Trump wants a Soviet Style MILITARY Parade through the streets of Washington DC

I see I have an entourage of Butt Hurt Leftists that follow me around the forum marking all my posts as funny.

EXCELLENT! It means I have their attention and have them by their balls (tiny little beans that they are) lmao

Trump & I......we just can't lose for winning so much
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Don't be stupid. This has nothing to do with the military and everything to do with Trump's ego. We are talking about more than just a parade. We are talking about something that the Soviet Union and other authoritarian regimes do. What do you think running 70 ton vehicles will do to Washington's streets? Those will have to be repaired. By the way, even Republicans are opposed to this.
--------------------------------------- repair the streets if the parade happens BBee .
Shipping military equipment is expensive. Closest Army base is probably 800 miles. Quantico is fairly close. Soldiers will have to be billeted. Security around the President is expensive.

I can see $20 million easy
.:bsflag: in the extreme
Imagine if all those millions was put into veteran programs or a new GI bill. That would be a better way to honor them.
There ARE no "MILLIONS" Why do you think there is ? Because ABC, NBC, and CBS said so ? Got ANY idea where they got the numbers ? Wanna buy a bridge in Brooklyn ?
They really do admire Nazi's and Soviets.

We have to stand up to them.;

This Parade is dedicated to the Victory Day on May 9, 1945, when the Soviet Union crushed Nazism.
But what will America celebrate if Trump makes a parade?
What does it cost to ship an M1 Abrams tank and crew 800 miles?
If you don't know, then you're not prepared to comment in this thread. But I seem to guess that there might be tanks et al equipment and crews a lot closer than 800 miles.
They really do admire Nazi's and Soviets.

We have to stand up to them.;

This Parade is dedicated to the Victory Day on May 9, 1945, when the Soviet Union crushed Nazism.
But what will America celebrate if Trump makes a parade?
-------------------------------------------- simply being America Inmar . Plus if the Parade happens it would just be a reminder to the lesser nations of the world that with TRUMP as President that the USA is being made Great again Inmar .

Oh yes.......Military Times ran a poll of military members...75% are against having such a parade...too expensive and a waste of time and manpower. It's Stolen Valor people such as yourself and Sir tiny hands that want to get your tingles from parading killing machines like tanks and missiles (phallic symbols)
They really do admire Nazi's and Soviets.

We have to stand up to them.;

This Parade is dedicated to the Victory Day on May 9, 1945, when the Soviet Union crushed Nazism.
But what will America celebrate if Trump makes a parade?
-------------------------------------------- simply being America Inmar . Plus if the Parade happens it would just be a reminder to the lesser nations of the world that with TRUMP as President that the USA is being made Great again Inmar .
No. It would remind everyone that Sir tiny hands is overcompensating for his
How privileged one must be to have one's brains blown out in front of one's wife while she and one ride through the streets of Dallas, TX? If that be any part or parcel of the white privilege "run amuck" from which Kennedy benefitted, I dare say few of any race want it. I sure will forgo the coin, commendations, courtesans, coterie of companies, clubs and cottages, preferring to them my intact cranium.

Who would have guessed that the little white privileged twit who drooled on your TV screen after President Trump's State of The Union Address might have had his brains blown out anywhere? Though that might explain his zombie-like state as he dribbled his way through his blown attempt to run, one day, for president.

Please DO try to keep up.
work up the American people into a militaristic frenzy.
Roll your eyes if you wish. I am in complete agreement with Lindsey Graham, that he thinks a parade is a great idea, so long as it isn't "a Soviet style hardware display." He said that's kinda cheesy and not part of our culture. Other countries want to, that's part of their culture, that's fine, but it's not us.
I concur.
Trump was inspired by the French parade. That has been made abundantly clear from the start but leftards will spin and they’ve just got to get Russia in on the act if at all possible.
Your assertion that a military parade with kit will cause Americans to go into a frenzy is really very disturbing. You don’t have much faith in your fellow country men and women, do you?

.....And it just sounds plain nuts :eek:

......BOO!!! :tank:
So let one team march and the other prance. All inclusive.

Let the team that pays for their own parade march. The "homo parades" only cost the tax payer for the police working the parade and the permitting costs. The massive military parade will cost millions of tax payer dollars. So if you want to have the tax payers pay for the police presence and the permitting, and let private donors foot the bill for the rest of the cost, I have no problem.
It’s about team USA and national pride. If you had any you would understand this.

I have plenty of pride in my country. If it takes a parade to show yours it isn't real.

My complaint is not about the military at all. It is about spending millions of dollars on something that may lift morale for a week or so. We are trillions of dollars in debt. Spending MUST be brought under control if this nation is to survive as a world power. Our children and their children will be saddled with this debt.

And do you think Congress will pay back the $2.8 trillion they borrowed from Social Security when the debt keeps climbing?

If you think spending $23 million on a parade is being fiscally responsible, you are no conservative.
it'd be for more than a week or two. It will be for years worth of propaganda vs our enemies or anyone thinking about being our enemy. It will be used during 2020 election in commercials re-electing Trump. And you Liberals will help pay for it.

"You liberals?" I am arguing against spending $23 million on a parade, and you call me the liberal? LMAO!

Do you think any of our potential enemies don't know we have the biggest, baddest, most dangerous military? We spend more on our military than the next 8 countries combined.

But we are trillions of dollars in debt. Our congress has borrowed $2.8 trillion from Social Security. We have to either curb spending or we will not make it as a nation.
I think smaller countries like North Korea would be impressed.
However, it would be smart to do it on an existing holiday, like Memorial day, instead of creating a new Patriots day holiday.
Does anyone know WHERE (FROM WHOM) this idea of MILLIONS$$ to pay for a parade, comes from ? Where did CBS, NBC, ABC get it ?

You get a few hundred soldiers, sailors, marines, airmen, & coast guard to march down a street with a few tanks and other stuff. This costs MILLIONS$$ ? Is there a doctor in the house ?

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