Trump vs the media and both parties

If Trump is to win he will have to overcome opposition by the entire media and the power brokers in both parties. They are all out to destroy him because he refuses to play their games and kiss their asses.

Good for him and good for America.

Neither establishment party has the guts to debate Trump on the issues and win on the issues. Instead they are trying to take him out with 'gotcha' crap that reminds me a LOT of liberals. When Fox News starts acting like liberals and using their tactics who's left, Rush? Here's what Rush had to say about this gotcha crap and in particular Fox News using the left's made up "war on women" lie to attack Trump,

Rush, "I have lost all respect for Fox News".
The Donald is outspoken about how he feels.

I don't know how wise that is, but he is good entertainment and is forcing the GOP to confront itself. Good.

Come on snake, can you ever be totally honest? He is forcing both parties to confront themselves, and that is good for the country.
I am always honest, while you are the shallow, twisted one who must be dragged from the shadows. The Dems are not concerned about Donald at all.

Great, but the dems are very concerned about hillary and her many violations of the law and corrupt bribes via the clinton foundation.

the dem power brokers would be very happy if she came down with a serious medical condition. As I said earlier, if I was HRC I would hire a food taster.
Off OP. Noted.

You can believe all the above if you wish, but the Dems are praying for Trump to succeed either as GOP or 3d Party candidate.

3rd party, maybe. but they are scared shitless of him as the GOP nominee.
Such statements as the above are why you are not seriously considered as a person in the know.
Republicans founded FOX news so that they would have a friendly media outlet that would always pitch them softballs and portray them positively. I fail to see the wisdom in pissing them off just for a stunt.


You leftwing loons just can't handle the fact that all of the media are not shills for your agenda.

Perhaps you can find Safe Space and watch puppy videos.
boedicca, I am turning my thoughts against Fox after their debate, too, I think many people are. I read the Facebook comments on Kelly and the were 98% negative. No more "fair and balanced and unafraid." That is BS.

they obviously had an agenda to bring Trump down. I don't think it worked.

Trump refuses to play the media games and kiss their asses. That is a good thing for america, like trump or hate him.
In a way, you're right. Fight against the status quo. That is not working. We'll have to see how this works out.
Come on snake, can you ever be totally honest? He is forcing both parties to confront themselves, and that is good for the country.
I am always honest, while you are the shallow, twisted one who must be dragged from the shadows. The Dems are not concerned about Donald at all.

Great, but the dems are very concerned about hillary and her many violations of the law and corrupt bribes via the clinton foundation.

the dem power brokers would be very happy if she came down with a serious medical condition. As I said earlier, if I was HRC I would hire a food taster.
Off OP. Noted.

You can believe all the above if you wish, but the Dems are praying for Trump to succeed either as GOP or 3d Party candidate.

3rd party, maybe. but they are scared shitless of him as the GOP nominee.
Such statements as the above are why you are not seriously considered as a person in the know.

LOL, yes, we know how the truth scares you, snake jockey. The power players in the dem party know that HRC is a terrible candidate and are desperate for a way to dump her. WATCH, it will happen.
I am always honest, while you are the shallow, twisted one who must be dragged from the shadows. The Dems are not concerned about Donald at all.

Great, but the dems are very concerned about hillary and her many violations of the law and corrupt bribes via the clinton foundation.

the dem power brokers would be very happy if she came down with a serious medical condition. As I said earlier, if I was HRC I would hire a food taster.
Off OP. Noted.

You can believe all the above if you wish, but the Dems are praying for Trump to succeed either as GOP or 3d Party candidate.

3rd party, maybe. but they are scared shitless of him as the GOP nominee.
Such statements as the above are why you are not seriously considered as a person in the know.
LOL, yes, we know how the truth scares you, snake jockey. The power players in the dem party know that HRC is a terrible candidate and are desperate for a way to dump her. WATCH, it will happen.
You don't speak the truth. HRC is not a great candidate at all; she is mediocre. Americans are more distrustful of Trump than HRC is the problem.
Republicans founded FOX news so that they would have a friendly media outlet that would always pitch them softballs and portray them positively. I fail to see the wisdom in pissing them off just for a stunt.


You leftwing loons just can't handle the fact that all of the media are not shills for your agenda.

Perhaps you can find Safe Space and watch puppy videos.
boedicca, I am turning my thoughts against Fox after their debate, too, I think many people are. I read the Facebook comments on Kelly and the were 98% negative. No more "fair and balanced and unafraid." That is BS.

Think whatever you wish. I don't trust FB - its management is very leftwing biased. As well, Dems engage in massive amounts of astroturf - which makes an FB sample not representative of the nation at large.

I'll make up my own mind via my observations and reading. Given how many candidates are in the GOP field, I don't mind tough questions to test their mettle. What we saw in Trump was yet another thin-skinned vindictive candidate ala Obama. It's better to see him outed now....
We can't have this......

