Trump/Vivek in 2024?

Gee, I don't know. Maybe the fact he's under dozens of indictments, as well as his co-conspirators, for trying to steal an election and install himself as dictator, while his cult violently stormed the capital, but by all means, keep harboring your delusion that the majority of America supports your fucktardery. The Democratic Party sincerely thanks you.
The indictments are all witch-hunts and you know it. The ‘self-installation as dictator’ is democrat Pravda propaganda and you know that, too.
Vivek is 3rd or 4th on List of VP Candidates
So you favor far Left one party rule? Good to know who the enemies of America is. And it ain't Republicans.

No, I prefer 2 or more viable parties.

Unfortunately, the Republican party has turned lunatic, so it's not viable anymore. That's the Republican's fault.
You really don't know, do you?

Ramaswamy & DeSantis are running on sensationalism. They are both nothing more than carnival barkers.

Since a orange sensationalist carnival barker won the 2016 election (barely) they're guessing that once that orange idiot is in prison they'll get his votes.
Ramaswamy & DeSantis are running on sensationalism. They are both nothing more than carnival barkers.

Since a orange sensationalist carnival barker won the 2016 election (barely) they're guessing that once that orange idiot is in prison they'll get his votes.
Robust economy and national security would be sensationalism to someone as clueless/dishonest as you.
Florida's economy is going south, and giving Ukraine and Taiwan away isn't in the National Security interest.
Those are issues brought to you by this current administration. The admin that has cost me $40k and counting.
Vivek and desantis support the trump policies that gave us national security, robust economy and no war in Ukraine.
You’re clueless and/or dishonest.
No, I prefer 2 or more viable parties.

Unfortunately, the Republican party has turned lunatic, so it's not viable anymore. That's the Republican's fault.
Yep the Republicans are GTG with ( Open Borders / Amnesty/ Pathway ) ( 4th Trimester Abortion ) ( Gay Marriage / Decriminalization of Pedo / NAMBLA activities ) ( Sensible Firearm Restrictions ) ( Socialized Medicine ) ( Various & Sundry SJW causes ) ...
Those are issues brought to you by this current administration. The admin that has cost me $40k and counting.
Vivek and desantis support the trump policies that gave us national security, robust economy and no war in Ukraine.
You’re clueless and/or dishonest.
Trump's economy was crap. DeSantis has been making monumentally bad policies in Florida.

Kim Jong Un made a total fool of Trump. He was a diplomatic joke.

"Peace at any price" was and always will be a failing policy.

Trump is owned by Putin, and Ramaswamy is a fool.

Too bad for you $40k loss, but the rest of the country is doing well.

How did you lose $40k during the Biden administration? Bad investments? Crypto-currencies? Investments in Russia?
Yeah, so long as they're all hard Left just like you and the rest of the Communist scum.

For people like you, anyone to the left of Hitler is communist scum. So you opinion is worthless.

Back when neither the Republican party and the Democrats were extreme, the U.S. became the greatest nation in the history of humanity.

The Democrats haven't changed much. The Republican party has been hijacked by fascist lunatics who will destroy this country if they're allowed to.

You already tried to destroy democracy.

But don't worry:

For people like you, anyone to the left of Hitler is communist scum. So you opinion is worthless.

Back when neither the Republican party and the Democrats were extreme, the U.S. became the greatest nation in the history of humanity.

The Democrats haven't changed much. The Republican party has been hijacked by fascist lunatics who will destroy this country if they're allowed to.

You already tried to destroy democracy.

But don't worry:

No. It is the Demoscum party that has warp sped to the Left. Sorry Commie.
During the GOP debate last night, Vivek was the only participant to answer questions clearly and honestly. On that basis alone, he would be a good match with Trump. And after four years as VP, he would make a great President. He could be the Dems' worst nightmare.

He has potential to be a great president but he's not there yet and that's exactly why I agree with you. He needs experience and Trump would be great with showing him the ropes and they actually seem like they would be a great team and be great friends at that. :D

Straw Man noted

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I have zero use for dickless unprincipled and cowardly "moderates" who talk a good game, but when the shit hits the fan, they side with the enemy (Democrats) every time.

You mean real republicans like Eisenhower, Reagan, Bush the elder, Bush the Younger, John McCain & Romney?

The democrats are only the enemy to people that are Anti-American.

Thanks for proving that you're a brainless, fascist twit!
I have zero use for dickless unprincipled and cowardly "moderates" who talk a good game, but when the shit hits the fan, they side with the enemy (Democrats) every time.
Yep the are Socially Liberal Never Trumper / Never GOPer Closet Turd party types pretending to be Republicans

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