trump wanted to invade Venezuela

What the op isn't telling you is that he and the other board morons wished he would invade somewhere just so they could have a legit reason to complain

Right...cause we enjoyed the W years....when he set the ME on fire and crashed the economy.
What the op isn't telling you is that he and the other board morons wished he would invade somewhere just so they could have a legit reason to complain

Right...cause we enjoyed the W years....when he set the ME on fire and crashed the economy.
Everyone notice how he skipped right past the Obama years and the invasions and blunders of his administration?

Really pathetic
What the op isn't telling you is that he and the other board morons wished he would invade somewhere just so they could have a legit reason to complain

Right...cause we enjoyed the W years....when he set the ME on fire and crashed the economy.

Now trump is responsible for the middle east? Youre mental.

And the economy is crashed? You need to get out of your parents basement more often
The article says he gave no indication of ordering plans much less an actual invasion.

Thinking is taboo to leftists. Thats why you dont do it
They take things as the gospel and run with it. Never do they think nor do they research. I sit back and laugh at their dumbass. It’s entertaining watching them grasp for straws. They know their party is done.
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Reminds me of the familiar meme going around about how Obama bombed and screwed with a half dozen countries, and you guys supported him getting a peace prize, while Trump hasn't done much of anything yet, and you guys are screaming and crying that world war 3 is upon us.
Obama got peace prize for "extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples". But there is still conditions where military force is morally justified.
But there is no moral reason to invade Venezula.

Extraordinary efforts? Half the middle east was set on fire, terror networks drastically expanded from US funding of Iranian backed groups, Russia engaged in war......

And in the mean time we bombed a ton of places, with little effect.

What extraordinary effects?

Meanwhile, you are freaking out because Trump........ did nothing, but said stuff.

I'll take words over actions any day. You keep talking about Venezuela, like he already sent over the fifth fleet, and the Marines are already securing the beach.

NOTHING HAS HAPPENED. Trump asked a question, and was rebuffed. Nothing has happened.
Just a question?
he was fixated on it.


What part of that do you not get? There were people in the 1960s that planned all kinds of crazy things. Only one of them happened, the Bay of Pigs.

You people have far less of a problem with the Kennedy's, who actually did something, than Trump thinking we may need to invade Venezuela.... BUT DID NOT.

Nothing..... happened.... I don't have a problem with Trump thinking about options, and ultimately not doing them, than Kennedy thinking we could blow up an airliner and blame it on Cuba.... and actually sending armed people into Cuba.

Or actually having an unsecured email server with classified information on it, or actually trying to blame a coordinated terrorist attack that killed people, on an obscure internet video no one ever heard of.
trump is an idiot. He prides himself and calls himself the greatest ever at everything from writing to golfing to negotiating. He is a Huge Orange POS...
Well I think we can all agree that he's not the sharpest tack in the box.

Horse Shit.

That guy is the smartest we've had in a long time
Naw, not even close.

When did a mental illness become smart? We all know the boy don't have both oars in the water....
Damn right. He's nuttier than squirrel turds.

But smarter than Coons
trump is an idiot. He prides himself and calls himself the greatest ever at everything from writing to golfing to negotiating. He is a Huge Orange POS...

Donald J Trump is the most accomplished, most well prepared man even to sit on America's throne in the Oval Office.

Those are facts. Some presidents grew into the job and did superbly. But on Day One, no one was ever more ready to serve.
Well I think we can all agree that he's not the sharpest tack in the box.

Horse Shit.

That guy is the smartest we've had in a long time
Naw, not even close.

When did a mental illness become smart? We all know the boy don't have both oars in the water....
Damn right. He's nuttier than squirrel turds.

But smarter than Coons
Damn dude, "coons"?

Well, today in yet another interesting thing that comes out of Trump's mouth, WH insiders have said that Trump has been wondering if he can invade Venezuela.

Now, it's one thing to talk about a hostile takeover of another company when you are a CEO of another company, but it is something quite different to talk about invading another country like Trump is currently doing.

Trump repeatedly suggested invading Venezuela, stunning top aides – report

Trump brought up the subject of an invasion in public in August last year, saying: “We have many options for Venezuela, including a possible military option, if necessary.” But the president’s musings about the possibility of a US invasion were more extensive and persistent than that public declaration, according to the Associated Press.

The previous day Trump reportedly took his top officials by surprise in an Oval Office meeting, asking why the US could not intervene to remove the government of Nicolas Maduro on the grounds that Venezuela’s political and economic unraveling represented a threat to the region.

