Trump wants a Soviet Style MILITARY Parade through the streets of Washington DC

Exactly WHY does Trump want a parade for the military? I can tell you that the average enlisted person would choose to opt out of marching in a parade if they could. Why? Events like that are expensive for a service member to get ready for. Ribbons have to be bought, medals have to be mounted, uniforms have to be cleaned and haircuts have to be done.

In other words, they’re a giant pain in the ass to the people they’re supposed to honor.

And for no other reason than to stroke St Trumps’ massive ego.
You almost gotta laugh. Crazy gen Xers and Millenniums and assorted sissies gush over the never ending display of degenerate wealth in H'wood during the tiresome "Academy Awards" and Golden Globes and Emmys and other assorted "red carpet" extravaganzas and they love the voodoo New Orleans Fat Tuesday parade that has been hijacked by sodomites but they are hysterically against a simple display of appreciation for the people who risk their lives in the service of their Country. A single Purple Heart Soldier or Marine is worth a hundred pretty faced actors who played the part but somehow freaking idiots love Hollywood decadence more than real life. Thank God for President Trump.
Great soundbite, but stupid. After eight years of Obama no one believes the US has the will or character to use force in any situation, so the purpose of the parade is to show America's enemies, Iran and NK, that Trump's America does in the same terms these two countries understand. Obama left a lot of damage to America's reputation that President Trump has to repair in a hurry. An aggressive display of our military strength might just help keep us out of war.

This comment is stupid and wrong.
In other words, you don't like it but you don't know why.

I know why.

After eight years of Obama no one believes the US has the will or character to use force in any situation, so the purpose of the parade is to show America's enemies, Iran and NK, that Trump's America does in the same terms these two countries understand.

Hyperbole. Maybe 30+% of the country believes this. Minority opinions are usually grossly misinformed.

Obama left a lot of damage to America's reputation that President Trump has to repair in a hurry.


An aggressive display of our military strength might just help keep us out of war.

War mongering is the last refuge of scoundrels.
Obviously, you didn't understand my post. The purpose of the parade is not to convince Americans of anything but to deter Iran and NK from acquiring nukes. What happened to Democrats so that they can now only think about President Trump?

I possess reading comprehension, thanks, and yet I still believe your purpose is rather foolish and short sighted. The US doesn't compare itself with the likes of North Korea or Iran because it is supposed to be the vastly superior superpower. We haven't had a military parade in this country for almost 30 years because it's not required. Our country already shows our military might to the world on the battlefield in conflict.

A stupid parade is an empty threat. It is waste of time and money the country doesn't particularly have to project a gratuitous display to the world for the pathetic excuse of receiving more airtime. Someone needs to remind Orange that America isn't a fucking reality show by perhaps smacking him where it truly hurts by having the CongressCritters simply tell him "No Parade. Period". WTF is wrong with you?
Exactly WHY does Trump want a parade for the military? I can tell you that the average enlisted person would choose to opt out of marching in a parade if they could. Why? Events like that are expensive for a service member to get ready for. Ribbons have to be bought, medals have to be mounted, uniforms have to be cleaned and haircuts have to be done.

In other words, they’re a giant pain in the ass to the people they’re supposed to honor.

And for no other reason than to stroke St Trumps’ massive ego.

Exactly. It is a MAJOR pain in the ass to get ready for.
I seriously don't get the rage from the left on this... I mean military parades are not new in America, in fact, we have them all the time.

Our little town of 40k has a military parade to celebrate our troops every single year. My husband, a West Pointer, was in dozens of parades during his service.

M1 Abarams - 62 Tons
Fully loaded semi truck - 40 Tons
Those are Veterans Day parades and a lot of little towns have them. Apples and oranges.
I seriously don't get the rage from the left on this... I mean military parades are not new in America, in fact, we have them all the time.

Our little town of 40k has a military parade to celebrate our troops every single year. My husband, a West Pointer, was in dozens of parades during his service.

M1 Abarams - 62 Tons
Fully loaded semi truck - 40 Tons
Those are Veterans Day parades and a lot of little towns have them. Apples and oranges.

Not only that, but if they have active duty personnel in them, you can bet there are very few, usually the people from the local recruiting station.

And, if you're not active duty, you don't have to meet uniform standards.
Now you are thinking like a fiscal conservative :eusa_clap:
I thought they were extinct and only rear their heads when a dem is in the WH??

Shouldn't you be working on your liberal hey hey ho ho chants?
I'm far from a lib Blues Never liked unions ,illegals and do like tax breaks Just don't like the way the batshit crazy repubs apply them....get ready to help drumph build his wall,,,

You are not welcome at any Democrat rally.
lol how did you like the 1032 drop in drumps DOW today? He yapped how good it was since he became presidunce and with Hill it would have gone down 50% His problem is he doesn't know when to shut that blabbermouth of his

I'm a greedy conservative remember I moved 90% to cash before the correction. After you libs finish panic selling and lose all your money I'll move back in. :muahaha:
Military parades have traditionally been to celebrate something like the end of a war. There is no such thing now. Is he glorifying the military or his role as commander in chief?
These moronic Republicans only show their total and inexcusable ignorance.

