Trump wants a Soviet Style MILITARY Parade through the streets of Washington DC

You know, back in the day when I was active duty, I HATED dog and pony shows like this. Why? It would cost me a whole bunch of money just to get ready.

Haircut was around 10 bucks, dry cleaning for my uniform was about 15, mounting my ribbons and medals was around 35 (I only updated my medals for stuff like this, because it was so damn expensive, but kept my ribbon bar up to date), and, if I had scratched my corafams, it would cost me about 45 bucks for a new pair.

I know you civilians don't think about stuff like this, but dog and pony shows are generally looked at as a pain in the ass by most military people.

You already posted that....and were promptly shellacked. Go look

No I wasn't. Like I said, dress blues are different than everyday working uniforms, and I only had to break mine out once or twice a year, which is why I had them freshly dry cleaned. And, getting a haircut the day before is a good idea because it ensures you will pass inspection. If I had been a week or more away from my last haircut, yes, I would still be in standards, but I wouldn't be inspection ready. And, have you ever had to take care of a pair of corafam shoes? They are shiny plastic and look really good, but one scratch (and they are easy to scratch if you're not careful), and you have to get a new pair.

If you had actually ever served IrishLass, you would know this.
Then have a parade of veterans and current military people. Leave out the hardware.

Better yet, give the $20 million to VA hospitals to hire more staff.

Now you are thinking like a fiscal conservative :eusa_clap:
I thought they were extinct and only rear their heads when a dem is in the WH??

Shouldn't you be working on your liberal hey hey ho ho chants?
I'm far from a lib Blues Never liked unions ,illegals and do like tax breaks Just don't like the way the batshit crazy repubs apply them....get ready to help drumph build his wall,,,

You are not welcome at any Democrat rally.
lol how did you like the 1032 drop in drumps DOW today? He yapped how good it was since he became presidunce and with Hill it would have gone down 50% His problem is he doesn't know when to shut that blabbermouth of his
Now you are thinking like a fiscal conservative :eusa_clap:
I thought they were extinct and only rear their heads when a dem is in the WH??

Shouldn't you be working on your liberal hey hey ho ho chants?
I'm far from a lib Blues Never liked unions ,illegals and do like tax breaks Just don't like the way the batshit crazy repubs apply them....get ready to help drumph build his wall,,,

You are not welcome at any Democrat rally.
lol how did you like the 1032 drop in drumps DOW today? He yapped how good it was since he became presidunce and with Hill it would have gone down 50% His problem is he doesn't know when to shut that blabbermouth of his

This BE BS, there was no losses of some -2300 points in 9 days.

This is MAGA. The Great Orange Douche said so!

See IT be Happy!

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It is a waste of time and money. We keep spending money we don't have. We need to find ways to cut the spending, not find more ways to spend.
deport illegals then. that's around 145 billion a year.

I don't disagree with you, we need to cut everywhere possible.
we can make cuts across the board by as little as 1 or 2% on all programs until we know the new revenue numbers come in.
We need massive cuts not just one or two percent. That won't solve much of anything.
well then you shut it down. no other way.
They should have the parade every Veterans Day....take the money that goes to the hood and pay for it. Blacks need to get off their ass and do something for a change....and killing each other doesn't count
The horrors of Americas military might and justness
Pansy Nation really need their safe space right now
Shipping military equipment is expensive. Closest Army base is probably 800 miles. Quantico is fairly close. Soldiers will have to be billeted. Security around the President is expensive.

I can see $20 million easy
.:bsflag: in the extreme

You are so much BULLSHIT. How do you think you get Tanks, missiles and jets to the streets of Washington DC? Put them in your pocket and carry them there.
call ups and ask them how much to ship an abrams tank to d.c.

We drove then from New York City to Fort Drum (near Canadian border in New York state - 250 miles) every summer. Cost about $40 in gas. 80 bucks round trip.

You want to drive tanks and missiles down a road? Are you crazy? These have to be moved with specialized vehicles.

