Trump Voters Driven by Fear of Losing Status, Not Economic Anxiety, Study Finds

OP absolutey cannot stop lying.
Lying? So..prove it with some cogent rebuttal! Oh wait, you don't have those skills, do you?

So sad.
Once again, the tactics you all employ, proven thousands of times, is to ask for proof and if the poor unsuspecting person does so, you-

1. Lie more.
2. spin and deflect.
3. Attack the person.

I stopped playing games with you scum a long time ago. Now post something like "so you got nothing."

See, from my POV, I don't even think it is even about that.

See, the thread and the study starts out with an irrelevant and flawed premise, so asking us for evidence to refute it is a fools errand.

It seeks to ask us to find evidence that Trump voters are driven by a "fear of losing status."

Yet, the folks that gave him his presidency are the same folks that put Obama in office. So if that were the case, they would have never voted for Obama. That is the margin that put either man in office. There are no, "Trump" voters, there are no, "Obama" voters. There are only Americans that choose who they think is going to be best for the nation.

The person that did this study separates folks and sees them as identity blocks first, and as people second. This person would divide and conquer the nation. They would have us at each others throats, just as we are doing in this thread.

When we interact with each other IRL, Americans are courteous and friendly with each other, generally. We don't see ourselves, or our neighbors as identities/religious folks first and as people second.

It's a bullshit premise leading to a bullshit view of reality, causing hate and animosity and shutting down folks willingness to listen and compromise.

When I was at a basketball tournament this weekend with my kid, what I saw were a whole lot of parents, mostly black and white and a few Hispanic and an Asian here and there.

The there were a lot of black and white kids there too. But they were outnumbered by another type of kid. . .

I have heard the statistics about white folks in the future no longer being a majority. When I was at this tournament, I now could see with my own eyes in the younger generation of Americans who will be the majority.

It won't be the whites.

It won't be the blacks.

It won't be the Hispanics.

It won't be the Asians or Arabs.

It is going to be the mulattoes. And they are probably going to be sick to death of all of these identity politics, for the only thing they are really going to be able to identify as, are as AMERICANS.
As in most studies..its validity diminishes as the context expands.

I totally agree with the 2nd half of your post...intermarriage and inevitable mixing of all the 'races' will render this question moot, in time.

You do realize that, for some on the Right, this is their worst nightmare, though? Right?

We will all be 'mud people'.
Not when most of your children are executed in abortion clinics. You do realize that 330,000 dead babies a year, does not make a Democrat Party? do wander about topically, don't you. None of 'my babies' have been aborted--my family doesn't believe in such things for child is ever unwanted..and we make sure our kids are raised with that value. We do, however, believe that women have the right to choose. Your assertion that all fetus' aborted are potential absurd--BTW, you do know that most people, especially young people, couldn't care less about politics.
Instead of asking a bunch of batshit shit crazy Libtard assholes why Crooked Hillary lost why don't we ask her? Every week she blames somebody different for the loss. Her list is a mile long.
Actually there is something forbids it. The Equal Protection Clause is violated by the very concept of “protected classes”, which by their very definition get more protection...and more can never be equal.
Unfortunately, that is not correct, as already decided by the SCOTUS.
I found this to affirm my personal observations....A lot of Trump voters feel that they are being replaced and disenfranchised in America--after all, isn't that what MAGA really means?

No dummy that' not what it means at all, come here :itsok: there now go sit down and don't do a lot of talking while team Trump cleans up the Dem's mess and implements MAGA!
Not happening---but enjoy your echo chamber...

Enjoy your election losses, enjoy being the minority in charge of nothing while we control the House, Senate, White House, SCOTUS, and replace idiot liberals on the 9th circuit court. :auiqs.jpg:
Enjoy your fantasy.
Can you imagine how many phone calls would start out with- " I can't understand you."
WTF does that have to do with Christianity, or are you contending Jesus is put off by Hindi immigration?
Trump ran on stopping the Business Visa cheap labor invasion.
And what the fuck does that have to do with Christianity and the free exercise thereof?
What happens to your identity when you’re a 49 year old MD and Congress tells you your skills are outdated?
What does that have to with Christ?
Being replaced in the job market by Idolators?
You tell me.
WTF does that have to do with Christianity, or are you contending Jesus is put off by Hindi immigration?
Trump ran on stopping the Business Visa cheap labor invasion.
And what the fuck does that have to do with Christianity and the free exercise thereof?
What happens to your identity when you’re a 49 year old MD and Congress tells you your skills are outdated?
What does that have to with Christ?
Being replaced in the job market by Idolators?
You tell me.
Just wanted your racist bs on record. Thanks.
WTF does that have to do with Christianity, or are you contending Jesus is put off by Hindi immigration?
Trump ran on stopping the Business Visa cheap labor invasion.
And what the fuck does that have to do with Christianity and the free exercise thereof?
What happens to your identity when you’re a 49 year old MD and Congress tells you your skills are outdated?
What does that have to with Christ?
Being replaced in the job market by Idolators?
You tell me.
Not sure what you mean...or why you would think it matters?
I have to agree with the OP's article. I'm not a major fan of Trump but my marginal support for him has been based on Socislnissurs, not economics.

