Trump wants a Soviet Style MILITARY Parade through the streets of Washington DC

Hey Bush92, the reason we had those parades was because we actually had something to celebrate. What is the occasion? Why should the military have a parade? Just because the Cheeto in Chief wants one?

You mean like when the Air Force flies their high tech military fighter jets at our Air and Water shows?

View attachment 175484

Or when the military flies air craft over our sporting that ....?

View attachment 175485

Hey stupid...............that's not the Air Force, that is the Navy's Blue Angels. They fly FA-18's.

The Air Force flys F-16's and is known as the Thunderbirds. Their planes are white with a blue and red eagle pattern on the underside of the plane.
Hey Bush92, the reason we had those parades was because we actually had something to celebrate. What is the occasion? Why should the military have a parade? Just because the Cheeto in Chief wants one?

You mean like when the Air Force flies their high tech military fighter jets at our Air and Water shows?

View attachment 175484

Or when the military flies air craft over our sporting that ....?

View attachment 175485
Liberals hate any and all things pro-American.
Hey Bush92, the reason we had those parades was because we actually had something to celebrate. What is the occasion? Why should the military have a parade? Just because the Cheeto in Chief wants one?

You mean like when the Air Force flies their high tech military fighter jets at our Air and Water shows?

View attachment 175484

Or when the military flies air craft over our sporting that ....?

View attachment 175485

Hey stupid...............that's not the Air Force, that is the Navy's Blue Angels. They fly FA-18's.

The Air Force flys F-16's and is known as the Thunderbirds. Their planes are white with a blue and red eagle pattern on the underside of the plane.
Both squadrons would look great going over a huge military parade in Washington D.C.:113:
Hey Bush92, the reason we had those parades was because we actually had something to celebrate. What is the occasion? Why should the military have a parade? Just because the Cheeto in Chief wants one?

You mean like when the Air Force flies their high tech military fighter jets at our Air and Water shows?

View attachment 175484

Or when the military flies air craft over our sporting that ....?

View attachment 175485

Hey stupid...............that's not the Air Force, that is the Navy's Blue Angels. They fly FA-18's.

The Air Force flys F-16's and is known as the Thunderbirds. Their planes are white with a blue and red eagle pattern on the underside of the plane.
Both squadrons would look great going over a huge military parade in Washington D.C.:113:

Hey, I've got nothing against air shows. Love 'em as a matter of fact, and have ever since I was stationed with an FA-18 squadron.

But, if 2AGuy is going to make a point other than on the tip of his little skull, he should at least get the groups right. Both pictures are of FA-18's, and those are the planes that the Navy's Blue Angels fly.

If he's going to mention the Air Force group, he should at least get it right. And, FA-18's look VERY different than F-16's. The FA-18 is a twin engine jet with a double tail configuration, and the F-16 is a single engine jet with only 1 vertical stabilizer.
Hey Bush92, the reason we had those parades was because we actually had something to celebrate. What is the occasion? Why should the military have a parade? Just because the Cheeto in Chief wants one?

You mean like when the Air Force flies their high tech military fighter jets at our Air and Water shows?

View attachment 175484

Or when the military flies air craft over our sporting that ....?

View attachment 175485

Hey stupid...............that's not the Air Force, that is the Navy's Blue Angels. They fly FA-18's.

The Air Force flys F-16's and is known as the Thunderbirds. Their planes are white with a blue and red eagle pattern on the underside of the plane.
Both squadrons would look great going over a huge military parade in Washington D.C.:113:

Hey, I've got nothing against air shows. Love 'em as a matter of fact, and have ever since I was stationed with an FA-18 squadron.

But, if 2AGuy is going to make a point other than on the tip of his little skull, he should at least get the groups right. Both pictures are of FA-18's, and those are the planes that the Navy's Blue Angels fly.

If he's going to mention the Air Force group, he should at least get it right. And, FA-18's look VERY different than F-16's. The FA-18 is a twin engine jet with a double tail configuration, and the F-16 is a single engine jet with only 1 vertical stabilizer.
I saw Blue Angels in F-4 Phantoms.
Hey Bush92, the reason we had those parades was because we actually had something to celebrate. What is the occasion? Why should the military have a parade? Just because the Cheeto in Chief wants one?

