Trump vs the media and both parties

Whenever someone says anything negative about Trump, that person becomes a lightweight stupid looser in the eyes of The Donald.

Replace the words 'trump' and 'the donald' with 'obama' or 'hillary' they all do it.
Not like that, it is perfectly acceptable to hit back hard on criticism as long as it is on-topic and does not seem personal or mean spirited.

Bullshit. take you PC and shove it up your ass. I am tired of pansy assed politicians who are afraid of doing anything because it might piss off some tiny faction. Fuck it, we need a leader with balls who will tell it like it is and do what needs to be done.
Whenever someone says anything negative about Trump, that person becomes a lightweight stupid looser in the eyes of The Donald.

Replace the words 'trump' and 'the donald' with 'obama' or 'hillary' they all do it.
Not like that, it is perfectly acceptable to hit back hard on criticism as long as it is on-topic and does not seem personal or mean spirited.

Uhhh, have you listened to obozo talk about the GOP controlled congress? Or anyone who dares disagree with his marxist agenda?
Yes, he is addressing the issue at hand, not suggesting that they are on the rag or some other kind of personal attack. Trump embodies the troll mentality of an internet conservative, no wonder you like him. He answers harsh criticism not with a rational counterargument but with personal attacks, that shit cannot be allowed to become normal in American politics, we have had too much of that already out the teabagger crowd and it has made us the laughing stock of the civilized world.

Most of it comes from Democrats and the MSM. It's about time you were on the receiving end of what you dish out.
Whenever someone says anything negative about Trump, that person becomes a lightweight stupid looser in the eyes of The Donald.

Replace the words 'trump' and 'the donald' with 'obama' or 'hillary' they all do it.
Not like that, it is perfectly acceptable to hit back hard on criticism as long as it is on-topic and does not seem personal or mean spirited.

Uhhh, have you listened to obozo talk about the GOP controlled congress? Or anyone who dares disagree with his marxist agenda?
Yes, he is addressing the issue at hand, not suggesting that they are on the rag or some other kind of personal attack. Trump embodies the troll mentality of an internet conservative, no wonder you like him. He answers harsh criticism not with a rational counterargument but with personal attacks, that shit cannot be allowed to become normal in American politics, we have had too much of that already out the teabagger crowd and it has made us the laughing stock of the civilized world.

^^^more PC bullshit^^^^ Obama and clinton have made the US the laughing stock of the world. The world laughs and weakness and incompetence. It respects strength and honesty.
Whenever someone says anything negative about Trump, that person becomes a lightweight stupid looser in the eyes of The Donald.

Replace the words 'trump' and 'the donald' with 'obama' or 'hillary' they all do it.
Not like that, it is perfectly acceptable to hit back hard on criticism as long as it is on-topic and does not seem personal or mean spirited.

Bullshit. take you PC and shove it up your ass. I am tired of pansy assed politicians who are afraid of doing anything because it might piss off some tiny faction. Fuck it, we need a leader with balls who will tell it like it is and do what needs to be done.
You get things done in politics by gathering support from other politicians who tend to be petty as hell and unforgiving. Should Trump get elected he would be the most ineffectual president we would ever have because everyone, not just one party, will be working for his failure.
The Donald is outspoken about how he feels.

I don't know how wise that is, but he is good entertainment and is forcing the GOP to confront itself. Good.

Come on snake, can you ever be totally honest? He is forcing both parties to confront themselves, and that is good for the country.
I am always honest, while you are the shallow, twisted one who must be dragged from the shadows. The Dems are not concerned about Donald at all.

Great, but the dems are very concerned about hillary and her many violations of the law and corrupt bribes via the clinton foundation.

the dem power brokers would be very happy if she came down with a serious medical condition. As I said earlier, if I was HRC I would hire a food taster.
Off OP. Noted.

You can believe all the above if you wish, but the Dems are praying for Trump to succeed either as GOP or 3d Party candidate.
Republicans founded FOX news so that they would have a friendly media outlet that would always pitch them softballs and portray them positively. I fail to see the wisdom in pissing them off just for a stunt.

Bull shit. FOX exists to counter the extreme left wing bias of the MSM.

Bullshit yourself. Fox exists to give equal time to both sides, the problem that creates for you libs is that when both sides are given equal time, you always lose.

You were saying?
He was saying equal time....

One news station against the 300+ that are in the tank for the DNC is NOT equal time.
300? Wow, you do have a vivid imagination. As if the Interent, Blaze, Drudge, and Talk Radio didn't exist.

You seem like someone who can at least be honest for a moment. Try it, would you please.

Romney commercials filled the airwaves in the swing states. He visited the swing states. The press covered the visits.

Obama commercials filled the airwaves in the swing states. He visited the swing states. The press covered the visits.

Both men had websites. Both men got their messages out. Its just a fact that the voters like Obama's messages better. Romney embodied the 1% at a time when the 1% is seen as aloof, out of touch, and uncaring. Why is that? Because the 1% is aloof (CEO's making 100x what their employees make), out of touch (the rich were the only ones doing above average or well in the economy), and uncaring (The GOP's penchant for cutting taxes on the rich is well known and will figure prominently in 2016 as well.

