Trump wants a Soviet Style MILITARY Parade through the streets of Washington DC

The military is why you can post your anti-militaristic posts.
I know. I'm not opposed to the military, either. I'm opposed to idolizing it as our Pres seems to be pushing us to do. If you are too dimwitted to understand that distinction, I don't think I can help you.

You know, years ago when our twin daughters were very small we were on the beach in Florida, two jets came in very very low and the people on the beach were oohing and awing and one of our twins was pointing saying "see Mommy see!" She was so excited and I whispered to her..."they are protecting you"....

Few leftist asshats will understand that
We have supposedly won the war against ISIS. We are vacating Iraq. We don't have a need to pull out the military equipment, work up the American people into a militaristic frenzy. A military parade without all the toys is fine with me. I find parades boring, anyway, but a lot of people like them and there's nothing wrong with honoring our military. JUST leave the tanks home.

Work the American people into a militaristic frenzy?
Holy fuck.
Your brain must be a scary place.
Terrifying, truth be told.
How you can't see what is in front of your nose is amazing. You are being led. Wake up!
Great talk for liberals! Way to address the home team Old Lady!
No kidding

Obozo convinced average democrats it was perfectly fine for grown men to go in little girls bathrooms..

If libtards are not the definition of sheep I don't know who is.

Someday you’ll get a job and grow up instead of being s Permanent Spoiled Brat Child!

Come back and talk to us when you have experienced courage and have had to show some.

That's OK. They can still set up his little plastic army men, and a few toy cars on a table somewhere, and play band music while he puffs his chest out and pretends he is a real grownup. They may even throw in a porn star, so he can grab her pussy each time he marches around the table. That should make him happy.
These Veterans Say Trump's Military Parade Would Be A Big Waste Of Time | HuffPost

WASHINGTON — For the soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines who would be tasked with making it happen, a military parade like the one President Donald Trump reportedly envisions would be a colossal pain in the rear guard.

Trump has long fantasized about being in the center of a celebration involving thousands of soldiers marching in formation alongside tanks and missile launchers. And in January, after watching 6,000 soldiers march through Paris last summer to commemorate a turning point in the French Revolution, he told military brass to start planning a parade “like the one in France,” The Washington Post reported Tuesday.

Unlike France, the U.S. is ill-prepared to host a massive display of military might — in large part because it doesn’t do so very often. With the exception of small local celebrations, the last military parade in this country was at the end of the Persian Gulf War nearly 30 years ago. The one before that was to celebrate the end of World War II.

The military people are distancing themselves from the PINO.

Hold on...did I read that right?
So you're saying a Gook and a wetback "Veteran" don't approve of something Donald Trump wants to do? That's so fucking weird.
Ask a Jason Smith what he thinks?

Yanno..................I'm a Navy veteran who has over 20 years of service (yes, I'm retired with a full pension), and I'm also white, as well as am a descendant whose ethnicity is Norwegian (full blood on my Grandfather's side, he's an immigrant), as well as am German and Irish on my Grandmother's side. My father's lineage is French, German and English. I'm as white as they can be.

I think that this is a waste of time and energy. And I say that as a person who is as white as most come, as well as a veteran of 20 years of service to this country.

Is it "weird" that I also think that a parade to stroke Trump's ego is a bad thing as well?
Let the team that pays for their own parade march. The "homo parades" only cost the tax payer for the police working the parade and the permitting costs. The massive military parade will cost millions of tax payer dollars. So if you want to have the tax payers pay for the police presence and the permitting, and let private donors foot the bill for the rest of the cost, I have no problem.
It’s about team USA and national pride. If you had any you would understand this.

I have plenty of pride in my country. If it takes a parade to show yours it isn't real.

My complaint is not about the military at all. It is about spending millions of dollars on something that may lift morale for a week or so. We are trillions of dollars in debt. Spending MUST be brought under control if this nation is to survive as a world power. Our children and their children will be saddled with this debt.