I had to go to a parade in Germany because they were handing out medals when the Secretary of the Army came to visit. The Honorable Mr. Hoffman.

It was hot and we had to wear those fuking Class A's. A couple of guys fainted. We had to practice when we should have been training and taking care of our equipment. We had to do this reverse march in step where the rows alternated going between each other. My battalion had 500 soldiers. Service Battery, Headquarters Battery and A, B, and C batteries. All the battalions on post had to take part. Over 20,000 soldiers. We practiced for a week. We hated it. Everyone hated it.

But Republicans love it for a couple of reasons.

Republicans like Trump have never been in the military so they don't know and for them, it looks fun.

But for the soldiers actually doing it.

You have to give up a lot of time.

It's deceptively hard work.

It cost a lot.

It sucks.

And, even though I was part of the ceremony because I received the Army Commendation Medal, the guys in my unit almost blamed me because they had to be bothered with this nonsense.

Your ignorance of history is astounding. So all those victory parades after WW II were just "nonsense" and a drain on vital training? And the huge victory parade after Operation Desert Storm was likewise just "nonsense" and a drain on vital training?

You know that France still has military parades in downtown Paris, right? Right?

This is not about ignorance.

Victory parades after WW2 and Desert Storm is to celebrate a major victory.

Trump wants a military parade........ Just because he wants a parade.
See the difference?

Tell me if I’m wrong.
Rep. Eric Swalwell: "The military deserve a parade every single day and twice on Sunday, but I think most of them would tell you they'd rather see that money spent taking care of those who have served"

Thank you!
Trump has the $$$$$ there.

Then how about working on the $2.8 trillion that Congress "borrowed" from Social Security?

How can that be?

liberals have told us for years that our Social Security

was in a lock box that couldn't be touched...
You think military parades with tanks and missiles is better than a gay parade with people celebrating equality?

Thank you for sharing this picture of you. HOT!!!
Great soundbite, but stupid. After eight years of Obama no one believes the US has the will or character to use force in any situation, so the purpose of the parade is to show America's enemies, Iran and NK, that Trump's America does in the same terms these two countries understand. Obama left a lot of damage to America's reputation that President Trump has to repair in a hurry. An aggressive display of our military strength might just help keep us out of war.

This comment is stupid and wrong.
In other words, you don't like it but you don't know why.

I know why.

After eight years of Obama no one believes the US has the will or character to use force in any situation, so the purpose of the parade is to show America's enemies, Iran and NK, that Trump's America does in the same terms these two countries understand.

Hyperbole. Maybe 30+% of the country believes this. Minority opinions are usually grossly misinformed.

Obama left a lot of damage to America's reputation that President Trump has to repair in a hurry.


An aggressive display of our military strength might just help keep us out of war.

War mongering is the last refuge of scoundrels.
Obviously, you didn't understand my post. The purpose of the parade is not to convince Americans of anything but to deter Iran and NK from acquiring nukes. What happened to Democrats so that they can now only think about President Trump?

I possess reading comprehension, thanks, and yet I still believe your purpose is rather foolish and short sighted. The US doesn't compare itself with the likes of North Korea or Iran because it is supposed to be the vastly superior superpower. We haven't had a military parade in this country for almost 30 years because it's not required. Our country already shows our military might to the world on the battlefield in conflict.

A stupid parade is an empty threat. It is waste of time and money the country doesn't particularly have to project a gratuitous display to the world for the pathetic excuse of receiving more airtime. Someone needs to remind Orange that America isn't a fucking reality show by perhaps smacking him where it truly hurts by having the CongressCritters simply tell him "No Parade. Period". WTF is wrong with you?
Obviously, you reading comprehension is poor. The purpose is to not to address the American people, as you continue to insist, but to give concrete expression to threats of a military option when dealing with NK now, and Iran in the near future. No one took Obama seriously when he prattled that all options are on the table, so now it is necessary to take a more warlike stance in order to tell our enemies that dud is no longer president and to restore the respect and credibility the US lost during the Obama years.

You are an example of some of the damage Obama did to America. Here you are opposing the parade for no other reason than that President Trump proposed it, with no concern about the issues America is facing with NK and Iran. For eight years America as led by a president who more interested in politics than policy, and here you are behaving the same way.
It's true that A,Erica she have had military parades in the past. Always when our troops have come home triumphant. When have we ever been insufficiently grateful to our troops? When have we failed in thanking them for their service and sacrifice? It is deep within our American tradition to recognize our armed forces.

But we do not strut ever. To parade our military force as a means of bragging. Trump's modus opporandi is to brag, strut and celebrate himself. He now wants to interject this loathesome quality on our greater American traditions. Let him spend his time visiting wounded veterans. Let him spend his time at one of our National military cemeteries. Let him spend the money for this parade on veteran's healthcare. Any objections to that?
Truly the GOP has become the party of hate. We have to defeat these morons before they destroy this nation. These people are sick.

I know for sure, you will see some Republicans filled with revulsion at the thought of a Russian/Chinese/North Korean style military parade with Trump play acting Hitler.

Did you read your own links?
France is not Russia.

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