Trump v. Obama

So Obama leaves office with a higher approval rating than Trump starts with.

Here's a picture of their inaugurals, spot the difference? Obama's is the top one.

Trump is claiming to be the president of all Americans, and there were some on the right claiming Trump was more popular based on how many people would turn up to his rallies compared to Hillary. Well....


Is this all these people can complain about, lol.

1. Trump supporters are NOT welfare recipients, nor rich Hollyweird types, we actually have to work. If the previous President had done a little better job with the economy, more could have attended.

2. Trump supporters are middle aged, not a bunch of wet behind the ears kids like Obamas, Sanders, and Clintstones.

3. No need for all of us to show up and demand our agenda be put in place by the rest of the federal government, we did that at the ballot box, and now control all 3 branches-)

Enjoy political Siberia far leftists, come back and be snarky when ya get a little power back-)

You reckon Trump supporters aren't welfare recipients? Where's your evidence?

Trump supporters are only middle aged? Err.. where's your evidence?

Oh, no need to show up? Right, in the election it was all "Trump's clearly the best because he has the biggest rallies" and now people don't turn up and it's like, well, we don't need to.

I'm getting fed up of this bullshit politics where everything is positive spin for your own side no matter what.

Like the brexit people. They lose 20% value of their currency and it's all a scam from the elite to take them down. They gain 3% from a massive low point and it's proof that Brexit is the best for everyone. It loses 3% the next day because Trump opens his gob. Proof again that it's the elite against them.

It's just unbelievable that so many people can be so unrealistic about everything.

LOL, phony baloney, I asked you 1st, hehehehehehe. Wassa matter, your handlers haven't told you how to answer yet? Want me to help you, lol!

PATHETIC, just pathetic! Who in the hell is going to believe a bunch of people who hasn't a clue how to answer anything?

Go back fatfridgy, and get a clue! You got nothing but bull, and everyone on here knows it, lolol! CYA when you can light up a 5 watt light bulb with power. Till then, enjoy POLITICAL, and Doctor QUACK-QUACK the mighty MOD, the BIG L, and all the rest of ya! Cya, wouldn't want to be ya, cause you are useless, helpless, and hopeless, and are not worth discussing how many plys on toilet paper, since you haven't the power to do anything about it-) :blowup:

A) what the hell are you talking about?

B) Insults, what a surprise.
You reckon Trump supporters aren't welfare recipients? Where's your evidence?

Trump supporters are only middle aged? Err.. where's your evidence?

Oh, no need to show up? Right, in the election it was all "Trump's clearly the best because he has the biggest rallies" and now people don't turn up and it's like, well, we don't need to.

Maybe that's because most of Trump's rallies were held after working hours when people could attend. But liberals have made threats on turning Trump's inauguration into a nightmare and then you say people just aren't interested. Correct, they are not interested in getting attacked or having their vehicles damaged.

Oh, right, more excuses for why there weren't so many people. Not that it even matters....

Correct, it does't matter to us, but it does to the left because you are the ones bringing it up.

So, if it doesn't matter to the right, then why did Trump supporters bring it up and make a big hoohaa about it during the election process?

Because of the lefts claims on how Hil-Liar was going to clean Trump's clock in the election. We were only pointing out the obvious. As for the Trump picture at the inauguration, that was bogus as well we now find out.
So Obama leaves office with a higher approval rating than Trump starts with.

Here's a picture of their inaugurals, spot the difference? Obama's is the top one.

Trump is claiming to be the president of all Americans, and there were some on the right claiming Trump was more popular based on how many people would turn up to his rallies compared to Hillary. Well....

wow, you even sucked the stoopids into your fake pic.
Here the actual pic dummy.

Gigapixel: The inauguration of Donald Trump
You reckon Trump supporters aren't welfare recipients? Where's your evidence?

Trump supporters are only middle aged? Err.. where's your evidence?

Oh, no need to show up? Right, in the election it was all "Trump's clearly the best because he has the biggest rallies" and now people don't turn up and it's like, well, we don't need to.

Maybe that's because most of Trump's rallies were held after working hours when people could attend. But liberals have made threats on turning Trump's inauguration into a nightmare and then you say people just aren't interested. Correct, they are not interested in getting attacked or having their vehicles damaged.

Oh, right, more excuses for why there weren't so many people. Not that it even matters....

Correct, it does't matter to us, but it does to the left because you are the ones bringing it up.

So, if it doesn't matter to the right, then why did Trump supporters bring it up and make a big hoohaa about it during the election process?

Because of the lefts claims on how Hil-Liar was going to clean Trump's clock in the election. We were only pointing out the obvious. As for the Trump picture at the inauguration, that was bogus as well we now find out.

Remember what I said about names?
So Obama leaves office with a higher approval rating than Trump starts with.

Here's a picture of their inaugurals, spot the difference? Obama's is the top one.

Trump is claiming to be the president of all Americans, and there were some on the right claiming Trump was more popular based on how many people would turn up to his rallies compared to Hillary. Well....

wow, you even sucked the stoopids into your fake pic.
Here the actual pic dummy.

Gigapixel: The inauguration of Donald Trump

I can't open it. But if the picture is fake, then the video is fake, and you don't have anything else, then what? Or is it you have decided anything you don't agree with you'll just label fake. Oh, wow, that's like dealing with little kids.
So Obama leaves office with a higher approval rating than Trump starts with.

