Trump wants a Soviet Style MILITARY Parade through the streets of Washington DC

What idiocy. You know, I think if Trump said that gravity keeps things from floating into the sky, you guys would deny the law of gravity.

Funny how all the previous military parades that we've had we're celebrated by everyone and with no whining, extremist complaints from either party. But so many Dems have gone so far to the extreme left that now even a simple suggestion of a military parade to honor the military is "controversial."

You realize that Trump wants to hold the parade around Veterans Day, right?

What idiocy. You know, I think if Trump said that gravity keeps things from floating into the sky, you guys would deny the law of gravity.

Funny how all the previous military parades that we've had we're celebrated by everyone and with no whining, extremist complaints from either party. But so many Dems have gone so far to the extreme left that now even a simple suggestion of a military parade to honor the military is "controversial."

You realize that Trump wants to hold the parade around Veterans Day, right?
if Trump said that gravity keeps things from floating into the sky, you guys would deny the law of gravity
Were Trump to say that, I would respond by stating that gravity is the very reason things, particularly planets, stars, asteroids, meteors, etc., do "float" in and through the sky. Furthermore, I would note that, as is characteristic of that nitwit, he yet again made a statement that misrepresents the actual nature of that about which he remarked.

The fact that that man does not/cannot put the barest bit of thought into what he says so that what he says is 100% factually accurate and 100% representationally faithful is a huge part of why I don't trust him or a thing he says. Putting in that much though just isn't hard for geniuses, as Trump asserts he is, to do....If one is going to claim to be a genius, the least one can do is not say stupid sh*t.
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only the weak need to show off their military

I agree - but that's what Trump's "weak" mind wants.

I wonder if we're going to have trucks with nuclear missiles like Russia sometimes has parading down the street?
So let one team march and the other prance. All inclusive.

Let the team that pays for their own parade march. The "homo parades" only cost the tax payer for the police working the parade and the permitting costs. The massive military parade will cost millions of tax payer dollars. So if you want to have the tax payers pay for the police presence and the permitting, and let private donors foot the bill for the rest of the cost, I have no problem.
It’s about team USA and national pride. If you had any you would understand this.

I have plenty of pride in my country. If it takes a parade to show yours it isn't real.

My complaint is not about the military at all. It is about spending millions of dollars on something that may lift morale for a week or so. We are trillions of dollars in debt. Spending MUST be brought under control if this nation is to survive as a world power. Our children and their children will be saddled with this debt.

And do you think Congress will pay back the $2.8 trillion they borrowed from Social Security when the debt keeps climbing?

If you think spending $23 million on a parade is being fiscally responsible, you are no conservative.
it'd be for more than a week or two. It will be for years worth of propaganda vs our enemies or anyone thinking about being our enemy. It will be used during 2020 election in commercials re-electing Trump. And you Liberals will help pay for it.

"You liberals?" I am arguing against spending $23 million on a parade, and you call me the liberal? LMAO!

Do you think any of our potential enemies don't know we have the biggest, baddest, most dangerous military? We spend more on our military than the next 8 countries combined.

But we are trillions of dollars in debt. Our congress has borrowed $2.8 trillion from Social Security. We have to either curb spending or we will not make it as a nation.
the whole thing is ridiculous and a waste of our military's time and money....time spent polishing equipment and practice in walking LOCK STEP.... it's an insult to them, not honoring them....

and only to ride down the street and tear up our roads
So let one team march and the other prance. All inclusive.

Let the team that pays for their own parade march. The "homo parades" only cost the tax payer for the police working the parade and the permitting costs. The massive military parade will cost millions of tax payer dollars. So if you want to have the tax payers pay for the police presence and the permitting, and let private donors foot the bill for the rest of the cost, I have no problem.
It’s about team USA and national pride. If you had any you would understand this.

I have plenty of pride in my country. If it takes a parade to show yours it isn't real.

My complaint is not about the military at all. It is about spending millions of dollars on something that may lift morale for a week or so. We are trillions of dollars in debt. Spending MUST be brought under control if this nation is to survive as a world power. Our children and their children will be saddled with this debt.

And do you think Congress will pay back the $2.8 trillion they borrowed from Social Security when the debt keeps climbing?

If you think spending $23 million on a parade is being fiscally responsible, you are no conservative.
it'd be for more than a week or two. It will be for years worth of propaganda vs our enemies or anyone thinking about being our enemy. It will be used during 2020 election in commercials re-electing Trump. And you Liberals will help pay for it.

"You liberals?" I am arguing against spending $23 million on a parade, and you call me the liberal? LMAO!

Do you think any of our potential enemies don't know we have the biggest, baddest, most dangerous military? We spend more on our military than the next 8 countries combined.