Honestly. Economics almost never enter mu mind when it comes to politics. Social issues have always been and will always be at the forefront of my (and many other Conservative's) political agrndas.
Trump ran on stopping the Business Visa cheap labor invasion.
And what the fuck does that have to do with Christianity and the free exercise thereof?
What happens to your identity when you’re a 49 year old MD and Congress tells you your skills are outdated?
What does that have to with Christ?
Being replaced in the job market by Idolators?
You tell me.
Just wanted your racist bs on record. Thanks.
Show me a post where I attack anyone based on race as opposed to greedy ass MNCs bribing Congress to inundate the US with cheap labor.
You just can’t stand the fact that everyone has caught on to the Business Visa charade.
Trump ran on stopping the Business Visa cheap labor invasion.
And what the fuck does that have to do with Christianity and the free exercise thereof?
What happens to your identity when you’re a 49 year old MD and Congress tells you your skills are outdated?
What does that have to with Christ?
Being replaced in the job market by Idolators?
You tell me.
Not sure what you mean...or why you would think it matters?
I honestly don’t believe religion has anything to do with realizing Corporate America is creating a slave class.
Lying? So..prove it with some cogent rebuttal! Oh wait, you don't have those skills, do you?

So sad.
Once again, the tactics you all employ, proven thousands of times, is to ask for proof and if the poor unsuspecting person does so, you-

1. Lie more.
2. spin and deflect.
3. Attack the person.

I stopped playing games with you scum a long time ago. Now post something like "so you got nothing."

See, from my POV, I don't even think it is even about that.

See, the thread and the study starts out with an irrelevant and flawed premise, so asking us for evidence to refute it is a fools errand.

It seeks to ask us to find evidence that Trump voters are driven by a "fear of losing status."

Yet, the folks that gave him his presidency are the same folks that put Obama in office. So if that were the case, they would have never voted for Obama. That is the margin that put either man in office. There are no, "Trump" voters, there are no, "Obama" voters. There are only Americans that choose who they think is going to be best for the nation.

The person that did this study separates folks and sees them as identity blocks first, and as people second. This person would divide and conquer the nation. They would have us at each others throats, just as we are doing in this thread.

When we interact with each other IRL, Americans are courteous and friendly with each other, generally. We don't see ourselves, or our neighbors as identities/religious folks first and as people second.

It's a bullshit premise leading to a bullshit view of reality, causing hate and animosity and shutting down folks willingness to listen and compromise.

When I was at a basketball tournament this weekend with my kid, what I saw were a whole lot of parents, mostly black and white and a few Hispanic and an Asian here and there.

The there were a lot of black and white kids there too. But they were outnumbered by another type of kid. . .

I have heard the statistics about white folks in the future no longer being a majority. When I was at this tournament, I now could see with my own eyes in the younger generation of Americans who will be the majority.

It won't be the whites.

It won't be the blacks.

It won't be the Hispanics.

It won't be the Asians or Arabs.

It is going to be the mulattoes. And they are probably going to be sick to death of all of these identity politics, for the only thing they are really going to be able to identify as, are as AMERICANS.
As in most studies..its validity diminishes as the context expands.

I totally agree with the 2nd half of your post...intermarriage and inevitable mixing of all the 'races' will render this question moot, in time.

You do realize that, for some on the Right, this is their worst nightmare, though? Right?

We will all be 'mud people'.
Not when most of your children are executed in abortion clinics. You do realize that 330,000 dead babies a year, does not make a Democrat Party? do wander about topically, don't you. None of 'my babies' have been aborted--my family doesn't believe in such things for child is ever unwanted..and we make sure our kids are raised with that value. We do, however, believe that women have the right to choose. Your assertion that all fetus' aborted are potential absurd--BTW, you do know that most people, especially young people, couldn't care less about politics.
Is sure isn't conservatives aborting their children. So most abortions are Democrat. I do believe that woman have the right to choose, do you also?

