Trump wants a Soviet Style MILITARY Parade through the streets of Washington DC

Great soundbite, but stupid. After eight years of Obama no one believes the US has the will or character to use force in any situation, so the purpose of the parade is to show America's enemies, Iran and NK, that Trump's America does in the same terms these two countries understand. Obama left a lot of damage to America's reputation that President Trump has to repair in a hurry. An aggressive display of our military strength might just help keep us out of war.

This comment is stupid and wrong.
In other words, you don't like it but you don't know why.

I know why.

After eight years of Obama no one believes the US has the will or character to use force in any situation, so the purpose of the parade is to show America's enemies, Iran and NK, that Trump's America does in the same terms these two countries understand.

Hyperbole. Maybe 30+% of the country believes this. Minority opinions are usually grossly misinformed.

Obama left a lot of damage to America's reputation that President Trump has to repair in a hurry.


An aggressive display of our military strength might just help keep us out of war.

War mongering is the last refuge of scoundrels.
Obviously, you didn't understand my post. The purpose of the parade is not to convince Americans of anything but to deter Iran and NK from acquiring nukes. What happened to Democrats so that they can now only think about President Trump?
Maybe it isn't showing it off to the other countries but a chance for our own citizens to admire our people in the uniform.


Maybe it isn't showing it off to the other countries but a chance for our own citizens to admire our people in the uniform.
Surely, given all the opportunities and places around the U.S. in which one can do exactly that, you jest? In addition to all these and more extant and recurring opportunities to do exactly that:
  • Visit the Pentagon


  • Visit West Point


  • Visit the U.S. Naval Academy


  • Visit the Norfolk Naval Station (including ship tours)


  • Visit Marine Base Quantico


  • Attend or watch Army-Navy games



  • Visit Naval Air Station Wildwood


  • Visit Naval Submarine Station New London


  • Visit the Coast Guard Academy


  • Visit Edwards Air Force Base


  • Blue Angels (Navy’s Flight Demonstration Squadron)
  • Golden Knights (Army Parachute Team)
  • Leap Frogs (Navy Parachute Team)
  • Thunderbirds (Air Force Flight Demonstration Squadron)
  • Sea Chanters (Navy Chorus)
  • Wings of Freedom (World War II-era bombers available for flight experience)
  • Visit Tomb of the Unknown Soldier




That would be but a handful of the places where Americans can go to "admire our people in uniform." Here is an even more comprehensive list:

People expect a parade to honor the team that wins a football game but it can't have a parade honoring those that fight and put their life on the line for us? Surely, you jest.

Jackson, please....

You don't force the winners of the superbowl to go and handwash their uniforms and the uniforms of others and polish their helmets and shoes, and polish the helmets and shoes of others, and then practice for hours on end marching in lock step, and then have them hand carry an entire football field and goal posts on their back to Washington DC,

for a march that is suppose to celebrate, themselves...

Others put on parades to celebrate the winners

The winners are never forced to put a lot of very hard work, in to a parade for themselves.

Others put on parades to celebrate the winners

The winners are never forced to put a lot of very hard work, in to a parade for themselves.
^^ This!

It's things like that which Trump (and apparently many of his disciples) just doesn't get. Well, when it comes to values, the following are the things Trump seemingly values most:
  • Envy is a sadness in the presence of the goodness of others. Rather than move us to emulate the goodness of others, envy leads us to find a way to justify the fact that we lack the goodness that others possess.
  • Avarice/Covetousness is a disordered and excessive desire to control persons, places, or things. Contrary to generosity, covetousness manifests itself today especially in the contraceptive mentality. The contraceptive mentality is the distorted attempt to control one's own as well as another's body.
  • Vainglory/Pride is respecting oneself or others for the wrong reasons.
  • Wrath is a mixture of sadness and hatred in the presence of what is true. (Don't be confused by the fact that "anger" is the name of a spirited emotion as well as the name of the distortion of that emotion.)
While I know well that nobody is perfect in eschewing such emotions, I know too that most folks are less imperfect about doing so than is Trump. Indeed, the man has more so made a life out exhibiting those vices at every whim and opportunity than he has made one of exhibiting their opposite virtues.
Maybe it isn't showing it off to the other countries but a chance for our own citizens to admire our people in the uniform.


Maybe it isn't showing it off to the other countries but a chance for our own citizens to admire our people in the uniform.
Surely, given all the opportunities and places around the U.S. in which one can do exactly that, you jest? In addition to all these and more extant and recurring opportunities to do exactly that:
  • Visit the Pentagon


  • Visit West Point


  • Visit the U.S. Naval Academy


  • Visit the Norfolk Naval Station (including ship tours)


  • Visit Marine Base Quantico


  • Attend or watch Army-Navy games



  • Visit Naval Air Station Wildwood


  • Visit Naval Submarine Station New London


  • Visit the Coast Guard Academy


  • Visit Edwards Air Force Base


  • Blue Angels (Navy’s Flight Demonstration Squadron)
  • Golden Knights (Army Parachute Team)
  • Leap Frogs (Navy Parachute Team)
  • Thunderbirds (Air Force Flight Demonstration Squadron)
  • Sea Chanters (Navy Chorus)
  • Wings of Freedom (World War II-era bombers available for flight experience)
  • Visit Tomb of the Unknown Soldier




That would be but a handful of the places where Americans can go to "admire our people in uniform." Here is an even more comprehensive list:

WOW!? All the history pictures of Gobmint welfare for the unemployables.
Now at 500B yearly. We are covering some good thangs with the other 250B.
Totaling 750-850B per year in mostly wasteful spendings.