Why can't we have what this gentleman talks about? He has many facts right. Trump has two entities against him...The Democrats (Obama and Hillary) and the Republican Establishment! Who is this guy and what does he represent?
Great, but the dems are very concerned about hillary and her many violations of the law and corrupt bribes via the clinton foundation.

the dem power brokers would be very happy if she came down with a serious medical condition. As I said earlier, if I was HRC I would hire a food taster.
Off OP. Noted.

You can believe all the above if you wish, but the Dems are praying for Trump to succeed either as GOP or 3d Party candidate.

3rd party, maybe. but they are scared shitless of him as the GOP nominee.
Such statements as the above are why you are not seriously considered as a person in the know.
LOL, yes, we know how the truth scares you, snake jockey. The power players in the dem party know that HRC is a terrible candidate and are desperate for a way to dump her. WATCH, it will happen.
You don't speak the truth. HRC is not a great candidate at all; she is mediocre. Americans are more distrustful of Trump than HRC is the problem.
Are they really distrustful of Trump? I'm not seeing that in the polls.
Time will tell, yes.
Trump supporters may end up being his worst enemy. I have already encountered a couple of hardcore supporters and the second the conversation turns to the race they immediately start loudly talking over everyone else spewing an angry diatribe flatly putting down everything anyone says in response, just like Trump. More reasonable people will be telling these belligerent assholes to STFU to their face before long.

Think they will be skeered? LOL
That's not the point, pissing people off is a sure-fire way to make sure they do the exact opposite of what you want them to. At this moment Trump has all the support he will ever have with his strategy of personal attacks and belligerence to all. Not going to win any more new supporters with this nasty attitude.
It's like his fight with Rosie O'Donnell. Some will root and cheer trump but most think he's just an arrogant attention whore.

I just heard trump was uninvited to the next debate BC he said Megan Kelly was on the rag. Lol

Does anyone take trump seriously?

Clearly a lot of usmb nuts do.
Republicans founded FOX news so that they would have a friendly media outlet that would always pitch them softballs and portray them positively. I fail to see the wisdom in pissing them off just for a stunt.


You leftwing loons just can't handle the fact that all of the media are not shills for your agenda.

Perhaps you can find Safe Space and watch puppy videos.
boedicca, I am turning my thoughts against Fox after their debate, too, I think many people are. I read the Facebook comments on Kelly and the were 98% negative. No more "fair and balanced and unafraid." That is BS.

Think whatever you wish. I don't trust FB - its management is very leftwing biased. As well, Dems engage in massive amounts of astroturf - which makes an FB sample not representative of the nation at large.

I'll make up my own mind via my observations and reading. Given how many candidates are in the GOP field, I don't mind tough questions to test their mettle. What we saw in Trump was yet another thin-skinned vindictive candidate ala Obama. It's better to see him outed now....
Trump thin skinned? Right. Vindictive? Yeah. Facebook comments? I believe their a true representation.
Time will tell, yes.
Trump supporters may end up being his worst enemy. I have already encountered a couple of hardcore supporters and the second the conversation turns to the race they immediately start loudly talking over everyone else spewing an angry diatribe flatly putting down everything anyone says in response, just like Trump. More reasonable people will be telling these belligerent assholes to STFU to their face before long.

Think they will be skeered? LOL
That's not the point, pissing people off is a sure-fire way to make sure they do the exact opposite of what you want them to. At this moment Trump has all the support he will ever have with his strategy of personal attacks and belligerence to all. Not going to win any more new supporters with this nasty attitude.
It's like his fight with Rosie O'Donnell. Some will root and cheer trump but most think he's just an arrogant attention whore.

I just heard trump was uninvited to the next debate BC he said Megan Kelly was on the rag. Lol

Does anyone take trump seriously?

Clearly a lot of usmb nuts do.
He is definitely someone to be reckoned with.
Republicans founded FOX news so that they would have a friendly media outlet that would always pitch them softballs and portray them positively. I fail to see the wisdom in pissing them off just for a stunt.


You leftwing loons just can't handle the fact that all of the media are not shills for your agenda.

Perhaps you can find Safe Space and watch puppy videos.
boedicca, I am turning my thoughts against Fox after their debate, too, I think many people are. I read the Facebook comments on Kelly and the were 98% negative. No more "fair and balanced and unafraid." That is BS.

Think whatever you wish. I don't trust FB - its management is very leftwing biased. As well, Dems engage in massive amounts of astroturf - which makes an FB sample not representative of the nation at large.

I'll make up my own mind via my observations and reading. Given how many candidates are in the GOP field, I don't mind tough questions to test their mettle. What we saw in Trump was yet another thin-skinned vindictive candidate ala Obama. It's better to see him outed now....
Trump thin skinned? Right. Vindictive? Yeah. Facebook comments? I believe their a true representation.

Bully for you. I don't believe FB.
If Trump is to win he will have to overcome opposition by the entire media and the power brokers in both parties. They are all out to destroy him because he refuses to play their games and kiss their asses.

Good for him and good for America.
Hilary Clinton sure hopes so.
If Trump is to win he will have to overcome opposition by the entire media and the power brokers in both parties. They are all out to destroy him because he refuses to play their games and kiss their asses.

