Trump wants a Soviet Style MILITARY Parade through the streets of Washington DC



Don't be stupid. This has nothing to do with the military and everything to do with Trump's ego. We are talking about more than just a parade. We are talking about something that the Soviet Union and other authoritarian regimes do. What do you think running 70 ton vehicles will do to Washington's streets? Those will have to be repaired. By the way, even Republicans are opposed to this.
A. There is no Soviet Union.
B. They put rubberized tracks on tanks that do not damage streets.
C. Some democrats are for the parade.

A. The Soviet Union was a dictatorship. Whether it exists or not is not important.
B. It will cost millions of dollars to do this. Money that could be better spent than moving tanks and missiles.
C, Many Republicans are against it. Lindsay6 Graham has it right. Showing off military hardware is cheesy and a sign of weakness. All to salve Trump's ego.
Great soundbite, but stupid. After eight years of Obama no one believes the US has the will or character to use force in any situation, so the purpose of the parade is to show America's enemies, Iran and NK, that Trump's America does in the same terms these two countries understand. Obama left a lot of damage to America's reputation that President Trump has to repair in a hurry. An aggressive display of our military strength might just help keep us out of war.
Maybe it isn't showing it off to the other countries but a chance for our own citizens to admire our people in the uniform.

Then have a parade of veterans and current military people. Leave out the hardware.

Better yet, give the $20 million to VA hospitals to hire more staff.

Now you are thinking like a fiscal conservative :eusa_clap:
I thought they were extinct and only rear their heads when a dem is in the WH??
They should just dress up each soldier in a 'wall costume' so it looks like one continuous wall walking down the street for two miles. The orange turd could salute his fake wall.


WTF? Donald Trump Doesn’t Deny That He’s “A Racist And A Neo-Fascist” On Fox News

“We become strongest, I feel, when we have no friends upon whom to lean, or to look for moral guidance”
- Benito Mussolini -

“You must always be doing things and obviously succeeding. The hard part is to keep people always at the window because of the spectacle you put on for them. And you must do this for years.”
- Benito Mussolini -
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Imagine if all those millions was put into veteran programs or a new GI bill. That would be a better way to honor them.
There ARE no "MILLIONS" Why do you think there is ? Because ABC, NBC, and CBS said so ? Got ANY idea where they got the numbers ? Wanna buy a bridge in Brooklyn ?
This would be in the millions with all the logistics, etc. If you'd ever served and had to deal with troop movements, barracking, meals, fuel,'d know that.
They should just dress up each soldier in a 'wall costume' so it looks like one continuous wall walking down the street for two miles. The orange turd could salute his fake wall.

View attachment 175646

WTF? Donald Trump Doesn’t Deny That He’s “A Racist And A Neo-Fascist” On Fox News

“We become strongest, I feel, when we have no friends upon whom to lean, or to look for moral guidance”
- Benito Mussolini -

“You must always be doing things and obviously succeeding. The hard part is to keep people always at the window because of the spectacle you put on for them. And you must do this for years.”
- Benito Mussolini -
Your dumb post refers to a dumb link, which gives FALSE information. Trump didn't deny mocking Serge Kovaleski, he denied mocking his disability, which is a correct denial.

The disability mocking idea came from Hillary Clinton,and her dishonest campaign crew. Trump mocked Kovaleski for claiming that he couldn't remember his article in the Washington Post about people cheering on rooftops after 9-11.And that was proper since Kovalseski DESERVED to be mocked for that.

But the Clinton gang, dishonestly twisted it into a disability mock, and ran with that, ans even now (Feb. 2018) some gullible nitwits like you still haven't gotten the word on the issue. Well, why would you ? Your OMMISSION media, never publicized the truth on it. :rolleyes:

This is why you guys don't know anything.
This would be in the millions with all the logistics, etc. If you'd ever served and had to deal with troop movements, barracking, meals, fuel,'d know that.
If you had read the OP, you'd know that I DID indeed deal with troop movements, barracking, meals, fuel, etc.

Try doing that, before posting in here, and making a fool out of yourself.
This would be in the millions with all the logistics, etc. If you'd ever served and had to deal with troop movements, barracking, meals, fuel,'d know that.
If you had read the OP, you'd know that I DID indeed deal with troop movements, barracking, meals, fuel, etc.

