Trump Voters Driven by Fear of Losing Status, Not Economic Anxiety, Study Finds

So where the fuck did this insane hatred of whites and Christians come from

FOX, Breitbart. Gateway Pundit????
Like clock work.

Regressive liberal ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies. Smoke spin deflect

3. Ignore any facts presented.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos, punctuation.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence.

6. Employ misdirection,

6a. smear people

6b. attack religion

6c. attack their rationality.

7. Lie, make false assumptions

8. Play race/gender card/misogynist card

9. Play gay/lesbian card

10. Play the Nazi/Fascist/bigot card

11. Make up stuff/So you got nothing?

12. Deny constantly

13. Reword and repeat

14. Pretending not to understand, playing ignorant/what did I lie about

15. When losing, resort to personal attacks.

16. Russia

17. Fox News/Alex Jones/Brietbart/infowars/Stormfront/Gateway/hannity

18. You can’t read.
I believe this thread is about Trump voters voting for Trump because they feel that they are being displaced in society--being victimized and having their views discounted.
Your post is a classic example of deflection, but it also illustrates the anger and sense of futility many of you feel. It seems that everything is seen through a lens of victimization and distorted into some topical narrative.

Thank you for the example.
Well, being forced to accommodate gay marriage or close up business could lead to a feeling of being persecuted.
Yes, the same was said about those poor white folks who were forced to accommodate black patrons.

Let's all take a second to weep for their persecution.
Classic attempt at trying to make faggotry equal race. Fails every-time you liars try it. People are born one race. Faggotry is a choice.
Well, being forced to accommodate gay marriage or close up business could lead to a feeling of being persecuted.
Yes, the same was said about those poor white folks who were forced to accommodate black patrons.

Let's all take a second to weep for their persecution.
Personally, I don't view sexual orientation as any more a sin than whatever race somebody is born into. But to put GLBT into the same camp as blacks under Jim Crowe is a logical and historical fail.
So where the fuck did this insane hatred of whites and Christians come from

FOX, Breitbart. Gateway Pundit????
Like clock work.

Regressive liberal ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies. Smoke spin deflect

3. Ignore any facts presented.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos, punctuation.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence.

6. Employ misdirection,

6a. smear people

6b. attack religion

6c. attack their rationality.

7. Lie, make false assumptions

8. Play race/gender card/misogynist card

9. Play gay/lesbian card

10. Play the Nazi/Fascist/bigot card

11. Make up stuff/So you got nothing?

12. Deny constantly

13. Reword and repeat

14. Pretending not to understand, playing ignorant/what did I lie about

15. When losing, resort to personal attacks.

16. Russia

17. Fox News/Alex Jones/Brietbart/infowars/Stormfront/Gateway/hannity

18. You can’t read.
I believe this thread is about Trump voters voting for Trump because they feel that they are being displaced in society--being victimized and having their views discounted.
Your post is a classic example of deflection, but it also illustrates the anger and sense of futility many of you feel. It seems that everything is seen through a lens of victimization and distorted into some topical narrative.

Thank you for the example.
The premise of the thread is a lie. We voted for rump to stop liberal madness. Thanks for another failed attempt at being Goebbels.
Well, being forced to accommodate gay marriage or close up business could lead to a feeling of being persecuted.
Yes, the same was said about those poor white folks who were forced to accommodate black patrons.

Let's all take a second to weep for their persecution.

Nobody should be forced to accommodate anyone with the exception of the Fed Govt which is the only entity the Constitution applies non-discrimination to

Sent from my iPhone using
Classic attempt at trying to make faggotry equal race.
Wrong, and your very poor grasp of logic leads you to this (and many other) errors. I do not need to equate the two to make my argument. I merely have to point out similarities in their treatment, in this case the irrational basis of the bigotry. That is why you morons always lose this argument. You're just not very smart, and it is not a mystery that you are merely squawking for a type of bigotry of which you approve.
Classic attempt at trying to make faggotry equal race.
Wrong, and your very poor grasp of logic leads you to this (and many other) errors. I do not need to equate the two to make my argument. I merely have to point out similarities in their treatment, in this case the irrational basis of the bigotry. That is why you morons always lose this argument. You're just not very smart, and it is not a mystery that you are merely squawking for a type of bigotry of which you approve.
There is no argument. No matter what is stated or proven, you simply lie and attack.
So where the fuck did this insane hatred of whites and Christians come from?

It's not that there is this insane hatred of whites and Christians, it's the democrat disbelief that whites and Christians don't enjoy being replaced and abused.

