Trump wants $18 billion American, not Mexican, for the wall

The wall will pay itself back in a year, or at least in Trump's two term presidency.

The best investment US government has made.

Not only will the wall not pay for itself, it will cost an ever increasing amount more to upkeep as it ages. But you Trump zealots are too stupid to understand such a thing.

We are, huh?

(Washington, D.C.) - Illegal immigration to the U.S. costs federal, state and local taxpayers a staggering net cost of $116 billion a year - an increase of some $16 billion compared to previous estimates - according to a new study released by the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR). The study is the most comprehensive to date on the cost to federal, state and local taxpayers of the nation's 12.5 million illegal immigrants and their 4.2 million citizen children.

IRLI - Home
That gets a rating of mostly false.
On the other hand climate change costs much more than illegal immigration.
The wall will pay itself back in a year, or at least in Trump's two term presidency.

The best investment US government has made.

Not only will the wall not pay for itself, it will cost an ever increasing amount more to upkeep as it ages. But you Trump zealots are too stupid to understand such a thing.

We are, huh?

(Washington, D.C.) - Illegal immigration to the U.S. costs federal, state and local taxpayers a staggering net cost of $116 billion a year - an increase of some $16 billion compared to previous estimates - according to a new study released by the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR). The study is the most comprehensive to date on the cost to federal, state and local taxpayers of the nation's 12.5 million illegal immigrants and their 4.2 million citizen children.

IRLI - Home
That gets a rating of mostly false.
On the other hand climate change costs much more than illegal immigration.

Correct, but what would you expect from leftist Politifact?

Nowhere in the article did they prove the figure false. They merely brought up different figures by other (likely leftist) people and organizations. They even went back to the early 90's figures to try and discredit the report.

They kept repeating that it was an estimated cost. Well no shit! Of course it's estimated since these people hide in the shadows. However the other examples pliticfact gave were also estimates.

So the reason they rated it mostly false is for one, they are a leftists organization, and two, because there is no accurate account of what illegals cost us to the penny.
First phase of Trump border wall gets $18 billion price tag, in new request to lawmakers

I think Trump may have lied to you people about who was going to pay for that white elephant on the border.

The Mexican President told Trump to F-off 3 times during the election season, that they weren't going to pay for a wall. So who really believed Trump, except his typical dumbass supporters.


The ins and outs of U.S.-Mexico border tunnels
First phase of Trump border wall gets $18 billion price tag, in new request to lawmakers

I think Trump may have lied to you people about who was going to pay for that white elephant on the border.

The Mexican President told Trump to F-off 3 times during the election season, that they weren't going to pay for a wall. So who really believed Trump, except his typical dumbass supporters.


The ins and outs of U.S.-Mexico border tunnels

You picture is of an 8 foot fence, moron, not a 30 foot wall. Tunnels are easy to find with modern technology.

If walls were really that easy to get past, then open-borders douche bags like you wouldn't be constantly wailing about them.

You know they work. That's why you're kicking and screaming so hard to prevent it from being built.
Not going to happen. Can't wait for the Democrats to gain power an amnesty in 20 million brand new Americans.
Just what we need, 20 million more people on welfare, getting food stamps, and living in Section 8 houses with free medical and dental.

All paid for by the U.S. taxpayer. ..... :cuckoo:
So racist. The immigrants work much harder than the losers that are sitting and crying about no coal jobs. And the Mexicans are not doing meth, heroine and any pill they can stuff in their mouths. Real America is getting soft, time for an infusion of good Hard working immigrants

Illegal immigrants responsible for almost three-fourths of federal drug possession sentences in 2014
Lol, funny little propaganda there. Do you understand economics? Who is the market for those drugs? Where does the demand come from? Yes, Wst Virginia and those places, rural white America is shooting up, snorting and drinking like crazy. No wonder they love Trump
Not going to happen. Can't wait for the Democrats to gain power an amnesty in 20 million brand new Americans.
Just what we need, 20 million more people on welfare, getting food stamps, and living in Section 8 houses with free medical and dental.

All paid for by the U.S. taxpayer. ..... :cuckoo:
So racist. The immigrants work much harder than the losers that are sitting and crying about no coal jobs. And the Mexicans are not doing meth, heroine and any pill they can stuff in their mouths. Real America is getting soft, time for an infusion of good Hard working immigrants

Illegal immigrants responsible for almost three-fourths of federal drug possession sentences in 2014
Lol, funny little propaganda there. Do you understand economics? Who is the market for those drugs? Where does the demand come from? Yes, Wst Virginia and those places, rural white America is shooting up, snorting and drinking like crazy. No wonder they love Trump

Yes, it's rural white America. That's why Democrat strongholds are plagued with gangs, drive-by shootings and murders all the time. It has nothing to do with drugs.

You people really live in your own little world, don't you?
I think all the corporations that got their beyond belief HUGE huge huge yearly tax cut, should get together and pay for it! :D why do we need government and people in Maine to pay for it? :p

Not to mention the downward pressure cheap immigrant labor puts on American wages.

(Not that Americans do those jobs anyway.)
Thanks for providing another Obama lie.
Not going to happen. Can't wait for the Democrats to gain power an amnesty in 20 million brand new Americans.
Just what we need, 20 million more people on welfare, getting food stamps, and living in Section 8 houses with free medical and dental.

