Trump wants a Soviet Style MILITARY Parade through the streets of Washington DC

Personally, I think this would be a waste of the military's time. The only reason Trump wants a military parade down Penn. Ave is because he wants his ego stroked.
Why was my thread merged with Trump wanting a “Soviet Style” Military parade. I have shown Swedish, Danish, French, German, and British military parades. What the fuck. It’s a military parade American Style!
It's a matter of default fact that the Democrats hate the military, but they do love themselves a big parade.

Any chance they get to act like a bunch of childish retarded turds...they will do it.
Showcase our military and it’s fighting strength. Let them march and be proud again after decades of liberals tearing down the military with PC bullshit.
Trump tells Pentagon to plan a military parade - CNNPolitics

Who pays for this? The tax payers?

Who benefits from it? The same men & women who will someday be fighting to get the benefits we promised them?

And showing off the military might is typically to try to intimidate potential enemies. Our potential enemies already KNOW we have the biggest military. It is common knowledge that we spend more than the next 8 countries combined.

Plus, the military might that will be paraded is not what scares our potential enemies. The technology that makes our military so fearsome will not be on display.
I would rather pay for this than millions of welfare babies.
Bottom line is liberals hate revisionist history that subscribes that the United States are the bad guys. They hate Trump so much they would cheer for North Korea if we went to war with them.
Personally, I think this would be a waste of the military's time. The only reason Trump wants a military parade down Penn. Ave is because he wants his ego stroked.
You guy’s talked over the phone?

If that orange bastard ever called me, I'd probably hang up on him. No, I didn't talk over the phone.


Based on the way he's done things for the past year, the only reason he would want a parade is to have his ego stroked while saying its all about the troops, but he supports the troops bigly and because so many turned out for him, the troops must support Trump bigly as well.

What major conflicts have we finished by winning? What other reason than for Trump to get his ego stroked would be served by a military parade?
Do you think there would be fewer wars without military parades?

I think military parades have no effect on whether we have fewer or more wars.
In that sense they're like homo parades and their effect on aids cases.

I agree.
So let one team march and the other prance. All inclusive.

Let the team that pays for their own parade march. The "homo parades" only cost the tax payer for the police working the parade and the permitting costs. The massive military parade will cost millions of tax payer dollars. So if you want to have the tax payers pay for the police presence and the permitting, and let private donors foot the bill for the rest of the cost, I have no problem.
It’s about team USA and national pride. If you had any you would understand this.
Personally, I think this would be a waste of the military's time. The only reason Trump wants a military parade down Penn. Ave is because he wants his ego stroked.
You guy’s talked over the phone?

If that orange bastard ever called me, I'd probably hang up on him. No, I didn't talk over the phone.


Based on the way he's done things for the past year, the only reason he would want a parade is to have his ego stroked while saying its all about the troops, but he supports the troops bigly and because so many turned out for him, the troops must support Trump bigly as well.

What major conflicts have we finished by winning? What other reason than for Trump to get his ego stroked would be served by a military parade?
In your deranged mind that’s how you see his actions. Trump supporters see it as “Making America Great Again.”
This really takes off at 1:26.... :113:


I love our Military. Our Volunteer Military. It's the One THING we can all be proud of.
Unless you are a Liberal....then you hate them the same as Jihadi.

The only thing righties like about the military is needlessly sending them to their deaths .

And then using them as propaganda .

World War I...Woodrow Wilson (Dem)
World War II...FDR (Dem)
Korea...Harry Truman (Dem)
Vietnam...JFK/LBJ (Dem)

That's 45% of all American military deaths in History.

The Civil War accounted for 50%.

Better go buy a history book, Timmy

Imagine if we lost WWII.

There would only be one party. The Republican Nazi Party.
Showcase our military and it’s fighting strength. Let them march and be proud again after decades of liberals tearing down the military with PC bullshit.
Trump tells Pentagon to plan a military parade - CNNPolitics
Watch as the rabid Left foams at the mouth claiming the President wants to be like communist military dictatorships. Ha ha. Damn, I'm getting my dime's worth with this President.

I love it!

Why aren't the conservatives fighting against spending millions of tax payer dollars on a senseless display of the military might that the world already knows we possess?

So we can honor the Men and Women in our Armed Forces.
I figure they are worth it,but thats just me.

I am all for honoring them. How about spending millions for veterans affairs? How about actually doing something for those who are serving?

If we are going to spend millions for something, why not spend it on something solid. This is honoring the men & women of our Armed Services like the political photo ops are. It is all show.
How about all those things (that Trump is doing) + a parade.
The reality is that Iraq beat ISIS, with some support from us. That's why there were so few US casualties.

You can thank President Obama for that.
Ugh San Bernardino was under nobama's term. Thanks for forgetting that.

how many shootings have their been on Donald's watch?

and that would be President Obama to you.
Shit stain obama
Let me guess.

Because he's black.

Have you ever noticed how most closet cases are Republican.

Racists are Republican.

The Russian supporters are Republican.

The American Nazi's are Republican

Republicans are busy. Like bees. Full of stings. Making honey. Like queens.


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