry said they could not recall an instance in which the records of lawmakers had been seized as part of one.

Moreover, just as it did in investigating news organizations, the Justice Department secured a gag order on Apple that expired this year, according to a person familiar with the inquiry, so lawmakers did not know they were being investigated until Apple informed them last month.


There was nothing too low that the Trump Administration would steep to intimidate the opposition.

This was pure and simply an abuse of power.
I don't recall a member of the House Intelligence Committee leaking classified material before either. It would appear that was a regular thing by Adam Schiff...hence the investigation by the Justice Department. If Schiff felt intimidated...then good...the sleazy little bug eyed rodent SHOULD be worried about the crap he was pulling!
What makes it appear to be a regular thing? If the evidence was that clear then why didn’t Barr indict him or anybody else?
WASHINGTON — As the Justice Department investigated who was behind leaks of classified information early in the Trump administration, it took a highly unusual step: Prosecutors subpoenaed Apple for data from the accounts of at least two Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee, aides and family members. One was a minor.

All told, the records of at least a dozen people tied to the committee were seized in 2017 and early 2018, including those of Representative Adam B. Schiff of California, then the panel’s top Democrat and now its chairman, according to committee officials and two other people briefed on the inquiry…..

The zeal in the Trump administration’s efforts to hunt leakers led to the extraordinary step of subpoenaing communications metadata from members of Congress — a nearly unheard-of move outside of corruption investigations. While Justice Department leak investigations are routine, current and former congressional officials familiar with the inquiry said they could not recall an instance in which the records of lawmakers had been seized as part of one.

Moreover, just as it did in investigating news organizations, the Justice Department secured a gag order on Apple that expired this year, according to a person familiar with the inquiry, so lawmakers did not know they were being investigated until Apple informed them last month.


There was nothing too low that the Trump Administration would steep to intimidate the opposition.

This was pure and simply an abuse of power.
I don't recall a member of the House Intelligence Committee leaking classified material before either. It would appear that was a regular thing by Adam Schiff...hence the investigation by the Justice Department. If Schiff felt intimidated...then good...the sleazy little bug eyed rodent SHOULD be worried about the crap he was pulling!
What makes it appear to be a regular thing? If the evidence was that clear then why didn’t Barr indict him or anybody else?
Somebody was leaking information from that Committee. Proving who it was is difficult. Not everyone does as bad a job of covering their tracks as a Hunter Biden or a Hillary Clinton, Slade!
What metric do you use to determine the value of the dollar?
It's purchasing power today, in comparison to it's purchasing power in the past. I mean... The dollar isn't on any standard anymore, so you have to use it against itself.

Edit: The company I work for buys most of it's goods from across the pond, to resale... Europe, China, and the Middle East are all suppliers for us.. We've raised prices on so many goods from these places because they are losing confidence in the US dollar, and are raising their prices for purchases using the dollar.

Now... I can't tell you what Metric they are using... But I would assume some bank is guiding their actions.

Edit2: Yes, I understand the media isn't reporting it yet. Wait... It will.
I get textile goods from China for one of my businesses and haven’t yet seen an increase in costs. Fingers crossed it stays that way. But I do understand with the massive supply chain issues that arose from the shut down why prices of goods spiked. Think that’s more of a cause than a devalued dollar but we shall see
I hope to God you are right and I'm wrong. It's just... I'm usually right when I want to be wrong.
this resident troll has NEVER been right on ANYTHING and changes the topic when he is getting his ass owned. yet you listen to his babble:lmao:
Hey LA Rain Man, you seem to have a beef with a lot of people. Have you ever stopped to consider that the problem might be YOU?
I am sure you'd never be able to convince me that Obama was worse than Bush.
Worse for the country....yes.
I wonder how many people have died so far because of what he did.
How many people in the Middle-East have died because he armed ISIS and caused wars in Libya and Syria...which led to the Arab Spring and the flooding of Europe with Syrian refugees?
I wonder how many people have died because of the money he paid the Wuhan Institute of Virology to help them create COVID-19?
I wonder how many people will eventually die from Critical Race Theory?
I can tell you that Kennedy/Johnson/Nixon and Bush murdered and tortured millions of innocent men, women, and children by pure lies about the American presence in Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, and Irak. ILLEGAL WARS. CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY. CRIMES AGAINST THE GENEVA CONVENTIONS RULES. No ... you will never convince me that Obama was worse than those bastards.
Obama helped murder over 500,000 Americans.
Thanks to that commie bastard....he made sure (using our tax dollars) that gain of function was used to create a virus that was used by the Chinese to kill millions of people....including over 500,000 Americans.
Also....without Obama's wars.....hundreds of thousands of people in Sweden, Norway, and dozens of other countries in Europe, would be alive today. But thanks to the instability he caused in the Middle-East with his wars in Syria, Libya, Sudan, Yemen, Iraq, and Afghanistan.....refugees flooded the Western world. He helped unleash murderers and rapists into Europe. Islamic fundamentalists that felt women who weren't covered with a Burka or children walking alone, were just asking to be raped and murdered. Not to mention all of the pets, dogs & cats, they tortured and murdered. Because they consider them to be unclean.

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