Trump voters willfully threw away their own medical coverage

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But at least Trump will keep them safe from Mexicans and Muslims
Trump will also not confiscate their guns

A fair trade for giving up your healthcare by Trump voters
Indeed it is. :) I haven't gone to a doctor in need to. I find natural solutions at home or at least try them BEFORE going to a doctor to pump me full of drugs.

I hear faith healers are quite effective for low information Trump voters
What the Op doesn't realize is that most Americans can't afford the deductible on obamacare. So it's like not having insurance at all.
You know not what you are talking about...

Due to O-care

Your annual physical is free, no deductible

If you meet the guideline requirements, your mammograms are free, a colonoscopy is free. prostate exam is free etc with NOTHING out of your own pocket.

You had a flat rate to visit your doctor any time you were sick, from as low as $10 a visit to some plans at $40 a doctor's visit...ALL without needing to have your full deductible paid yes, many plans had high deductibles, but this did not prevent anyone from seeing their Doctor for physicals or for when they were sick.

O[care encouraged people to take care of themselves BEFORE thy got really sick and hospitalized.
Obiecare is the most expensive free thing I've ever seen.

Wrong you have copays with the ACA. You do not have to spend your deduct first.
'Trump voters willfully threw away their own medical coverage'

1. The article, if you buy it (AOL News doesn't exactly rate right up there with Fake News / All-In CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NY Times, etc...), states it 'APPEARS'.

2. You're forgetting that ALL Americans were STRIPPED of their RIGHT to choose the coverage they WANTED / NEEDED, or even the RIGHT to NOT buy health coverage when Barry and the Democrats rammed a MINORITY-supported Socialist Agenda-driven ACA down the throats of a MAJORITY of Americans who OPPOSED it, all in the wee hours of the morning while most Americans were still asleep. Oh, and Let's not forget Nancy Pelosi declaring Americans did NOT have the RIGHT to know what was in their 'EDICT' until it had been rammed into law.
-- If nothing else, at least Americans will know what's coming this time.

3. You're also - it seems - forgetting bout how Obama and the Democrats locked themselves behind doors to conduct in secret (after promising EVERY health care meeting would be televised) their back-door deals and how they told Americans it wouldn't cost a dime, would pay for itself, and how they could keep their doctors and policies. Again, if nothing else Americans will know more about what's coming than they did when they got bent over by Barry and his Dems.

4. I guess - it again seems - you are forgetting that EVERY American is screwed RIGHT NOW. After destroying the existing health care insurance system in order to ram the ACA into existence, un-touched and left to its on course the ACA will / IS going to collapse, leaving EVERY American without health coverage.

That's one aspect snowflakes / liberals are trying immensely to avoid talking about. 'Wonderboy's Legacy piece of legislation is SO FRIGGIN AWFUL that it could not survive 10 years without collapsing. (Harry Reid said at the end of the 1st year that the ACA was DESIGNED to collapse, leading to Single Payer - more Govt Control - but that it just happened to be collapsing faster than they had hoped / designed.)

With the forced passage of ACA, Americans lost more than their favorite / preferred health plans and doctors - ALL Americans lost some of their Right to Choose - forcibly handing that Right over to the Rights-destroying, micro-managing, Power-Grabbing, Obama / DNC-Controlled federal govt.

Now, faced with a piss-poor Obamacare - that destroyed the pre-existing health care system, leaving nothing as an alternative - that is collapsing...ceasing to exist, as fate would have it the GOP finds itself in the 'hot seat'...the ones who have had the poop dropped in their lap...the ones who have to come up with a way to either save it or replace it.

What do the Democrats do? What they do best - they start up their propaganda campaign to convince people that the GOP is the source of their pain...when it was the Democrats who first caused their pain to begin with - aka 'The ACA' - OBAMACARE'!
(SIDEBAR: The ACA is a GREAT example of how Democrats want to be judged on 'GOOD INTENTIONS' rather than the DISASTER that usually follows, left for someone else to clean up.

It's like a never-ending cycle: Dems take power, f* a lot of things up, and get FIRED for it. The GOP steps in and has the Democrats' crap dumped in their lap. Trying to clean their mess up is painful, and people don't like pain. While the GOP is trying to clean the DEMOCRATS' mess up, they begin a FAKE NEWS / Propaganda campaign - blaming the GOP for all the pain...trying to get people to forget that it was they - the DEMOCRATS - who created the whole thing to begin with. The people buy their BS and then oust the GOP - who admittedly aren't that great at unity, solving problems, and being brave enough to do what needs to be done even if it costs them their jobs. And the Cycle repeats...just a ;little worse each time because the GOP can never undo the damage caused by the Liberals to begin with before the cycle starts again.)
What the Op doesn't realize is that most Americans can't afford the deductible on obamacare. So it's like not having insurance at all.
You know not what you are talking about...

Due to O-care

Your annual physical is free, no deductible

If you meet the guideline requirements, your mammograms are free, a colonoscopy is free. prostate exam is free etc with NOTHING out of your own pocket.

You had a flat rate to visit your doctor any time you were sick, from as low as $10 a visit to some plans at $40 a doctor's visit...ALL without needing to have your full deductible paid yes, many plans had high deductibles, but this did not prevent anyone from seeing their Doctor for physicals or for when they were sick.

O[care encouraged people to take care of themselves BEFORE thy got really sick and hospitalized.
Obiecare is the most expensive free thing I've ever seen.