Good for him and good for America.
Paranoid, delusional nonsense.

Trump has only himself to blame, not 'the media.'

Trump is bad for America; he's also bad for the GOP (which is good for America), but most on the right are to blind and clueless to realize that.
Time will tell, yes.
Trump supporters may end up being his worst enemy. I have already encountered a couple of hardcore supporters and the second the conversation turns to the race they immediately start loudly talking over everyone else spewing an angry diatribe flatly putting down everything anyone says in response, just like Trump. More reasonable people will be telling these belligerent assholes to STFU to their face before long.

Think they will be skeered? LOL
That's not the point, pissing people off is a sure-fire way to make sure they do the exact opposite of what you want them to. At this moment Trump has all the support he will ever have with his strategy of personal attacks and belligerence to all. Not going to win any more new supporters with this nasty attitude.

His numbers keep going up :rolleyes:
Not nearly as they were growing. He is reaching max numbers in the party.
Trump exemplifies the arrogant mean spirit of republicans. They like trump because he's saying what they are all thinking.
Time will tell, yes.
Trump supporters may end up being his worst enemy. I have already encountered a couple of hardcore supporters and the second the conversation turns to the race they immediately start loudly talking over everyone else spewing an angry diatribe flatly putting down everything anyone says in response, just like Trump. More reasonable people will be telling these belligerent assholes to STFU to their face before long.

Think they will be skeered? LOL
That's not the point, pissing people off is a sure-fire way to make sure they do the exact opposite of what you want them to. At this moment Trump has all the support he will ever have with his strategy of personal attacks and belligerence to all. Not going to win any more new supporters with this nasty attitude.
It's like his fight with Rosie O'Donnell. Some will root and cheer trump but most think he's just an arrogant attention whore.

I just heard trump was uninvited to the next debate BC he said Megan Kelly was on the rag. Lol

Does anyone take trump seriously?

Clearly a lot of usmb nuts do.
He is definitely someone to be reckoned with.
Why are Republicans OK with what he said about Rosie O'Donnell but not Megan Kelly?

They said the same thing about Ron Paul and Ross Perot. Trump should not be electable. If he is, what does that say about Americans? Who's gonna be his VP Kim kardashian?
Trump supporters may end up being his worst enemy. I have already encountered a couple of hardcore supporters and the second the conversation turns to the race they immediately start loudly talking over everyone else spewing an angry diatribe flatly putting down everything anyone says in response, just like Trump. More reasonable people will be telling these belligerent assholes to STFU to their face before long.

Think they will be skeered? LOL
That's not the point, pissing people off is a sure-fire way to make sure they do the exact opposite of what you want them to. At this moment Trump has all the support he will ever have with his strategy of personal attacks and belligerence to all. Not going to win any more new supporters with this nasty attitude.

His numbers keep going up :rolleyes:
Not nearly as they were growing. He is reaching max numbers in the party.
Trump exemplifies the arrogant mean spirit of republicans. They like trump because he's saying what they are all thinking.


Trump represents TRUMP.
Time will tell, yes.
Trump supporters may end up being his worst enemy. I have already encountered a couple of hardcore supporters and the second the conversation turns to the race they immediately start loudly talking over everyone else spewing an angry diatribe flatly putting down everything anyone says in response, just like Trump. More reasonable people will be telling these belligerent assholes to STFU to their face before long.

Think they will be skeered? LOL
That's not the point, pissing people off is a sure-fire way to make sure they do the exact opposite of what you want them to. At this moment Trump has all the support he will ever have with his strategy of personal attacks and belligerence to all. Not going to win any more new supporters with this nasty attitude.
It's like his fight with Rosie O'Donnell. Some will root and cheer trump but most think he's just an arrogant attention whore.

I just heard trump was uninvited to the next debate BC he said Megan Kelly was on the rag. Lol

Does anyone take trump seriously?

Clearly a lot of usmb nuts do.
And Fox certainly does.
Republicans founded FOX news so that they would have a friendly media outlet that would always pitch them softballs and portray them positively. I fail to see the wisdom in pissing them off just for a stunt.


You leftwing loons just can't handle the fact that all of the media are not shills for your agenda.

Perhaps you can find Safe Space and watch puppy videos.
boedicca, I am turning my thoughts against Fox after their debate, too, I think many people are. I read the Facebook comments on Kelly and the were 98% negative. No more "fair and balanced and unafraid." That is BS.

Think whatever you wish. I don't trust FB - its management is very leftwing biased. As well, Dems engage in massive amounts of astroturf - which makes an FB sample not representative of the nation at large.

I'll make up my own mind via my observations and reading. Given how many candidates are in the GOP field, I don't mind tough questions to test their mettle. What we saw in Trump was yet another thin-skinned vindictive candidate ala Obama. It's better to see him outed now....
Trump thin skinned? Right. Vindictive? Yeah. Facebook comments? I believe their a true representation.

Bully for you. I don't believe FB.
That's why conservatives have a mind of their own. They don't have to agree with everything.

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