Quoting an unnamed senior administration official, the AP report said the suggestion stunned those present at the meeting, which included the then national security advisor, HR McMaster, and secretary of state, Rex Tillerson. Both have since left the administration.

The administration officials are said to have taken turns in trying to talk him out of the idea, pointing out that any such military action would alienate Latin American allies who had supported the US policy of punitive sanctions on the Maduro regime.

Their arguments do not seem to have dissuaded the president.

A grim-faced Tillerson stood alongside Trump the next day at his New Jersey golf course at Bedminster as the president warmed to his theme.

“We have many options for Venezuela, this is our neighbour,” Trump said.

“We’re all over the world and we have troops all over the world in places that are very very far away, Venezuela is not very far away and the people are suffering and dying. We have many options for Venezuela including a possible military option if necessary.”
Trump is willing to have Americans die in a pointless, illegal war.
Well, today in yet another interesting thing that comes out of Trump's mouth, WH insiders have said that Trump has been wondering if he can invade Venezuela.

Now, it's one thing to talk about a hostile takeover of another company when you are a CEO of another company, but it is something quite different to talk about invading another country like Trump is currently doing.

Trump repeatedly suggested invading Venezuela, stunning top aides – report

Trump brought up the subject of an invasion in public in August last year, saying: “We have many options for Venezuela, including a possible military option, if necessary.” But the president’s musings about the possibility of a US invasion were more extensive and persistent than that public declaration, according to the Associated Press.

The previous day Trump reportedly took his top officials by surprise in an Oval Office meeting, asking why the US could not intervene to remove the government of Nicolas Maduro on the grounds that Venezuela’s political and economic unraveling represented a threat to the region.

Quoting an unnamed senior administration official, the AP report said the suggestion stunned those present at the meeting, which included the then national security advisor, HR McMaster, and secretary of state, Rex Tillerson. Both have since left the administration.

The administration officials are said to have taken turns in trying to talk him out of the idea, pointing out that any such military action would alienate Latin American allies who had supported the US policy of punitive sanctions on the Maduro regime.

Their arguments do not seem to have dissuaded the president.

A grim-faced Tillerson stood alongside Trump the next day at his New Jersey golf course at Bedminster as the president warmed to his theme.

“We have many options for Venezuela, this is our neighbour,” Trump said.

“We’re all over the world and we have troops all over the world in places that are very very far away, Venezuela is not very far away and the people are suffering and dying. We have many options for Venezuela including a possible military option if necessary.”
Trump is willing to have Americans die in a pointless, illegal war.

What an idiot. Trump didnt invade venezuala. Dumb ass

FAKE NEWS says PRESIDENT Trump 'WANTED' to invade Venezuela...

Barak 'The Nobel Peace Prize Winner' Obama dragged the United States into 2 (TWO) Un-Constitutional, UN-approved help TERRORISTS.

  • LIBYA: Barry dragged the U.S.. into war in a successful effort to help AL QAEDA - the terrorists who slaughtered 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01 on U.S. soil...and another 4 on 9/11/12 - murder a foreign government's President - Muammar Gaddafi, who was AIDING COALITION FORCES FIGHT TERRORISTS IN NORTHERN AFRICA - and take over the country as their own TERRORIST SAFE HAVEN.

  • SYRIA: Barry had delivered an ill-advised threat to Syrian President Bashar Hafez al-Assad after a terrorist attack was perpetrated, killing some of his own people. al-Assad apparently called Barry's bluff...and in front of the entire world - allies and enemies alike - Barry backed down. Syria was (is) in the midst of a civil war being fought by almost an unaccountable number of different groups fighting for many different reasons. The Kurds are fighting for a piece of land they can call their own, the Turks are there fighting to make sure the Kurds aren't successful, ISIS wants Syria for their own like the US helped Al Qaeda get Libya for their own, Barry - besides wanting to help terrorists again - wanted to save face after his Red Line humiliation, and Russia is there to make sure his little toady al-Assad stays put. It's like a blood-bath soup with the US having no business being there....But the Nobel Peace Prize Winner could not help but dragging the US into UN-Constitutional War #2.

'Trump WANTED to invade Venezuela'?

Barry DID start 2 Un-Constitutional help terrorists...and DID invade Syria!

Once AGAIN, sniveling little bi@tch snowflakes accuse others of doing what THEIR Party / President has done and of being who THEY and THEIR Party / Leaders are....