BTW...why is it you don't talk about the last 3 elections where the Dems were handed their asses in Congress and the States?

Oh, thats right.......It doesn't fit the narrative...

The House is gerrymandered beyond the pale of reason. Talk to me next November about the Senate, would you, please.
Whenever someone says anything negative about Trump, that person becomes a lightweight stupid looser in the eyes of The Donald.

Replace the words 'trump' and 'the donald' with 'obama' or 'hillary' they all do it.
Not like that, it is perfectly acceptable to hit back hard on criticism as long as it is on-topic and does not seem personal or mean spirited.

Uhhh, have you listened to obozo talk about the GOP controlled congress? Or anyone who dares disagree with his marxist agenda?
Yes, he is addressing the issue at hand, not suggesting that they are on the rag or some other kind of personal attack. Trump embodies the troll mentality of an internet conservative, no wonder you like him. He answers harsh criticism not with a rational counterargument but with personal attacks, that shit cannot be allowed to become normal in American politics, we have had too much of that already out the teabagger crowd and it has made us the laughing stock of the civilized world.

^^^more PC bullshit^^^^ Obama and clinton have made the US the laughing stock of the world. The world laughs and weakness and incompetence. It respects strength and honesty.
No, that's just American conservatives who want a mean-spirited authoritarian bully for a president, for some stupid reason.
If Trump is to win he will have to overcome opposition by the entire media and the power brokers in both parties. They are all out to destroy him because he refuses to play their games and kiss their asses.

Good for him and good for America.

It has nothing to do with the media or power brokers.

If Trump is to win, he's going to have stop being a total incendiary douchebag.

I agree to a point. But when he is attacked without reason, he should respond in kind. He needs to put our specifics on his plans for the border and the economy. But you must admit that going against the media and both party bosses is a real challenge.
Okay, but he should be smart in the way he counter attacks. Kelly asked him about some "over the line" comments about women that he made in the past....,,so his counter attack is to make more "over the line" comments about Megan Kelly and prove the point of the question. Seems like a stupid way to react to me.

I agree that we have become too PC, but let's not go to the opposite extreme.
24 million Americans tuned in to the debate
What an excellent chance for relatively unknown republicans to meet America

Instead it turned into a Trump reality show
24 million Americans tuned in to the debate
What an excellent chance for relatively unknown republicans to meet America

Instead it turned into a Trump reality show
A lot of those tuning in did so only to see a potential train wreck. It's certainly not a measure of support for Trump or the republican party.
24 million Americans tuned in to the debate
What an excellent chance for relatively unknown republicans to meet America

Instead it turned into a Trump reality show
A lot of those tuning in did so only to see a potential train wreck. It's certainly not a measure of support for Trump or the republican party.
A significant portion of it certainly is exactly that, occupied.
24 million Americans tuned in to the debate
What an excellent chance for relatively unknown republicans to meet America

Instead it turned into a Trump reality show
A lot of those tuning in did so only to see a potential train wreck. It's certainly not a measure of support for Trump or the republican party.
A significant portion of it certainly is exactly that, occupied.
For sure, but even with them, I am not sure they saw anyone they can stay excited about until next November, including Trump. Fools to start so early.
24 million Americans tuned in to the debate
What an excellent chance for relatively unknown republicans to meet America

Instead it turned into a Trump reality show
A lot of those tuning in did so only to see a potential train wreck. It's certainly not a measure of support for Trump or the republican party.
First impressions still carry a lot of weight with the public

The first impression of the Republucan Presidential field was a circus sideshow
Time will tell, yes.
Trump supporters may end up being his worst enemy. I have already encountered a couple of hardcore supporters and the second the conversation turns to the race they immediately start loudly talking over everyone else spewing an angry diatribe flatly putting down everything anyone says in response, just like Trump. More reasonable people will be telling these belligerent assholes to STFU to their face before long.
Time will tell, yes.
Trump supporters may end up being his worst enemy. I have already encountered a couple of hardcore supporters and the second the conversation turns to the race they immediately start loudly talking over everyone else spewing an angry diatribe flatly putting down everything anyone says in response, just like Trump. More reasonable people will be telling these belligerent assholes to STFU to their face before long.

Think they will be skeered? LOL
If Trump can survive the Primaries, he will have the support of the Republican media infrastructure, which included the corporate funding of virtually the entire business community, who doesn't want Hillary's taxes and regulation.

This will transform Trump into the biggest insider ever, for he will be the candidate of big money.

Enjoy his outsider status while you can.
If Trump is to win he will have to overcome opposition by the entire media and the power brokers in both parties. They are all out to destroy him because he refuses to play their games and kiss their asses.

Good for him and good for America.

If Trump is to win he will have to overcome opposition by the entire media and the power brokers in both parties. They are all out to destroy him because he refuses to play their games and kiss their asses.

Good for him and good for America.

Your paranoid delusions are not supported by the facts.
If Trump is to win he will have to overcome opposition by the entire media and the power brokers in both parties. They are all out to destroy him because he refuses to play their games and kiss their asses.

Good for him and good for America.
You can say the exact same thing about hillary or Bernie Sanders.

Good for them because one of them is the next potus.

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