You know, back in the day when I was active duty, I HATED dog and pony shows like this. Why? It would cost me a whole bunch of money just to get ready.

Haircut was around 10 bucks, dry cleaning for my uniform was about 15, mounting my ribbons and medals was around 35 (I only updated my medals for stuff like this, because it was so damn expensive, but kept my ribbon bar up to date), and, if I had scratched my corafams, it would cost me about 45 bucks for a new pair.

I know you civilians don't think about stuff like this, but dog and pony shows are generally looked at as a pain in the ass by most military people.

You already posted that....and were promptly shellacked. Go look

Nobody was shellacked. Idiots like you have proven to be morons.
call ups and ask them how much to ship an abrams tank to d.c.

We drove then from New York City to Fort Drum (near Canadian border in New York state - 250 miles) every summer. Cost about $40 in gas. 80 bucks round trip.

You want to drive tanks and missiles down a road? Are you crazy? These have to be moved with specialized vehicles.

You know, back in the day when I was active duty, I HATED dog and pony shows like this. Why? It would cost me a whole bunch of money just to get ready.

Haircut was around 10 bucks, dry cleaning for my uniform was about 15, mounting my ribbons and medals was around 35 (I only updated my medals for stuff like this, because it was so damn expensive, but kept my ribbon bar up to date), and, if I had scratched my corafams, it would cost me about 45 bucks for a new pair.

I know you civilians don't think about stuff like this, but dog and pony shows are generally looked at as a pain in the ass by most military people.

You already posted that....and were promptly shellacked. Go look

Nobody was shellacked. Idiots like you have proven to be morons.

It's Annoying Bee!!!! and yeah he looked like a fool.

Where was the post I was referring to anyway? LOL
The reality is that Iraq beat ISIS, with some support from us. That's why there were so few US casualties.

You can thank President Obama for that.
Obama is a spineless shit stain...
After reading hundreds of your posts, the verdict is in: Rusty is not particularly original or intelligent.
Did I hurt your feelings?
No Trumpflake .. Not so much :asshole:
Of course I did...
The reality is that Iraq beat ISIS, with some support from us. That's why there were so few US casualties.

You can thank President Obama for that.

obama created isis by pulling out of Iraq Dumb Ass...
And whoever would deign to say this parade notion of Trump's is about something other than displaying military strength needs to just stop trying to exculpate the Trump's idiocy in taking what everyone thought was a joke -- unlike the stuff he says that seems serious and he/the WH later tries to "play off" as though it was a joke to begin with -- as though it's not every bit the joke it should have remained.

Trump considering military parade inspired By Bastille Day parade

I seriously don't get the rage from the left on this... I mean military parades are not new in America, in fact, we have them all the time.

Our little town of 40k has a military parade to celebrate our troops every single year. My husband, a West Pointer, was in dozens of parades during his service.

M1 Abarams - 62 Tons
Fully loaded semi truck - 40 Tons
I seriously don't get the rage from the left on this... I mean military parades are not new in America, in fact, we have them all the time.

Our little town of 40k has a military parade to celebrate our troops every single year. My husband, a West Pointer, was in dozens of parades during his service.

M1 Abarams - 62 Tons
Fully loaded semi truck - 40 Tons

Those parades usually occur on Memorial Day, 4th of July, or Veterans Day. All of which are holidays for the military and yes, a parade is in order on those days. By the way, in parades like those, most of the people marching in them are no longer active duty, and are generally wearing civilian clothes, or parts of their uniform, they are not in inspection ready uniforms.

It's also appropriate for returning troops coming home from a war.

Exactly WHY does Trump want a parade for the military? I can tell you that the average enlisted person would choose to opt out of marching in a parade if they could. Why? Events like that are expensive for a service member to get ready for. Ribbons have to be bought, medals have to be mounted, uniforms have to be cleaned and haircuts have to be done.
Imagine if all those millions was put into veteran programs or a new GI bill. That would be a better way to honor them.
He is not interested in the actual military members , what he is excited about is his big fat carcass standing at the podium like a tin horn dictator

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