Trump vows not to change the name of Thanksgiving

.......your average leftist or liberal in this country is more concerned about stamping out racism and transphobia than they are about military interventionism.

In other words, they are idiots. Transphobia is not even a real word since transgenderism is fake junk science, trying to legitimize people who are sick in the head, and racism generally does not exist except in the fevered minds of Liberals who blame everything on other people.

Everything Liberals call racist is not racist at all. Its pure bullshit
Trump vows not to change the name of Thanksgiving
Liberal radio host Ethan Bearman and editor Katie Pavlich on the war on Thanksgiving.

ME: Thank God for Trump

What he wants is to call it ......TRUMPSgiving

Where the nation gives thanks to Trump
The Democratic Party Is Radicalizing
The Democratic Party Is Radicalizing
If you want to understand just how radicalized the Democratic Party has become in recent years, look at the ascent of Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont. A self-proclaimed socialist, Sanders served as mayor of Burlington, Vermont, and was then elected to the House in 1990 and the Senate in 2006. It’s hard to overstate just how left-wing Sanders’s views have been, at least by the standards of American politics.

Sanders has been a consistent defender of regimes led by anti-American dictators like Daniel Ortega and Fidel Castro. He took pains to separate his brand of socialism from the “totalitarianism” of the Soviet Union, but on a 1988 trip, repeatedly drew contrasts between the Soviet system and the United States that cast his own country in an unfavorable light. In the 1970s, Sanders called for the nationalization of entire industries and 100 percent taxation on those making more than $1 million. Since then, Sanders has moved away from calling for government to own the means of production, but he has hardly experienced a Damascus-road conversion. He is still a proud leftist.
The Democratic Party Is Radicalizing
The Democratic Party Is Radicalizing
If you want to understand just how radicalized the Democratic Party has become in recent years, look at the ascent of Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont. A self-proclaimed socialist, Sanders served as mayor of Burlington, Vermont, and was then elected to the House in 1990 and the Senate in 2006. It’s hard to overstate just how left-wing Sanders’s views have been, at least by the standards of American politics.

Sanders has been a consistent defender of regimes led by anti-American dictators like Daniel Ortega and Fidel Castro. He took pains to separate his brand of socialism from the “totalitarianism” of the Soviet Union, but on a 1988 trip, repeatedly drew contrasts between the Soviet system and the United States that cast his own country in an unfavorable light. In the 1970s, Sanders called for the nationalization of entire industries and 100 percent taxation on those making more than $1 million. Since then, Sanders has moved away from calling for government to own the means of production, but he has hardly experienced a Damascus-road conversion. He is still a proud leftist.

Bernie, Bernie, Bernie. How about the right winger nut jobs, like Jordan, Nunes, Ratcliffe, Kennedy to name a few.
Happy thanksgiving assholes. And a Merry Christmas as well. Stuff your fat fucking mouths and be comforted in the fact that gluttony and crass consumerism is never going out of style.

Religion is dying back because of it's own sins and not because anyone is attacking it. People have been calling out hypocrisy and greed in Christianity for a very long time and it is this that modern Christians cling to most. You let the very worst kind of people speak for the lord and then turn around attack those who remind you that Jesus was nothing like your false prophets. Jesus was a fine example of how we should treat each other. I have no problem with him, it's his lousy fan club.
Trump vows not to change the name of Thanksgiving
Liberal radio host Ethan Bearman and editor Katie Pavlich on the war on Thanksgiving.

ME: Thank God for Trump

There is not a war on TG, like there is not a war on Christmas.

OMG Obama is going to take my guns away. These dupes are so fucking paranoid they must sleep with one eye open and a gun in their hands. Must be hell living life a scaredy cat.
OMG Obama is going to take my guns away. These dupes are so fucking paranoid they must sleep with one eye open and a gun in their hands. Must be hell living life a scaredy cat.

You're an ignorant bitch Debbie. You give us a bad name, just like that loser Penelope
What he wants is to call it ......TRUMPSgiving

Where the nation gives thanks to Trump
Record employment rates
20 year high wage growth rate
Record 401k increases
Fewer Americans in harm's way overseas
Caliphate destroyed
Trade policies that don't require America to grab her ankles
Lowering prescription costs
Europe picking up more of it's own defense costs
Ended ObamCare tax on poor Americans

Can't thank a Democrat for any of that.
Bernie, Bernie, Bernie. How about the right winger nut jobs, like Jordan, Nunes, Ratcliffe, Kennedy to name a few.
Pointing out Democrat corruption isn't right wing or nutty.

But your desperation is noted.
OMG Obama is going to take my guns away. These dupes are so fucking paranoid they must sleep with one eye open and a gun in their hands. Must be hell living life a scaredy cat.

You're an ignorant bitch Debbie. You give us a bad name, just like that loser Penelope

You and you alone give yourself a bad name Teri or bri whom ever you go by these days. I suspect the neighborhood busy body, tart, etc.
Many on the left believe Thanksgiving is racist, a "whitewashing" of "genocidal colonialism".

Similarly leftists also dislike Christmas. Some want to make it entirely secular and others see it as a celebration of "capitalist greed"

The maj of Americans do not hold any of those views.

I dunno, defamation of Christianity, American history and capitalism definitely seems to be pretty mainstream these days.

The "Christian nation" starting wars for the benefit of "capitalism" that no one has called for have something to do with that?

a little bit, sure. But I think it's more centered around the national obsession with "white supremacy" and "equality" than anything else.

I am a Christian. I absolutely hate what this "Christian nation" is doing to the rest of the world to prop up our failing system. Are you saying that is not a legitimate position to take? I should just accept the lies we are told because it's good for wall street?
If you are a "Christian" then you should know and realize that these United States have done more than most nations to spread The Gospel message of Our Lord Jesus Christ around this planet. Our system isn't failing, it's our Christian Spirit that is being suppressed and undermined all for the sake of a few people who wish to do whatever they choose without feeling somehow insulted and exposed to what some once referred to as Bible thumpers, prudes, and goody two shoes --- but now are simply lumped together by the real bigots as "HATERS". And this is because many Christians who were never afraid of insults, are afraid of the threat of economic and physical attacks. Unfortunately, these are inevitable unless good people throughout this nation begin to return to family values and PERSONAL responsibility, realizing that all behavior isn't profitable for nurturing a healthy Honorable and Respectable society.
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Trump vows not to change the name of Thanksgiving
Liberal radio host Ethan Bearman and editor Katie Pavlich on the war on Thanksgiving.

ME: Thank God for Trump

The problem the Libs have with Thanksgiving is that it is the holiday that America gives thanks to God.

Since they hate conservatives , and Almighty God is the most conservative Person out there, that poses a problem there.

Of course, Christmas is also God-centric as well, celebrating the birth of God

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