But we are trillions of dollars in debt. Our congress has borrowed $2.8 trillion from Social Security. We have to either curb spending or we will not make it as a nation.
Let’s have a show of national pride. We waste millions on illegals everyday.
I think ya'll have let your MSM spin this for you and fallen for their stupid yet again.

This is about trying to bring American's together, and frankly lately the only thing we have that /might/ be common ground is the men and women who serve in our military.

You folks are shitting on this idea at your own peril...
Trump got the parade idea from North Korea so naturally he wants a BIGGER, MORE POWERFUL military display.

ego maniacs are like that ..
He just wants to show off our military to enemy like North Korea. How can anyone equate the military with Trump and ego? Trump has had nothing to do with building our military. Unlike North Korea, who require everyone to be military.

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Let the team that pays for their own parade march. The "homo parades" only cost the tax payer for the police working the parade and the permitting costs. The massive military parade will cost millions of tax payer dollars. So if you want to have the tax payers pay for the police presence and the permitting, and let private donors foot the bill for the rest of the cost, I have no problem.
It’s about team USA and national pride. If you had any you would understand this.

I have plenty of pride in my country. If it takes a parade to show yours it isn't real.

My complaint is not about the military at all. It is about spending millions of dollars on something that may lift morale for a week or so. We are trillions of dollars in debt. Spending MUST be brought under control if this nation is to survive as a world power. Our children and their children will be saddled with this debt.

And do you think Congress will pay back the $2.8 trillion they borrowed from Social Security when the debt keeps climbing?

If you think spending $23 million on a parade is being fiscally responsible, you are no conservative.
it'd be for more than a week or two. It will be for years worth of propaganda vs our enemies or anyone thinking about being our enemy. It will be used during 2020 election in commercials re-electing Trump. And you Liberals will help pay for it.

"You liberals?" I am arguing against spending $23 million on a parade, and you call me the liberal? LMAO!

Do you think any of our potential enemies don't know we have the biggest, baddest, most dangerous military? We spend more on our military than the next 8 countries combined.

But we are trillions of dollars in debt. Our congress has borrowed $2.8 trillion from Social Security. We have to either curb spending or we will not make it as a nation.
Let’s have a show of national pride. We waste millions on illegals everyday.

Great! Show your pride. AND cut the wasteful spending.

The fact that we currently waste money on illegals is no justification for this. Cut the spending on illegals. Period. Why is the idea that the gov't should not spend more than it takes it condemned?
Maybe it isn't showing it off to the other countries but a chance for our own citizens to admire our people in the uniform.

Why not show our own citizens all the homeless vets and have a parade with only them and then give them a place to live? But alas most really don't give a shit about the homeless vets now do they? You'd rather have an orgasm watching the men in uniform march and a display of our military hardware.
the whole thing is ridiculous and a waste of our military's time and money....time spent polishing equipment and practice in walking LOCK STEP.... it's an insult to them, not honoring them....

and only to ride down the street and tear up our roads

Not to mention after boot camp most active military hate to march in parades.
Maybe it isn't showing it off to the other countries but a chance for our own citizens to admire our people in the uniform.


Maybe it isn't showing it off to the other countries but a chance for our own citizens to admire our people in the uniform.
Surely, given all the opportunities and places around the U.S. in which one can do exactly that, you jest? In addition to all these and more extant and recurring opportunities to do exactly that:
  • Visit the Pentagon


  • Visit West Point


  • Visit the U.S. Naval Academy


  • Visit the Norfolk Naval Station (including ship tours)


  • Visit Marine Base Quantico


  • Attend or watch Army-Navy games



  • Visit Naval Air Station Wildwood


  • Visit Naval Submarine Station New London


  • Visit the Coast Guard Academy


  • Visit Edwards Air Force Base


  • Blue Angels (Navy’s Flight Demonstration Squadron)
  • Golden Knights (Army Parachute Team)
  • Leap Frogs (Navy Parachute Team)
  • Thunderbirds (Air Force Flight Demonstration Squadron)
  • Sea Chanters (Navy Chorus)
  • Wings of Freedom (World War II-era bombers available for flight experience)
  • Visit Tomb of the Unknown Soldier




That would be but a handful of the places where Americans can go to "admire our people in uniform." Here is an even more comprehensive list:

Been to many of these and seen the tbirds and blue angels several times. I don't need a damn parade.
Maybe it isn't showing it off to the other countries but a chance for our own citizens to admire our people in the uniform.
Your use of the word "Maybe" confirm that not even you believe the claptrap you're trying to peddle.

Does your love and adoration for 45 have no bounds? Why are you so obedient to his will?

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