Trump wants a Soviet Style MILITARY Parade through the streets of Washington DC

This really takes off at 1:26.... :113:


I love our Military. Our Volunteer Military. It's the One THING we can all be proud of.
Unless you are a Liberal....then you hate them the same as Jihadi.

The only thing righties like about the military is needlessly sending them to their deaths .

And then using them as propaganda .

Don't be stupid (I know you can't help it). War's are fought for the Banks to make money. ALL Politicians work for the Bankers, ALL Politicians go to war when told to.

Your post belongs in conspiracy theories because that is how looney tunes it is!
The only thing righties like about the military is needlessly sending them to their deaths .

And then using them as propaganda .

World War I...Woodrow Wilson (Dem)
World War II...FDR (Dem)
Korea...Harry Truman (Dem)
Vietnam...JFK/LBJ (Dem)

That's 45% of all American military deaths in History.

The Civil War accounted for 50%.

Better go buy a history book, Timmy

How about in the last 40 years Francis??

Why? Does your sides warmongering not fit your narrative?
Libya and Syria belong to you.

are they still going on, dear?

or is that the province of the wars baby bush started based on lies?

how long have those been going on again?

We have 22 bases in Syria honey. Here is the problem you have, I'm not a hack like you. The Bushs's are Deep State operatives, they are worse than the Clinton's. The wars will go on until the Banker's say they can stop.

Got a link for that fantasy that doesn't come from some kook site like Infowars?
Trump wants a military parade and liberals are hysterical (just more proof it's the right thing to do)

Trump wants a military parade and liberals are hysterical (just more proof it's the right thing to do)

Which countries typically hold military parades and are they unusual for the U.S. to hold?

President Trump wants a parade celebrating our military and troops. It’s a great idea, and is a perfect event symbolizing the fact that America is getting back on her feet after eight years of a commander-in-chief who reveled in complaining about America and decimating our military.

The hysteria the proposed parade has provoked among Democrats and leftists provides even more proof that it’s the right thing to do.

Who could argue against a parade that highlights the Americans who defend our freedom and make everything else possible? A military parade would be fun, would honor our vets and would remind the world that America is a superpower and proud of it.
World War I...Woodrow Wilson (Dem)
World War II...FDR (Dem)
Korea...Harry Truman (Dem)
Vietnam...JFK/LBJ (Dem)

That's 45% of all American military deaths in History.

The Civil War accounted for 50%.

Better go buy a history book, Timmy

How about in the last 40 years Francis??

Why? Does your sides warmongering not fit your narrative?
Libya and Syria belong to you.

are they still going on, dear?

or is that the province of the wars baby bush started based on lies?

how long have those been going on again?

We have 22 bases in Syria honey. Here is the problem you have, I'm not a hack like you. The Bushs's are Deep State operatives, they are worse than the Clinton's. The wars will go on until the Banker's say they can stop.

see, as soon as someone uses the words "deep state", then they pretty much prove they ARE hacks.

that said, General Eisenhower warned about the military industrial complex.

so why would you want to start having military parades like some third world banana republic despot?

France is a third world banana republic?

My God, when will you libtards just end it all and leave the rest of the world to mourn not having bad examples around anymore?
How about in the last 40 years Francis??

Why? Does your sides warmongering not fit your narrative?
Libya and Syria belong to you.

are they still going on, dear?

or is that the province of the wars baby bush started based on lies?

how long have those been going on again?

We have 22 bases in Syria honey. Here is the problem you have, I'm not a hack like you. The Bushs's are Deep State operatives, they are worse than the Clinton's. The wars will go on until the Banker's say they can stop.

see, as soon as someone uses the words "deep state", then they pretty much prove they ARE hacks.

that said, General Eisenhower warned about the military industrial complex.

so why would you want to start having military parades like some third world banana republic despot?

France is a third world banana republic?

