Trump wants a Soviet Style MILITARY Parade through the streets of Washington DC

This comment is stupid and wrong.
In other words, you don't like it but you don't know why.

I know why.

After eight years of Obama no one believes the US has the will or character to use force in any situation, so the purpose of the parade is to show America's enemies, Iran and NK, that Trump's America does in the same terms these two countries understand.

Hyperbole. Maybe 30+% of the country believes this. Minority opinions are usually grossly misinformed.

Obama left a lot of damage to America's reputation that President Trump has to repair in a hurry.


An aggressive display of our military strength might just help keep us out of war.

War mongering is the last refuge of scoundrels.
Obviously, you didn't understand my post. The purpose of the parade is not to convince Americans of anything but to deter Iran and NK from acquiring nukes. What happened to Democrats so that they can now only think about President Trump?

I possess reading comprehension, thanks, and yet I still believe your purpose is rather foolish and short sighted. The US doesn't compare itself with the likes of North Korea or Iran because it is supposed to be the vastly superior superpower. We haven't had a military parade in this country for almost 30 years because it's not required. Our country already shows our military might to the world on the battlefield in conflict.

A stupid parade is an empty threat. It is waste of time and money the country doesn't particularly have to project a gratuitous display to the world for the pathetic excuse of receiving more airtime. Someone needs to remind Orange that America isn't a fucking reality show by perhaps smacking him where it truly hurts by having the CongressCritters simply tell him "No Parade. Period". WTF is wrong with you?
Obviously, you reading comprehension is poor. The purpose is to not to address the American people, as you continue to insist, but to give concrete expression to threats of a military option when dealing with NK now, and Iran in the near future. No one took Obama seriously when he prattled that all options are on the table, so now it is necessary to take a more warlike stance in order to tell our enemies that dud is no longer president and to restore the respect and credibility the US lost during the Obama years.

You are an example of some of the damage Obama did to America. Here you are opposing the parade for no other reason than that President Trump proposed it, with no concern about the issues America is facing with NK and Iran. For eight years America as led by a president who more interested in politics than policy, and here you are behaving the same way.

The purpose is to not to address the American people, as you continue to insist, but to give concrete expression to threats of a military option when dealing with NK now, and Iran in the near future. No one took Obama seriously when he prattled that all options are on the table, so now it is necessary to take a more warlike stance in order to tell our enemies that dud is no longer president and to restore the respect and credibility the US lost during the Obama years.

You're trolling me, right? You're saying the parade angle, purposely put on a stage to show our military might to... who gives a shit is not for America at all? Hmm. That's a new level of obtuse to me. Perhaps you are socially impaired in some way? If so, pardon my trepidation. Do I need remind you that Americans currently live in a 24/7 bubble of media propaganda and obfuscation? Orange makes his official White House statements via Twitter, for fucks sake. Airtime is everything these days in the Information Age. If America is the world's Rottweiler, then North Korea and Iran are akin to Rat Terriers and Shih Tzus. They are only a problem when the US gives them the face time. Thus, you must be trolling me, or you need to confess that you truly are this impaired. Either way, not cool, dude.

You are an example of some of the damage Obama did to America. Here you are opposing the parade for no other reason than that President Trump proposed it, with no concern about the issues America is facing with NK and Iran. For eight years America as led by a president who more interested in politics than policy, and here you are behaving the same way.

I oppose everything Orange does as a human being, as I believe he's a biological dung heap not fit for consumption. A bad egg, if you will. I did it for decades before he was 'elected' to live in the White House, and I desire to see his show cancelled post haste. But hey, that's just me. I concede Obama went way too far with the political correctness. It permanently fucked up a shit ton of things in our society that I'd like to see reversed. So, what did we do? We elected the rich, booger-eating pansy hall monitor that steals from the milk money to run the class. Great going, America! MAGA, amirite? We shat the bed the last election. The country needs an enema in the worst possible way.
Our President deserves a parade

Have every soldier in America solute him, let all the Generals kneel at his feet.

That is Trumps America
Hey, Donald Dumb, how about putting your family in uniform and you too and you guys march your fuckin ass's to Russia? Want to talk about crowd sizes, finally you goofy white bastard, you'll get the world watching....the biggest and best crowd you ever saw, duhhhhh.
LOL.. They should plan this...


These Veterans Say Trump's Military Parade Would Be A Big Waste Of Time | HuffPost

WASHINGTON — For the soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines who would be tasked with making it happen, a military parade like the one President Donald Trump reportedly envisions would be a colossal pain in the rear guard.

Trump has long fantasized about being in the center of a celebration involving thousands of soldiers marching in formation alongside tanks and missile launchers. And in January, after watching 6,000 soldiers march through Paris last summer to commemorate a turning point in the French Revolution, he told military brass to start planning a parade “like the one in France,” The Washington Post reported Tuesday.

Unlike France, the U.S. is ill-prepared to host a massive display of military might — in large part because it doesn’t do so very often. With the exception of small local celebrations, the last military parade in this country was at the end of the Persian Gulf War nearly 30 years ago. The one before that was to celebrate the end of World War II.

The military people are distancing themselves from the PINO.

You Communists support gay parades, transgender parades, rape little girls in public restroom parades, hate whites parades, ANTIFA terrorism parades, genocide of Jews parades, pink pussy parades.

Anything that hates America and especially the American culture is a parade you Marxist filth just love.

But what you HATE is the American military, the men and women who serve and defend this nation.

You Communists support gay parades, transgender parades, rape little girls in public restroom parades, hate whites parades, ANTIFA terrorism parades, genocide of Jews parades, pink pussy parades.

Anything that hates America and especially the American culture is a parade you Marxist filth just love.

But what you HATE is the American military, the men and women who serve and defend this nation.
See who really hates our veterans.
And Obama was feeding veterans while Trump was playing golf.

You Communists support gay parades, transgender parades, rape little girls in public restroom parades, hate whites parades, ANTIFA terrorism parades, genocide of Jews parades, pink pussy parades.

Anything that hates America and especially the American culture is a parade you Marxist filth just love.

But what you HATE is the American military, the men and women who serve and defend this nation.
See who really hates our veterans.
And Obama was feeding veterans while Trump was playing golf.

We know who hate our veterans, and our military, and America - you Marxist scum.
only the weak need to show off their military

I agree - but that's what Trump's "weak" mind wants.


What branch of the Service did ISIS Barry serve in again, ShittingBull?

Obama never dodged the Vietnam War draft.


Which branch was ISIS Barry in?

Trump never dodged the draft either, Comrade.

That you are a liar doesn't alter reality.

As you know - military service is voluntary except during mandatory draft (conscription). Obama wasn't born until August 4, 1961 and is now 56. Trump was born on June 14, 1946 and is now 71. Trump was a draft dodger.


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