Trump vows to turn tables on Biden crime family

When you push really dumb lies like that one, you highlight your devotion to the Lord of Lies.
That isnt a lie. All the evidence points to bribery. Have you heard todays big story? Of course you havent.

Its more evidence that points to Joe being involved in bribery. It appears the Joe kept a Russian oligarch off the sanctions list in exchange for 3 million dollars. Isnt it odd how all the evidence ALWAYS confirms the bribery allegations? Nothing ever exhonerates them. Its weird, right?
You can watch the evidence every stinking day on the televised Congressional hearings, dumb fuck. That's how we know that Biden's claim that he didn't talk to Hunter about his "business dealings" in Ukraine and China is a total fucking lie.
These dumbfucks know NOTHING, and they’re proud of it.
You cant write off all the alkegations while claiming to be ethical. YOU are defending a man who is almost certainly comprimised by the Chinese government. Your party is going to pay a significant price for that in the end.
Your party has no candidate for 2024. Whose fault is it that Biden is running unopposed?
That isnt a lie. All the evidence points to bribery. Have you heard todays big story? Of course you havent.

Its more evidence that points to Joe being involved in bribery. It appears the Joe kept a Russian oligarch off the sanctions list in exchange for 3 million dollars. Isnt it odd how all the evidence ALWAYS confirms the bribery allegations? Nothing ever exhonerates them. Its weird, right?
^^^ This should be a new thread. There are so many incidences now emerging fast and furious that they will get lost all jumbled together.
That isnt a lie. All the evidence points to bribery
Yet nobody can show any actual evidence. They can only come up with crazy stories they saw on a conspiracy site somewhere.

Remember, you're not talking to your fellow followers-of-Satan here. We don't worship lies. We're in touch with reality, so we know you're making everything up.
Yet nobody can show any actual evidence. They can only come up with crazy stories they saw on a conspiracy site somewhere.

Remember, you're not talking to your fellow followers-of-Satan here. We don't worship lies. We're in touch with reality, so we know you're making everything up.
Only the Dim voters don't know it.
And still no actual evidence from Bri. All he has is "BUT MY MASTERS TOLD ME THERE WAS EVIDENCE!".

Bri and all the Trump cult losers on this thread just aren't very bright. They literally can't grasp the difference between "This is true" and "Someone told me this is true". Their masters feed them a line of bull, they BELIEVE. It's not that their BS meters are broken, it's that they never had a BS-meter, which leaves them no defense against right-wing brainwashing.
Only the Dim voters don't know it.
Remember the name "Schwerin". Youll be hearing his name more in the future. I think that guy is going to be a MASSIVE problem for Joe. I also think the IRS has the location of Joes money overseas account. He is in fucksville if thats the case.
And still no actual evidence from Bri. All he has is "BUT MY MASTERS TOLD ME THERE WAS EVIDENCE!".

Bri and all the Trump cult losers on this thread just aren't very bright. They literally can't grasp the difference between "This is true" and "Someone told me this is true". Their masters feed them a line of bull, they BELIEVE. It's not that their BS meters are broken, it's that they never had a BS-meter, which leaves them no defense against right-wing brainwashing.
I believe bank records, emails and texts, and i believe Comer. He hasnt lied yet. If he ever does lie, i wont believe him anymore.
I don’t think Democrats know the meaning of the word “evidence.”

Evidence is a text message or email in which Hunter complains that he has to give half his salary to Joe Biden.

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