And do you think Congress will pay back the $2.8 trillion they borrowed from Social Security when the debt keeps climbing?

If you think spending $23 million on a parade is being fiscally responsible, you are no conservative.
it'd be for more than a week or two. It will be for years worth of propaganda vs our enemies or anyone thinking about being our enemy. It will be used during 2020 election in commercials re-electing Trump. And you Liberals will help pay for it.

"You liberals?" I am arguing against spending $23 million on a parade, and you call me the liberal? LMAO!

Do you think any of our potential enemies don't know we have the biggest, baddest, most dangerous military? We spend more on our military than the next 8 countries combined.

But we are trillions of dollars in debt. Our congress has borrowed $2.8 trillion from Social Security. We have to either curb spending or we will not make it as a nation.
I think smaller countries like North Korea would be impressed.
However, it would be smart to do it on an existing holiday, like Memorial day, instead of creating a new Patriots day holiday.
I like the idea of “Patriots Day.” The liberals have “Martin Luther King Day” to rally their race baiting grass roots. Why cant we have a day to express love of country?
It sucks to be in a parade. Long sleeves, polyester or wool uniforms, hauling a rifle around, marching in shoes not meant for walking in.

It's another good idea that was not thought through.

I'm sure it would be cool for the people watching and the color guards love to show off.
I think it is a waste of money and we don't really need to show off our military with a parade. And, I think Trump wanted one to show his loyalty to the military without thinking of the costs or that they may not be too thrilled with the idea themselves. You can say whatever floats your boat about him, but he loves this country and he loves our military. He just didn't think it through.

And, I don't trust polls.
The idea came from a military parade Trump attended IN FRANCE. But you lefty loons just couldn't resist throwing Russia into this could you ? :rolleyes:
That’s because liberals hate the thought of pride in our military and our nation.
Americans believe that they have many significant events. They can hold parades every day
one General said the time spent training troops to march in unison well enough to impress the world and the president could be spent training to save the world and the president ...

Roger that -

It sucks to be in a parade. Long sleeves, polyester or wool uniforms, hauling a rifle around, marching in shoes not meant for walking in.

It's another good idea that was not thought through.

I'm sure it would be cool for the people watching and the color guards love to show off.
It would br perfect for a terrorist attack...most of the troops in parades don't have ammo.
Maybe it isn't showing it off to the other countries but a chance for our own citizens to admire our people in the uniform.


Maybe it isn't showing it off to the other countries but a chance for our own citizens to admire our people in the uniform.
Surely, given all the opportunities and places around the U.S. in which one can do exactly that, you jest? In addition to all these and more extant and recurring opportunities to do exactly that:
  • Visit the Pentagon


  • Visit West Point


  • Visit the U.S. Naval Academy


  • Visit the Norfolk Naval Station (including ship tours)


  • Visit Marine Base Quantico


  • Attend or watch Army-Navy games



  • Visit Naval Air Station Wildwood


  • Visit Naval Submarine Station New London


  • Visit the Coast Guard Academy


  • Visit Edwards Air Force Base


  • Blue Angels (Navy’s Flight Demonstration Squadron)
  • Golden Knights (Army Parachute Team)
  • Leap Frogs (Navy Parachute Team)
  • Thunderbirds (Air Force Flight Demonstration Squadron)
  • Sea Chanters (Navy Chorus)
  • Wings of Freedom (World War II-era bombers available for flight experience)
  • Visit Tomb of the Unknown Soldier




That would be but a handful of the places where Americans can go to "admire our people in uniform." Here is an even more comprehensive list:

People expect a parade to honor the team that wins a football game but it can't have a parade honoring those that fight and put their life on the line for us? Surely, you jest.

We have parades for our military all the a town and city level where THE PEOPLE can enjoy our hometown heroes. You, apparently have a problem with that.

so there is a precedence. so why are you against it?