Actually there is something forbids it. The Equal Protection Clause is violated by the very concept of “protected classes”, which by their very definition get more protection...and more can never be equal.
Unfortunately, that is not correct, as already decided by the SCOTUS.

SCOTUS choose to ignore the Constitution in an effort to “right a wrong”.

That does not change the fact that logically “more” for one group can never be equal for all groups.

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And what the fuck does that have to do with Christianity and the free exercise thereof?
What happens to your identity when you’re a 49 year old MD and Congress tells you your skills are outdated?
What does that have to with Christ?
Being replaced in the job market by Idolators?
You tell me.
Not sure what you mean...or why you would think it matters?
I honestly don’t believe religion has anything to do with realizing Corporate America is creating a slave class.
I don't remember people getting paid who were slaves? But liberals pay people tax dollars to keep them voting for those very liberals.

War on poverty cost
The War on Poverty has cost $22 trillion -- three times more than what the government has spent on all wars in American history. Federal and state governments spend $1 trillion in taxpayer dollars on America's 80 means-tested welfare programs annually.
The War on Poverty Has Cost $22 Trillion
SCOTUS choose to ignore the Constitution in an effort to “right a wrong”.
Heh heh...sorry pal, but that is not a compelling argument. In fact, it's not an argument at all.

And, even if true, it does not debase the merit of the actual, delineated opinions of the SCOTUS judge

"More"..preventing someone from discriminating on the basis of race or sexual preference is not granting more of anything to anyone. This is the simple truth that wins the day in court.
What happens to your identity when you’re a 49 year old MD and Congress tells you your skills are outdated?
What does that have to with Christ?
Being replaced in the job market by Idolators?
You tell me.
Not sure what you mean...or why you would think it matters?
I honestly don’t believe religion has anything to do with realizing Corporate America is creating a slave class.
I don't remember people getting paid who were slaves? But liberals pay people tax dollars to keep them voting for those very liberals.

War on poverty cost
The War on Poverty has cost $22 trillion -- three times more than what the government has spent on all wars in American history. Federal and state governments spend $1 trillion in taxpayer dollars on America's 80 means-tested welfare programs annually.
The War on Poverty Has Cost $22 Trillion
I’m in Nassau County and the American plumbers, carpenters and electricians are getting steady work for the first time in many years.
What does that have to with Christ?
Being replaced in the job market by Idolators?
You tell me.
Not sure what you mean...or why you would think it matters?
I honestly don’t believe religion has anything to do with realizing Corporate America is creating a slave class.
I don't remember people getting paid who were slaves? But liberals pay people tax dollars to keep them voting for those very liberals.

War on poverty cost
The War on Poverty has cost $22 trillion -- three times more than what the government has spent on all wars in American history. Federal and state governments spend $1 trillion in taxpayer dollars on America's 80 means-tested welfare programs annually.
The War on Poverty Has Cost $22 Trillion
I’m in Nassau County and the American plumbers, carpenters and electricians are getting steady work for the first time in many years.
Just by chance, who is the President of the United States again?
I have to agree with the OP's article. I'm not a major fan of Trump but my marginal support for him has been based on Socislnissurs, not economics.

Honestly. Economics almost never enter mu mind when it comes to politics. Social issues have always been and will always be at the forefront of my (and many other Conservative's) political agrndas.

I think that most of the people in Heartland America that voted for Trump were concerned about economics after eight years of the Obama failure that produced increased poverty, decreased family income, tremendous debt, greater income disparity and dismal economic growth.
Actually there is something forbids it. The Equal Protection Clause is violated by the very concept of “protected classes”, which by their very definition get more protection...and more can never be equal.
Unfortunately, that is not correct, as already decided by the SCOTUS.

The SCOTUS ruled in error in this case. It happens.
Actually there is something forbids it. The Equal Protection Clause is violated by the very concept of “protected classes”, which by their very definition get more protection...and more can never be equal.
Unfortunately, that is not correct, as already decided by the SCOTUS.

SCOTUS choose to ignore the Constitution in an effort to “right a wrong”.

That does not change the fact that logically “more” for one group can never be equal for all groups.

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Ignoring the Constitution is never the right thing to do.

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