Pointing this out NEVER gets old!
Trump is willing to have Americans die in a pointless, illegal war.
STFU, snowflake. Killing Americans / Getting Americans killed was a hobby .. or a mission ... for him and Hillary:

8 years of financing, supplying, supporting, arming, defending, protecting, aiding, abetting, and even dragging the US into 2 UN-Constitutional wars to HELP TERRORISTS got countless numbers of Americans murdered as well as countless other men, women, and children from France to the Middle east murdered!

Mexican Drug cartel Weapons Running got no less than 4 Americans murdered.

Boston Marathon: Despite knowing who the terrorists were, being tipped off who they specifically were, how the elder brother had attended a terrorist training camp, and warned they were going to conduct a terrorist attack Obama allowed the attack to be carried out. AFTER it was over his co-conspiratorial administration plastered their faces on national TV and asked Americans to help Identify the attackers....WHOSE IDENTITY THEY ALREADY KNEW. They were just trying to make Americans believe that had no previous ID, did not know they were planning an attack, and wanted Americans to believe they had no possible way to stop the attack before it happened....which was all a PROVEN LIE!

CALIFORNIA TERRORIST ATTACK: Obama allowed a terrorist to receive a special visa to enter the country...and not long after the terrorist killed 7 Americans in Ca. Afterwards Obama sent out his State Department Goon Squad US AG to threaten Americans with judicial punishment for exercising their freedom of speech speaking out against Islamic Extremism in the aftermath.

Barry MOCKED US citizens for being afraid of terrorists coming to the US and killing them, claiming Americans were cowards who were afraid of widows and orphans....RIGHT BEFORE A TERRORIST ATTACK THAT TOOK THE LIVES OF SEVERAL AMERICANS.

Both the State Department and WH KNEW of a pending MIDDLE EAST-WIDE TERRORIST ATTACK on the anniversary of 9/11 scheduled for 9/11/12. In Benghazi, Libya, violence escalated as the date approached to the point that every nation who had people there evacuated their people. Barry refused to pull Americans out:
- They provided the American outpost with no security gear to protect their compound. The Ambassador asked departing nation reps if he could use theirs.
- Despite the growing threat and 2 attacks on the US compound - 1 leaving a 4-foot hole in the perimeter wall - Hillary and Obama refused to pull them out. (They were too stupid to know these were light attacks testing their defenses in preparation for the attack on 9/11/12.)
- Hillary and Obama DENIED over 60 (SIXTY) requests by the US Ambassador for additional security, telling them if they did not get more security and a larger attack occurred they would die.
- Hillary and Obama actually TOOK AWAY members of their existing security team, reducing their ability to protect themselves.
- Hillary and Obama FAILED to ensure a US military Quick Reaction Force was on standby in case the Americans at the Compound Hillary/ Obama refused to evacuate needed help.
- Hillary and Barry had hired an AL QAEDA-CONNECTED militia to protect the Americans from .... AL QAEDA. The militia never showed up until after the 2 probing attacks had ended, and they quit just before the attack on 9/11/12 THEY (Hillary & Obama) KNEW WAS COMING.

Despite knowing months in advance the MIDDLE EAST-WIDE attack was coming on 9/11/12
- Hillary/Barry refused to pull them out
- Hired Al Qaeda to protect then form Al Qaeda
- Left them no useful equipment to barricade/protect the compound
- Denied more than 60 Requests for additional security...after 2 terrorist attacks
- WITHDREW existing security guard forces, reducing their strength...AFTER 2 terrorist attacks
- ABANDONED them with ZERO support from the outside - NO US MILITARY RESPONSE

On 9/11/12 22 U.S. Embassies and compounds across the Middle east were attacked on the same day.
THEY KNEW this was coming.
The major news sources REFUSED to report it...Barry had claimed the War on Terror was 'over'
2 US Embassies / Compounds were overrun.
4 deaths, to include the 1st US Ambassador to have been killed in over 30 years
Al Qaeda, who Barry had Un-Constitutionally dragged the US into war to help, didn't protect Americans
-- They attacked them for hours and ended murdering 4. (What a great 'Thank you, Barry!')
The remaining Americans' rescuers were the officers in Gaddafi's old military - our 'enemies'
-- 'Ironic': Our 'allies' (Al Qaeda) murdered Americans & our 'enemies' (Gaddafi forces) saved them.