There is no precedence for what Trump wants. We usually have a military parade with missiles, tanks and other hardware for something big. In 1991, we did it to celebrate the end of the Persian Gulf war. Even the Navy SEAL that sot Bin Laden thinks it is bullshit.

We usually have a military parade with missiles, tanks and other hardware for something big.
I suppose I understand what you may mean, and if I do, I agree with your general sentiment, but to the extent that "we" be the U.S., military parades are unusual. There simply is nothing "usual" about military parades in the U.S.
Cost of Trump's military parade could run into millions

"A parade as discussed would probably cost millions to arrange, destroy DC's streets that aren’t prepared for such hardware, and take away actual training time," Defense News Senior Pentagon Correspondent Aaron Mehta tweeted. "Today SecDef Mattis went to Congress and begged for a budget because he doesn’t have money for vital training."

The military parade Trump wants could cost millions — and the cash-strapped military doesn't know how they'll pay for it

destroy dc's who thought of that before hand?
and the fact that bush's 2012 parade was estimated to be 12 million
and we know trump will want the biggest greatest parade to make america broke again
News reports on President Trump's idea to have a parade honoring our US military, have announced costs of $15 - $21 Million. Whaaaat ??? This sounds ridiculous. How in the world does a parade of a few blocks, cost that amount, or anything close to it ?

Military police could be used to secure the parade area, without an extra dime spent on policing. Somebody told me it might cost millions to transport vehicles to and from the parade site. Really ?

I recall when I was in the Army National Guard, we traveled in long convoys of vehicles (including heavy construction equipment), a distance of over 250 miles from our armory, to our destination for our 2 week summer camp (500 miles round trip). Nobody would say it cost us more than even a few thousand $$ (2018 $) in gas, for this.

I'm not seeing how a military parade should (could) cost even ONE Million $, or even 1/10 that much. I'm wondering from whom these TV numbers originate, and where they got them from. Source ? Link ? :link:

In addition, I'd say, HONORING our military personnel and veterans is a good idea (especially those who died or lost limbs). If queers can have parades to celebrate a nutty sexual perversion, surely our military heroes ought to have their day, and we ought to give it to them.
most cities have parades already on Veterans day...
this is a waste of money having a show off your military equipment day, on veterans day as the pres wants
I seriously don't get the rage from the left on this... I mean military parades are not new in America, in fact, we have them all the time.

Our little town of 40k has a military parade to celebrate our troops every single year. My husband, a West Pointer, was in dozens of parades during his service.

M1 Abarams - 62 Tons
Fully loaded semi truck - 40 Tons
he doesn't want a parade for the military, he wants a north korean/France Bastille Day, SHOW OFF your Military Might day, with tanks and missile and everything we've got, on show, in the parade....

nothing wrong with a parade us civilians put on to honor Vets and military on Veterans day....but that is not what he's calling for....
great idea..shut down dc ....destroy the then one has added shut downs ...and when did the gop forget about deficits o when obama left and trump took over?
I seriously don't get the rage from the left on this... I mean military parades are not new in America, in fact, we have them all the time.

Our little town of 40k has a military parade to celebrate our troops every single year. My husband, a West Pointer, was in dozens of parades during his service.

M1 Abarams - 62 Tons
Fully loaded semi truck - 40 Tons
he doesn't want a parade for the military, he wants a north korean/France Bastille Day, SHOW OFF your Military Might day, with tanks and missile and everything we've got, on show, in the parade....

nothing wrong with a parade us civilians put on to honor Vets and military on Veterans day....but that is not what he's calling for....
Fuck yeah! Let’s have a patriotic blow out! Buy lots of booze...fireworks! God Bless the USA and fuck the communist elements in our country. Primary among them is the Democratic Party.
great idea..shut down dc ....destroy the then one has added shut downs ...and when did the gop forget about deficits o when obama left and trump took over?
I think we should take tanks and bulldozers to “K Street.”

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