Try doing that, before posting in here, and making a fool out of yourself.
You have no clue how much all that costs, do you? :lol: :lol: :lol:
Excellent idea....he has the money, right? Right?

And you know that if He did, it would be huge and the best parade ever.

And when it was over, He could file yet another bancruptcy and screw over all the contractors as He’s been known to do.
News reports on President Trump's idea to have a parade honoring our US military, have announced costs of $15 - $21 Million. Whaaaat ??? This sounds ridiculous. How in the world does a parade of a few blocks, cost that amount, or anything close to it ?

Military police could be used to secure the parade area, without an extra dime spent on policing. Somebody told me it might cost millions to transport vehicles to and from the parade site. Really ?

I recall when I was in the Army National Guard, we traveled in long convoys of vehicles (including heavy construction equipment), a distance of over 250 miles from our armory, to our destination for our 2 week summer camp (500 miles round trip). Nobody would say it cost us more than even a few thousand $$ (2018 $) in gas, for this.

I'm not seeing how a military parade should (could) cost even ONE Million $, or even 1/10 that much. I'm wondering from whom these TV numbers originate, and where they got them from. Source ? Link ? :link:

In addition, I'd say, HONORING our military personnel and veterans is a good idea (especially those who died or lost limbs). If queers can have parades to celebrate a nutty sexual perversion, surely our military heroes ought to have their day, and we ought to give it to them.

call ups and ask them how much to ship an abrams tank to d.c.

Hey Bush92, the reason we had those parades was because we actually had something to celebrate. What is the occasion? Why should the military have a parade? Just because the Cheeto in Chief wants one?

You mean like when the Air Force flies their high tech military fighter jets at our Air and Water shows?

View attachment 175484

Or when the military flies air craft over our sporting that ....?

View attachment 175485
I love those.

Hate to tell you Old Lady, but 2AGuy got his post wrong. Those aren't Air Force jets, those are the Navy's Blue Angels. The Blue Angels fly FA-18's which have a split tail configuration. The Air Force flies F-16's, which have only 1 vertical stabilizer in the tail.

2AGuy apparently doesn't know his military groups very well.

And yeah, watching the Blue Angels fly is something special.
Maybe it isn't showing it off to the other countries but a chance for our own citizens to admire our people in the uniform.

Then have a parade of veterans and current military people. Leave out the hardware.

Better yet, give the $20 million to VA hospitals to hire more staff.

Now you are thinking like a fiscal conservative :eusa_clap:
I thought they were extinct and only rear their heads when a dem is in the WH??

Shouldn't you be working on your liberal hey hey ho ho chants?
call ups and ask them how much to ship an abrams tank to d.c.

We drove then from New York City to Fort Drum (near Canadian border in New York state - 250 miles) every summer. Cost about $40 in gas. 80 bucks round trip.
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What does it cost to ship an M1 Abrams tank and crew 800 miles?
If you don't know, then you're not prepared to comment in this thread. But I seem to guess that there might be tanks et al equipment and crews a lot closer than 800 miles.

keep guessing

better still, have someone teach you how to use google

President George H. W. Bush held a military parade in Washington on June 8, 1991, to mark victory in the Persian Gulf War. The cost of that parade was $12 million, according to an NBC News report at the time, which amounts to about $21 million once adjusted for inflation. At the time it was called the biggest victory celebration in Washington since the end of World War II, with a crowd of around 200,000.

Lawmakers balk at potential cost of Trump's military parade

Trump has expressed interest in a military parade similar to France’s Bastille Day, which the president attended as a guest of honor last July, the Washington Post reported. Key details of the parade, such as location, funding and scope of the proceedings and funding, have yet to be determined, but the Washington Post reported the cost of shipping tanks and other military hardware to the nation’s capital would likely run “in the millions.”

President George H. W. Bush’s military parade to commemorate the end of the Gulf War in June 1991 cost about $12 million, according to a C-Span report that year. That parade would have cost more than $21 million in 2018, after factoring for inflation.

Cost of Trump's military parade could run into millions

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