All paid for by the U.S. taxpayer. ..... :cuckoo:
So racist. The immigrants work much harder than the losers that are sitting and crying about no coal jobs. And the Mexicans are not doing meth, heroine and any pill they can stuff in their mouths. Real America is getting soft, time for an infusion of good Hard working immigrants

Illegal immigrants responsible for almost three-fourths of federal drug possession sentences in 2014
Lol, funny little propaganda there. Do you understand economics? Who is the market for those drugs? Where does the demand come from? Yes, Wst Virginia and those places, rural white America is shooting up, snorting and drinking like crazy. No wonder they love Trump

Yes, it's rural white America. That's why Democrat strongholds are plagued with gangs, drive-by shootings and murders all the time. It has nothing to do with drugs.

You people really live in your own little world, don't you?
If you think Democrtic America is like that then you are the one living in a bubble. Heck, black unemployment is down to record lows, while the drug infestation of rural America is at an all time, oh, shall we say, high!

Rural America is the new inner city
Trump’s inane ‘wall’ is a monument to the right’s bigotry, hate, and unwarranted fear of immigration.

Walls are built by cowards and those too intellectually lazy to address the root cause of undocumented immigration.
Just what we need, 20 million more people on welfare, getting food stamps, and living in Section 8 houses with free medical and dental.

All paid for by the U.S. taxpayer. ..... :cuckoo:
So racist. The immigrants work much harder than the losers that are sitting and crying about no coal jobs. And the Mexicans are not doing meth, heroine and any pill they can stuff in their mouths. Real America is getting soft, time for an infusion of good Hard working immigrants

Illegal immigrants responsible for almost three-fourths of federal drug possession sentences in 2014
Lol, funny little propaganda there. Do you understand economics? Who is the market for those drugs? Where does the demand come from? Yes, Wst Virginia and those places, rural white America is shooting up, snorting and drinking like crazy. No wonder they love Trump

Yes, it's rural white America. That's why Democrat strongholds are plagued with gangs, drive-by shootings and murders all the time. It has nothing to do with drugs.

You people really live in your own little world, don't you?
If you think Democrtic America is like that then you are the one living in a bubble. Heck, black unemployment is down to record lows, while the drug infestation of rural America is at an all time, oh, shall we say, high!

Rural America is the new inner city

Drugs are not limited to any specific area. It's widespread across the country and it's not just rural America. The major drug busts we have around here are people all coming from the South and in some cases, by foreigners.

Yes, I do think Democrat America is like that because I live in Democrat America. We are the fifth most dangerous city in the entire country so I know what I'm talking about.
So racist. The immigrants work much harder than the losers that are sitting and crying about no coal jobs. And the Mexicans are not doing meth, heroine and any pill they can stuff in their mouths. Real America is getting soft, time for an infusion of good Hard working immigrants

Illegal immigrants responsible for almost three-fourths of federal drug possession sentences in 2014
Lol, funny little propaganda there. Do you understand economics? Who is the market for those drugs? Where does the demand come from? Yes, Wst Virginia and those places, rural white America is shooting up, snorting and drinking like crazy. No wonder they love Trump

Yes, it's rural white America. That's why Democrat strongholds are plagued with gangs, drive-by shootings and murders all the time. It has nothing to do with drugs.

You people really live in your own little world, don't you?
If you think Democrtic America is like that then you are the one living in a bubble. Heck, black unemployment is down to record lows, while the drug infestation of rural America is at an all time, oh, shall we say, high!

Rural America is the new inner city

Drugs are not limited to any specific area. It's widespread across the country and it's not just rural America. The major drug busts we have around here are people all coming from the South and in some cases, by foreigners.

Yes, I do think Democrat America is like that because I live in Democrat America. We are the fifth most dangerous city in the entire country so I know what I'm talking about.

Drugs go to the people that use them, they follow the money. Rural America is in crisis from all this cheap drugs, a lot of it corporate made drugs.
First phase of Trump border wall gets $18 billion price tag, in new request to lawmakers

I think Trump may have lied to you people about who was going to pay for that white elephant on the border.
Well at least he didn't lie repeatedly about our health insurance like Obama did.


Can't defend it so talk about someone else...
Your Trump lie hasn't happened yet, but the Obama lies have. Fuck off.
$18 billion: the price of bigotry and unwarranted fear in America.

Lol. Two trillion for iraq wars, 6 trillion for QE to wall street, 1 trillion for stimulus. All failed. Now, you're crying about 18 billion. Lol. Keep sobbing. Nobody cares.

You know they are all results of GOP failures at which point do we say enough...

No, they were both parties. Both parties need to be expelled from this country.
I think all the corporations that got their beyond belief HUGE huge huge yearly tax cut, should get together and pay for it! :D why do we need government and people in Maine to pay for it? :p

Or maybe the companies that hire these illegals for cheap labor should have to pay for the wall, if they don’t hire illegals they won’t come.

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Why build a wall when roads go unrepaired?

Roads unrepaired? Didn’t Obable get a lot of our tax money to fix that. Oh I remember now, they spent the money on bailing his friends out. So glad we could help his friends aren’t you.

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