You mean like when the Air Force flies their high tech military fighter jets at our Air and Water shows?

View attachment 175484

Or when the military flies air craft over our sporting that ....?

View attachment 175485

Hey stupid...............that's not the Air Force, that is the Navy's Blue Angels. They fly FA-18's.

The Air Force flys F-16's and is known as the Thunderbirds. Their planes are white with a blue and red eagle pattern on the underside of the plane.
Both squadrons would look great going over a huge military parade in Washington D.C.:113:

Hey, I've got nothing against air shows. Love 'em as a matter of fact, and have ever since I was stationed with an FA-18 squadron.

But, if 2AGuy is going to make a point other than on the tip of his little skull, he should at least get the groups right. Both pictures are of FA-18's, and those are the planes that the Navy's Blue Angels fly.

If he's going to mention the Air Force group, he should at least get it right. And, FA-18's look VERY different than F-16's. The FA-18 is a twin engine jet with a double tail configuration, and the F-16 is a single engine jet with only 1 vertical stabilizer.
I saw Blue Angels in F-4 Phantoms.

Wow........................because they transitioned to the FA-18 a couple of years before I got to my first squadron, and that was in '89.
We've been having all kind of parades in Boston for half a century.
Celtics parade, Bruins parade, Patriots parade, Red Sox parade, Gay parade, NewYears parade, St Patrick's parade...
Why not Military parade?
It's one more day a year to skip work.
I totally agree with that.

True Conservatives don’t like The Bushes, Or Clintons or Obamas.

The only thing righties like about the military is needlessly sending them to their deaths .

And then using them as propaganda .

World War I...Woodrow Wilson (Dem)
World War II...FDR (Dem)
Korea...Harry Truman (Dem)
Vietnam...JFK/LBJ (Dem)

That's 45% of all American military deaths in History.

The Civil War accounted for 50%.

Better go buy a history book, Timmy

How about in the last 40 years Francis??

Why? Does your sides warmongering not fit your narrative?
Libya and Syria belong to you.

are they still going on, dear?

or is that the province of the wars baby bush started based on lies?

how long have those been going on again?

We have 22 bases in Syria honey. Here is the problem you have, I'm not a hack like you. The Bushs's are Deep State operatives, they are worse than the Clinton's. The wars will go on until the Banker's say they can stop.
Showcase our military and it’s fighting strength. Let them march and be proud again after decades of liberals tearing down the military with PC bullshit.
Trump tells Pentagon to plan a military parade - CNNPolitics

Who pays for this? The tax payers?

Who benefits from it? The same men & women who will someday be fighting to get the benefits we promised them?

And showing off the military might is typically to try to intimidate potential enemies. Our potential enemies already KNOW we have the biggest military. It is common knowledge that we spend more than the next 8 countries combined.

Plus, the military might that will be paraded is not what scares our potential enemies. The technology that makes our military so fearsome will not be on display.
I would rather pay for this than millions of welfare babies.

If we have the parade, will there be fewer welfare babies? Obviously not. YOur comparison is ridiculous.

Spending $23 million on a parade when we are trillions of dollars in debt is insane.

Is this what our country has become?

What Republicans have turned it into?

They really do admire Nazi's and Soviets.

We have to stand up to them.;

You are the Nazis....

Plain to see..........
in all fairness to female women, I think they should have about 200 of them marching as a group in the parade,,just not sure what they should all be wearing
Where do you get Soviet from, France?
No Russia.

No you said Soviet. The parade that Trump saw was in France. Soviet is used to demean the idea and tie Trump to Russia . Give it a rest.

Trump is tied to Russia. Trump's family even tells us they are. You gotta be a tard to deny what they tell us.

You're the tard...

It's your Treacherous party that conspired with the

Russians to overturn democracy….

You are all supporting the NEW NAZI LIBERAL PARTY…

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