Trump wants a Soviet Style MILITARY Parade through the streets of Washington DC

Hey Bush92, the reason we had those parades was because we actually had something to celebrate. What is the occasion? Why should the military have a parade? Just because the Cheeto in Chief wants one?

You mean like when the Air Force flies their high tech military fighter jets at our Air and Water shows?

View attachment 175484

Or when the military flies air craft over our sporting that ....?

View attachment 175485
I love those.
I know. I'm not opposed to the military, either. I'm opposed to idolizing it as our Pres seems to be pushing us to do. If you are too dimwitted to understand that distinction, I don't think I can help you.

You know, years ago when our twin daughters were very small we were on the beach in Florida, two jets came in very very low and the people on the beach were oohing and awing and one of our twins was pointing saying "see Mommy see!" She was so excited and I whispered to her..."they are protecting you"....

Few leftist asshats will understand that
We have supposedly won the war against ISIS. We are vacating Iraq. We don't have a need to pull out the military equipment, work up the American people into a militaristic frenzy. A military parade without all the toys is fine with me. I find parades boring, anyway, but a lot of people like them and there's nothing wrong with honoring our military. JUST leave the tanks home.

Work the American people into a militaristic frenzy?
Holy fuck.
Your brain must be a scary place.
Terrifying, truth be told.
How you can't see what is in front of your nose is amazing. You are being led. Wake up!

You're being hyperbolic...a left loon trait
Just answering her in kind.
You know, years ago when our twin daughters were very small we were on the beach in Florida, two jets came in very very low and the people on the beach were oohing and awing and one of our twins was pointing saying "see Mommy see!" She was so excited and I whispered to her..."they are protecting you"....

Few leftist asshats will understand that
We have supposedly won the war against ISIS. We are vacating Iraq. We don't have a need to pull out the military equipment, work up the American people into a militaristic frenzy. A military parade without all the toys is fine with me. I find parades boring, anyway, but a lot of people like them and there's nothing wrong with honoring our military. JUST leave the tanks home.

Work the American people into a militaristic frenzy?
Holy fuck.
Your brain must be a scary place.
Terrifying, truth be told.
How you can't see what is in front of your nose is amazing. You are being led. Wake up!

You're being hyperbolic...a left loon trait
Just answering her in kind.

It's a freaking parade...untwist your bloomers
Maybe it isn't showing it off to the other countries but a chance for our own citizens to admire our people in the uniform.


Maybe it isn't showing it off to the other countries but a chance for our own citizens to admire our people in the uniform.
Surely, given all the opportunities and places around the U.S. in which one can do exactly that, you jest? In addition to all these and more extant and recurring opportunities to do exactly that:
  • Visit the Pentagon


  • Visit West Point


  • Visit the U.S. Naval Academy


  • Visit the Norfolk Naval Station (including ship tours)


  • Visit Marine Base Quantico


  • Attend or watch Army-Navy games



  • Visit Naval Air Station Wildwood


  • Visit Naval Submarine Station New London


  • Visit the Coast Guard Academy


  • Visit Edwards Air Force Base


  • Blue Angels (Navy’s Flight Demonstration Squadron)
  • Golden Knights (Army Parachute Team)
  • Leap Frogs (Navy Parachute Team)
  • Thunderbirds (Air Force Flight Demonstration Squadron)
  • Sea Chanters (Navy Chorus)
  • Wings of Freedom (World War II-era bombers available for flight experience)
  • Visit Tomb of the Unknown Soldier




That would be but a handful of the places where Americans can go to "admire our people in uniform." Here is an even more comprehensive list:

People expect a parade to honor the team that wins a football game but it can't have a parade honoring those that fight and put their life on the line for us? Surely, you jest.

Jackson, please....

You don't force the winners of the super bowl to go and hand wash their uniforms and the uniforms of others and polish their helmets and shoes, and polish the helmets and shoes of others, and then practice for hours on end marching in lock step, and then have them hand carry an entire football field and goal posts on their own backs to Washington DC,

for a march that is suppose to celebrate, themselves...

Others put on parades to celebrate the winners

The winners are never forced to put a lot of very hard work, in to a parade for themselves.
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Maybe it isn't showing it off to the other countries but a chance for our own citizens to admire our people in the uniform.


