Trump wants a Soviet Style MILITARY Parade through the streets of Washington DC

are they still going on, dear?

or is that the province of the wars baby bush started based on lies?

how long have those been going on again?

We have 22 bases in Syria honey. Here is the problem you have, I'm not a hack like you. The Bushs's are Deep State operatives, they are worse than the Clinton's. The wars will go on until the Banker's say they can stop.

see, as soon as someone uses the words "deep state", then they pretty much prove they ARE hacks.

that said, General Eisenhower warned about the military industrial complex.

so why would you want to start having military parades like some third world banana republic despot?

France is a third world banana republic?

My God, when will you libtards just end it all and leave the rest of the world to mourn not having bad examples around anymore?

Fair question. France isn't a third world country. But it also isn't a super power. We have had 44 presidents and none have felt the need to have a military parade for themselves. Donald has talked about this before. He loves the things dictators do to celebrate themselves. (and no, France is not a dictatorship but the other countries that do this are).

do you really think that millions of dollars should be spent to satisfy Donald's ego?

What an incredibly dumbass statement!

Did you ever live in this country before you became a postpartum abortion?

there was nothing that I said that was incorrect.

and Donald the wanna be dictator can go screw himself.

as can you.
We have 22 bases in Syria honey. Here is the problem you have, I'm not a hack like you. The Bushs's are Deep State operatives, they are worse than the Clinton's. The wars will go on until the Banker's say they can stop.

see, as soon as someone uses the words "deep state", then they pretty much prove they ARE hacks.

that said, General Eisenhower warned about the military industrial complex.

so why would you want to start having military parades like some third world banana republic despot?

France is a third world banana republic?

My God, when will you libtards just end it all and leave the rest of the world to mourn not having bad examples around anymore?

Fair question. France isn't a third world country. But it also isn't a super power. We have had 44 presidents and none have felt the need to have a military parade for themselves. Donald has talked about this before. He loves the things dictators do to celebrate themselves. (and no, France is not a dictatorship but the other countries that do this are).

do you really think that millions of dollars should be spent to satisfy Donald's ego?

What an incredibly dumbass statement!

Did you ever live in this country before you became a postpartum abortion?

there was nothing that I said that was incorrect.

and Donald the wanna be dictator can go screw himself.

as can you.

Your claim is that we have never had military parades, and THAT is why you are an incredible dumbass!

Your TDS is reaching critical mass, and your brain may blow at any second. I suggest professional help and a lobotomy! Oh, wait! Too late! Never mind!
I’ll thank BO for beating ISIS as soon as you Libs acknowledge and thank Reagan for the destruction of the Soviet Block.
BO did not defeat ISIS and that doddering senile POS Reagan had nothing to do with ending the Cold War.

Wrong with Reagan, probably wrong with BO too. Reagan made the Cold War too expensive for the Reds to keep going. Not much into history, are you?

Actually go read your history, Russia's economic well-being depends on the price of petroleum. Its economy depends on oil and gas exports. Next to a drop in oil prices in the 80s and the war in Afghanistan, worry about space based missle defense has no real role.

The Collapse of the Soviet Union and Ronald Reagan

View attachment 175398

So if you want to call it about an increase in Spending you better thank Carter!!!

To quote you back : Not much into history, are you?

Really? I wonder then, why do the Russian people themselves credit Reagan with the fall of Communist Soviet Union? They have no particular reason to alter history, unlike you.

In Russia, Reagan rememberedfor helping bring down Soviet Union

Ronald Reagan’s determination to destroy communism and the Soviet Union was a hallmark of his eight-year presidency, carried out through a harsh nuclear policy toward Moscow that softened only slightly when Gorbachev came to office.

He is vividly remembered in Russia today as the force that precipitated the Soviet collapse.

“Reagan bolstered the U.S. military might to ruin the Soviet economy, and he achieved his goal,” said Gennady Gerasimov, who served as top spokesman for the Soviet Foreign Ministry during the 1980s.

