Trump wants a Soviet Style MILITARY Parade through the streets of Washington DC

^ This. Ya'll on the left throw tantrums to allow illegals who suck /billions/ out of our government every single year, then you tantrum that Trump wants to celebrate our troops with a $23M bill, while calling him a dictator just for bringing it up.

You just come off as hateful and hypocritical in one fell swoop. It's hilarious that you keep letting the failed media lead you around like sheep to the slaughter... Whatever, ride the sinking ship down.

Find one post of mine throwing a tantrum to allow illegals to suck billions out of our gov't and I will resign from this board immediately.

The amount of bullshit being spewed in this thread is amazing. So many so-called conservatives calling me a "leftist" or a "libtard" for wanting the wasteful spending brought under control. That is what being a conservative meant, at one time. And so many of the same people scream bloody murder when money is spent that shouldn't be.

$23 million could solve some actual problems.
A. The Soviet Union was a dictatorship. Whether it exists or not is not important.
B. It will cost millions of dollars to do this. Money that could be better spent than moving tanks and missiles.
C, Many Republicans are against it. Lindsay6 Graham has it right. Showing off military hardware is cheesy and a sign of weakness. All to salve Trump's ego.
It's to HONOR our military, including THE TROOPS. Something liberals are clueless about.

Tweet from former Navy SEAL Robert O'Neill

A military parade is third world bullshit. We prepare. We deter. We fight. Stop this conversation.
11:53 AM - Feb 8, 2018

I guess he's a liberal.
Maybe it isn't showing it off to the other countries but a chance for our own citizens to admire our people in the uniform.

Funny. Adolf Trump is more concerned with showing off equipment than people in uniform.

I bet you were a LRRP in vietnam
A. The Soviet Union was a dictatorship. Whether it exists or not is not important.
B. It will cost millions of dollars to do this. Money that could be better spent than moving tanks and missiles.
C, Many Republicans are against it. Lindsay6 Graham has it right. Showing off military hardware is cheesy and a sign of weakness. All to salve Trump's ego.
It's to HONOR our military, including THE TROOPS. Something liberals are clueless about.

How many homeless veterans could be helped with $23 million?
A. The Soviet Union was a dictatorship. Whether it exists or not is not important.
B. It will cost millions of dollars to do this. Money that could be better spent than moving tanks and missiles.
C, Many Republicans are against it. Lindsay6 Graham has it right. Showing off military hardware is cheesy and a sign of weakness. All to salve Trump's ego.
It's to HONOR our military, including THE TROOPS. Something liberals are clueless about.

How many homeless veterans could be helped with $23 million?
Is one too many? 2300 too few?
Rep. Eric Swalwell: "The military deserve a parade every single day and twice on Sunday, but I think most of them would tell you they'd rather see that money spent taking care of those who have served"

Thank you!
Trump has the $$$$$ there.

Then how about working on the $2.8 trillion that Congress "borrowed" from Social Security?

How can that be?

liberals have told us for years that our Social Security

was in a lock box that couldn't be touched...

It hasn't been locked in a box since Clinton was in office. And every administration since has borrowed from it. The "locked box" is empty, except for an IOU that will likely never be paid.
I seriously don't get the rage from the left on this... I mean military parades are not new in America, in fact, we have them all the time.

Our little town of 40k has a military parade to celebrate our troops every single year. My husband, a West Pointer, was in dozens of parades during his service.

M1 Abarams - 62 Tons
Fully loaded semi truck - 40 Tons

We are talking about a parade with military hardware. It costs money to move equipment to DC and back. What Trump has in mind is something that the Soviets and every 2 bit dictator does. We don't need to show off. This is about Trump's ego and nothing else.
I have an idea. Let the military who would be involved vote. If they want to do it, let them vote for it. If they vote against it, it's done. I don't believe in forcing our military into doing things like this. If they want to prance down the street, great. If not, don't make them.
That's OK. They can still set up his little plastic army men, and a few toy cars on a table somewhere, and play band music while he puffs his chest out and pretends he is a real grownup. They may even throw in a porn star, so he can grab her pussy each time he marches around the table. That should make him happy.
Maybe it isn't showing it off to the other countries but a chance for our own citizens to admire our people in the uniform.

Funny. Adolf Trump is more concerned with showing off equipment than people in uniform.

I bet you were a LRRP in vietnam

No, not lurp - but I served during Vietnam. I had a top secret security clearance and received an honorable discharge. I did my time and served my country. Did you?

What idiocy. You know, I think if Trump said that gravity keeps things from floating into the sky, you guys would deny the law of gravity.

Funny how all the previous military parades that we've had we're celebrated by everyone and with no whining, extremist complaints from either party. But so many Dems have gone so far to the extreme left that now even a simple suggestion of a military parade to honor the military is "controversial."

You realize that Trump wants to hold the parade around Veterans Day, right?

The type of parade Trump wants is done only in extraordinary circumstances, The last time was 1991 when the Persian Gulf operation ended. Also the type of parade Trump wants would overshadow the soldiers. We don't need tanks and missiles paraded in Washington DC.
Maybe it isn't showing it off to the other countries but a chance for our own citizens to admire our people in the uniform.


Maybe it isn't showing it off to the other countries but a chance for our own citizens to admire our people in the uniform.
Surely, given all the opportunities and places around the U.S. in which one can do exactly that, you jest? In addition to all these and more extant and recurring opportunities to do exactly that:
  • Visit the Pentagon


  • Visit West Point


  • Visit the U.S. Naval Academy


  • Visit the Norfolk Naval Station (including ship tours)


  • Visit Marine Base Quantico


  • Attend or watch Army-Navy games



  • Visit Naval Air Station Wildwood


  • Visit Naval Submarine Station New London


  • Visit the Coast Guard Academy


  • Visit Edwards Air Force Base


  • Blue Angels (Navy’s Flight Demonstration Squadron)
  • Golden Knights (Army Parachute Team)
  • Leap Frogs (Navy Parachute Team)
  • Thunderbirds (Air Force Flight Demonstration Squadron)
  • Sea Chanters (Navy Chorus)
  • Wings of Freedom (World War II-era bombers available for flight experience)
  • Visit Tomb of the Unknown Soldier




That would be but a handful of the places where Americans can go to "admire our people in uniform." Here is an even more comprehensive list:

People expect a parade to honor the team that wins a football game but it can't have a parade honoring those that fight and put their life on the line for us? Surely, you jest.

We have parades for our military all the a town and city level where THE PEOPLE can enjoy our hometown heroes. You, apparently have a problem with that.

so there is a precedence. so why are you against it?

There is no precedence for what Trump wants. We usually have a military parade with missiles, tanks and other hardware for something big. In 1991, we did it to celebrate the end of the Persian Gulf war. Even the Navy SEAL that sot Bin Laden thinks it is bullshit.

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