Maybe it isn't showing it off to the other countries but a chance for our own citizens to admire our people in the uniform.
Surely, given all the opportunities and places around the U.S. in which one can do exactly that, you jest? In addition to all these and more extant and recurring opportunities to do exactly that:
  • Visit the Pentagon


  • Visit West Point


  • Visit the U.S. Naval Academy


  • Visit the Norfolk Naval Station (including ship tours)


  • Visit Marine Base Quantico


  • Attend or watch Army-Navy games



  • Visit Naval Air Station Wildwood


  • Visit Naval Submarine Station New London


  • Visit the Coast Guard Academy


  • Visit Edwards Air Force Base


  • Blue Angels (Navy’s Flight Demonstration Squadron)
  • Golden Knights (Army Parachute Team)
  • Leap Frogs (Navy Parachute Team)
  • Thunderbirds (Air Force Flight Demonstration Squadron)
  • Sea Chanters (Navy Chorus)
  • Wings of Freedom (World War II-era bombers available for flight experience)
  • Visit Tomb of the Unknown Soldier




That would be but a handful of the places where Americans can go to "admire our people in uniform." Here is an even more comprehensive list:

People expect a parade to honor the team that wins a football game but it can't have a parade honoring those that fight and put their life on the line for us? Surely, you jest.

I've been very clear about what I think of this notion of a military parade:

Well actually the president wanted what France did. Please post the link where trump said Soviet. tick tock got a sock.
It's not about flaunting our Military Power,we do that all the time with joint operations with say the S. Koreans. You know that gets Lil Kims panties in a wad.
This is about showing our Armed Forces the appreciation they deserve.
The Military is against this....and believe it is a waste of hard work and time and money
It's not about flaunting our Military Power,we do that all the time with joint operations with say the S. Koreans. You know that gets Lil Kims panties in a wad.
This is about showing our Armed Forces the appreciation they deserve.
Then WHY are YOU making THEM do ALL the work for it?
It's not about flaunting our Military Power,we do that all the time with joint operations with say the S. Koreans. You know that gets Lil Kims panties in a wad.
This is about showing our Armed Forces the appreciation they deserve.
Then WHY are YOU making THEM do ALL the work for it?

I'm not making anyone do anything.
It's not about flaunting our Military Power,we do that all the time with joint operations with say the S. Koreans. You know that gets Lil Kims panties in a wad.
This is about showing our Armed Forces the appreciation they deserve.
So I guess when we have any parade we are flaunting something. so we flaunt our fire departments our girl and boy scouts and dancers and high school bands and twirlers our libraries our politicians, I mean what the fk? why have any fking parade. fk them
Great soundbite, but stupid. After eight years of Obama no one believes the US has the will or character to use force in any situation, so the purpose of the parade is to show America's enemies, Iran and NK, that Trump's America does in the same terms these two countries understand. Obama left a lot of damage to America's reputation that President Trump has to repair in a hurry. An aggressive display of our military strength might just help keep us out of war.

This comment is stupid and wrong.
In other words, you don't like it but you don't know why.

I know why.

After eight years of Obama no one believes the US has the will or character to use force in any situation, so the purpose of the parade is to show America's enemies, Iran and NK, that Trump's America does in the same terms these two countries understand.

Hyperbole. Maybe 30+% of the country believes this. Minority opinions are usually grossly misinformed.

Obama left a lot of damage to America's reputation that President Trump has to repair in a hurry.


An aggressive display of our military strength might just help keep us out of war.

War mongering is the last refuge of scoundrels.
Estimated cost of Trumps military parade 17 million+
Estimated cost of housing for all homeless vets 24 million +
PICK one.
And Trump is the first president to try to do something about it

......and THAT is??? A fucking military parade???
To a reasonable mind, again,not yours, when dealing with militaristic societies like NK and Iran, it makes sense to talk to them in their own terms. They both hold military parades in the hope that it will deter their enemies, and a display of the vastly superior US military will give credibility to US threats to end their nuclear programs whatever it takes. No one believed Obama would use the US military to oppose Iran or NK from acquiring nukes, so a lot of work has to be done to gain restore the credibility of US threats now. A large scale military parade is a step in that direction.

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