I will concede that it was not Reagan alone that brought down the USSR. There were other factors. But powder puff Libs like you refuse to acknowledge the meaningful role Reagan played. Don’t worry though, your kids or grandkids will accept his role because they won’t have the personal animosity for him that you do.

5 Reasons for the Collapse of the Soviet Union | Graduate Degrees Norwich
3 Russians gave credit to Reagan but only one of them has credibility.
Reagan and Gorbachev: Shutting the Cold War Down

Thanks for that link. It really highlights Reagan’s brilliance in recognizing the opportunity of negotiating with Gorbachev, not to mention his keenly innate ability to know how the negotiations should be handled. He was truly a remarkable man.

Reagan came quickly to recognize that Gorbachev’s goals, far from being traditional, were downright revolutionary. He also saw that the transformation Gorbachev had in mind for his country would, if it came about, serve American interests.

As a result, without much fuss and without many of his supporters noticing, Reagan underwent a transformation of his own. The fire-breathing cold warrior set about trying, through intense, sustained personal engagement, to convince Gorbachev that the United States would not make him sorry for the course he had chosen.
In that sense they're like homo parades and their effect on aids cases.

I agree.
So let one team march and the other prance. All inclusive.

Let the team that pays for their own parade march. The "homo parades" only cost the tax payer for the police working the parade and the permitting costs. The massive military parade will cost millions of tax payer dollars. So if you want to have the tax payers pay for the police presence and the permitting, and let private donors foot the bill for the rest of the cost, I have no problem.
It’s about team USA and national pride. If you had any you would understand this.

I have plenty of pride in my country. If it takes a parade to show yours it isn't real.

My complaint is not about the military at all. It is about spending millions of dollars on something that may lift morale for a week or so. We are trillions of dollars in debt. Spending MUST be brought under control if this nation is to survive as a world power. Our children and their children will be saddled with this debt.

And do you think Congress will pay back the $2.8 trillion they borrowed from Social Security when the debt keeps climbing?

If you think spending $23 million on a parade is being fiscally responsible, you are no conservative.
it'd be for more than a week or two. It will be for years worth of propaganda vs our enemies or anyone thinking about being our enemy. It will be used during 2020 election in commercials re-electing Trump. And you Liberals will help pay for it.

Is this what our country has become?

What Republicans have turned it into?

They really do admire Nazi's and Soviets.

We have to stand up to them.;

You are the Nazis....

Plain to see..........

If they can have military parades in Moscow or Paris, why can't we have one also.
In Washington DC ?
Why not ?
Without us all of Europe would be speaking German by now.
It’s been said over and over, and reported, but it didn’t have quite spin Deanrd wanted to put out.
Maybe it isn't showing it off to the other countries but a chance for our own citizens to admire our people in the uniform.
Maybe it isn't showing it off to the other countries but a chance for our own citizens to admire our people in the uniform.

Funny. Adolf Trump is more concerned with showing off equipment than people in uniform.

Maybe it isn't showing it off to the other countries but a chance for our own citizens to admire our people in the uniform.


Maybe it isn't showing it off to the other countries but a chance for our own citizens to admire our people in the uniform.
Surely, given all the opportunities and places around the U.S. in which one can do exactly that, you jest? In addition to all these and more extant and recurring opportunities to do exactly that:
  • Visit the Pentagon


  • Visit West Point


  • Visit the U.S. Naval Academy


  • Visit the Norfolk Naval Station (including ship tours)


  • Visit Marine Base Quantico


  • Attend or watch Army-Navy games



  • Visit Naval Air Station Wildwood


  • Visit Naval Submarine Station New London


  • Visit the Coast Guard Academy


  • Visit Edwards Air Force Base


  • Blue Angels (Navy’s Flight Demonstration Squadron)
  • Golden Knights (Army Parachute Team)
  • Leap Frogs (Navy Parachute Team)
  • Thunderbirds (Air Force Flight Demonstration Squadron)
  • Sea Chanters (Navy Chorus)
  • Wings of Freedom (World War II-era bombers available for flight experience)
  • Visit Tomb of the Unknown Soldier




That would be but a handful of the places where Americans can go to "admire our people in uniform." Here is an even more comprehensive list:
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