Obama, again, financed, supported, armed, trained, protected, fought wars for, and se4rved Americans up on a silver plate to terrorists during his 8 years in office. He protected terrorist-connected Hezbollah Drug Ops, protected ISIS Black Market oil production which financed half of their terrorist operations...until ISIS perpetrated their attack on Paris - At that point France told Barry he could go F* himself with his protecting their enemy who had just perpetrated the largest attack on France since WWII...all because Barry facilitated it / made it possible. (While France and Russian war planes were headed to previously-protected ISIS Oil production facilities Barry had US planes treasonously drop leaflets warning them of the attack coming....)

And when Barry wasn't aiding and abetting our enemies in killing us he was victimizing the $HIT out of American citizens:
- Weaponized the IRS and used it against Americans legally opposing his re-election...
- Illegally spied on American citizens
- Illegally spied on reporters / the media
- Illegally spied on US SENATORS
- Illegally spied on USSC JUSTICES
- Illegally spied on the GOP 2016 Presidential candidate and his team
- Orchestrated a conspiratorial plot in which his administration attempted to affect the election results
- Orchestrated a conspiratorial plot to carry out a political coup to remove the newly elected President from office

Illegal treaties, illegally attempting to give the leading exporter of terror control of the US Banking system, aiding terrorists who slaughtered 3,000 Americans, and on and on and on......and despite all the undeniable evidence against him and his loyal band of traitors you ignorant / America-hating traitors continue to go on like the 1st proven domestic enemy to be elected President was some kind of 'hero'...

I guess to his anti-Colonialist America-hating dad, to the likes of Karl Marx / Saul Alensky / Hillary Clinton, and his tutors/teachers/mentors and friends (Communist Frank Marshall Davis, Racist hate-Spewing anti-American Pastor mentor, and un-repentant domestic terrorist Bill Ayers) and you America-Hating snowflakes...he is and will always be a 'hero'.

Bastard should have been impeached many times over, and deserved to have his own cell in GITMO!

FAKE NEWS says PRESIDENT Trump 'WANTED' to invade Venezuela...

Barak 'The Nobel Peace Prize Winner' Obama dragged the United States into 2 (TWO) Un-Constitutional, UN-approved help TERRORISTS.

  • LIBYA: Barry dragged the U.S.. into war in a successful effort to help AL QAEDA - the terrorists who slaughtered 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01 on U.S. soil...and another 4 on 9/11/12 - murder a foreign government's President - Muammar Gaddafi, who was AIDING COALITION FORCES FIGHT TERRORISTS IN NORTHERN AFRICA - and take over the country as their own TERRORIST SAFE HAVEN.

  • SYRIA: Barry had delivered an ill-advised threat to Syrian President Bashar Hafez al-Assad after a terrorist attack was perpetrated, killing some of his own people. al-Assad apparently called Barry's bluff...and in front of the entire world - allies and enemies alike - Barry backed down. Syria was (is) in the midst of a civil war being fought by almost an unaccountable number of different groups fighting for many different reasons. The Kurds are fighting for a piece of land they can call their own, the Turks are there fighting to make sure the Kurds aren't successful, ISIS wants Syria for their own like the US helped Al Qaeda get Libya for their own, Barry - besides wanting to help terrorists again - wanted to save face after his Red Line humiliation, and Russia is there to make sure his little toady al-Assad stays put. It's like a blood-bath soup with the US having no business being there....But the Nobel Peace Prize Winner could not help but dragging the US into UN-Constitutional War #2.

'Trump WANTED to invade Venezuela'?

Barry DID start 2 Un-Constitutional help terrorists...and DID invade Syria!

Once AGAIN, sniveling little bi@tch snowflakes accuse others of doing what THEIR Party / President has done and of being who THEY and THEIR Party / Leaders are....

Pointing this out NEVER gets old!
SYRIA: Obama's actions were part of an international coalition.

LIBIYA: Mconnell said airstrikes dont need congressional authorization.

VENEZUELA: Trump asked multiple latin american leaders about invading them.
Well I think we can all agree that he's not the sharpest tack in the box.

So you're saying a complete imbecile is able to kick the living shit out of dems day in and day out?
That doesnt say much for dems now does it....

At the end of page 1, post 20, the absolute BEST post that could ever be posted in Jimi-the socialists thread.

That's correct folks, all the bed wetting far Leftists try everything they can from creating a crisis every day, to physically assaulting his cabinet, and Trumps numbers rise, and the Leftists numbers fall.

For you far Leftists, most of us would call that a CLUE; but you incompetent, irrelevant, and immaterial buffoons keep it up; we are laughing all the way to the midterms, and beyond-) And we thank you very much, lololol!

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