Trump wants a Soviet Style MILITARY Parade through the streets of Washington DC

As an alternative to spending all that money...maybe he could just enter a giant inflatable version of his Big Beautiful Button in the Macy's Thanksgiving parade.
Maybe it isn't showing it off to the other countries but a chance for our own citizens to admire our people in the uniform.

Then have a parade of veterans and current military people. Leave out the hardware.

Better yet, give the $20 million to VA hospitals to hire more staff.

Now you are thinking like a fiscal conservative :eusa_clap:
I thought they were extinct and only rear their heads when a dem is in the WH??

Shouldn't you be working on your liberal hey hey ho ho chants?
I'm far from a lib Blues Never liked unions ,illegals and do like tax breaks Just don't like the way the batshit crazy repubs apply them....get ready to help drumph build his wall,,,

Oh yes.......Military Times ran a poll of military members...75% are against having such a parade...too expensive and a waste of time and manpower. It's Stolen Valor people such as yourself and Sir tiny hands that want to get your tingles from parading killing machines like tanks and missiles (phallic symbols)

You know Bodecea, there is one part of this that most civilians will miss. Prepping yourself for a major type event like this is expensive. I remember that every time we had some dog and pony show like this, I would have to get my ribbons mounted (around 20 bucks), get my medals mounted (around 15 bucks), get a haircut (10 bucks), get my uniform dry cleaned (about 15 bucks), and then get a new pair of dress shoes if my corafams were scratched (about 45 bucks). Matter of fact, one of the main reasons I got so good at shining my leather shoes is because I got tired of paying for corafams. One scratch and they were no good for inspection anymore. However, if you know how to put on a good spit shine, a pair of leather shoes will last you a long time.

And yes people, before an event like what Trump wants to put on, there is a serious personnel inspection beforehand.

But the part that I hated the most was spending a whole bunch of money for a mandatory dog and pony show.
Does anyone know WHERE (FROM WHOM) this idea of MILLIONS$$ to pay for a parade, comes from ? Where did CBS, NBC, ABC get it ?

You get a few hundred soldiers, sailors, marines, airmen, & coast guard to march down a street with a few tanks and other stuff. This costs MILLIONS$$ ? Is there a doctor in the house ?

They went off the costs of similar parades
A. The Soviet Union was a dictatorship. Whether it exists or not is not important.
B. It will cost millions of dollars to do this. Money that could be better spent than moving tanks and missiles.
C, Many Republicans are against it. Lindsay6 Graham has it right. Showing off military hardware is cheesy and a sign of weakness. All to salve Trump's ego.
It's to HONOR our military, including THE TROOPS. Something liberals are clueless about.
Maybe it isn't showing it off to the other countries but a chance for our own citizens to admire our people in the uniform.

Then have a parade of veterans and current military people. Leave out the hardware.

Better yet, give the $20 million to VA hospitals to hire more staff.

Now you are thinking like a fiscal conservative :eusa_clap:
I thought they were extinct and only rear their heads when a dem is in the WH??

Shouldn't you be working on your liberal hey hey ho ho chants?
I'm far from a lib Blues Never liked unions ,illegals and do like tax breaks Just don't like the way the batshit crazy repubs apply them....get ready to help drumph build his wall,,,

You are not welcome at any Democrat rally.
A. The Soviet Union was a dictatorship. Whether it exists or not is not important.
B. It will cost millions of dollars to do this. Money that could be better spent than moving tanks and missiles.
C, Many Republicans are against it. Lindsay6 Graham has it right. Showing off military hardware is cheesy and a sign of weakness. All to salve Trump's ego.
It's to HONOR our military, including THE TROOPS. Something liberals are clueless about.

Yeah, but that honoring is gonna cost the average troop at least 30 bucks to prepare their uniform and get a haircut for the parade. See post 542, that is approximately what it cost me each time.
Yeah, but that honoring is gonna cost the average troop at least 30 bucks to prepare their uniform and get a haircut for the parade. See post 542, that is approximately what it cost me each time.
As I recall from my Army days, you're supposed to have a prepared uniform already, as well as a haircut. Shouldn't need to spend anything.
Yeah, but that honoring is gonna cost the average troop at least 30 bucks to prepare their uniform and get a haircut for the parade. See post 542, that is approximately what it cost me each time.
As I recall from my Army days, you're supposed to have a prepared uniform already, as well as a haircut. Shouldn't need to spend anything.

If you want to take a chance on failing the personnel inspection, yeah, you could skip the haircut and dry cleaning. Me? I always got a fresh haircut the day before the event, as well as had my uniform dry cleaned just to be sure.

And, I took really good care of my dress blues, because I didn't want to shell out 350 dollars for a new one. That is one of the main reasons that I always got it freshly cleaned each inspection.

And..................have you ever had a lot of awards? Me? I had a 15 ribbon bar for my awards. And, getting new ribbons and having medals mounted was expensive. Generally the only time I did it was before an event like this. Mounting my medals was only done when I had a dog and pony show because it was expensive to do, and the only time I updated my medals was just before an inspection because I rarely had occasions where I had to wear them. I would keep my ribbon bar up to date though.
It doesn't take much to get a liberal non-human to rear its treasonous, self-loathing-American head, does it?
You know, back in the day when I was active duty, I HATED dog and pony shows like this. Why? It would cost me a whole bunch of money just to get ready.

Haircut was around 10 bucks, dry cleaning for my uniform was about 15, mounting my ribbons and medals was around 35 (I only updated my medals for stuff like this, because it was so damn expensive, but kept my ribbon bar up to date), and, if I had scratched my corafams, it would cost me about 45 bucks for a new pair.

I know you civilians don't think about stuff like this, but dog and pony shows are generally looked at as a pain in the ass by most military people.
You know, back in the day when I was active duty, I HATED dog and pony shows like this. Why? It would cost me a whole bunch of money just to get ready.

Haircut was around 10 bucks, dry cleaning for my uniform was about 15, mounting my ribbons and medals was around 35 (I only updated my medals for stuff like this, because it was so damn expensive, but kept my ribbon bar up to date), and, if I had scratched my corafams, it would cost me about 45 bucks for a new pair.

I know you civilians don't think about stuff like this, but dog and pony shows are generally looked at as a pain in the ass by most military people.

You already posted that....and were promptly shellacked. Go look

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