My God, when will you libtards just end it all and leave the rest of the world to mourn not having bad examples around anymore?

Fair question. France isn't a third world country. But it also isn't a super power. We have had 44 presidents and none have felt the need to have a military parade for themselves. Donald has talked about this before. He loves the things dictators do to celebrate themselves. (and no, France is not a dictatorship but the other countries that do this are).

do you really think that millions of dollars should be spent to satisfy Donald's ego?
Yeah, let's have a parade for the guys who risked their lives so the rich, who control the US govt, can get richer over US soldiers' blood.

"Thanks guys, we just bought a new house in the Bahamas, so, you lost your foot, no one actually gives a fuck, but they do care about the pink ferrari I shipped out to my other home in Switzerland. Go guys"

Walk into a VFW hall and say this'll leave in an ambulance.
Yeah, let's have a parade for the guys who risked their lives so the rich, who control the US govt, can get richer over US soldiers' blood.

"Thanks guys, we just bought a new house in the Bahamas, so, you lost your foot, no one actually gives a fuck, but they do care about the pink ferrari I shipped out to my other home in Switzerland. Go guys"

Walk into a VFW hall and say this'll leave in an ambulance.

No doubt.

That doesn't make me wrong.

That just means that these military guys have been brainwashed enough to do the job they were tasked with doing.

Seriously, you'd have to be brainwashed to go risk your life for multi-Billionaires, or crazy.
No doubt.

That doesn't make me wrong.

That just means that these military guys have been brainwashed enough to do the job they were tasked with doing.

Seriously, you'd have to be brainwashed to go risk your life for multi-Billionaires, or crazy.

What I hear is a coward who wouldn't defend the country that's given you so're a bad smell.
No doubt.

That doesn't make me wrong.

That just means that these military guys have been brainwashed enough to do the job they were tasked with doing.

Seriously, you'd have to be brainwashed to go risk your life for multi-Billionaires, or crazy.

What I hear is a coward who wouldn't defend the country that's given you so're a bad smell.


distances give by Distance Between Cities Places On Map Distance Calculator

How is going to Iraq in 2003 defending the country? 6,934 miles away.

How is going to Afghanistan defending the country? 7,422 miles away

How is going to Yemen defending the country? 8,127 miles away

How is bombing Libya defending the country? 5,448 miles away

How is bombing Somalia defending the country? 8,634 miles away

How is bombing Pakistan defending the country? 7,684 miles away

I could go on.

You do realize that not a single one of these countries is within 5,000 of the US, right? Not one.

These countries are only a threat to the US because of the way US foreign policy has been.

You realize that none of these are a threat to Mexico, the US's neighbor. Why is that?

The US isn't DEFENDING. It's attacking.
Keep it up libtards, midterms are only a few months away. Normal people are getting tired of your stupidity.
Why? Does your sides warmongering not fit your narrative?
Libya and Syria belong to you.

are they still going on, dear?

or is that the province of the wars baby bush started based on lies?

how long have those been going on again?

We have 22 bases in Syria honey. Here is the problem you have, I'm not a hack like you. The Bushs's are Deep State operatives, they are worse than the Clinton's. The wars will go on until the Banker's say they can stop.

see, as soon as someone uses the words "deep state", then they pretty much prove they ARE hacks.

that said, General Eisenhower warned about the military industrial complex.

so why would you want to start having military parades like some third world banana republic despot?

France is a third world banana republic?

My God, when will you libtards just end it all and leave the rest of the world to mourn not having bad examples around anymore?

Fair question. France isn't a third world country. But it also isn't a super power. We have had 44 presidents and none have felt the need to have a military parade for themselves. Donald has talked about this before. He loves the things dictators do to celebrate themselves. (and no, France is not a dictatorship but the other countries that do this are).

do you really think that millions of dollars should be spent to satisfy Donald's ego?

What an incredibly dumbass statement!

Did you ever live in this country before you became a postpartum abortion?

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