Wrong you have copays with the ACA. You do not have to spend your deduct first.
So all that free stuff you listed isn't free then is it?
Indeed it is. :) I haven't gone to a doctor in need to. I find natural solutions at home or at least try them BEFORE going to a doctor to pump me full of drugs.

Apple cider vinegar solves more medical issues than the Mayo Clinic.
People stupid enough to believe that probably *should* be culled.
Indeed it is. :) I haven't gone to a doctor in need to. I find natural solutions at home or at least try them BEFORE going to a doctor to pump me full of drugs.

Apple cider vinegar solves more medical issues than the Mayo Clinic.
Yep. I do oil pulling every morning for my teeth. Dentist wants to do scaling etc but I am trying a natural cure and using natural toothpaste....among other things.
Oil pulling and apple cider vinegar - both debunked via numerous studies as curative of much of anything.

Apple cider vinegar does have some positive benefits in the diet, but can also cause significant adverse effects if consumed regularly - like irritation of the esophagus which can lead to Barret's and esophageal cancer, and erosion of tooth enamel. Its best use in the natural lifestyle is as a hair rinse following shampooing.

If those are your health plan, I sure hope you don't contract an actual illness. If you do, I suggest getting off the alternative medicine webpages and consulting an actual physician.
What the Op doesn't realize is that most Americans can't afford the deductible on obamacare. So it's like not having insurance at all.

That doesn't explain why 20 million more people were covered after Obamacare than before.

But hey when the facts don't fit your narrative....just make up new facts!
Insurance is more expensive and the deductible is $7500. So 20 million are paying for something they cannot use. That's only good in a liberal mind.
Total BS - I had ACA, paid $368/mo. for a platinum plan with $500 deductible. The only plans that bad were the very cheapest available. People with very low incomes could get covered via the Medicaid expansion - people in states where the governors refused federal funds to expand got fucked over by the GOP so the GOP could then say ACA wasn't working. It's BS - it's working as designed and would be much better if all states accepted Medicaid expansion and if a few other adjustments were made - but the majority of the GOP doesn't want it to work, those evil fuckers want to enrich their donors at the expense of poor voters they consider expendable.
The best hope for Democrats is that this Trumpcare clusterfuck passes both the House and Senate - and Trump signs it. Maybe that would be enough to bring Trump's "poorly educated" to their senses.

Washington Redskin
People need to pay for their own shit, fucking crazy prairie ******* like you want everything for nothing. Who's going to pay for the shit? Dead fucking beats like you?
But at least Trump will keep them safe from Mexicans and Muslims
Trump will also not confiscate their guns

A fair trade for giving up your healthcare by Trump voters
Dip shit, insurance is not healthcare…
Nope. Thanks to CONservative and Libtard economic policies we are poor so we get medicaid...well I get it because I am disabled wife and kids get it because we fall below the income levels so we don't need it.

Your medicaid will be pried from your cold, dead hands.

So sayeth Lord Ryan.
The fact remains, I have no right to healthcare but I do have a right to earn healthcare. I will gladly give up all i have payed into Social Security, Medicare and/or any other socialist entitlement program. If I don't have to pay anymore in

If we are the most adversely affected and still for it, then you progressives need to stop crying about it.

You're not still "for it." By and large, you and your backward ilk hate the healthcare plan (you were just too stupid to know that Obama was HELPING you).

Y'all just love Trump's racism and bigotry enough to overlook it, I guess.
First of all you sound like a pussy whipped bitch, and like I said before only a fucking moron would want the nanny state. Socialist entitlement programs are all about the nanny state. You can take your fucking nanny state shove it up your ass. Why don't you progressive fuck ups keep that shit to yourself?
Nope. Thanks to CONservative and Libtard economic policies we are poor so we get medicaid...well I get it because I am disabled wife and kids get it because we fall below the income levels so we don't need it.

Your medicaid will be pried from your cold, dead hands.

So sayeth Lord Ryan.
Cool. Not like I care....If I am THAT ill I will just go to hospital and they can bill my ass and I won't pay :). See we both can play the EXTREME game. We COULD afford insurance if borders between states were gone when it came to purchasing insurance...and we certainly would! I hate the medicaid here....its not as bad as other states but it can be better.

Insurance companies wouldn't even cross borders if borders were open. That's another myth that your Lord Hannity told you. You really enjoy the bedtime fairy tales, don't you?
Insurance is not healthcare… Jack weed
What the Op doesn't realize is that most Americans can't afford the deductible on obamacare. So it's like not having insurance at all.

That doesn't explain why 20 million more people were covered after Obamacare than before.

But hey when the facts don't fit your narrative....just make up new facts!
The Problem with Obamacare you're forcing other people to pay for fucking deadbeats...
Its Socialists fuck faces like yourself that want to control everyone that you disagree with.
What the Op doesn't realize is that most Americans can't afford the deductible on obamacare. So it's like not having insurance at all.

That doesn't explain why 20 million more people were covered after Obamacare than before.

But hey when the facts don't fit your narrative....just make up new facts!
Because they were forced to! DUH!

They were forced to by the mandate that GOP critics said had no teeth and wouldn't encourage coverage?

lol, get your false narrative straight, Trumpbot.
So I have to follow what THEY said? I didn't vote for the clowns....It was either get it or pay the fine and yep I know a few people who would rather pay the fines because its cheaper than paying for the damn insurance.

So they pay something for nothing rather than something for something.

No wonder they're dirt poor.
Socialism is all about getting something for nothing and fucking over the successful. All because of bleeding heart fuck faces like yourself want to control other people that you disagree with.
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