They’re not being “replaced” nor are they being abused. Right wingers are the stoking fears of the uneducated and the gullible because that’s what Republicans do in an absence of viable economic policies which help the working poor whose votes they need.

There aren’t enough wealthy people to keep them in power so they lie to the base and pretend their policies are for their benefit, like the big tax cut they just gave the wealthy.

Meanwhile they are busy cancelling clean air and clean water regulations, cutting access to health care, closing public schools in favour of more expensive charter schools, increasing earned income credits (paid for by the middle class taxpayers) instead of minimum wages increases (paid for by the corporations employing the workers).

Since right wingers don’t fact check and take the word of liars like Trump without question, the base is just screwing themselves over.
Trump Voters Driven by Fear of Losing Status, Not Economic Anxiety, Study Finds

I found this to affirm my personal observations....A lot of Trump voters feel that they are being replaced and disenfranchised in America--after all, isn't that what MAGA really means?

Many believe it is/was about economics--This article makes the case that it's about social displacement and a fear of being moved from the top of the pecking order:

"Ever since Donald J. Trump began his improbable political rise, many pundits have credited his appeal among white, Christian and male voters to “economic anxiety.” Hobbled by unemployment and locked out of the recovery, those voters turned out in force to send Mr. Trump, and a message, to Washington.

Or so that narrative goes.

A study published on Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences questions that explanation, the latest to suggest that Trump voters weren’t driven by anger over the past, but rather fear of what may come. White, Christian and male voters, the study suggests, turned to Mr. Trump because they felt their status was at risk.

“It’s much more of a symbolic threat that people feel,’’ said Diana C. Mutz, the author of the study and a political science and communications professor at the University of Pennsylvania, where she directs the Institute for the Study of Citizens and Politics. “It’s not a threat to their own economic well-being; it’s a threat to their group’s dominance in our country over all.”"

Her survey also assessed “social dominance orientation,” a common psychological measure of a person’s belief in hierarchy as necessary and inherent to a society. People who exhibited a growing belief in such group dominance were also more likely to move toward Mr. Trump, Dr. Mutz found, reflecting their hope that the status quo be protected.

“It used to be a pretty good deal to be a white, Christian male in America, but things have changed and I think they do feel threatened,” Dr. Mutz said.

The other surveys supported the cultural anxiety explanation, too.

For example, Trump support was linked to a belief that high-status groups, such as whites, Christians or men, faced more discrimination than low-status groups, like minorities, Muslims or women, according to Dr. Mutz’s analysis of the University of Chicago study.

Traditionally the Democratic Party has been based on class hatred, religious bigotry and racial politics.
The Democrats regard mainstream middle class Americans as their enemy.
Hillary really exposed this fact with her comment about "deplorable" voters.
The Democrat Politicians are despicable demagogues and they exploit the dumb Democrat Voter hatred.
Everybody wants to rule the world. It is human nature to want to be in the group that does.

Bullshit argument, there is nothing in the Constitution that gives the Govt the right to apply non-discrimination laws to anyone but themselves.
Nor is there anything that forbids it. And it seems that argument is not bullshit, as decided by the supreme Court.

I am you understand that you are retreading losing arguments?
Trump voters were more driven by losing to Hillary Clinton.

True story.

Best description of my vote

I dislike the other candidates
Trump voters 51%
Hillary voters 39%
Election 2016: Exit Polls
What hatred of whites and Christians? It only exists in the fevered minds of those who think that equality for others is hating on them.
Maybe not "hatred" but angst, frustration, disgust. White males are told by the far left and their support arms (many mainstream media outlets) that their opinion doesn't matter because of their "privilege." Some will go beyond that and either insinuate or accuse them of being bad people because of their race and sex. It's textbook racism and sexism. The discrimination of those white males is exercised through cultural influence, which again, is the mainstream media.

The truth for how these people feel is going to be somewhere between actual racism and what i described above. But to act like it's all "i hate brown people grrrr" is being either ignorant or disingenuous.

That’s not what they’re being told. They’re being asked to acknowledge their privilege, and asked to help level the playing field.

Their response has been to deny that there is such a thing as white privilege and then claim that they’re actually the victims of affirmative action.
Trump Voters Driven by Fear of Losing Status, Not Economic Anxiety, Study Finds

I found this to affirm my personal observations....A lot of Trump voters feel that they are being replaced and disenfranchised in America--after all, isn't that what MAGA really means?

