Trump vows to turn tables on Biden crime family

HE was a crook. You support crooks. so?

All politicians likely are crooks in some way.
Trump is vastly the lesser of 2 evils.
Biden is clearly destroying the whole country.
Biden is running up trillions more in national debt.
Biden illegal put economic sanctions on Russia that caused a world wide rise in prices.
Biden has emptied our strategic oil reserve.
Biden armed an illegal country who deliberately started a war with Russia by theft, murder, and treaty violations.

There are only 2 possible results from what Biden has done.
Either the US will be destroyed by a nuclear attack, or the US will go bankrupt from a failure to finance the ever expanding national debt.
All politicians likely are crooks in some way.
Trump is vastly the lesser of 2 evils.
Biden is clearly destroying the whole country.
Biden is running up trillions more in national debt.
Biden illegal put economic sanctions on Russia that caused a world wide rise in prices.
Biden has emptied our strategic oil reserve.
Biden armed an illegal country who deliberately started a war with Russia by theft, murder, and treaty violations.

There are only 2 possible results from what Biden has done.
Either the US will be destroyed by a nuclear attack, or the US will go bankrupt from a failure to finance the ever expanding national debt.

crawl back under your rock
Still fundamentally wrong. There was no congressional aid for Biden to threaten with. By law the President has great control over those loan guarantees we were offering the Ukrainians for doing what we wanted them too. Nothing illegal about that.

Go back to watch the video again.
I have no idea what congressional aid Biden is referring to withholding in the video, but clearly he knew and the Ukraine knew, because Shokin was illegally fired and there has NEVER been any investigation of Burisma Holdings.
And all three are totally illegal.
Threatening to withhold congressional aid, firing Shokin, and not investigating Burisma Holdings, are all totally and completely illegal.

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No, we didn't. We saw the opposite. Biden got the guy fired because he _wouldn't_ investigate corruption. Biden rightfully bragged about removing corruption, triggering the pro-corruption faction hard.

So, you tried to reverse reality. Who did you think that deception would fool?

That is a lie.
Shokin was civil service, and can NOT be fired legally without a hearing over proven misconduct.
No such hearing was ever held.
And clearly Shokin WAS investigating corruption.
He just had not gotten far into Burisma Holdings yet.
The reality is that Shokin was part of the old government that had been legally and fairly elected in 2010.
The crooks who fired Shokin were part of the Maidan rebellion that took over militarily, and never allowed any fair elections since.
You are the one defending the crooks and murderers who massacred over 30,000 native ethnic Russians in the Ukraine, and preventing there from ever being fair election.
There is no excuse or possible reason for Biden to have done what he did, getting Shokin fired, encouraging the Ukraine to commit war crimes and treaty violations, as well as causing WWIII.
Worst president in all history.
Do you get paid by Russia for helping them?

I like Russia because they are not colonial imperialists, and they helped Cuba, China, Korea, Vietnam, etc., because it was the right thing to do, and not to make money from it like we do.
So you expect to be taken seriously after saying something that absurd and reality-defying?

You babble delusional Trump cult propaganda, so you should expect to be defined as a Trump cultist.

It does not at all matter who I am.
What matters is that clearly Biden was involved in the illegal 2014 Maidan takeover that destroyed the democracy in the Ukraine, and installed a racist and fascist dictatorship.
He committed dozens of treaty violations, illegally imposed economic sanctions on Russia, and is trying to start WWIII.
No, we didn't. We saw the opposite. Biden got the guy fired because he _wouldn't_ investigate corruption. Biden rightfully bragged about removing corruption, triggering the pro-corruption faction hard.

So, you tried to reverse reality. Who did you think that deception would fool?
Says Biden. What credible person says that?
I like Russia because they are not colonial imperialists, and they helped Cuba, China, Korea, Vietnam, etc., because it was the right thing to do, and not to make money from it like we do.

They harmed those countries.

We benefited them AND made money
It does not at all matter who I am.
What matters is that clearly Biden was involved in the illegal 2014 Maidan takeover that destroyed the democracy in the Ukraine, and installed a racist and fascist dictatorship.
He committed dozens of treaty violations, illegally imposed economic sanctions on Russia, and is trying to start WWIII.
Biden was not onvolcved in that LIAR

He violated no treaty you liar

The sanctions are legal you liar
Go back to watch the video again.
I have no idea what congressional aid Biden is referring to withholding in the video, but clearly he knew and the Ukraine knew, because Shokin was illegally fired and there has NEVER been any investigation of Burisma Holdings.
And all three are totally illegal.
Threatening to withhold congressional aid, firing Shokin, and not investigating Burisma Holdings, are all totally and completely illegal.

Who wanted Shokin fired?
The International Monetary Fund, The European Union, foreign investors, the U.S. govt., etc.
If VP Biden was doing something illegal we wouldn`t be watching him do it on camera. How damn dumb are you losers? Very dumb.

That is a lie.
We all watched the video of Biden bragging about illegally withholding congressional aid to the Ukraine in order to illegally get Shokin fired so he would not investigate the illegal bribes.
We all watched the contrasting video of Trump who did absolutely nothing wrong by simply asking for an investigation of Burisma Holdings.

That is absolute and incontrovertible proof.
Biden is guilty and Trump innocent.
And that is a lie! Did he brag a little? Yep. Was it illegal?
No! So your whole argument, and life, is based on lies!
That makes anything you try to throw out a lie!
I bet you thought Paul Pelosi was having a sexual "adventure" when the police opened the door!🤣 Didn't you?

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