Trump walked back Constitution remark so what's the big deal. Trump will be Trump.

If he gave a detailed position showing he really meant it that would be one thing. Instead it was another Trump rant shooting from the lip. So no one cares. The Constitution breakers are the Dems who overthrew the election in 2020 and now Arizona, then gaslight about it as if no one has a brain. They are the living breathing threat to democracy. Not Trump's middle of night rants.
That's right, spin this any way you want! We all know what he said.
Which provisions of the ACA do that?
Try upgrading every instrument and machine in your costs a fortune and having a multi-year write-off doesn't cover the loss.
99% of MDs I know and use had to be bought out by business people that own clinics and hospitals.

There's another, even worse factor, your bosses want 2x the number of patients being treated every day, so practitioners have to eliminate procedures necessary to write proper case management.

The medical practice at which my wife worked for 30+ years was bought over by a large "Medical" consortium last year and most of the employees quit because they were ordered to write case notes based on procedures not carried out.

The ACA has Good Points and Bad Points.
Try upgrading every instrument and machine in your costs a fortune and having a multi-year write-off doesn't cover the loss.
99% of MDs I know and use had to be bought out by business people that own clinics and hospitals.

There's another, even worse factor, your bosses want 2x the number of patients being treated every day, so practitioners have to eliminate procedures necessary to write proper case management.

The medical practice at which my wife worked for 30+ years was bought over by a large "Medical" consortium last year and most of the employees quit because they were ordered to write case notes based on procedures not carried out.

The ACA has Good Points and Bad Points.
No compromise bill coming out of Congress will ever be perfect. It didn't help that the GOP refused to participate in the process even though they previously endorsed many of the ACA provisions. However, even before the ACA, hospitals were beginning to buy up physicians’ practices.
No compromise bill coming out of Congress will ever be perfect. It didn't help that the GOP refused to participate in the process even though they previously endorsed many of the ACA provisions. However, even before the ACA, hospitals were beginning to buy up physicians’ practices.
Thanks to GW Bush and the massive trespasser and H1-B invasion, millions of US citizens were rendered unemployed and MDs lost patients that no longer had health insurance.

That’s why both parties suck.
Thanks to GW Bush and the massive trespasser and H1-B invasion, millions of US citizens were rendered unemployed and MDs lost patients that no longer had health insurance.

That’s why both parties suck.
We get the government we deserve, not the one we want.
If we don't learn from our mistakes we deserve what we get. Do you still want Trump after his dinner with 2 anti-Semites?
Ye has psychiatric issues and no one I know ever heard of Fuentes, let alone what he looks like.
Have you memorized everyone who wreaked destruction during the George Floyd Holidays of Destruction?
Ye has psychiatric issues and no one I know ever heard of Fuentes, let alone what he looks like.
How often have you invited someone with psychiatric issues to your home for dinner? If they brought some stranger you'd have no problems?

Have you memorized everyone who wreaked destruction during the George Floyd Holidays of Destruction?
If they came to my house you bet I'd know who they were.
How often have you invited someone with psychiatric issues to your home for dinner? If they brought some stranger you'd have no problems?

If they came to my house you bet I'd know who they were.
We’ve had an autistic neighbor over for lunch for the last 15 years and he just earned a Masters in Urban Development because I made him talk at lunch.
I don’t destroy people with kindness.

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