Many believe it is/was about economics--This article makes the case that it's about social displacement and a fear of being moved from the top of the pecking order:

"Ever since Donald J. Trump began his improbable political rise, many pundits have credited his appeal among white, Christian and male voters to “economic anxiety.” Hobbled by unemployment and locked out of the recovery, those voters turned out in force to send Mr. Trump, and a message, to Washington.

Or so that narrative goes.

A study published on Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences questions that explanation, the latest to suggest that Trump voters weren’t driven by anger over the past, but rather fear of what may come. White, Christian and male voters, the study suggests, turned to Mr. Trump because they felt their status was at risk.

“It’s much more of a symbolic threat that people feel,’’ said Diana C. Mutz, the author of the study and a political science and communications professor at the University of Pennsylvania, where she directs the Institute for the Study of Citizens and Politics. “It’s not a threat to their own economic well-being; it’s a threat to their group’s dominance in our country over all.”"

Her survey also assessed “social dominance orientation,” a common psychological measure of a person’s belief in hierarchy as necessary and inherent to a society. People who exhibited a growing belief in such group dominance were also more likely to move toward Mr. Trump, Dr. Mutz found, reflecting their hope that the status quo be protected.

“It used to be a pretty good deal to be a white, Christian male in America, but things have changed and I think they do feel threatened,” Dr. Mutz said.

The other surveys supported the cultural anxiety explanation, too.

For example, Trump support was linked to a belief that high-status groups, such as whites, Christians or men, faced more discrimination than low-status groups, like minorities, Muslims or women, according to Dr. Mutz’s analysis of the University of Chicago study.

Traditionally the Democratic Party has been based on class hatred, religious bigotry and racial politics.
The Democrats regard mainstream middle class Americans as their enemy.
Hillary really exposed this fact with her comment about "deplorable" voters.
The Democrat Politicians are despicable demagogues and they exploit the dumb Democrat Voter hatred.
I'm not a Hillary fan...and would have never voted for her...But it is clear that your attempt to conflate 'mainstream middle class Americans' with her deplorable comment is a fail.
It was clear that she meant low-information, racist, 'trailor-trash' people--who are NOT middle-class America by any stretch of imagination.

As far as your comment on 'racial politics'---I got quite the laugh. Trump's campaign was a masterful illustration of racial politics...and many fell for it--Hell, many had been waiting for something like it for a long time!
Trump Voters Driven by Fear of Losing Status, Not Economic Anxiety, Study Finds

I found this to affirm my personal observations....A lot of Trump voters feel that they are being replaced and disenfranchised in America--after all, isn't that what MAGA really means?

Many believe it is/was about economics--This article makes the case that it's about social displacement and a fear of being moved from the top of the pecking order:

"Ever since Donald J. Trump began his improbable political rise, many pundits have credited his appeal among white, Christian and male voters to “economic anxiety.” Hobbled by unemployment and locked out of the recovery, those voters turned out in force to send Mr. Trump, and a message, to Washington.

Or so that narrative goes.

A study published on Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences questions that explanation, the latest to suggest that Trump voters weren’t driven by anger over the past, but rather fear of what may come. White, Christian and male voters, the study suggests, turned to Mr. Trump because they felt their status was at risk.

“It’s much more of a symbolic threat that people feel,’’ said Diana C. Mutz, the author of the study and a political science and communications professor at the University of Pennsylvania, where she directs the Institute for the Study of Citizens and Politics. “It’s not a threat to their own economic well-being; it’s a threat to their group’s dominance in our country over all.”"

Her survey also assessed “social dominance orientation,” a common psychological measure of a person’s belief in hierarchy as necessary and inherent to a society. People who exhibited a growing belief in such group dominance were also more likely to move toward Mr. Trump, Dr. Mutz found, reflecting their hope that the status quo be protected.

“It used to be a pretty good deal to be a white, Christian male in America, but things have changed and I think they do feel threatened,” Dr. Mutz said.

The other surveys supported the cultural anxiety explanation, too.

For example, Trump support was linked to a belief that high-status groups, such as whites, Christians or men, faced more discrimination than low-status groups, like minorities, Muslims or women, according to Dr. Mutz’s analysis of the University of Chicago study.
So United States Citizens should be copacetic with illegal horde of dirty, sick people who come into our country taking from our children so they can be protected by Liberal Democrats and Republicans? Gee, are you really that stupid to want self imposed destruction? I guess you are.....
Libtard Moon Bat researchers come up with another silly ass report.

Bet they talked to 25 people that voted for Crooked Hillary and published this silly paper as their research project.

Americans elected Trump because he was a better candidate than Crooked Hillary. They were tired of the failure of Obama and perceived that Crooked Hillary would just be more of the same.

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