Really, We have all the stuff we need to fight in the end, a nuke war.


WOW!? Some 60-75 Trillion Dollars from just 1947! FFS!
To Employ the Unemployables, of America.
Last edited:
Its a waste of time and money.
why? we pay 143 million for illegal aliens to attend our schools, our hospitals get our handouts. and you're now worried about money? too funny.

Yes, its a waste of time and money and if O had said the same thing, the right would have been screaming like wild indians. I didn't just start worrying about our endless debt. I've been against spending in excess forever.
You might want to check with our troops in Afghanistan about that.
I don't have to.

There's plenty of them here at Ft Campbell.


Obama never was a legitimate president to so does not count.

As to Kennedy....

Is he not a prime example of white privilege run amuck?
As to Kennedy....Is he not a prime example of white privilege run amuck?
How privileged one must be to have one's brains blown out in front of one's wife while she and one ride through the streets of Dallas, TX? If that be any part or parcel of the white privilege "run amuck" from which Kennedy benefitted, I dare say few of any race want it. I sure will forgo the coin, commendations, courtesans, coterie of companies, clubs and cottages, preferring to them my intact cranium.
It is a waste of time and money. We keep spending money we don't have. We need to find ways to cut the spending, not find more ways to spend.
Retired U.S. Army Maj. Gen. Paul Eaton has a scathing response to President Donald Trump’s plans to hold a massive military parade in Washington.

Eaton said Trump has “continually shown himself to have authoritarian tendencies” and the parade idea was “just another worrisome example,” according to a tweeted statement from VoteVets...

Trump has faced widespread ridicule over his plan to show off the nation’s arsenal.

And Eaton said Trump’s past praise of authoritarian strongmen such as former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein and Russian President Vladimir Putin made it clear that he wasn’t really interested in celebrating the military.

Instead, it was “about making a display of the military saluting him,” Eaton added, noting how the armed services should not be “reduced to stagecraft to prop up Donald Trump’s image.

“Unfortunately, we do not have a commander in chief, right now, as much as we have a wannabe banana republic strong man,” Eaton said.

Retired Major General Issues Blistering Takedown Of Trump Parade Plan
We have supposedly won the war against ISIS. We are vacating Iraq. We don't have a need to pull out the military equipment, work up the American people into a militaristic frenzy. A military parade without all the toys is fine with me. I find parades boring, anyway, but a lot of people like them and there's nothing wrong with honoring our military. JUST leave the tanks home.

Work the American people into a militaristic frenzy?
Holy fuck.
Your brain must be a scary place.
Terrifying, truth be told.
How you can't see what is in front of your nose is amazing. You are being led. Wake up!

You're being hyperbolic...a left loon trait
Just answering her in kind.

It's a freaking parade...untwist your bloomers

It is just a parade? Estimates for the parade Trump wants runs into the millions of dollars. I have seen one estimate as high as $23 million.

we also have 4th of july parades locally organized on main street all across the country every year.

i bet trump didn't even realize that all the way from his ivory tower all these years.

as tip o'neill once said "ALL POLITICS IS LOCAL"


interesting the party who otherwise refuses to spend tax revenues in these communities in so many other more necessary ways, is now willing to waste SO much money just to produce a brief spectacle to soothe the "commander's" ego and provide propaganda optics.

BTW the disingenuous GOP phonies who obstinately obstructed spending OUR tax dollars for 8 years of budgets proposed by a twice elected president, NOW have changed their tune to allow NO CAP to spending under trump's budget...

Spending Deal Signals End to GOP’s Budget Austerity Kick
Congressional Republicans pressed for curbs and sequester in 2011, but new two-year budget blows past caps

Spending Deal Signals End to GOP’s Budget Austerity Kick
^ This. Ya'll on the left throw tantrums to allow illegals who suck /billions/ out of our government every single year, then you tantrum that Trump wants to celebrate our troops with a $23M bill, while calling him a dictator just for bringing it up.

You just come off as hateful and hypocritical in one fell swoop. It's hilarious that you keep letting the failed media lead you around like sheep to the slaughter... Whatever, ride the sinking ship down.
I can assure you this will be the biggest and best parade in the history of the US

Bigger than the Macy's parade
Better than that Rose Bowl Parade
Better than those homo parades they have in SF and NY

The Great Trump Military Parade of 2018 will make all other parades unnecessary. It will have Army, Navy, AF, Marines but no POWs since we prefer those who weren't captured
It is of course no surprise that President Donald Trump’s suggestion of a military parade in our nation’s capital won quick and widespread condemnation from his many critics within the nation’s capital. And at first blush, the idea of a Soviet-style military procession down Pennsylvania Avenue plays into an unhelpful narrative for the president. This is a man after all who is routinely accused of trying to re-create his own gilded banana republic right here at home.

Trump's Parade Is Political Genius

And the leftist Trump hating goons fall for his bait over and over and over.
He pulled his military parade on purpose to show American how pathetic Leftist are towards the military and lmfao omg you dumb fks keep falling for the Lies just like you idiots who believe this Russian bs.

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