Here's a picture of their inaugurals, spot the difference? Obama's is the top one.

Trump is claiming to be the president of all Americans, and there were some on the right claiming Trump was more popular based on how many people would turn up to his rallies compared to Hillary. Well....

wow, you even sucked the stoopids into your fake pic.
Here the actual pic dummy.

Gigapixel: The inauguration of Donald Trump

I can't open it. But if the picture is fake, then the video is fake, and you don't have anything else, then what? Or is it you have decided anything you don't agree with you'll just label fake. Oh, wow, that's like dealing with little kids.
You posted a fake pic. Now your justifying it
LOL. Thinking Error: playing dumb.
Here's an actual pic.

Maybe that's because most of Trump's rallies were held after working hours when people could attend. But liberals have made threats on turning Trump's inauguration into a nightmare and then you say people just aren't interested. Correct, they are not interested in getting attacked or having their vehicles damaged.

Oh, right, more excuses for why there weren't so many people. Not that it even matters....

Correct, it does't matter to us, but it does to the left because you are the ones bringing it up.

So, if it doesn't matter to the right, then why did Trump supporters bring it up and make a big hoohaa about it during the election process?

Because of the lefts claims on how Hil-Liar was going to clean Trump's clock in the election. We were only pointing out the obvious. As for the Trump picture at the inauguration, that was bogus as well we now find out.

Remember what I said about names?

Could care less really. WTF would you care about names I call somebody else? You related to Hillary or something?
So Obama leaves office with a higher approval rating than Trump starts with.

Here's a picture of their inaugurals, spot the difference? Obama's is the top one.

Trump is claiming to be the president of all Americans, and there were some on the right claiming Trump was more popular based on how many people would turn up to his rallies compared to Hillary. Well....

wow, you even sucked the stoopids into your fake pic.
Here the actual pic dummy.

Gigapixel: The inauguration of Donald Trump

I can't open it. But if the picture is fake, then the video is fake, and you don't have anything else, then what? Or is it you have decided anything you don't agree with you'll just label fake. Oh, wow, that's like dealing with little kids.
You posted a fake pic. Now your justifying it
LOL. Thinking Error: playing dumb.
Here's an actual pic.


I'm sorry, but this picture shows BIG GAPS. Anyone with any sense of PERSPECTIVE knows that there's a person's body looks different from above than from the side. Look at that picture and SEE THE GAPS.

No, wait, fuck it. Your picture is fake. Yeah, I'm playing your game. FAKE FAKE FAKE FAKE FAKE FAKE. Get over it.
Oh, right, more excuses for why there weren't so many people. Not that it even matters....

Correct, it does't matter to us, but it does to the left because you are the ones bringing it up.

So, if it doesn't matter to the right, then why did Trump supporters bring it up and make a big hoohaa about it during the election process?

Because of the lefts claims on how Hil-Liar was going to clean Trump's clock in the election. We were only pointing out the obvious. As for the Trump picture at the inauguration, that was bogus as well we now find out.

Remember what I said about names?

Could care less really. WTF would you care about names I call somebody else? You related to Hillary or something?

Well, your choice. If you want to debate with me, then.... no insults.
So Obama leaves office with a higher approval rating than Trump starts with.

Here's a picture of their inaugurals, spot the difference? Obama's is the top one.

Trump is claiming to be the president of all Americans, and there were some on the right claiming Trump was more popular based on how many people would turn up to his rallies compared to Hillary. Well....


Most sophomores in civics class could tell you why there appeared to be more people at BO's. He was the first black POTUS and the blacks filled the streets. I'll also bet big money that the pics were not taken at the same moment of the inauguration because the liberal media plays those games and liberal fools fall for it every time.

Alas poor liberals- Trump had more than Clinton at his inauguration. Here is a link for the people interested in the truth. Sorry Frigidweirdass, you got fooled, but not everybody did.

How Many People Attended Trump’s Inauguration vs. Obama’s? [PHOTOS]

Today, Donald Trump was sworn in as the 45th President of the United States. There has been a lot of controversy about his presidency, including many performers who would not participate in his Inauguration concert and at least 60 Democrats who are boycotting his inauguration. But how were the numbers who attended his swearing-in ceremony as compared to former President Barack Obama in 2009 and 2013? Despite rumors that Trump’s inauguration had among the lowest turnouts in history, that’s just not true. Yes, Obama did bring in more people. Obama’s first inauguration was about double the number of people who attended Trump’s today. But Trump’s inauguration eclipsed the number who attended George W. Bush’s, and even far exceeded the number who attended Bill Clinton’s second inauguration. (See more photos comparing past inauguration crowds here.)

Okay, do you have a picture of Trump's inauguration where there are more people? Or are you just going to decide there were because it suits you? Oh, and blacks turned up? Are they not citizens of the US?

Read the post, follow the link bitch. All your questions are answered, but of course you don't want the truth, you want to believe what the liberal mass media tells you, because you are a frightened snowflake-afraid of reality and unable to cope in a world where you actually have to produce something to survive. ....whew, that felt good.

I don't do insults or insulters.
I see, you just post fake news. Well, we all have our standards.

No, I don't paste fake news. Nothing here is fake, trying to say it is when you HAVE NOTHING is ridiculous.

You simply don't want to agree with something, so you shout "FAKE", oh, wow, I mean, wow.

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